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Jon Stewart Grills Huckabee On Gay Marriage

SaNdMaN says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
In order to believe that gay 'marriage' is equal to heterosexual marriage, one must believe that there are no differences between men and women and that the two sexes are interchangeable.
It just ain't so.

I don't understand how you came to the conclusion that one must believe that both sexes are exactly the same.

Jon Stewart Grills Huckabee On Gay Marriage

Jon Stewart Grills Huckabee On Gay Marriage

charliem says...

Stewart just has such a way with words, hes so adroit and poignant with his remarks that he just cuts straight to the bone.

You could see Huckabee agrees with him, but its political suicide to say that out loud when the people keeping you in power dont agree.

misterwright hit it head on. A lot of political debates these days in the US seems to stem from an irrational thinking process, be it by religious influence, or just plane ignorance to begin with.

Id say that the education system has failed, but thats too close to a godwin invocation, this is much deeper than that, it just seems the south / bible-belt have made no attempts to actually better understand these issues outside of their gut reactions to it based on upbrining.

Its quite sad.

Jon Stewart Grills Huckabee On Gay Marriage

Jon Stewart Grills Huckabee On Gay Marriage

9980 says...


I was impressed at least with how Huckabee handled himself. He was respectful and polite, and really seemed to keep his composure, even in front of an unsympathetic audience. Kudos for that.

As for the actual argument, I really don't see how a rational person could disagree with the points that Stewart made, but then again, I suppose that's the heart of the problem.

Jon Stewart Grills Huckabee On Gay Marriage

NetRunner (Member Profile)

Ornthoron says...

I throw myself into your discussion with an interesting link about the dangers of Mike Huckabee. I also get creeped out by Huckabee because he is so damn likable. Even when he talks about the most fundamentalist parts of his religious views, it's impossible not to feel a little fond of him. I actually suspect Huckabee would have won over Obama if he had been the republican nominee instead of McCain.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

bamdrew says...

Well... fair enough. I get creeped out by Hucakbee for whatever reason, probably because he sounds like a youth minister and, well, projects himself like he's a pushover. Jindal has a HUGE brain, and has a record of punting corrupt assholes out of Louisiana government (... yeah, Palin did too, but again the smarts in Jindal's brain are very evident). The big thing against Jindal is he published some weird essay about how he was involved in performing an exorcism years ago... which is crazy amounts of fucked up, but in the same vein as Hucakbee's creepiness, actually.

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
A little bit. Every time I've heard him talk, he sounds pretty rational, for a Republican.

Someone who's young and non-white at the head of the GOP would certainly help out their image. Less so if the message is the same one as always, just in new packaging.

What little I've seen/heard of Jindal, he's just fresh paint on the same old GOP lines. He's a bit more respectful of the opposition, but he's still into this nuke Iran, drill for oil everywhere we can, cut taxes for the rich only, and god forbid we spend any government money on something the American people need thing the Republicans are into.

Huckabee actually seems willing to raise taxes (when not running for President), seems to genuinely think poverty and sickness are things government should try to address, and most shocking of all, he seems to be a good person, with a good soul.

He seems like a nice guy who just surrounds himself with bad people (the rest of the Republican party).

NetRunner (Member Profile)

bamdrew says...

have you been following this Jindal character? he's a very young Huckabee (similar crazed-religiosity, same random Republicanisms), but has a big brain.

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
Huckabee always gets me twisted in knots. He'll say things that I really, really like...then he goes and says something stupid.

I think if Republicans are smart, they'll run him against Obama.

Here's to hoping they run Palin against Obama instead.

Huckabee: Gay Rights Movement Hasn't Met Violence Threshold

NetRunner says...

Huckabee always gets me twisted in knots. He'll say things that I really, really like...then he goes and says something stupid.

I think if Republicans are smart, they'll run him against Obama.

Here's to hoping they run Palin against Obama instead.

Bill Maher & Mike Huckabee Discuss Faith


NetRunner says...

What, you think politics stops now?

You think the Republican party is in full surrender after tonight?

You think that Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and Mike Huckabee won't be filing their candidacy for the 2012 election tomorrow morning?

I'm gonna take a break I think, and bury myself in videogames for the winter (Fallout 3, Gears 2, Resistance 2, and WotLK await, at minimum), but the transition is going to be like an extended Christmas for me, as I hear the names of the new people to replace the Bush thugs spread throughout our government.

Just think, Dick Cheney replaced by Joe Biden. They could all be that much fun.

Bill Maher & Mike Huckabee Discuss Faith

jwray says...

"My response is that when Creationists talk about God creating every individual species as a separate act, they always instance hummingbirds, or orchids, sunflowers and beautiful things. But I tend to think instead of a parasitic worm that is boring through the eye of a boy sitting on the bank of a river in West Africa, [a worm] that's going to make him blind. And [I ask them], 'Are you telling me that the God you believe in, who you also say is an all-merciful God, who cares for each one of us individually, are you saying that God created this worm that can live in no other way than in an innocent child's eyeball? Because that doesn't seem to me to coincide with a God who's full of mercy'"

If Huckabee he believes all species are created by God, I don't think he's connected the dots yet by instantiating that universal quantifier to parasites and pathogens. A benevolent god would not create a species that can only survive by torturing people.

Bill Maher & Mike Huckabee Discuss Faith

thehelix says...

While I generally identify with Bill Mahr's viewpoint, I can definitely see where Huckabee is coming from. My dad is very similar to him and we've had many talks about religion that have helped me understand where he's coming from. Even if I don't agree with him.

Granted there are a huge number of wacko nutjobs like Bill Mahr takes issue with, there are also a large number of people like Mike Huckabee and my dad who believe in this way. So I could totally see where Huckabee was coming from and what he was trying to say.

I thought they both made excellent points even if the result was basically a draw. You'll never get either of those guys to come to an agreement on religion. The mindset, reality, and way of thinking are too far apart to be compatible.

Bill Maher & Mike Huckabee Discuss Faith

zor says...

Huckabee is the real deal, which is rare among Republican evangelical conservatives these days. There have been a couple of instances in AR where he applied to state law legislation that irked 'conservative Christians' by caring for the poor and suffering. It was as if he had a brain and knew the right thing to do.

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