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The Simpsons take on Ayn Rand & Right-Wingers

KnivesOut says...

>> ^gtjwkq:
^ Nice going, I think you just wasted your "argument from intimidation" on a christian
This kind of ridicule speaks more of the impotence of her critics than anything else

I don't think ponce was disparaging Objectivism or Rand, I think he was musing at the idea that QM would defend it, when he's clearly (from his posting history) not even remotely in that ideological camp.

The Simpsons take on Ayn Rand & Right-Wingers

Woman Yells 'Heil Hitler' to Jewish Man Over Health Care

Fnerk says...

The woman here is clearly a deluded, ill-educated, bile-spewing plutocrat who sees no value in life unless it is hers and hers alone. We don't have many people like that in Britain, everyone here knows all human beings have a right to healthcare whether they can afford it or not. We just have a handful of neo-conservative bigots who believe free healthcare for all is wrong because seeing poor people suffer and die increases bloodflow to their withered genitals.

America is, sadly, plagued by such impotent neo-cons, and I feel sorry for each and every one of you. You are stuck in a place filled with intellectually challenged individuals who ironically see the kind of freedom, humanity and decency your founding fathers fought for as communism.

Man Sentenced To Life In Prison By A Fake Scent Tracking Dog

BansheeX says...

>> ^potchi79:
>> ^entr0py:
I can't help but be reminded of the recent Supreme Court ruling that convicts do not have the constitutional right to request DNA tests on preserved biological evidence. It seems that protecting judges and prosecutors from embarrassment is more impotent then sorting out the innocent from the guilty.

What the.. unfucking believable. This is sad.

What's sad is that we borrow and spend so much god damned money on unconstitutional shit that they can use the excuse "it will cost too much" and not get completely laughed out of town. A solid justice system is one of the few, undeniable, constitutional activities for which the Federal government needs funding, and we've pissed it all away on useless wars, bureaucracies, and welfare ponzi schemes.

Man Sentenced To Life In Prison By A Fake Scent Tracking Dog

Man Sentenced To Life In Prison By A Fake Scent Tracking Dog

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
I think that a free market entails a Natural Selection of sorts. An Evolution of good business.

Not some market where the FED, and Taxation makes the incentives.

Let the big companies die. If the Unions kill the companies, let them die. They have to help themselves before any impotent government could even fathom helping them.

With unions to much of a good thing can be a bad thing. To much of the other can smother good business.

Its simple, good market is good competitiveness, not sneaky tactics. Its all about incentives. Every where I look I see bad incentives. A bonus for making that arrest, a bonus for hiring your best friend, a bonus for being a big name on wall street, a bonus for having kids, a bonus for getting married, a bonus for having a house and there are bonuses for just about every thing! Enough bonuses! That's a quick fix to make the common man feel better about an entropic system.

Start with the FED, then with move to Tax Reform. Then move on and cut the fat away from the Meet.

right on man.

8/6/2009 Peter Schiff On Morning Joe: Healthcare, Income Tax

NordlichReiter says...

I think that a free market entails a Natural Selection of sorts. An Evolution of good business.

Not some market where the FED, and Taxation makes the incentives.

Let the big companies die. If the Unions kill the companies, let them die. They have to help themselves before any impotent government could even fathom helping them.

With unions to much of a good thing can be a bad thing. To much of the other can smother good business.

Its simple, good market is good competitiveness, not sneaky tactics. Its all about incentives. Every where I look I see bad incentives. A bonus for making that arrest, a bonus for hiring your best friend, a bonus for being a big name on wall street, a bonus for having kids, a bonus for getting married, a bonus for having a house and there are bonuses for just about every thing! Enough bonuses! That's a quick fix to make the common man feel better about an entropic system.

Start with the FED, then with move to Tax Reform. Then move on and cut the fat away from the Meat.

Change? (Info Revolution 2009)

Rotty says...


If you didn't know before, then you now know this kind of post is frowned upon here. No one wants to hear that Obamma is owned by the same people who owned his predecessors. No one wants to hear that he hasn't (and won't) CHANGED a goddam thing. Or that his rise to popularity and the presidency was fully orchastrated to play on the dispare of Americans dissatified with a awful Republican administration and impotent Democratic Congress.

This kind of post gets you labeled, ironically, by the professional posters here (Spoco2 said it best: Oh seriously f*ck off high and mighty video maker, f*ck right off. Even if I don't watch those shows, doesn't mean I think that they are evil for existing, f*cking hell, you know, while you're spending all your time prowling news articles and bulletin boards and doing nothing constructive, a lot of us are... you know... working.) who continually pump their version of reality here and have no tolerance for dissenting opinions. Unfortunately, Spoco2 also said this: As for the New World Order... meh, I haven't spent the time looking into it, and don't plan on wasting my time on it frankly. Which is simialr to the sheep mentality he railed against earlier.

Thanks for posting something other than the typical lefty dribble that you normally see here.

CNN: South Florida's Pain Clinics Or Narcotic Pill Mills?

enoch says...

very awesome of you revted,
and thanks for making some clarifications and also adding a personal touch concerning your practice.
my family is in the medical field and they have stated similar dilemma's as you have here.on one side you have responsible doctors such as yourself and on the other you have inscrutable practitioners who are just there for the quick cash.
instead of going through a whole diatribe on addiction let me just state a quick anecdote.
a former student of mine,bright and quick-witted,a stellar student heading to graduate one year she was in two car wrecks and damaged her back something awful.she was over-prescribed pain meds and within a few months this brilliant young woman went from a casual pot smoker to a pill is the tragic part:she never realized until too late.she was taking her meds as prescribed but when the insurance ran out she found herself host to a myriad of problems that she could not understand i.e:fever,nausea,cold sweats,horrific nightmares,insomnia and her back was worse than ever.not understanding withdrawal symptoms from pain meds she bought off the street some painkillers and LO and BEHOLD..she felt better.

sadly it was i who informed her that she may be an addict and in her rage and disgust at me for even suggesting such tripe has discontinued our friendship,leaving me impotent to offer any assistance at my dear friend,with her infant daughter,has a full time job of aquiring pills everyday just so that she can feel normal.graduate school....a
i worry about her very,very much and pray for every day but until she is ready to face what she has to there is naught i can do.
what many people do not realize is that coming clean from narcotics is one the most incredibly hard things to is a body addiction and if you try to stop cold turkey your body makes you spades.

i cannot relay just how personal this is to me.i have a young woman in my home right now who i am helping detox because the local drug rehabilitation center will not accept her(her fault)and she has no money,lost her kids,her business and success with her is not written in stone,but i have had success in these cases.

on a side note.
i give you incredible credit reverendted.the fact the you are aware of the dangers and hence your responsibility speaks volumes to your character.the only consolation i can offer concerning those that abuse the system due to their addiction is that you have no control over that.your patients are lucky to have such a doctor as you.
i salute you my friend.

Smoking Shortens your Penis

Smoking Shortens your Penis

Smoking Shortens your Penis

Moxy Fruvous "The Drinking Song"

calvados says...üvous:The_Drinking_Song

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

He was a rock, to the end, a solid reminder
Couldn't deny a friend

(Mike & Jian)
We lived in the noise and the sweet amber poison

Peekin' up the skirt of the end

And we'd drink, two gnarly dudes and some records
Much like plates of black food

(Mike & Jian)
We filled up our faces, saw some far places

Stood on the roof in the nude

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Between pulls, he said "We're like cows in the grass"
Brushing off flies

(Mike & Jian)
Chaise lounging around, standing up, falling down

Till we no longer opened our eyes

And we'd drink, ever notice how drinking's like war?
Cup o' troops o'er the gums

(Mike & Jian)
To the end of our health, a campaign 'gainst myself

Armed with bourbons and scotches and rums

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Think of bombs, we're poised on the edge of disaster
Whether it's right or it's wrong

(Mike & Jian)
We opened the window, played some Nintendo

Sang a few bars of some pretty old song:

Irene goodnight, Irene goodnight
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene

I'll see you in my dreams

Oh to dream, those impotent bones of extinction
Flying graceful and free

(Mike & Jian)
None but the best 'cause the man cannot rest

Till he's finally beaten his me

And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Till the end, he passed out on the sundeck that morning
Quietly saying goodbye

(Mike & Jian)
But I was so hammered I sputtered and stammered

Told him he couldn't just die

He was a rock, went straight for his own Armageddon
Face froze in a grin

(Mike & Jian)
Ambulance flyin' in, I never drank again

Can't really call that a loss or a win

(All, acappella)
And the band played on
As the helicopters whirred
Drunk on the lawn in a nuclear dawn
My senses finally blurred

Dub FX - 'Step on my Trip'

vairetube says...

He cuts out some stuff from the other performance in this one



Step on my trip
step on my trippin'

step on my trip just
just step on my trippin

step on my trip just
step on my trip man

just step on my trip
on my trip
on my trip

yo just

step on my trip just
set in my trippin'

step on my trip just
step in my trippin'

step in my trip just
step on my trip man

just on my trip... on my trip ya'll

overused in my walking shoes.

i never turn back,
cause i know the score.

i never reuse what i do
performin' this.

too late .
my fate.
i regurgitate
all the words that i say.

listen up,
don't miss the forward (foreword?),
just pick it up now
off the floor and

guess who?
yea you...

you're the ones that im talking to.

you're never gonna guess
whats coming next.

let your mind inside
when i manifest,


this rhyme,
you will find
my mind

just step in my crazy livin'

just step in my trip just,

step on my trip
step on my trip man

step on my trip just
yea step my trip man

step in my trip just
step in my trip man

yea step on my on my trip ya'll

cause i got
no pecs
to flex
all day long
i dream about sex
but im impotent
and im semi (hard)
so i cant remember when i got it up last

i stink
i need a drink
roll another spliff to help me think

i live on the road just like a gypsy
cause stayin in one place
is (swell and ?)jiffy but

change the way
that ima read your mind
livin inside this solar flux
we're all trapped in a
perpetual paradox

you're here
im near

the way that i flow is oh so clear

just step in my crazy livin

just step on my trip just

step on my trip just
step on my trip man

step on my trip just
step on my trippin

step on my trip just
yea step on my trip man

step in my trip

oh so
it was in my mind that i see
flow outta me easily
so easily that my mind is free
to blaze every (mile) of my fantasy

cause when i get on this mic
im flowin so awfully tight
so awfully tight
that my rhymes are like
the claw of a tiger thats ready to strike

now when i get on the street
create a brand new beat
feel free to come up and meet me
dont be shy you can never distract me
when negative vibes attack me
get into my mind and hack me
i act like nothin's happenin
theres no way to stop me

stop me...

*** (parenthsis contain not so sure translation... )

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