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Trump Commits A Crime To Lie About Dorian Hitting Alabama

newtboy says...

Again, that law exists. 18 U.S. Code 2074
What he shows us is the danger of a sycophantic party unwilling to apply the law against their own tribe.

Oh....and the refusal to prosecute over the meeting with Russians to get dirt on Clinton was predicated on the theory that they were too incompetent to know it was ignorance of the law IS an that saved more than one Trump from prison already.

BSR said:

If Trump is good for anything it's that he shows us laws need to be created so lying has some serious penalties. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

Now back to my Yukon solitaire game already in progress.

simonm (Member Profile)

Mueller Report

newtboy says...

Barr's job was to muddy the waters and give a whitewashed version of events before the report was released, and to give Trump a head start by giving him the report right away but delaying it's release giving him more time to muddy waters, not to clear things up.

Mueller included a truck load of criminal dirt on Trump for congress and other venues to make use of. High crimes and misdemeanors, both. 12 classified/secret investigations based on that information are happening right now, and certainly there will be more.

Tons of collusion in the report, dozens of instances, but thanks to insane levels of incompetence, no criminal conspiracy with Russia, but not for lack of trying, they were just too dumb to get it done, and or too dumb to know they were committing crimes/treason. The report was clear, they conspired, they colluded, but he couldn't prove they knew it was a crime because they are all so incompetent.

Yes, collusion and illegal obstruction, clearly.

Refused to meet, refused to turn over documents, begrudgingly answered all written questions with "i dunno, I don't remember, I don't recall..." and instructed subordinates to do the same....hardly cooperation.

If Fox News Covered Trump the Way It Covered Obama

newtboy says...

The new lower standard....which was exponentially higher than the standard set by either the previous or subsequent president?
Do you not know how lowering standards works? To set a new low, you have to be worse than others.

8 years and Obama never had to hire a lawyer, not one indictment with the republicans frothing at the mouth daily over....well, obviously nothing, for all 8 years.
Trump, at 1.8 years in had 89 indictments and already 24 convictions (more now, 36 guilty pleas for Republican Mueller's investigation alone) with Republicans in FULL CONTROL (and he still couldn't get wall funding, Muslim bans, or kill the ACA, and barely even got his deficit exploding tax cut for millionaires).
Bush had 16 indictments, all convictions, and until Trump was considered our dumbest, most incompetent president...not anymore.

Every time you spout this kind of asinine brain dead stupidity, I will be here to save you with some fact. Claiming Obama set a new low standard means you have absolutely no grasp on reality, as it's simply embarrassingly wrong and easy to debunk factually. By every standard imaginable (morally, ethically, in civility, rationality, directionality, ability, honesty, FIDELITY, respect, etc.) he was and remains not just head and shoulders above Trump, he's miles above Trump and well above W.

It's very sad your baseless irrational hatred taints your viewpoint so thoroughly you would think that nonsense would fly....but since you just proudly flew a Q flag there, it's clear you're too far gone for fact or history to matter a whit.
Q=batshit crazy conspiracy nuts akin to flat earthers and breathairians, 100% worthy of shunning before they pull out a gun in your pizza place looking for child sex slaves, illuminati, and lizard people.
Just when I think you can't sink lower, you surprise me every time.

Btw, thanks to numerous states making releasing your tax returns mandatory to be on the ballot, Trump's 2020 chances are quickly becoming slim to none....hard to win if you aren't on the ballot, harder to win when it's shown you're a complete fraud and tax cheat.

bobknight33 said:

Obama set the new lower standard and Trump is just the next guy in line.


Kid Physically Threatens Teacher For Not Rounding His Grade

T.I. has Melania Trump...

BSR says...

Dude. Proofread your stuff. It makes you look incompetent.


1. Not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully.
"a forgetful and utterly incompetent assistant"

synonyms: inept, unskillful, unskilled, inexpert, amateurish, unprofessional, bungling, blundering, clumsy, inadequate, substandard, inferior, ineffective, deficient, inefficient, ineffectual, wanting, lacking, leaving much to be desired;

bobknight33 said:

Most bullied FLOTUS.

If this was Michael Obama the media would be loosing its mind and blowing its stack. The outrage of outrage.

Then again Michael Obama is a dog and could not pull this off.

Texas mom spanks teen son after he took off in her BMW

Why Thailand is Better Than Your Country

MilkmanDan says...

Pretty good video. Specific things:

Too many prostitutes: Most of the non-Thai people that complain about this went to the wrong places in Thailand. Pattaya was a tiny fishing village before the Vietnam war. Then, soldiers started getting shipped into the country for R&R. The Thai government didn't really know what to do with them, so they sorta passed the buck and decided to send them to Pattaya to relax. Bunch of stressed out dudes there, nothing to do, high demand for alternate activities ... the market answered.

Fast forward to today, and Pattaya knows exactly what put it on the map. I hate that place -- it is like what would happen if you took the worst/sleaziest elements of Vegas and Tijuana, and then built a "city" around it. Shittiest beach in Thailand, chock full of sleaze, disgusting. However, it is one of the most major tourist destinations. Gee, why could that be? Is it in spite of the nature of the place, or because of it? No false advertising here, you know what you're getting when you book a trip there. And if that is your thing, more power to ya.

Now, I don't want to act like prostitution exists in Pattaya and Soi Cowboy / Patpong in Bangkok, and is absent elsewhere. Far from it. Every town, down on to tiny ones, likely has a red-light district and brothels. The ones you hear about are sex tourism pits like those major ones, but the trade is alive and well pretty much everywhere -- and mostly caters to local Thais.

I've honestly never been to such an establishment or sought those services (in 11 years of being here), but I don't care that they are available. The most significant negative is that they are NOT well-regulated like, say, what I've heard about Amsterdam. Prostitution is technically illegal in Thailand. So the de-facto situation is that brothels have to pay protection money to police in order to avoid getting shut down or "inspected", etc.

Corruption is a major problem -- much worse than prostitution, in my opinion.

Too many ladyboys: It is certainly true that there are more trans people per capita here than pretty much anywhere else that I know of. It took me a while, being a country kid from Kansas, but I see that in pretty much the same light as the German narrator in the video at this point. Acceptance is good. You do you, man.

As a stereotype on the flip side of the coin, I think the ladyboys tend to be great in custom interaction kinds of jobs. Cashiers at 7-11, waitpeople at restaurants, etc. Polite, attentive, helpful. And often the most willing to attempt to use English. A lot of the best students that I've taught English to have been ladyboy leaning.

Freedom: I'm with @Mordhaus here. When your personal liberty is mainly due to the apathy / incompetence of the governing authority, and they may choose to get off their asses and revoke that at any time ... perhaps it isn't something to brag about. Very basic stuff like dissenting speech and protesting is met with being carted off for little re-education chats, etc. Pretty scary shit, actually.

Basically I tend to think that just like anywhere on Earth, there's a lot of good here and plenty of bad too. There's plenty of legitimate gripes with cultural elements and stuff in Thailand, but the most common ones (that the video pretty accurately listed) are pretty insignificant in my opinion.

Anonymous Republican On Trump: 'Impeach The Motherf*cker'

HenningKO says...

Oh, I completely understand the short-term calculus now that the ship is sinking...
Do I think the Dems would have just stood by as a completely incompetent and amoral boob took the wheel of their party and threatened to ram their country with it? No, I do not.

Let's Talk About Facebook

Jinx says...

I could well be wrong about this, but my understanding is that the data wasn't really stolen, it was freely shared by Facebook. I also don't think there is any evidence that suggests that CA used their psychoanalytic stuff on the Trump campaign specifically. It sounds like they are targeting voters more on purely their geographical location than any in depth analysis of their social media profile. It seems doubtful to me that CA were the only ones at this game though...

I do think Facebook absolutely shares some blame - They hand over their users data and make app creators etc pinky-swear that they will use it responsibly and delete it once they are done...and then they do absolutely nothing to ensure that agreement is honoured. They either willfully ignored it because they knew the data was likely to be misused, or they were naive to the point of complete incompetence. I really can't see an option C.

newtboy said:

Astonished @bobknight33 posted a video about Trump using more stolen data to further manipulate voters. Kudos.

Healthy As a Horse

TheFreak says...

Jesus, Bob! I don't want the guy dead! WTF!

I WOULD like it if he was doing something more suited to his skills and temperament. He was great as a reality TV charicature of a sociopathic, incompetent CEO.

bobknight33 said:


For a 71 year old he is healthy and you sifters still can't admit it.

Your bias is so bad.

Guess you can still pray to the the CNN GOD of Gupta for a heart attack.

Chris Hedges On F On Fascism In The Age Of Trump (Nov. 2017)

newtboy jokingly says...

Then you don't think it's time to turn against Bannon just because he now admits publicly that the numerous 2016 meetings with Russians and Trump's sons and son in law were unpatriotic and treasonous? Clearly he must be an anti Trump libtard who knows nothing about behind the scenes meetings angry over losing the election....oh....wait....

Hard to think Trump has "only the best people" anymore, isn't it? Seems he has only the worst people so far, with so many convicted of crimes against the nation while serving his administration, and many others thrown out for utter incompetence.

bobknight33 said:

I did not "blindly support the bankrupting idiot baby"....

Don Lemon is not having it

newtboy says...

Lol. Nice try. If I were a Russian troll pretending to be left leaning, I would be doing it on a right wing site, wouldn't I?

Deliberate, he admitted as much. At the direction of Trump or Jared, or both, according to him. They're the only leaders of the transition team he reported to.

What he admitted he lied about was colluding with Russians to subvert American foreign policy, which is treason, he's been caught on tape and now admitted doing it at the transition teams direction.

It's about his team being liars and criminal traitors. If it's not at his direction, he's incompetent as a leader. If it's not with his knowledge, he's senile. Consider his best attribute was supposed to be his ability to get only the best people, so.....

Everyone who's not a Russian puppet or Trumpeter believes it, and you do too, you simply can't admit it or your world crashes down.

I'm here because I'm retired (low income doesn't necessarily mean low net worth), it's a fun site to watch more interesting videos and talk about them, and with few exceptions have adult conversations and maybe learn something I didn't know from interesting diverse people.
Even you've taught me something....that Putin's troll farms are so advanced they turned out right wing characters to "live" on left leaning sites in order to give the impression that right wingers are ridiculous know nothings that can only parrot the great leader's ramblings as if they weren't racist insanity and troll like 12 year olds with no information to add to a discussion but lots of "I no you are but wat am I" arguments, this to give the impression that those with opposing views aren't worth engaging elsewhere. That helps divide us farther, Dimitri. You know this, it's why you exist here. ;-)

bobknight33 said:

Flynn lied to the FBI. A mistake or deliberate.. don't know. This would be a process crime not a Russian collision link.

Still this is a side story of little direct impact to POTUS.

Yet Brian Ross suspended 4 weeks for lying on air and misleading false hoods about this.

Still the witch hunt will continue ..
Keep spewing your Trolling POV -- No one believes this story and all know it is BS.

I believe if I recall correctly you implied an IQ of mid / high 130s.
I also believe you indicated that you are in one of the lower tax brackets.

Why would a poor man with such an IQ be here? Righting justice where ever wrong doing exist? Or are you 1 of those Russian trolls?????????????

Don Lemon is not having it

newtboy says...

They, and other news organizations (so probably not Fox) are back on it today, since Flynn plead guilty to lying to the fbi about colluding with Russian diplomats, specifically his repeatedly "secretly" (so he thought) violating the Logan act, at the direct direction of and reporting back to the campaign/transition leader(s)...which means Trump himself.

Maybe they're hoping this will distract from the failed secret attempt at making abortion illegal with their tax bill which would have codified fetal personhood, a huge step towards making any abortion murder, on top of raising taxes on anyone making under $75k by up to 30% and lowering taxes for millionaires. Good thing they're so incompetent that the tax bill was illegal, or abortion could be ended today by a scam and a lie.
Underhanded sneaky lying traitors, those are your people.

bobknight33 said:

What bull shit -- Typical leftest dribble.
Guess CNN is off the Russian collusion fake story for the night.

Donna Brazile: HRC controlled DNC and rigged the primary

newtboy says...

Way to ignore point one...the illegal hacking of what he hoped contained top secret information by a hostile power at Trump's public direction.

The fact that you would even try to contend that the relationship between the U.S. and Russia is not adversarial makes anything else you say moot, because you have already proven to either be a liar or insanely naive. It is, and since ww2 has been adversarial. Your contention that responding to an illegal-by-treaty Russian military build up and invasion on it's borders with a long term international defence program stoked the Russian invasions of Crimea and the Ukraine shows you bought the Putin propaganda, and your follow up that it's an excuse for them installing their candidate in a hostile nation, as if that's proper, shows you aren't being rational at all. What we were required by treaty to do was protect the Ukraine...all of it...with our full military force, securing their borders....we balked and Russia just walked in.

Really, you think collusion with a foreign power to perform illegal acts against private citizens and the government and the interests of the U.S. isn't a crime? Sorry, but it absolutely is here in the U.S., where he did it.

So far, "he" isn't charged with a crime (only because it's likely he's so incompetent that he actually didn't know his entire staff were covert foreign agents....some have admitted as much when confronted with proof)...what his cabinet is charged with varies but all of them perjured themselves to congress about the crimes, who they work for, who paid them, and who they owe millions... so that's felonious.
Just a few crimes (of many) that the campaign is accused of is working with Russian diplomats for the benefit of Russia and against the interests of the U.S., hiring foreign agents, and hiding tens if not hundreds of millions secretly paid to the managers by Russia.
The campaign managers did directly receive money, all of them it seems, tens of millions...and lied about it over and over. What's more, they have admitted (only after recordings were produced) having subverted government policy by making arrangements with Putin before taking office that were diametrically opposed to the current (at the time) policy...again, that's treason.

scheherazade said:

[editing down to not make wall of text / rant]

Russia is not a hostile power. We are not at war with them, and we are not in any standoff. While that sort of rhetoric generates plenty of sensation for the news, it isn't factually true. We certainly do plenty to antagonize them (placing missiles launchers on Russia's border, stoking the 2014 Ukrainian coup that led to a civil war on Russia's border), and in light of that I consider it understandable that they would attempt to aide a candidate that is likely to be less confrontational.

(Keep in mind that both sides have been hacking each other on the daily for decades. Nothing special there.)

The DNC hack was a good thing for democracy. People should not be in the dark about any candidate's election cheating.

The news argues about things that are not salient.
Collusion is not a crime. That term only comes up for argument's sake, and has no bearing on the legality/illegality of anything in question.

The crime that the campaign is accused of is 'accepting foreign money for elections', which is a campaign funding violation. The argument is that : while Russia appears to not have provided money, the *information Russians provided directly to campaign staff had a monetary value, which makes it equivalent to receiving money.
(*content of said information as of yet not revealed)

Since then, campaign staff has gotten into individual trouble when their individual financial actions have been dug into (namely, laundering), which has led to individual financial conspiracy charges (IIRC).


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