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Father's Advice To His Young Daughter (dashcam)

RFlagg says...

I was expecting a far worse outcome, like him crashing with her as he tells her to save herself...

As for the middle lane, that is the travel lane. The outer lane is the merge/exit lane and shouldn't be used by slower traffic when there are 3 or more lanes in order to allow safer merging and exiting, especially when there are 4 or more lanes. Passing traffic shouldn't use the merge/exit lane, that is for the passing and inner lanes. He was in the rightmost of the middle lanes, which at least on right side drive countries like the US and Russia, would be for the slower through traffic. Nothing more irritating (well there are, but you know what I mean) than driving down the exit lane to get to an exit and deciding not to pass the slow car in front of you as you can't be sure to get around them before the exit, and then find they are just going straight anyhow.

It doesn't look like there was an exit there, just the driver of the car the motorcycle tried to avoid was making a dash to the breakdown lane across two lanes, and the motorcycle was going way too fast. I'm guessing the father here blocks two lanes to help protect the motorcyclist.

Gas pump prank turns couple into Internet sensation

robbersdog49 says...

There are a lot of things that irritate me about America and americans (and I'm sure it works the other way too!) but this is one of the things I love about you lot. Everyone is so much more outgoing than in the UK, this would never work here.

I'd buy these two a beer for sure

This is Water

artician says...

This whole video feels like a passive aggressive “it’s okay to conform to your shitty reality” message. Very well done production, sure, but something I fundamentally disagree with. Our modern lives aren’t solely issues of acceptance and perspective. They are an issue of acting, forming and changing our shared reality to the betterment of our shared, personal existence. The guy who wrote this clearly had good intentions, but conveys a fundamental roll-over, accept-things-as-the-are message.

We can change our reality, and this makes no suggestion of that. Sure, most young peoples “default” is to grow frustrated with the tedium they find in day-to-day existence, but the answer isn’t entirely one of personal judgment. We can change all of this in many, many ways.

It’s healthy to consider that everyone around you feels the same way. No one is the center of the world. Everyone in it is just as important as you, but no more, and no less. You should fight for everyone around you just as hard as you fight for yourself.

This video was irritating and manipulative on several different levels.
Don’t buy into this.
Be a good human.
Change your environment for the passive-betterment of everyone.
If you hit a wall, find another way.

And if I have any personal grudge to add it’s this: certainly don’t be the waste of space who accepts the status quo, and then ostracizes those who reject it just because you too weak to do so.

Top DHS checkpoint refusals

Jaer says...

The stops are shown on various websites (local authority, news, etc). So people who are in those areas shouldn't be surprised by them. And if you're so "upset" with the checkpoints, or sobriety points, or anything that is similar to this (or just checking into a flight, where they check your ID as well, do you *not* fly?) you can easily check online where they're holding the stops. It's required that they announce/post where the stops are being held. They expect and hope that not everyone has the presence of mind to check where the stops are at, that's the *point* of the stops, to find people who are not of legal status in this country.

And I bring up Illegal Immigrants, because that's the reason as to *why* these checkpoints exist. (hence why in the video they ask what the persons citizenship is)

As for the probable cause debate;
As several law journals suggest (e.g. ), probable cause is subjective, there can be many instances of probable cause, but there can also be a lesser form called "Reasonable suspicion", which could essentially be used in this instance.

You simplify things way too much, the law isn't just a clear cut black and white instance. The law isn't simple, you can't quantify it in a simple explanation, and lawyers, law enforcement, judges (etc) know all this. Laws aren't water tight either, many contradict each other, or can be interpreted differently (which is why there's a supreme court, they dictate the wording and meaning of the laws).

Edit: I don't know how I got into defending the DHS or the checkpoints, as I said, I think the stops are ridiculous, and probably won't do anything worthwhile. But at this point, we're just going in circles. in the end, this video is just over-sensationalism at it's best.

Are the stops irritating to civilians in those areas (which are *very* limited, and not some wide spread epidemic as many seem to think it is)? Of course they are. Are they some form of "police state"? No, they're not (see examples above), they're localized stops, where the states have enacted laws allowing DHS / Law Enforcement to literally stop *anyone* they want and question them regarding citizenship.

last edit them I'm done, I swear
Where were all these kids and "freedom fighters" when the Patriot act was enacted, the illegal wiretaps, bugging and tracking of students and civilians happened? Oh.. that's right it was to "protect" us from the Terrorists. Everyone was OK with that....

DrewNumberTwo said:

Refusal to allow a search is never probable cause. If it was, it would be impossible to refuse a search. Probable cause must refer to a specific law that is being broken. For instance, the smell of marijuana smoke suggests that drugs are in your possession, and the screaming of a person in your trunk suggests that you've kidnapped someone.

I don't know why you keep bring up illegal immigrants. That's a red herring. It's true that complying with the search would have been faster. So what? And again, not everyone knows where these stops are going to be. I don't constantly check the newspaper for word of checkpoints, especially when I visit other towns.

Top DHS checkpoint refusals

Jaer says...

And here's my point:

1. The stops are legal, while irritating, they're not surprise check-stops, they're posted and advertised. So one could avoid them if they don't want to be stopped. There's no rights violations, there's no harassment in the literal form.

2. This is what happens when so many people cry and whine about illegal immigration. and that there's "nothing" being done about it. This is a response to those people who ask for additional checks for illegals. And again, the stops are constitutional/legal.

edit: Also, considering that a *lot* of the checkpoints are in Arizona, this is what happens when they pass a law that allows an officer to stop *anyone* for a check of citizenship. Texas has a law where they can stop and ask for your license at any time and as a requirement you must provide it to them. See a Pattern?

DrewNumberTwo said:

The point is that we don't have to prove our citizenship or answer questions at a random police stop. There's no point in having that freedom if we let the police harass people until they give up their rights.

Top DHS checkpoint refusals

Jaer says...

While I don't think these checkpoints do anything other than irritate people, it is already approved and supported by the Supreme court. The decisions covered these particular checkpoints (called Interior Checkpoints), sobriety checkpoints, and pretty much all others as constitutional.

Secondly, while the person in the video does have a right to refuse to answer, his tone didn't help the situation. I'm sure if he had said "Yes, I'm a citizen" and showed an ID, he would've been on his way in 1/10th the time it took him to sit and complain to the officers. All that he was doing was raising suspicion on himself by constantly holding a snarky tone toward the officers.

Louis CK - Different Set of Values

PHJF says...

Because when I'm traveling at 65mph during rush hour in the city and roughly two billion other people are traveling at 65mph around me, one fucking idiot can ruin two billion peoples' fucking days. It's precisely because a car is a weapon that I get pretty fucking irritated by distracted/incompetent/impaired drivers.

US Cannabis Cup in Denver - Day Two

RFlagg says...

The Cannabis Cup has nothing to do with medical marijuana, it is a recreational marijuana event, normally held in Amsterdam.

Where there is no difference, is between a bunch of people drinking alcohol and these people smoking marijuana... well save for the fact these people aren't using something that destroys their bodies as much, it doesn't make them more violent and irritable and overly confident in themselves and their reaction time, and the high ends much sooner than the drunkards drunkenness (but can be detected in the system for far longer); but hey let's keep wasting billions of tax dollars keeping up a sham of a double standard so we can keep prisons over crowded with non-violent drug offenders, let's waste police resources finding people smoking or growing a plant,rather than violent criminals that pose an actual threat to society... because that makes perfect sense in opposite world.

Make no mistake, the supposed tax revenue that proponents of legalization make are a bit overstated since it is relatively easy to grow (to grow period, to grow quality stuff not so easy or cheap) compared to brewing one's own beer or something, but there would be some.

It is the height of hypocrisy to say marijuana should be illegal while saying people should be allowed to drink/make/brew beer, wine or other such drinks or us tobacco products.

bobknight33 said:

Commercialization of marijuana medical marijuana not the same. Looked like just a bunch of pot heads.

"Baisers de Nantes" face aux anti-mariage et adoption gay

chingalera says...

Those mad ol' French on the anti-gay side of the fence eagerly hustled those kissy-boys off pretty quick and no-one even flinched when they physically engaged them-Sorry-I would have had to stop kissing and hyperflex a knee or two....

PDA manifests as irritating exhibitionism most of the time but they were after-all, only kissing in public.

ChaosEngine said:

So the guy in the skinttight suit doing his little interpretative dance is *against* gay marriage?

Methinks he doth protest too much

Star Trek Into Darkness - International Trailer

Fletch says...

So many Debbie Downers. Must be a new hipster thing to rip on new Star Trek, kinda like every SNL vid/thread has some boorish dolt who has to tell everyone that they haven't watched SNL for years because it hasn't been funny since the 70s.

Well... I've been a fan of all the Star Trek series (including "Enterprise") and movies since TOS, and this looks awesome. I used to record the audio of TOS on my Realistic cassette recorder when I was 6-7 years old, and I can still irritate the hell out of anybody in the room by speaking the lines of an entire episode before the actors do. LOVE Star Trek. The first movie established that the timeline is different now. Storywise, prior Star Trek canon is largely moot. Get over it.

You don't want to go see it? Don't. Easy peasy. Anyhoo, you probably all meant to click on this vid.

Wilsons Bird of Paradise

Mobius says...

Concerning the wikipedia segment that reads "
The first footage of the Wilson's Bird-of-paradise ever to be filmed was recorded in 1996 by David Attenborough for the BBC documentary Attenborough in Paradise true story. He did so by dropping leaves on the forest floor, which irritated the bird into clearing them away. "

I went and found that footage and is thus :

Cute Little Kids And Weddings, Oh My!

Taking photos with polaroid film that expired October 1978

entr0py says...

The result is a faint image of a gorgeous woman captured in brown sludge. The pictures are somewhat interesting, but I agree that the video is just irritating.

Sagemind said:

And the fact, they spent more time setting up the camera than anything.
They didn't show the photo shoot and then they out of an entire box of film, they took one photo - that's all we get to see.

Pretty much wasted our time in makeing the video.

Paintball Sniping

How Socialism Makes the Superbowl Awesome

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