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Why Atheists Care About YOUR Religion

zombieater says...

>> ^klaqua:
Just proves that if you make shit up, make a video with cool music, show some cleavage and state things as fact (that are obviously not fact), you too can have a fan club and be hailed as hero.
Hitler could not be mistaken as and was not a Christian. His god was nationalism and the hate for the Jews. A hate that had no background in religion but common street rhetoric of the time. Someone had to be blamed for the loss of the first WW.
The much praised enlightenment and the "discovery" of evolution was much more an idea from which Hitler took it's page. Hitler used Evolutionary Theory to Justify the Holocaust.
You can deny the facts but does not make them true!
Now that is just one of the 'facts' that are beyond wrong. Research the crusades and some of the wars you mentioned and you will find that while people call them self "religious" doesn't make them so.
Grow up and research your "propaganda".

Wow, there are so many errors in your argument, it's kinda funny.

First of all, your first source that you site to argue that Hitler used evolution to justify the Holocaust comes from a far-right Pentacostal Christian website...this is the website that also decries the seperation of church and state and describes abortion as "The great American holocaust"... not exactly a balanced viewpoint there. Your other "source" is just as bad - 'The Institute for Creation Research'...c'mon dude, seriously? You're going to need a lot more than that to convince me.

Let's set a few facts straight here:

1) Hmm...#1...oh yeah, Hilter was a deeply devout Catholic! How about some quotes, yes?

"I say: my Christian feeling points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter. It points me towards the man who, once lonely and surrounded by only a few followers, recognized these Jews and called for battle against them."


"I am deeply moved to perceive that his tremendous struggle for this world against the Jewish poison was most profoundly marked by the fact that he had to bleed on the cross for it..."

2) The Nazi party was officially Christian and the majority of members were Christian! Their political policy was to make Christianity the state religion of Germany.

3) R0SENCRANTZ is right. Pope Pius XI signed, and Pope Pius XII negotiated, a concordat with Hitler that gave the church immunity while they supplied the Nazis with money and legal protection for their acts. Pope Pius XI also signed a similar one with Benito Mussolini.

4) Some of the most antisemitic European political and social movements of the 1930's and 1940's were Christian parties.

5) The role of atheists and freethinkers during that time? Well, only 1.5% of the German popluation was self-proclaimed as such, and as stated by Stewart W. Herman Jr, an American clergyman who lived in Nazi Germany during the rise of Hitler, "The athiests may immediately be discounted as exercising any perceptible influence on German religious thought today...[their influence] has been suppressed completely by the new regime which places 'godlessness' in the same category with anarchistic Bolshevism."

This was mostly taken from an article by William Sierichs, Jr., an editor for a newspaper in Louisiana. He has a degree in journalism from LSU. The article is not online, but a similar one can be found in 5 parts from a professor in sociology at the University of Wisconsinhere.
Critically acclaimed books by professors in sociology, history, and anthropology contributed to this article. Authors such as:
Moshe Herczl, Randolph Braham, and David Kertzer.

Shocking, Israelis celebrating in NYC while documenting 9/11

choggie says...

so...dumbassses???.. what does "hate" mean???...and why is the "hate" more important than information.....(not that this piece of shit montage has a bit whatsoever).....still, the discourse, the steering away from what might be fuck all, some informed, critical thinking, the dupes and dopes....some actual information......the diligent are minions are they not??!!.... brain-dead-the most effective of romps.....
"Think it may have been the Pakis\, Burmese or French-Hungarian started those flames???...I say Poles dididt......

Guessandcheck is Gold, GOLD muhaha GOLD!! (Music Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

I always guess and never check. So congrats you crazy...Hungarian, you. It's cool you still sift at the age of...68 and don't let the fact you're a man stop you from wearing dresses. Keep up the good work

Someone Thought This Would Be An Awesome Music Video

Tombstone - Saloon Scene with Doc and Johnny

MrFisk says...

Doc Holliday (1851-1887)

DocJohn Henry Holliday was born in Georgia in 1851. An educated man, John learned mathematics, the sciences, and earned a degree in dentistry (hence his nickname, “Doc”). He disliked the teeth trade, preferring to spend his time playing poker, and after being diagnosed with tuberculosis, he went west to partake of the dry climate.

Despite his genteel upbringing, what Doc really liked to do was have a good time. His idea of a good time involved gambling on cards, drinking whiskey, and enjoying the attentions of a lady or two. A really good time featured all three at once. It has been said that he drank three quarts of whiskey on an average day, and when he got serious about the job, could kill five or six.

Together with his occasional paramour, “Big Nose” Kate Elder, Holliday went on a violent, lucrative, and whiskey-soaked spree through the territories. He tended to leave town under threat of arrest or one step ahead of a posse, and at one time was wanted for various crimes in Kansas, Texas, Missouri and Arizona. He holed up for a time in Tombstone, Arizona, arriving shortly before the Earp brothers, with whom he became embroiled in the animosity which led to the gunfight at the OK Corral.

His TB worsened, causing him to regularly cough up blood. Strong whiskey seemed to stem the hacking, so Doc drank from dawn to dusk. He checked into a hospital for consumptives in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, where, as a wealthy man, he bribed nurses to bring him his self-prescribed medicine. Otherwise, he remained a model patient until he died. He was 36 years old.

Big Nose Kate (1850-1940)

Known at various times as Kate Fisher, Kate Elder, or Kate Cummings, Mary Katherine Haroney was born in Budapest, Hungary, the oldest child of a wealthy physician. Her father moved to Mexico in 1862 to act as the personal physician for Emperor Maximilian I. In 1865, when the Mexican government imploded, the Haroney family relocated to Davenport, Iowa, where Dr. and Mrs. Haroney managed to die within the year, leaving Kate an orphan.

The intervening years are a blur, but by 1874 Kate was living in Dodge City, Kansas, where she sold her charms in a brothel owned by Nellie Earp, wife of James Earp, the less famous older brother of Virgil, Morgan and Wyatt. While living in Dodge, Kate met Doc Holliday, who would be part of her life for many years.

Kate could match Doc drink for drink, and her temper was, if anything, even more volatile than his. She carried a derringer in an ankle holster, and when crossed, could curse a trailhand back into church. After she’d had a few, her verbal tirades took on a cosmopolitan flavor as she assaulted her opponents in a hair-raising potpourri of Hungarian, French and English. Many times, sadly, when Kate slipped into banshee-mode, her target was Doc Holliday.

They were quite the couple. The phrase “love birds” can share space in the same sentence as the words “Doc” and “Kate” only as a means of defining what they absolutely were not. We’ve all had friends like Holliday and Big Nose (hopefully without the shootings and stabbings), or witnessed their like. You know, they start the night acting like Siamese twins attached at the lips, drinking and dancing without a care in the world, then, for reasons even they probably don’t understand, they spend the next few hours auditioning for the Springer show—yelling, chasing, crying, slapping, pouting—until, just at the very apogee of ugliness, they make up and sneak off to screw in the laundry room. Such was the daily reality of Kate’s relationship with Doc Holliday.

Kate’s epic drinking habits once got her and Holliday in a whole hill of trouble. They had been fighting and Kate, in a cloud of rage, went to a saloon, where she encountered Tombstone sheriff Johnny Behan. He was sitting with members of the feared outlaw gang, the Cowboys, lead by a rancid little psycho called Curley Bill Brocious and his frequent partner in crime, the gunman Johnny Ringo. (At a saloon in Prescott, Arizona, Ringo, a specialist at shooting unarmed men, offered to buy a man a whiskey, but when the man ordered a beer instead, Ringo shot him dead.)

The Cowboys were involved in a feud with the Earp brothers and Doc Holliday, a feud that Sheriff Behan encouraged because he was a weasel and felt threatened by the Earps’ influence in “his” town. When Kate thundered into the saloon, the boys saw an opportunity. Someone, surely one or more of the Cowboys, had recently robbed a Wells-Fargo wagon and murdered the driver. The Cowboys and Behan bought Kate as much whiskey as she could drink and persuaded her to swear that it was Doc Holliday who had done the deed, which she did right on the spot.

Kate recanted after she sobered up. Doc forgave her, and their relationship continued along its usual tempestuous course until Doc finally became so ill he required hospitalization. They never saw each other again, and Kate returned to Arizona, where she lived well into her 90s.

The building that was once the Grand Hotel in Tombstone is, today, Big Nose Kate’s Saloon. Numerous visitors have claimed that Kate’s ghost haunts its back rooms and corridors. Big Nose Kate was a hellion in life, a free spirit, an ass kicker and a name taker, so her lingering spirit is likely one spitfire of a spook.
-Modern Drunkard

Baboons cartwheel down a hill

Baboons cartwheel down a hill

Steve Ballmer Egged in Hungary

Krupo says...

Yeah, I noticed he missed.

One of my Hungarian friends watched, and said 'You can hear a guy in the background lamenting how this will reflect badly on the country'.

My friend agrees.

Uwe Boll Will Quit Making Movies with One Million Signatures (Cinema Talk Post)

Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime won't answer

How to build Invisible BookShelves

I Wouldn't Steal A Purse, But I Do Download Films

Farhad2000 says...

Downloading movies is immoral? Wow. Bit of a strech there ain't it?

Let's all admit one fact, good movies make alot of money regardless of pirating or not, bad movies don't make any money either way. Word of mouth is still the best way of getting to know good movies, and some movies simply have to be seen on the big screen, I regret not seeing Citizen Kane or Lawrence of Arabia on the big screen, but I bought both on DVD. Some movies I have no choice but download because frankly how else am I suppposed to see an arthouse Hungarian flick in the Middle East or Central Asia? the distribution model doesn't exist to cover viewers like me.

I believe the problem still inherently lies in an old distribution model trying to making money in a digital age, look at how the RIAA deals with their consumers their business model to this day. They need to rethink the market totally, some signs are already there, in Russia rampant piracy has forced companies to publish DVDs on the market very quickly to make back revenue from piracy, that works really well in a nation were piracy is rampant. These are the so called R9 rips that have Russian and English audio tracks.

I still think pulling down clips off Youtube is a stupid way to deal with piracy, there are countless old and new movies I watched because of clips or trailers up online, its free marketing. Pure online distribution should be readily taken up by the studios, as well as multi format releases occuring across several formats at the same time, cinema, Pay TV, rental and online (spreading revenue potential across alot more markets). Special DVD releases after 3 or so months would supplement that, HellBoy and Pitch Black made almost no money at the box office but DVD sales proved lucrative.

However re-thinking the model is harder and more risky then simply blaming piracy, but the problem won't go away at all especially with increasing digitization of the cinema format as a whole.

Tom and Jerry: The Cat Concerto

Grimm says...

WB made and released a Bugs Bunny animation the same year as this with the same plot. Both studios sued each other over it. Some people speculate that The Cat Concerto only won the academy award because it was screened first giving the illusion that "Rhapsody Rabbit" had stolen it's ideas from CC even though RR was the one that was copyrighted and released first.

swampgirl (Member Profile)

Deano says...

No, I'm not. I tend to read it through RSS now and again. I'll join if you say it's worthwhile

In reply to this comment by swampgirl:
NO, I've never seen this site. I spent about 20 min here earlier, I like it thanks Are you a member? If so, are they're more search options available to members?

In reply to this comment by Deano:
Hey Swampgirl, as master of all things Vintage have you heard of a site called Shorpy Vintage Photos? It's at and has the most fascinating archive of old pictures.

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Deano (Member Profile)

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