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David Mitchell on Atheism

ChaosEngine says...

Meh, everyone is either agnostic, lying or mad. As @newtboy said, gnosticism means "knowing". No-one knows for certain that there is or isn't a god. Therefore, everyone is agnostic.

Which makes it a fucking boring position to take.

Gnosticism at least has the virtue of being interesting. You know there's a god? ok, why? Ahh, you've heard voices.... right. Just slip on this comfy jacket... yeah, the arms are kinda long, but don't worry.

The question is almost never "do you know there is or isn't a god", it's "do you believe". And in that sense, almost everyone has an answer one way or the other. You may choose to believe in a god because you feel that things like compassion, rainbows and the majesty of the universe are evidence of his/her existence. Or you choose not to believe because you feel that these things are evidence of group altruism, refraction and some really amazingly weird ass physics.

Yeah, be humble and admit you could be wrong, but FFS, make a choice.

Oh and @Yogi, I wonder how kindly you'd feel toward religion if you had a well funded organisation who had dedicated themselves to discrediting your life's work (and with the most trivial nonsense as well).

And that is why we have "atheist evangelists". Because experience has shown that if you don't push back, certain theist elements will gradually start to encroach on things that are important.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Recreates David After Dentist

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Recreates David After Dentist

Behind the Tube: Making the #Kimmel YouTube Films

PlayhousePals says...

In case you missed them:





Behind the Tube: Making the #Kimmel YouTube Films

Behind the Tube: Making the #Kimmel YouTube Films

Behind the Tube: Making the #Kimmel YouTube Films

PlayhousePals says...

In case you missed them:





Rudest kid's show ever

Rudest kid's show ever

Rudest kid's show ever

Sweet Brown: Ain't Nobody Got Time For That


Bitman Begins

Right in the Feels

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