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MVadodaria (Member Profile)

Things People Do For Success In India! - Chamcha Classes

eric3579 (Member Profile)

The Linguistics of African American Vernacular English

TheFreak says...

It's funny, I just spoke to a friend about his doctoral thesis where he records an American Indian language. He said in his thesis he doesn't use IPA because it's too confusing even for academics. I think he said he modified some simplified phonetic alphabet and used a key...but I was on my third IPA myself so...whatever.

The Revenant - Teaser Trailer

Mordhaus says...

Basically he got tore up by a grizzly, managed to climb on it's back and start knifing it to death, and then fell to the ground when his companions finished it with rifles. The leader figured he was dead soon, so he told the other two guys to bury him when he died and catch up after.

The history is a bit muddled on whether they got scared by Indians or just stole his stuff and left, but either way they took all of his gear and hoofed it. When they caught up, they told the leader that he had died.

So Hugh came to, with no gear, covered in a fresh bear skin they had taken off the bear. He was suffering from a broken leg, the cuts on his back exposing bare ribs, and all his wounds festering. He was 200 miles from the nearest fort, with nothing to help him and surrounded by hostile Indians.

He crawled, surviving on roots, berries, and remains of animal kills. His back became gangrenous, so he lay on a rotten log and let maggots eat the dead and rotten tissue away. Later he was found by a friendly tribe that sewed the bear skin to his back to cover his exposed ribs and gave him some supplies. When he finally reached the Cheyenne river, he fashioned a crude raft and floated down the river to the fort.

Everyone thought he had died, but he recovered fully. Later he decided he would avenge himself on the two that left him behind, but he spared one because he was too young and one because he had joined the army and was kind of untouchable. The young guy was Jim Bridger, who became a famous mountain man himself as he got older.

StukaFox said:

What's the real story?

ASMR: That Happy, Tingly Feeling

CGP Grey: NOT the Confederate Flag

Kalle jokingly says...

Time to ditch the stars and stripes aswell while your at it.. All that slavery and indian genocide were done under that flag aswell...

*getting into cover now...

oh and red white red was never the color of the Empire, it was black and yellow at that time..

What Happens To The Few Good Cops

YearofthePuma (Member Profile)

"Asians in Media" Talk by Natalie Tran, aka communitychannel

ChaosEngine says...

Great talk. I love Nat, she's genuinely funny.

I have to say that it surprises me to hear her refer to "Asians" as a single group. There are massive cultural differences between Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Thais, etc. No-one refers to Germans, French, Italians and English as "Europeans".

I also don't really think there's anything wrong with making fun of your culture. Many of my favourite comedians do that all the time (Dylan Moran and Billy Connolly for example). There's a world of difference between recognising and laughing at your own cultural quirks and making racist stereotype jokes.

The Last Ever Top Gear

ChaosEngine says...

Let's see: during the incident in question, he called the produced a "lazy irish cunt" (and as much as everyone thinks it's fucking hilarious, racism against the Irish is still racism)

Then there was the "slope on a bridge" incident.

Not to mention the "catch a nigger" quote, or the mexican incident or the Indian special, during which Clarkson built a toilet into the back of a Jaguar, claiming it would be "perfect" for tourists because "everyone" who visits the country suffers diarrhoea, sparked a complaint from the Indian High Commission.

Nah.. no evidence at all.

A10anis said:

What on earth, and on what evidence, do you base your absurd comment?????

Don't speak english? Alabama Police Have Something For You

newtboy says...

Unfortunately the Indian man can NEVER unwad his panties since they broke his neck and at least partially paralyzed him. Lots of good the arrest does him at this point...but the $25million he'll get from the department will help.

If there's not a conviction and serious jail time, look out. It's nearly open season on officers as it is, you all need to stop making more, angrier enemies....yesterday.

lantern53 said:

The cop fucked up and now he's arrested. You can now unwad your panties.

Don't speak english? Alabama Police Have Something For You

robbersdog49 says...

How fucking broken does the police force need to be for this to happen to an elderly, skinny man? HOW FUCKING BROKEN?!

The police are not there to give out punishment. They are there to bring the guilty before the courts. They have certain powers to issue tickets, but beyond that it is not their place to decide if someone is to be punished or not. That's the court's job.

Even if they had watched the guy do something illegal, if they have hold of him and he is no threat to them there is no reason, at all, for them to use any force beyond what is necessary to get him before the courts. None. This guy was no threat at all physically. Even if he was swearing and abusive, even if he called the officer's mother a whore, or his kids fucking retards it doesn't matter. The police should be above that. They should record it, make sure there's evidence of it and bring him, safely and with as little force as necessary before a judge.

At what point did America hand over the rule of law to the police? At what point did they make it OK for the police to dole out physical punishment? Even if the guy had done something illegal they can't just choose to hurt him.

The fact that not only had they not seen him doing anything wrong, and the call to them didn't allege any crime, just a suspicious person, and that person turned out to be a skinny Indian granddad who had done nothing wrong and posed no threat at all and the TRAINING OFFICER felt it was OK for him to throw the man to the ground shows the system is completely and utterly broken.

I hope this guy gets the book thrown at him. I hope his life is fucked. I hope this piece of shit goes to prison and gets his fucking ring torn to fucking shreds.

But most of all I hope that that isn't seen as and end to it. I hope that cases like this will lead to real reform of the police service in America because it fucking needs it. I've heard the 'few bad apples' bullshit and it's bollox. This guy did an appalling thing, right out in the open. He clearly believes that it's OK and that he won't get in trouble for it. We can all speculate as to what would happen with this case if there hadn't been video footage of it, and you can believe they'd still be prosecuting if you like. Good for you, you fucking idiot.

All police need to be held to account all the time. they need to be wearing cameras, and there needs to be strong sanctions against those officers who's cameras just happen to have been left off, or keep breaking or whatever else they come up with.

Redneck News reports on gay marriage destroying Alabama

poolcleaner says...

I'm going to be devil's advocate here and take the side of fearful American white trash:

Dear gays,

You're ruining the last good thing we had going on here in this country. We took care of the natives, forcing them into small communities where they slowly became psychologically oppressed and fraught with addiction.

But then we lost our control over niggers, who had their places down on our plantations. No matter, we can still push asians around because they're our bitches. But then we started to take them seriously. I don't even understand that.

I can't tell the difference between India people (Indians? Like our natives?) and allah-la-las -- and, really, I suspect because they're all in a similar area of the globe, they're the same. I might even believe Asia and India/Middle East are separate continents or somehow not entangled socially, economically and politically.

I think that's all the colored people, so lastly, addressing devil worshipers and homosexuals, who are really very similar in their connection to Satan. I can't tell you how disgusted I am about a penis going into an anus. It's just so gross. Hot lesbians are alright, but even that goes a little far, as I'm uncomfortable talking about that with people and church says no. Yes, that's bad too... and my wife definitely doesn't need to know anything about what I just said about lesbos. Now, a dyke, on the other hand, I think men are technically allowed to punch dykes.

I've already said too much. I feel gross.

In conclusion, it's been a downward spiral into immorality. Starting with the freedom of black people, who slowly made us lose sight on what is right and decent in the nation which God granted us. From negroes, came homosexuality.

Don't speak english? Alabama Police Have Something For You

skinnydaddy1 says...

Alabama Police Officer Arrested Over Severe Injuries To Indian Man

The police chief in Madison, Ala., says that an officer who threw a man to the ground faces assault charges and dismissal. Sureshbhai Patel, 57, was stopped last week as he walked in his son's new neighborhood. Patel remains hospitalized after surgery to fuse bones in his neck; his son says he now has limited mobility.

"I found that Officer Eric Parker's actions did not meet the high standards and expectations of the Madison City Police Department," Chief of Police Larry Muncey said after an investigation. He added that he is recommending Parker be fired.

Parker, who the department says is a training officer who had a trainee riding with him at the time of last week's incident, turned himself in to police yesterday; he faces a charge of third-degree assault, Muncey, said, adding that the FBI is conducting a parallel inquiry into any possible federal infractions.

The case has drawn attention both because of the circumstances and due to video footage of the incident captured by a dashboard camera. That footage, released Thursday, shows that Parker sent Patel to the ground in such a way that for a brief instant, Patel was completely airborne — until his head and upper body hit the ground.

Patel had recently come from India to help care for his infant grandson; he was stopped by police on the morning of Feb. 6, after a neighbor called to report what they saw as a suspicious figure. When police approached Patel, who speaks little English, he was unable to answer their questions about what he was doing in the area.

According to local news site, Patel's son, Chirag, is an engineer who recently bought a home in Madison, a town about 10 miles west of Huntsville. The family has filed a federal lawsuit over the incident, saying police used excessive force and had no reason to stop the elder Patel.

"This is a good neighborhood. I didn't expect anything to happen," Chirag Patel told earlier this week.

In a statement released Thursday, Muncey said, "I sincerely apologize to Mr. Patel, his family and our community...our desire is to exceed everyone's expectations."

A GoFundMe account set up in Patel's name has raised more than $50,000 since it was created two days ago. The call for help notes the family's lawsuit and medical bills.

Audio released by the police department includes the phone call that sent officers to check on Patel. In it, the caller says he's seen the same man walking in the neighborhood for a second day.

Describing him, the caller says, "He's a skinny black guy, he's got a toboggan on; he's really skinny. And I've lived here four years. I've never seen him before."

The man adds that he's on his way to work and is nervous about leaving his wife at home with the man standing across the street.

"I'd like somebody to talk to him," he says.

Parker then responded to the police dispatcher's call.

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