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Occupy Chicago Governor Scott Walker Speech Interrupted Mic

Ryjkyj says...


Except the link that you posted doesn't compare wages by "equivalents". It compares what public employees make with the entire private sector. Well, serving big macs and pumping gas are certainly important jobs, but the jobs in the public sector are more specialized, and so they mostly require educated people.

The "study" that you linked to was created by an organization of business people who's whole purpose is to show exactly what they wanted. That is: to imply that public sector employees make more money. When you compare for equivalent jobs, and add education into the mix, there's no study you can site that shows that public employees earn more. Except for maybe custodians, and good for them, they deserve it. Most private employers I know would rather bitch about immigration during the day, and pay people an illegal wage to clean up their shit at night when no one is looking.

And the second "study" you link to, also created by a partisan, republican think-tank to present their opinions as facts, is exactly the same. One of the most interesting things completely left out of the equation is that they're including the benefits of public employees who are already retired, and who accumulated those benefits on a scale that is drastically different from the one used for employees today. Here, in Oregon, those people with tier one P.E.R.S (public employee retirement system) benefits are retiring right now, or have already retired. The "public" have decided over the last decade or so, that since those people worked their entire lives on a promise of those benefits, it would be dishonest to take them away and treat those employees entire lives of service as garbage. Maybe you feel differently. Either way, employees are paid on, and accrue benefits on, a scale that offers much, much less than the old. That's what should be taken into account regarding current wages in any study of current pay, but it's not. And there are a million non-partisan peer responses out there that show that for all the education data they use, their conclusions are false. Look them up yourself if you're so interested in facts.

The thing that really amazes me about your fight to screw people out of their promised wages to make life easier for yourself without actually having to do hard work for it is this: In the AEI study, which looks more credible than the first (but should still be seen as inflated at best, considering the authors) the amount the taxpayers could save by screwing over fellow citizens is... :

77 Billion dollars?

Seriously? As you said above: "700 billion. Only HALF of just the deficit... anyone that thinks that the only place we need to cut is ‘defense’ and that’ll fix it all it living in a dream world."

So that's your big plan? Slash and burn our social programs, putting millions of people out of work, paying the essential workers minimum wage, and leaving all the people who rely on those programs in the dark, causing an unemployment crisis unseen in the history of our country, to save less money than we spent on the recent conflict in Libya that we didn't even fight in?

77 Billion dollars is what you're saying is going to bring this country to it's knees? That's your "silver plated budget?" What a crock of shit.

As an American, you should be ashamed of yourself. You're risking real people's lives by playing the game you're playing. And all for an insignificant fraction of the budget you're claiming. The attack on unions goes not only against your own interests, but against the first and most important amendment to our constitution. If people want to speak up for their rights, and negotiate their terms, well, get used to it. That's what we do here in America, public employees or not. Benjamin Franklin was a public employee, who you have limited his right to express his opinions and negotiate?

If you have a problem with the things people ask for, figure out a solution and deal with it yourself. Stop trying to get the ignorant and greedy to form a big enough group that you can legislate away the rights of your neighbors.

Jesus Christ, you wanna talk wage disparity? Why don't you try looking somewhere where the wage disparity, even with the biggest pile of evidence you can accumulate, amounts at a few thousand dollars per person at best. And spare us all your "search for the truth." Don't like the way unions work? Let them go on strike. Let them strike until they give up and are forced to accept the truth. Don't try to act like you still want everything to get done, but for less money by simply legislating people's rights away. When you do that, you'll see this country crumble before your eyes.

Stop attacking the little people to get what you want. Focus on the ones pulling your own strings.

I hate to wrap up, but my eleven-month-old is crying. I tried to tell him to go get a job if he wants some food, but all he does is whine when I do that. And if I keep typing anyway, pretty soon I'll be hearing from you about how I "might" be abandoning my children and sleeping with the guy in the next tent over.

Special Comment, Occupy Violence

NetRunner says...

>> ^dannym3141:

Have we put ourselves in this situation? So many things work like this. Have we put ourselves in trouble by taking a million bad decisions, or accepting a million injustices, one at a time, each one insignificant, but eventually adding up to something very bad?

I think you really hit the nail on the head there -- that's the real underlying cause of so many problems we face right now. There's so much emphasis on "individual responsibility" and self-interest that people have totally lost sight of the idea that they should be thinking about how their decisions impact society at large.

The end result is that all of that self-centered disregard for other people's problems at the micro level just piles up until our entire society has become organized in ways that seem oppressive and abusive to most of us. That's not because we've been taken over by some cabal of evil geniuses (as so many seem to think), it's because we've walled ourselves in with our own mutual disregard for each other.

Special Comment, Occupy Violence

dannym3141 says...

I hate this. This whole mess of an infrastructure we have is infested with corruption.

Do you know WHY the police are doing this? Because they've got a boss, and their boss came to them and said "GET THIS SORTED OUT WHATEVER IT TAKES OR YOU'RE HISTORY!"

The police on the ground get good at finding sneaky ways of getting things sorted, and they do it because they were told to by their boss or be fired or whatever. That guy was told the same by their boss because he's in charge of the area and he needs better crime statistics. Where does it end? What is the source of this self torture of our own devising? Is it a politician who hears us complain about crime so tries to get better crime statistics to quote to the cameras next time?

Have we put ourselves in this situation? So many things work like this. Have we put ourselves in trouble by taking a million bad decisions, or accepting a million injustices, one at a time, each one insignificant, but eventually adding up to something very bad?

Protests. We Want Change. Now What Can We Do, Specifically?

Big deal, they're just walking and... Oooooh.

bareboards2 says...

For those who don't want to go searching, here is what lucky has put in the guidelines (emphasis is mine):

"Search the site before submitting to see if your video is already posted.

A duplicate video is one which contains content already wholly available on VideoSift in a published, queued, personal queued, or dead/deadpool video submission. Minor changes in content, like a few additional insignificant seconds of video or alternate background music, will still be considered dupes. The only exception to this is if the change in audio makes a significant difference to the video content.

If a newer submission's video is a clip of content found within an existing post, it will be considered a duplicate unless it meets both these criteria:

The original post is at least 15 minutes in length
The original post is at least 3 times longer than the clip

If a duplicate cannot adequately be considered an exact or reasonable replacement of the original, it should be *discarded.

Otherwise, instead of *discarding, privileged members may invoke *dupeof on a video that is a duplicate. This invocation will kill the dupe, transfer its votes to the original, and add the duplicate embed code as a backup to the original post. A duplicate video may have *dupeof invoked on even if it has been discarded, so such votes may still validly be transferred to the original video."

So blankfist, you have to discard this video under these new guidelines. The way I read it, the only way someone can discard it for you is to get you banned first. [silver star privilege: *discard - remove a post submitted by a banned user]

One thing -- there shouldn't be as many arguments about what a dupe is.

Chomsky dispels 9/11 Conspiracies with Logic

Duckman33 says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Duckman33:
Again, this is referring to the outlandish fringe that think GW and his cronies pulled off 9/11.
I'll just leave this here as well:
Yeah he's right. Who cares? It's insignificant. 3000+ people died, but so what? Who cares who killed Kennedy, people get killed all the time.

You want to compare 3,000 people dying to the rest of the crimes around the world that the US commits and the 9/11 Truthers don't raise any stink about? How about the great man Kennedy was for Vietnam and Cuba?

This coming from someone that "loves this country and what we do all over the world"? LOL

And who are you to say what the "truthers" care or don't care about? Do you know all of them personally? I think not. I have said many times even here on VS I don't appreciate what is being done in my name by this country and the US government. Specifically with the "War on terror" and the "War on drugs" they are "fighting".

Chomsky dispels 9/11 Conspiracies with Logic

Yogi says...

>> ^Duckman33:

Again, this is referring to the outlandish fringe that think GW and his cronies pulled off 9/11.
I'll just leave this here as well:
Yeah he's right. Who cares? It's insignificant. 3000+ people died, but so what? Who cares who killed Kennedy, people get killed all the time.

You want to compare 3,000 people dying to the rest of the crimes around the world that the US commits and the 9/11 Truthers don't raise any stink about? How about the great man Kennedy was for Vietnam and Cuba?

Chomsky dispels 9/11 Conspiracies with Logic

Duckman33 says...

Again, this is referring to the outlandish fringe that think GW and his cronies pulled off 9/11.

I'll just leave this here as well:

Yeah he's right. Who cares? It's insignificant. 3000+ people died, but so what? Who cares who killed Kennedy, people get killed all the time.

9/11: The "Official" Conspiracy Theory

NORAD ordered to stand down on 9/11

Big deal, they're just walking and... Oooooh.

Skeeve says...

I disagree. This video is just over a minute long, the original is over 8 minutes long, hardly "a few additional insignificant seconds of video".>> ^mxxcon:

>> ^bareboards2:
Here is the full routine. Wild. [edit] not a dupe -- blankie's is a short excerpt. short attention span theater.
according to

A duplicate video is one which contains content already on VideoSift in a published, queued, personal queued, or dead video submission. Minor changes in content, like a few additional insignificant seconds of video or alternate background music, will still be considered dupes. The only exception to this is if the change in audio makes a significant difference to the video content.

Following this definition, this video is a dupe of

Big deal, they're just walking and... Oooooh.

mxxcon says...

>> ^bareboards2:
Here is the full routine. Wild. [edit] not a dupe -- blankie's is a short excerpt. short attention span theater.
according to

A duplicate video is one which contains content already on VideoSift in a published, queued, personal queued, or dead video submission. Minor changes in content, like a few additional insignificant seconds of video or alternate background music, will still be considered dupes. The only exception to this is if the change in audio makes a significant difference to the video content.

Following this definition, this video is a dupe of

Freddie Mercury - The Official 65th Birthday Video

westy says...

This birthday stuff is such a load of shit he is dead for fucks sake.

Still like to see behind the scenes footage and I like queen music.

I don't see why we need an excuse to show it or some arbitrarily significant date to designate as the day we show it or promote it.

I guess finding or making up patterns however insignificant is just human nature.

What A Planet Crashing Into Another Planet Looks Like

A10anis says...

The awesomeness of the events occuring every second in the universe reinforces our insignificance in it. Of course, alternatively, it could reinforce our importance. Anyway, i'm off for a pitzza...

shinyblurry plays his musical saw for Jesus

Fusionaut says...

I knew you'd be able to handle it. I don't know what every one was so worried about.
>> ^shinyblurry:

This is just sour grapes for Fusionauts failed attempt to ban me. That being said, I enjoyed it so I will upvote.
I will also take this opportunity to say that I do love Jesus, with all that I am, and that I am grateful beyond words for his mercy and love. That he saved me, an insignificant undeserving sinner, though I didn't most certainly didn't deserve it. That He loved me before I even knew Him, and even that little things in my life concern Him.
He is the way the truth and life, and the only way to eternal life. This world is perishing and nothing here will last..but His words will never pass away, and He is there for all that are in need, all who are suffering and downcast and degraded by this world. He is the light of the world, who gave His life as a ransom for many, so you and I could be forgiven and receive life eternal with Him in paradise. May His kingdom come soon!
1 Timothy 1:17
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

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