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Beautiful Male Vocal Ensemble Sings in Train Station

thegrimsleeper (Member Profile)

Beautiful Male Vocal Ensemble Sings in Train Station

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'acoustics, haunting sound, choral, harmony' to 'acoustics, haunting sound, choral, harmony, Icelandic, Germany' - edited by eric3579

Eye of the Storm - Icelandic time lapse

Geyser erupts in freezing temperatures

best of formula off road 2013

alien_concept (Member Profile)

radx says...

Did you see the CPS trying to prosecute people for bin dipping under the 1824 Vagrancy Act?

"Public interest", my ass.

You know what, since all they did was drop the charges, all the other poor schmucks will have to face the same bloody risk as these three lads. I have seen rozzers staking out bins over here, no chance in hell they're not doing it over there as well.

I'd like the Guardian, or anyone for that matter, to sink their teeth into this shit and find out who thought it was in the public interest to go after them for skipping. All this pre-Victorian behaviour is a fucking disgrace.

Snowden outlines his motivations during first tv interview

radx says...

You might be ahead of the curve on that one.

I agree that a bit (or a lot) of fear might force our representatives all over the world to realize that even the richest donor cannot provide you with a replacement for your head after it was chopped off by the mob. Hell, we might find out soon enough if the troika keeps choking the life out of Greece, Spain and Portugal.

Similarly, the damage being done by secrecy of all kinds, particularly to core elements of democracy (see: deep state), might very well outweigh potential damages caused by putting an end to it entirely.

But I'm not there yet. Iceland and, to some degree, Switzerland are showcases that shit can be turned on its head much quicker than anyone thought. Nationalising banks, jailing bankers, referendums about maximum wages and basic incomes... if the Swiss can openly discuss the "1:12" initiative, a disbandment -- or at least a complete restructuring -- of intelligence services is not as impossible as one might think.

Yogi said:

Yeah and I agree that's how to keep it in the news and be responsible with the information. I'm saying that I don't give a shit anymore, I'm tired and cranky and I want all the information dumped, like a nuclear fucking bomb. I want everyone in government to get scared enough of their population that they barricade themselves and lets have a decade of fucking War trying to lynch every one of those mother fuckers.

I'm sick of it, release all the spys names all over the world, all the troops positions. Fuck them, fuck everyone, let's finish this shit.

The Problem With Time and Time Zones- Computerphile

zaust says...

So that's everyone in the world except......Iceland. I quite literally live a 30 minute drive from Greenwich but for half the year I'm not in it's timezone.

The astrophysicists need to be able to reliably predict when leap seconds will be needed and then the world switch to a UTC which is on a four week cycle with no leap year bullcrap.

Edit in fact I'd ditch the whole hour minute thing altogether and mark each day as a percantage. That would negate the UTC weirdness and instead of going to work 9-5 you'd go 37.5 - 70.8 or in utc for new york (gmt-4 currently) 20.8 - 54.1

xxovercastxx said:

Everyone who doesn't live in GMT ....

On couch:UK Weird Nickname Culture (Is Ashton in makeup?)

Lady Gaga Goes Nude On Video!

chingalera says...

I'll take this one: Bjork is in a category of Bjork all her own-Her vocal styling was unusual, maverick for the time-She's a multi-instrumentalist ( heard Gaga play the piano and sing acapella?... not very good) T

Iceland: Not many bands form there anyhow, and she was showcased at 11 on the ONLY Icelandic radio station at the behest of her....classical piano teacher-The girl worked her ass off in several iterations, always changing and pushing the innovative envelope.

Gaga writes trite pop tunes and dances around (quite un-coordinately so) in some pretty tasteless gear while claiming some mastery of taste and style, the same based ENTIRELY in her pop persona. Can't stand her taste in fashion and her music blows sell-out-show, chunks.

At least with Bjork the journey has some changing scenery-Gaga will age like the cheap vintages of Madonna or Mariah Carey, the latter of which has more talent in her wardrobe than Gaga has in her songwriting and musical ability.

At least Carey has a range and some control, gaga sounds like she's grunting when she sings. When you want that, pull out a frikkin' Throbbing Gristle LP!

I know....can't stand modern pop culture-very played, very tired.

braschlosan said:

How about Bjork?

Of Monsters and Men - Dirty Paws

Of Monsters and Men - Dirty Paws

Wanda Sykes Worked For The NSA?

Buck says...

I pretty much disagree with everything she said. Snookie has the right (or so I thought thats what the constitution says) to say pretty much whatever comes to her mind (and she seems to) without having ANY government agency listening in! (or corporate!) unless they have good reason to suspect she commited a crime?

I would bet a LARGE sum of money that Our (Canadas) version of NSA are doing the same to us.

What amazes me is how we ALL (even me) let it happen. We let the criminals take our money and still bail them out. Iceland had it right.

Juggling Around Iceland

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