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Guy in VR Chat Talks About Their Worst Day as a Soldier

Glitterbomb 3.0 vs. Porch Pirates (Mark Rober)

newtboy says...

Needs more skunk juice. Pure skunk juice mixed with permanent fluorescent paint/ink and pure capsaicin.

In fact, I fully support the countdown ending in injury. I have zero empathy for thieves, they deserve a scarlet T on their foreheads for life....especially the parents teaching their kids to steal.

Bill Maher's election predictions on Jimmy Kimmel

newtboy says...

I think it's on point.
Doctors rarely tell people forcefully enough that being obese will kill them and make their lives miserable and prone to disease. Not being obese helps your health in every way.

No, it's not a guarantee you won't get sick, a seatbelt isn't a guarantee you won't get hurt in a crash, but it absolutely helps your odds of not being hurt and minimizes injuries when you are.

No, being healthy doesn't mean you can't spread disease, but being health conscious means you would know better, and know how to be safer. If you weigh 500 lbs it's clear health isn't your priority with very few exceptions.

Bill has been saying this for's like he's suggesting fireproof surrounds for wood stoves. Just because people are burning their houses down in huge numbers now is not a reason to stop advocating for safety, it's more reason to be louder.

Most doctors don't. They nudge, hint, maybe say "if you eat more baby, we're going to have to take your foot" (Simpson's), they don't tell 65 year old women "you weigh 350 lbs, you need to drop 200 lbs now or you're going to die and we aren't going to waste money and effort treating you if you won't lose weight". They should, imo.

Being overweight should be treated like smoking, it's a choice for 99%+, and that choice effects others. Covid proves it, many can't be treated at all because so many have horrible illness, far worse than most other thinner and healthier countries.

Fat acceptance, even fat pride is a thing, there are millions who claim they're obese and healthy, and it's fine to be obese. Take Lizzo as an example.

Full disclosure, I'm not obese, but I am overweight at 5'9" 170lbs.

cloudballoon said:

I think Bill's attack on the science/health experts is misguided.

Not that Bill's wrong, mind you. IF you have a good internal (immune) system you'll have a better chance of fighting it off, but

1) that's NOT a guarantee you won't get sick.
2) DOESN'T mean you won't help spread it by being all gun-ho about it, and
3) USA being what it is -- the number of over-weight, obese are just staggering -- what's the point for the health experts to say/shame people with, er, "their pre-conditions" are to blame NOW? How's that gonna help?

Besides, the health experts have been promoting healthy, active living for ages. They're not "cowards" because the people don't listen to them.

It's mind-bogging to me how narcissistic and self-centered American society is. If people just pay any attention outside of American media, they should know how to handle Covid-19.

Deported F**king Vets - Klepper

wtfcaniuse says...

Don't want to deal with all the homeless vets, injured vets, vets fighting PTSD with SFA support? Deport as many as you can! Problem solved, the American way.

How many vets go to prison? Well, when they have no support structure, poor physical and mental healthcare, no reintegration courses, no post service job networks. A LOT of vets can go downhill very quickly. If you're homeless, have chronic injuries, painkiller addiction and PTSD you're probably going to end up in trouble. If you can't take care of a veteran for life don't fucking start a war.

Klepper deserves some sort of restraint award for not punching that thundercunt.

Joe Biden On Masks: ‘Not About Being A Tough Guy,’

dedstick says...

I'll point out a couple of significant differences in the way you characterise Joe's comment and what your Dear Leader said -
1. Biden made this statement in public and to their faces, and...
2. It was clearly said in a joking manner and meant to be in the spirit of camaraderie judging by the reaction he got from the troops.
Very different than the way Donnie snidely and backhandedly disrespected those who gave their lives many years ago and who still serve today. The fact that Mr. T could not be bothered to attend the memorial in France for these fallen heros because he was worried about mussing his ridiculous comb over (due to a misting rain) adds insult to injury.
So, technically, you are correct in ascribing Bidens quote, and probably not one of the smartest comments he has made, but you evidently can not understand, or don't want to admit, that the situations and context were totally different. Seems a little trollish to me, but that's just my take.
Btw OAN, really?

bobknight33 said:

And Biden did call troops bastards.

Doc Rivers

newtboy says...

Hmmmm...ok, that's not legislation but is what I meant. A forced buyback program is going to have issues.

1) I have no problem with companies having to answer for injuries caused by the prescribed, advertised proper use of their product. If shoes were sold as having the greatest shin kicking power, doing the most damage when you kick someone, shoe manufacturers should be sued by those who get kicked. If manufacturers haven't modeled and advertised in a way that suggests dangerous uses, the suits will lose. Lawyers don't take loser cases, so it won't be an issue imo. Special protections from liability are a problem imo.

2) I've never understood the endgame there. What is an assault rifle, and how are their capabilities special? That said, no one is clamoring for Uzis to come back. Without a legitimate reason for high capacity fast shooting rifles, and no attempts to ban semi auto rifles, I'm just not that bothered by it, but I do think it's placating not meaningful legislation.

3) I have zero issues with registration or background checks. That seems the right way to deal with "assault rifles". There's no reason it should be expensive or time consuming if records are up to date. If they make it expensive as a tax disincentive against ownership, I have a problem. Shooting isn't a cheap sport, $10-20 a year shouldn't bother those who spent $2k on one rifle.

4) No issue at all with voluntary buy backs. Involuntary buybacks are going to be a legal and practical nightmare.

5) one purchase per month, a bit much. One purchase at a time, I'm ok with, that's 3 a month, right? I'm suspicious of anyone who needs multiple guns quick before they calm down.

6) I'm all for universal background checks. I don't want nutjob and violent criminals buying guns they aren't allowed to own.

7) I'm all for not allowing those who can't handle day to day existence to buy guns. I'm even ok with TEMPORARY removal of their guns in some cases, but only if they're returned immediately after they're deemed competent.

misdemeanor hate crime? I thought hate crime was an enhancement charge that took a misdemeanor up to felony level. I'm definitely against taking gun rights away permanently for misdemeanors.

9) dunno what that is.

10) the problem is you can buy a receiver that needs to be finished, as little as one tiny drill hole is enough, with no serial number or registration. It's just a chunk of metal until it's finished. No problem with a background check for every purchase, but a maximum of one check per month seems a reasonable compromise.

11) with proper oversight and a system that ensures it's not abused, no problem for me.

12) Yes, strict guidelines and quick return seem necessary. 48 hours without a doctor stating it's necessary would work, but as of now they aren't ready for prime time on that it seems.

13) had that in cali forever, not an issue yet.

14) as designed, smart guns wouldn't be hackable, there's no reason for wireless connectivity. Battery? Make it charge itself by shaking it like some flashlights? I like the idea that guns can only be used by the owner, solves so many issues, mainly being shot with your own gun.

15) depends on what constitutes "safe". I agree, guns for home defense need to be available quickly.

16) some ghost guns are milled on professional cnc mills but unfinished. 3d printed guns, I'm not a fan. 3 shots is plenty to murder someone, and with no identification it's a near perfect weapon for crimes.
3d printing is advancing constantly. You can print in metal with fine details now on home equipment. I think it won't be long before stable guns can be printed if they aren't already.

Thanks for doing the research. I seriously doubt most could pass even a democratic congress but some would, and most won't pass court challenges, but I understand your reluctance to put that to the test.

If you're going to fight the swamp thing, I won't argue against leaving a few snakes in the black lagoon. Some opposition is healthy, but the ability to be obstructionist on every idea is gridlock. I don't see it getting better.

Beirut explosion rocks bride's photoshoot

ant says...

I am surprised no major injuries too. Scary. I'm glad others and her are OK. 2020 really sucks.

lucky760 said:

Man that's frightening as hell.

Seeing the shockwave hit the bride accompanied by that scary roar...


Inside Nancy Pelosi’s District:

newtboy says...

The Trump Virus and resulting Trump depression, paired with the GOP extortion plans to hold any further recovery packages hostage unless they get billions for the wall, billions more to rebuild the FBI building across the street from Trump's hotel instead of much better locations , and full immunity civil and criminal from any consequences from injuries and deaths caused by sending people back to work without precautions or safety measures, together these failures, these blackmail schemes, are poised to grow an already out of control homeless crisis exponentially in the next months.

Florida's governor just admitted his predecessor's administration, a current Republican senator, intentionally set up the unemployment system to fail, with as many useless roadblocks as they could imagine, the only purpose of which is to frustrate applicants so much they give up, making Florida's unemployment numbers better on paper. This system has failed Florida disasterously and absolutely caused hundreds of deaths from exposure while standing in lines for days just to apply, and must have caused thousands to become homeless.


newtboy says...

No, Donald John Trump is responsible for the content of this advertisement, and the injuries and deaths it mentions despite his refusal to take responsibility for anything.

4% of the population - 25% of cases AND 25% of deaths. This is how perfect his response has been, our infection and our death rate is >6 times the average and rising.

More functional testing might have shown higher infection rates than places that don't test at all, but testing rates have zero bearing on deaths, and our death rate correlates with our positive testing rates despite the near worthless tests Americans have been offered that can give up to 90% false negatives or 90% false positives depending on which test is available.

*promote remembering one more massive failure to lead that's cost more American lives than every war since WW2 and all terrorist attacks combined and climbing and more money than the entire Obama recovery from the Republican economic crash of 08.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It's worth pointing out, part of the stimulus package was granting immunity from responsibility, criminal and civil, when schools or businesses have the inevitable outbreaks and kids or workers are permanently disabled or die. For every 20 infected, one will die, but a few will have life ruining results without dying. The administration knows this, it's why they added immunity, because most places wouldn't reopen if they were responsible for the injuries and deaths that will cause, and those that did would be sued out of existence.
We are creating a new class of disabled, destroying both their health and finances, and most won't survive their first bought of homelessness.
JiggaJonson says...
America is in for a serious wake up call when schools don't reopen

Solving the Mask Shortage in Huntington Beach

newtboy says...

You are a dangerous moron spreading dangerous lies from a fake president.

I suppose all those other countries are just going along with the hoax, killing their own citizens because they hate Trump....because he's such a good leader and ally.....but then why is Brazil so bad, their leader loves Trump, why is he faking the virus? *facepalm. Why are ignoramuses always so ready to believe the entire world is conspiring perfectly, without dissent or whistleblowers, to further a self injurious lie against just them...all out of pure spite? That's clinical, delusional, hyper paranoia without reason or logic.

No surprise you are on the ignorant and wrong side of yet another issue. At least you're consistent.

bobknight33 said:

No one drinking the fake news Kool Aid.

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Don't pretend to be so oblivious.
The gallery is one person making decisions on who to allow to hold private rallies in secret at her establishment, and she chooses Nazis and white power personalities. I thought you support taking individual responsibility.
The Nation of Islam, and I'm no fan at all, is a huge, multinational organization of millions I assume lead by some form of committee and encompassing a wide range of views and opposing extremes....They did not all choose to be associated with that one extremists nor did they all agree with him by far, then or now, only some did. That's similar to the same question but changing "nation of Islam" to "America". Obviously that's comparing apples to the president's drag queen makeup.

I won't comment much on Canada blm because I don't know them and don't choose to take the time needed to sleuth out some truths about them, but assuming what you say is correct it sounds like they have some racism in their midst that they should weed out before they become the monster they wish to destroy.

Brett Stevens, did you read any of the links? Or my quotes from them? Did you visit, his website, or his blog amerika? (i won't) Do you have a clue who he is and the racist mass murderer he celebrates?

They have a right to speak, the crowd has a right to protest and take any civil legal action they choose to remove the soapbox from their neighborhood. I never said different. You must have confused me with the protesters.
They don't have a right to shout or hold their signs emblazoned with their stupid wrong things intended to provoke at a protest and attempt to spark violence, even if they cleverly camouflage it so on the surface their message seems agreeable, which is what I think was his intent. If successful, he would gain more fuel for the argument that the racists and Nazis planning a violent race war aren't the problem, it's the fascist liberal grandma shovers and sign thieves we should really be worried about....just like the boogaloos in America that caused many if not most of the riots, shot cops, and planned multiple mass murders and bombings all of which they intended to pin on blm.

They don't actually need any place to speak today, there's a soapbox in every cellphone.


This facility was holding their alt-right events in secret, hiding their speech itself. They wanted it hidden. You can't bemoan their voices being silenced while also defending their secret rallies which no one who might confront or correct them was told happened, can you?

And side note
The government isn't stopping them, so it's not censorship before that idea crops up.

Again, your bar for crying violence in this instance is subterranean. No one would ever be prosecuted for the level of violence without injury that he suffered, nor compensated for his miniscule loss of cardboard. Do you see him hit, kicked, punched, shoved hard, anything? Time stamp please. I'll change my tune if he was actually injured, I didn't see it anywhere, just his sign yanked after being slowly shoved away from one specific spot.

Could you honestly say ANY right wing event, especially any alt-right event infiltrated by a fairly quiet blm activist with a sign bemoaning police corruption would be as gentle and non violent? Edit: I doubt it.

The point of this video as presented is to pretend that's the case, that the shove from grandma is societies downfall, a direct attack on freedom not a rejection of a defender and facilitator of racists and Nazis (if he's not one himself). The Nazis and racists resurfacing and arming themselves (happening here in America) are nothing to be upset about or oppose....they're good people, not like disgusting anti free speech granny and those other freedom haters.
I'm astonished I'm apparently the only one willing to object to that long ago debbunked distortion of reality.

Protester gets maced and shot in the face by gas projectile

Drachen_Jager says...

Hey, did you hear a Detective from Springfield Mass got fired within days of posting an offensive Black Lives Matter post?

That's right, it was a photo of her nice at a BLM protest holding a sign saying, “Who do we call when the murderer wear the badge.” and some of her colleagues found that offensive enough they had to fire her.

So apparently they can act when their snowflakes are in danger of melting, just not, you know when they murder innocent people, frame innocent people, steal from innocent people and criminals, lie about incidents, doxx those who disagree with them then shrug it off when the doxxed person's neighbor is brutally raped apparently as a direct result of the doxxing (idiot got the wrong apartment number, police later said it was no big deal because the woman only suffered minor injuries (she was bruised head to toe, and raped, but no broken bones, so it's all good, right?) and the city counselor the cop doxxed could have been found through other means).

It's not a question of what to do "if" the criminal wears a badge. The criminals wear badges. The question is what can be done to stop them.

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

wtfcaniuse says...

Hahaha.. Cancels out. OK, yep. It's basic math here not a complex collision simulation...

Did you even read this bit,

"The partial rollover presents an additional injury risk beyond what the standard crash test criteria are intended to measure"

I'm only discounting some things it because it's irrelevant to the point which is you stating rolls or "flops" are better than an arbitrary situation that generally doesn't exist and certainly isn't the other option to a roll in this test.

newtboy said:

Both crumpled zones, cancels out. In fact the deflected car uses the crumple zone to better effect. The point is to make the sudden stop slower, which rolling undeniably did.
Both push the other car, cancels out.
Same car at same speed comparison, cancels out.
See what I mean about arguing.

Fuck! Yes, you might get either. One you get 50 gs, one you get 1.2gs. No brainer to those not brain dead. Come on.

Yes, but they measured impact and g forces non the less. See the results? Notice they're all green "g"s? Notice it wasn't a fail on injuries, or g forces, but on their baseless notion that any roll, no matter how slow and safe, is unacceptable.

Now I'm done here. Your obstinance and silly best case vs worst case with zero evidence, then decrying my lack of rollover test data, is maddening and not at all worth this effort to prove something you believe is wrong, especially since you discount a 50-1 g force impact. Bye bye

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

Both crumpled zones, cancels out. In fact the deflected car uses the crumple zone to better effect. The point is to make the sudden stop slower, which rolling undeniably did.
Both push the other car, cancels out.
Same car at same speed comparison, cancels out.
See what I mean about arguing. You're complaining I omitted things that have zero bearing in an honest comparison.

Have you been in 5 rollovers and over 20 dead stops? I have.

Fuck! Yes, you might get either. One you get 50 gs, one you get 1.2gs. No brainer to those not brain dead. Come on.

Yes, but they measured impact and g forces non the less. See the results? Notice they're all green "g"s? Notice it wasn't a fail on injuries, or g forces, but on their baseless notion that any roll, no matter how slow and safe, is unacceptable.

Now I'm done here. Your obstinance and silly best case vs worst case with zero evidence, then decrying my lack of rollover test data, is maddening and not at all worth this effort to prove something you believe is wrong, especially since you discount a 50-1 g force impact. Bye bye

wtfcaniuse said:

You're massively oversimplifying things again. Where is your crumple zone math? Where is your math showing how much force is imparted into pushing the car in front forward based on whether it has it's brakes on, is still moving, etc, etc, etc.

Your personal experience is not extraordinary. I have been in accidents, I didn't bother to bring it up because it doesn't mean anything.

I'm not arguing that higher G forces don't correlate with more severe injuries, that's not the point . The point is that CSI injury is very complex, complexities that can cause severe injury with minor force in situations like.. a rollover.

from the report you mentioned,

"The partial rollover presents an additional injury risk beyond what the standard crash test criteria are intended to measure"

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