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How It's Made - McDonald's Fries

shagen454 says...

I think I believe this, they still add needless chemicals and even admitted it. Pre-fried, frozen & fried again... They may be telling the truth, but not in a way that implies that this process is most definitely very unhealthy - and I'm not being snobby, if I'm hungry while traveling and all there is - is McDonalds I'll eat it and not even grumble about it, though I wish all McDonalds were replaced by In & Out's

Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

Hungry For Power Games: Democratic National Convention Editi

Hungry For Power Games: RNC Edition

Hungry For Power Games: Democratic National Convention Editi

Colbert; The Inevitable vs. The Unthinkable

John Oliver: Republican National Convention

RFlagg says...

The really truly scary thing, a large portion of Republican's agree with the Speaker in that feelings have the same weight as facts...

And I'm not sure if he understands the limits of the power of the President... indeed, based on many FB posts from those supporting him, I'm not sure many supporting him understand the limits of the power the office has. I mean, I know most Americans don't understand Congress controls the purse, so that is where to look for economic problems in the government, not the President, but I think Trump and his supporters think that Congress is subservient to the President... like it's a much higher office than it is. I'm actually a bit worried that he may think he has the power to fire congress and setup people who are supportive of his policies... he may not be that stupid, but I think he may be that delusional and power hungry. I am honestly scared... scared for so many reasons...

Hungry For Power Games: RNC Edition

Stephen Colbert gavels open the RNC conference in Cleveland

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Jim Jefferies on Bill Cosby and Rape Jokes

poolcleaner says...


better to have loved and been raped than to never have been loved at all. that's my silver lining. also, it is both a joke and my opinion, as i both love and hate my now deceased rapist. yeah, i'm being cheeky but so wut.

too complicated for me to give a shit if my fucked up life and sense of humor triggers someone. try sitting in group therapy with me, sucka. fuck your conservative sensitivity. boo fucking hoo. it's rape. it happens. people get over it and laugh. we don't have to live like goddamn trolls under a bridge just because we are rape victims. honestly, stfu.

i wrote something similar in a therapy session after forgiving my rapist and being annoyed at people that coddled me because i'm a "victim". great, i'm a victim? fuck you.

honestly, if you're not over your rape trauma, don't watch a fucking rape joke video. JESUS. if the world wasn't so overly protective of this shit, maybe we wouldn't be laden with our constipated emotional issues and ineffectual pharmacological solutions which turn into accidental overdose victims every goddamn day. if you can't laugh, that's when you die.

your psychiatrist and therapist and all those tools that convinced you to take all of those drugs and wear the cap of the victim: FUCK. THOSE. PEOPLE.

OOOOORRRR if you like self worth at the cost of a censored life of half triggered social anxiety: Riiiiiiiiiiide the train to proper thoughts and chilled out operational defintions that make doing business and living healthy in corporate america a snap! just shame people for laughing at things that hurt you. and convince others that not shaming others into this is not right. oooohhh, that's the moral thing to do!!!

yeah, no thanks on that one -- laughing at what hurts me most is the only thing that gives me the will to keep living. you wanna shame me for laughing at my problems? that's a bunch of HORSE SHIT. talk about rape -- let's talk about the rape of our fucking minds every fucking day by institutions that teach us this bullshit philosophy.

i'm just tired and hungry -- and i had a good fucking laugh at this video. before you respond to me, fuck you, don't bother. i don't wish to discuss how i deal with my victimization through humor and even if you do -- not reading it

If Coffee Commercials Were Honest

ChaosEngine says...

I'm guessing a really hungry one.
Although I'm glad they did, cheese is freakin' delicious.

WeedandWeirdness said:

I wonder what kind of person it was who looked at moldy milk curds or whatever and thought it would be a good idea to eat it. I would like to party with that person for sure!

The science is in: Exercise isnt the best way to lose weight

transmorpher says...

I'm glad to see that people are now accepting that exercise does very little for weight loss. Eating the right foods is 90% of the weight loss effort. Permanent weight loss also hasn't got anything to do with calorie counting/restriction.

A whole-foods plant based diet is the only sustainable way to lose weight because you never go hungry, and you get all of the nutrients you need. No exercise, no starvation, no calorie counting, no fasting, no salads. Just eat real hearty and satiating foods, and that's it.

You'll lose an average of 2.5kg a month, which within 2 years is 60kg. It's consistent, predictable and permanent.

If you're serious about losing weight here are some resources that I've used to get my BMI back to 23 (from 30):

Of course, exercise is great for your heart and brain health, and to give your body some tone and shape.

Girlfriend takes dumb to a whole new level

Mother berated at Target by customer over her breastfeeding

bobknight33 says...

When the kid is hungry you got to do what you need to do.

Both sides are correct and wrong.

She could have go to her car or such for more privacy and the guy should have not been such a dick.

Target is wrong for being so one sided. However I can see taking that position just because the guy being dickish.

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