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Suspicious Man Breaks Autozone Windows ... Minneapolis

BSR says...

His whole presidency has been nothing but distraction after distraction. I still haven't gotten past the immigrant children and families he's thrown into hell.

overdude said:

Nothing distracts from a bad pandemic response like a riot...
When was the last time you heard anything about Trump's response to Corona? Kinda makes you (me) think... Hired guns???

Sen. Bernie Sanders | Real Time,Bill Maher

newtboy says...

Trump claims the first stimulus package was for up to $6 trillion, not just two....and expects two more will be needed, making the bill for his inaction near $18-19 trillion by his estimates. That means all the outrage over Sanders plans to spend trillions on healthcare and education was utter bullshit (which we knew) or that the problem was we would get something for our money. Trump's just handing it out, largely without strings attached or getting any equity or concessions for it like Obama's bailouts did. Now THAT'S some serious socialism, meaning in just over 3 years his mismanagement would have more than doubled the national debt during an economic expansion (he added >$5 trillion without the pandemic, well over $1 trillion per year deficit before the economic collapse)....Conman Don, Don the Con, that's what they call him, I'm hearing people call him that, Don the Con.

It's all but guaranteed that he's going to just grab the Covid19 funds to build his wall, which is quickly becoming the wall America paid for FOR MEXICO who handled the pandemic infinitely better with only .3% of the cases America has and is stopping Americans from going to Mexico now.
(Side note, with immigrant harvesters staying home and crops rotting in the fields, expect food prices to skyrocket while unemployment also continues to skyrocket.)
@bobknight33 , comments?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No, there aren't. The cheating is excessively one sided.
Republicans certainly think it helps them, or they wouldn't be doing it over and over and over and over while claiming illegal immigrants are the problem with zero evidence to back their claims.
There have been zero democratic campaigns caught cheating, changing ballots, purging voter rolls, closing polling places in areas where the minority population increased and adding more in affluent areas, instituting polling taxes, or voting multiple times or for dead people. Those were ALL Republicans. Show me an instance in the last decade of a democratic conspiracy to commit vote fraud, I doubt you can even come up with individual instances. Btw, OANN or other disreputable sources (propaganda networks) will be ignored, if you find a story there, verify it elsewhere before using it as evidence, because the chances they're making it up are good.

I would agree with allowing Sunday voting, but your party has banned it because huge numbers of minorities were voting after church, so Sunday voting was removed in multiple Republican led states. I also support a full week of voting. Mandatory voting, while I like the idea, is incredibly complicated and won't work in America imo, and especially not if you removed voting by mail.

I'll run with in person only (although I don't really support it) because that also hurts Republicans badly....the elderly almost exclusively vote by mail, your main voting block.
With ID....ok, but to be fair, it needs to be a voting only ID that every person needs to go wait in line at the DMV or courthouse to get. If Republicans had to jump through the same hoops they want to set up for the poor, they would remove all the hoops....elderly and CEOs won't accept having to procure a seperate id just to vote, like they insist is a good idea for the poor who don't drive so don't have a driver's license...they only like the idea if the id they already have covers them, not if they have to do anything to get one.

bobknight33 said:

Cheats on all sides. I want none. Cheating helps no one.
Should have mandatory Sat/Sunday voting only. no 2 or 3 week pre voting. Also want in person with ID.

If you out to town / state oh well.
For military would concede an exemption.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I wonder, why aren't you singing the praises of Cheryl A. Hall of Florida, the republican operative who was caught reregistering 119 democrats and independents in Florida as Republicans without their knowledge.

More voter fraud, and once again by Republicans. Vote suppression has exactly the same effect as the fraudulent voting Trump told you is rampant (he claimed over 3million in 2016) but that he couldn't find (except for a few Republicans who were caught double voting). What ever happened to Trump's federal investigation into voter fraud? I'll tell you, it went away when it kept turning up multiple Republican vote fraud schemes but not any Democrats or illegal immigrants voting illegally.


Why The Right Wing End Game Is Armageddon

newtboy says...

That depends on which bible you mean....there are many.

Really? Lost to history?! Hardly....lost to the ignorant and uneducated maybe, but even atheists like me know full well Jesus the man was a Jew, and definitely not a European or "white". Roman/Italian artists knew this, but worked for a Roman church so portrayed him in their image.

Genetic purity?! Lol. I guess that means no one has EVER become Jewish, you're either born one by two pure Jewish parents or not. Hardly reality, and would reject nearly every person in Israel (or elsewhere). Just because there is a long standing religious/cultural taboo against marriage outside the culture, it still happens, as does conversion. Racial/genetic purity is a fallacy debunked by genetic testing.

Prophecy is a leap. No prophecy has been correctly interpreted until AFTER the events supposedly prophesied occurred. It's ridiculous to go back after the fact and claim "see, now that I know exactly how to interpret the unclear prophecy I couldn't decipher before, it's a 100% perfect prediction" but never be able to predict the future. That's the same nonsensical logic mediums use.

The second temple was also the third, since the true second temple was originally a rather modest structure constructed by a number of Jewish exile groups returning to the Levant from Babylon under the Achaemenid-appointed governor Zerubbabel. However, during the reign of Herod the Great, the Second Temple was completely refurbished, and the original structure was totally overhauled into the large and magnificent edifices and facades that are more recognizable. Logically, the third temple was the one destroyed by Romans, the second replaced by Herod but the new one was still called the second temple anyway. (To avoid contradicting prophecy? ;-) )

If the dome of the rock, the second most holy place in Islam, is destroyed, expect Jerusalem to follow soon after, as that will definitely start a religious war between nuclear powers.

Herodotus is credited with using the term Palestinian first, in the 5th century BCE as an ethnonym, making no distinction between Arabs, Jews, or other cultures inhabiting of the area. Romans adopted the term as the official administrative name for the region in the 2nd century CE, "Palestine" as a stand-alone term then came into widespread use, printed on coins, in inscriptions and even in rabbinic texts.

I think you are confused about the history, here's a primer...

The area was populated by various people's including Jews until the Jewish–Roman wars of 66–136 CE, during which the Romans expelled most of the Jews from the area (well, really they arguably left voluntarily because they refused to be second class citizens barred from practicing their religion freely) and replaced it with the Roman province of Syria Palaestina, the Arabs were already there, not invaders or immigrants. When Assyrians (Mesopotamians) invaded in circa 722 BCE, they ruled empirically, meaning only the Jewish ruling elite left, returning in 538 BCE under Cyrus the no, the Arabs didn't just settle after the Jews were dispersed.

It's patently ridiculous to say the Arab nations were unprovoked, Jewish illegal immigration led to a hostile takeover of the region by illegal immigrants with rapid expansion of their territories into their neighbors continuing through today. The Jews defeated the Arabs thanks to American backing and exponentially better hardware. It was only their right if might makes right, and the Arab nations are under no obligation to let them keep what they stole any more than the Jews were obligated to let the Arab nations retain control in the first place. If Iran, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, or any combination can take it, by your logic they have every right to do so.

I do agree, in the end there will be more conflict until the area becomes uninhabitable....largely because every religion's prophecies end with them in control, and no one wants to admit it's all nonsensical iron age tribalism at work.

The Reality of Immigration | Rare Earth

Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

bcglorf says...

You have to look a little closer. Of course it is absurd to say you can't complain about bullying AND still love America. The guy who spoke is a racist and when he's saying "you", he's meaning "you people", meaning any people that fall outside whatever his notion of "true" Americans is. The white guy beside him could probably make a similar complaint, but not some Mexican immigrant.

Or in short, racist rationalizations unsurprisingly don't stand up to logic.

surfingyt said:

the bootlickers who think you can't complain
but then go to a meeting about making changes

The Reality of Immigration | Rare Earth

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

Lol. Oh Bob. I see you didn't get that help you are crying out for.

Schiff isn't the one saying it.
It's the over a dozen Trump administration officials, you know, like the people who gave him a million dollars towards his election campaign to then be installed in his cabinet with zero experience, people that he now calls never trumpers...them, and idiot Trump himself who released a heavily redacted call summary, called it a transcript, and inexplicably left in the parts where he insisted on investigations into political rivals (and no one else) in exchange for releasing congressionally approved aid.

If Trump drained the swamp, it was only to turn it into the world's largest and most ecologically disastrous sewage holding pond.

Great job? On what? Destroying our international standing and standards? There he IS simply the best. Sucking up and capitulating to our enemies while abandoning and distancing our allies? Yep, better than all the rest. Lying to the American people? Better than anyone else. Running a criminal administration for his personal enrichment? No one else could pass the test.

If you call his disastrous work a "great job", what will you call his removal? The best job ever? You are so delusional that just last week you claimed Republicans run the house and Democrats run the Senate so you could blame our badly flawed paperless voting system on those evil Senate Democrats. *facepalm

Wasted billions on 70 miles of new wall.....that's really replacement fence that can be cut through in under a minute with a reciprocating saw, and only where barriers existed. Great. Increased illegal immigration exponentially. Great. Tax cuts/government welfare for the rich but not the needy that exploded the deficit and debt. Great. Failed trade agreements that have cost tens-hundreds of billions only to put us in a far worse position than before he started. Great. Zero investment in infrastructure. Great. Total decimation of environmental laws.
Great. Abandoning our best allies against terrorism to cozy up to dictators. Great. Best of all, he's widened the divide in America more than all administrations in the last 150 years combined, and recently began calling for preparation for civil war if he's not re-elected. Great.

Um...if he's removing deep state operatives, why are they all his people being jailed? More than even any two term administration ever, beating Nixon's indictment and conviction rates in under two years, before the Mueller fallout. Indeed, in that time he has had more than twice the convictions of all Democratic administration officials since 1970....again, before most Mueller convictions. (It bears noting that Republican officials are convicted at a rate >91 times that of Democrats).

What you really meant to say.....No matter what Trump says it is guaranteed to be a lie.

bobknight33 said:

what You really meant to say.... No matter what Adam Shift says doesn't make it true.

Trump is doing a great job. The swamp ( deep state) is being drained.

Sheriff, Illegal Alien, Drunks Will Run Over Your Children

w1ndex (Member Profile)

simonm (Member Profile)

Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World [Hong Kong edition]

dhdigital says...

As a bartender, I cannot comment politically on what patrons discuss politically. I work in a restaurant that pulls talented people from all around the world (work visa, student whatevers, etc). It has been so difficult for us to share the american culture with everything that is going on these days. Immigration laws have become more strict. The way news media portrays the government is disgusting. Yet, we have a long list of people that want to come here and learn. Where I work we want people to be better, be fair, honest, and work towards a positive contribution.


This video is spot on.

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