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Isaiah Thomas Game Winning Shot Pac 10 Championship

Dramatic Kitty

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Mashiki:
Sure. Contrary to popular belief, you can train cats. The difference between a cat and a dog is one is smart enough to know it's being led around, and will rebel against it. The other is happy, happy enough to go into OMG FREE FOOD MODE PUKE Omnomnomnom!

Contrary to popular belief, it's not established whether cats or dogs are generally smarter. What is well established is that cats and dogs are very different types of animals and have very different motivations.

Dogs are pack animals and are driven to fit in; to please their pack/master. Cats are solitary and generally don't have any interest in things that don't immediately benefit them.

Cats have superior long-term memory, they learn by trial-and-error and retain what they learned better. Dogs have superior working memory which equals superior problem-solving skills, but the cat's long-term memory advantage means it's more likely to combine things it's learned in the past into a new solution.

Dogs are more likely to solve a problem by contemplation vs the cat's trial-and-error approach.

Cats have far more dextrous paws which allows for more precise object manipulation.

And of course all of these things vary greatly between individual breeds (huskies, for example, don't exhibit typical dog pack mentality).

Liv Tyler Can Still Speak The Elvish

alien_concept says...

Yeah but someone speaking in German could use a husky voice and there's not a chance I'd find it attractive. I love the way the words roll around the mouth, they just sound so beautiful, male or female speaking it

Liv Tyler Can Still Speak The Elvish

dannym3141 says...

It's only attractive cos she's using a husky voice for it..

Though i will say she looked FAR more attractive than ever before in elf ears. I don't understand why, but them's the facts.

Siberian Husky Autotunes baby to silence.

Cop Shoots Dog In The Head While Restrained On A Leash

Matthu says...

What a tragedy, that looked like a nice dog.

I have a pitbull, he truly is a baby. I cuddle with him all the time.

Once, I was in my front yard teaching him to lay down and stay. There was a nice amount of distraction on the street of people walking by. This one kid is walking by, and literally he stops at one point at starts staring at the dog, literally staring at him for like 15 seconds. Well, my dog kept glancing at the kid and back at me, he was ready to bolt but I didn't catch it in time, and he took off after the kid. The kid panicked and raced right into the street, both of them almost got hit by cars. And just then the police were turning the corner and pretty much caught the whole thing. The kid was bawling his eyes out. I got a ticket and a stern lecture from a dumb fat bitch cop.

Whats my point? Well. It's a given that I fucked up my letting my dog off his leash like that. But, I really wish there would be some amount of responsibility on the kid, or his parents for being so ignorant. First of all, you don't fucking stop and stare directly for 20 seconds at a dog if you're scared of dogs. Second, if you're scared of a dog, don't start running as soon as he comes up to you.

This is tl:dr but w/e... The other day I was in a field with my dog, I saw another person with a dog far away so I leashed my dog. I continue walking towards the person, its an old lady with some kind of husky/lab mix. She was trying to leash her dog but couldn't as she was way too old lol. She was all out of breath n' shit. So after watching her get frustrated with a couple failed attempts I offered to leash her dog. I went at the dog pretty hesitantly, because, well, it IS a strange dog lol. But when she saw how hesitant i wish she shook her head and rolled her eyes telling me the dog's really not aggressive. So I just went at the dog and leashed her. No big deal.

tl;dr People are pussies and should stop fucking being afraid of every dog they see and parents should educate their children on how to deal with dogs. Those cops are a buncha fucking pussies, they should've just called the dog over and fucking leashed it instead of coming at it with a 6 foot pole.

Cute Together: Dog and Baby playing

SC2 - Unbeatable Protoss 1v1 Strategy

Creationism in the Classroom

NordlichReiter says...

Dogs, Wolves, Foxes, Coyotes from reproducing?

This guy is full of shit.

Wolf Hybrid, boom in your face fucktard.

A wolf-dog hybrid (also called a wolf hybrid or wolfdog) is a canid hybrid resulting from the mating of a wolf (various Canis lupus subspecies) and a dog (Canis lupus familiaris). The term "wolfdog" is preferred by most wolfdog proponents and breeders since the domestic dog was recently taxonomically recategorized as a subspecies of wolf. The American Veterinary Medical Association and the United States Department of Agriculture refer to them as wolf-dog hybrids.[1] Rescue organizations consider any dog with wolf heritage within the last five generations to be a wolfdog, including some established wolfdog breeds.[2]

In 1998, the USDA estimated an approximate population of 300,000 wolfdogs in the United States (the highest of any country world-wide), with some other sources giving a population possibly as high as 500,000.[1] In first generation hybrids, gray wolves are most often crossed with wolf-like dogs (such as German Shepherd Dogs, Siberian Huskies, and Alaskan Malamutes) for an appearance most appealing to owners desiring to own an exotic pet.[3] Since wolf hybrids are genetic mixtures of wolves and dogs, their physical and behavioral characteristics cannot be predicted with any certainty.[1]

Happy Fox

LordOderus says...

I had a dog that was half huskie and half wolf. It was the most well trained and loyal dog I have ever had. I think any canine can be domesticated if you have had it since birth (or close to it) Hell a neighbor of mine has a pet deer. It hangs out in his mechanics garage and plays with the dog, and he didn't even have it since birth. It was a fawn that was on his lawn one day. He started feeding it and it hung around. After awhile he could pet it and play with it. After that it loved humans and anyone could go pet it and play with it and such.

Sleepy Wolf Dog Pup

Siberian Husky Serenades Crying Baby to Sleep

lucky760 says...

>> ^rychan:

Beautiful dog, but I'm pretty sure that baby isn't asleep at the end.

"Siberian Husky Serenades Crying Baby In a Fruitless Attempt to Lull Him or Her to Sleep" was a more accurate title, but just wasn't quite as catchy, so I opted for the M.-Night-Shyamalan-esque twist ending instead.

Siberian Husky Serenades Crying Baby to Sleep

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'siberian husky, husky, wolf, dog, sing, howl, baby, cry, waa waa, goo goo, ga ga' to 'siberian husky, husky, wolf, dog, sing, howl, lullaby, baby, cry, waa waa, goo goo, ga ga' - edited by calvados

Dog Sings To Soothe Crying Baby

lucky760 (Member Profile)

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