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60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

newtboy says...

Speaking up does not do nothing.

Sometimes reasonable people make mistakes, and when shown the error of their ways, they change.

This is not the case here. Here, a race baiting video is posted by someone with a clear history of racist posts, thoughts, language, and who gives other racists his full support. That must be denounced strongly or others who are like minded or just ignorant might feel emboldened to repeat the Bob did, repeating the racist comments from YouTube, thinking the sarcasm button shields him from repercussions.

What does nothing is remaining silent or worse, defending the thinly veiled racism. Both of those actions, like ignoring measles or kudzu, allows it to spread and gain traction elsewhere until it's intractable. Nip it in the bud every single time is the only method that helps.

Btw, imo it's a better plan to find that homeless person and buy them a meal, or socks. Take them in a store (or restaurant if they're presentable enough to not bother other patrons), let them buy what they want or need, and pay for it. Yes, you have to interact with them longer and not just drop a bill to feel good about yourself, but the results are much better, and your gift won't be stolen by others or used for drugs. Those just looking for drug money will usually refuse the offer in my experience.

BSR said:

File that under the "Thoughts and Prayers" column. It does nothing.

....give him or her $20 bucks and drive away.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

BSR says...

File that under the "Thoughts and Prayers" column. It does nothing.

Try this sometime. While you are riding around in your car and happen to see a black homeless person, pick one that's not holding out a cup. Someone that's not expecting it and give him or her $20 bucks and drive away. It will fill your heart and theirs. Watch their face in your rearview mirror. You will feel like you saved the world and you never spoke a word.

JiggaJonson said:

I needed to say something.

Two Kilos of Meth

Free food McDonald's hack

A Better Way to Tax the Rich

newtboy says...

Yes, widespread poverty, largely because of insane wealth inequality. (I'll elaborate if you wish) The rich had plenty to eat, and as the dismissive "let them eat cake" implied, had no concern for those who didn't. It was that disparity paired with the dismissal of the peasants plight by the ruling class that tipped a bad situation into civil war/revolt, imo.

Yes, poor are going hungry in the United States, maybe not starving to death often, but suffering to death from ailments caused by the only diets they can afford, which barely qualify as food. No, it's not to the extent of 1700 France, but we wouldn't tolerate anywhere near those conditions today, so that argument is ludicrous.

The real poor in America don't have roofs or electricity, where are these TV'S they're parked in front of exactly? The homeless problem is growing exponentially...those are the real poor surfs in this analogy, not just people like me who can live fine on $15k a year.

dogboy49 said:

Yes, I have heard of the French Revolution. You seem to imply that the main cause was wealth inequality, but you have not offered any reason as to why you think that.

Many believe that the biggest contributor to the French Revolution was widespread poverty. Peasants were starving.

This condition does not exist today. Especially in the US, the poor are not suffering in the same way they were in France in the mid 1700's.

In France, it was necessary to riot in order to eat. Today's poor in the US have a hard time getting up from their TV sets.

A Better Way to Tax the Rich

Payback says...

Poor can't afford TV's now that there's no free broadcast stations anymore.

It's their phones they can't look away from.

Kids starving? Yep. Homeless? Check. Deal drugs and/or pimp yourself out just to survive? Sure, but you'll pry my iPhone from my cold, dead hands.

dogboy49 said:

In France, it was necessary to riot in order to eat. Today's poor in the US have a hard time getting up from their TV sets.

The Real National Emergency Is Climate Change: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

Fixing and upgrading our crumbling infrastructure could easily create enough of those jobs at least short term, by which I mean one to two decades, to employ every single able bodied American....granted, that's less than 1/3 of us, but would make unemployment rare.

Some countries have tried the free check/minimum income. It turned out to have zero effect on employment, no one decided they shouldn't work and just live on the stipend, it was under $600 a month, but they did find a huge benefit in well being and homelessness.
I don't see a huge difference from social security except age.

That said, I agree, what I've read of this new deal is overreaching pie in the sky dreaming that only made those supporting it seem unrealistic and not serious.

My new deal would trade all these benefits for sterilization after one child. Anyone with two kids pays more and is excluded from benefits, those with 3 or more go to work camps to pay society back for their irresponsibility. Lower the population by 1/2 and solving all these issues becomes exponentially simpler....many solve themselves.

Mordhaus said:

A job with family-sustaining wages, family and medical leave, vacations, and retirement security (Nice, but you can't just make these jobs available. They are supply and demand.)

Economic security to all who are unable or unwilling to work (SWEET! SIGN ME UP FOR THAT CHECK!!!)

man with dead raccoon carcass on San Francisco McDonald's

Christmas Time in California Sucks

C-note (Member Profile)

Who steals a cheese grater?

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

newtboy says...

To be clear, 99% of Americans don't have any problems with socialism as long as they belong to the group getting the handouts.

Case and point, $12 billion in farm welfare to ease the "temporary" (yet to be seen) pain Trump's trade war is causing farmers (so much for free market economics). You won't find any Republican farmers turning that money down just because they hate socialism, but those same people denounce welfare for the un and under employed, the hungry, and the homeless as harmful and unAmerican.

As to affirmative action, keep in mind the specific case mentioned was about reversing sexual discrimination too, not just race and class. How, exactly, they think public institutions can achieve the diversity of genders and races many are required by law to achieve without looking at gender or race is beyond me.

It bears noting, the people claiming to hate socialism (but who love our socialist programs like the military) invariably don't think giving the disenfranchised and those denied opportunity preferential treatment is OK....until that includes them.

vil said:

Interesting point.
Probably because you have much more diversity and social mobility in Canada, less segregation.
Affirmative action is a strange concept but American society seems to be finding it hard to find other ways to reverse deepening class and race segregation.
Strange that they have such a problem with socialism (essentially giving poor people money, education and health services), while giving minorities preferential treatment is OK.

Being happy has nothing to do with money (or drugs)

bcglorf says...

Not to be pedantic, but I know enough people who've claimed money has "nothing to do with happiness" literally that I have to counter it.

If you lack the money to keep you, or even more your children nourished or protected from the elements, you will discover there are many reasons for unhappiness that money can aid with. Money in no way grants or guarantees happiness, but there are a lot of things that make you miserable and sad that money can overcome, hungry and homeless children being the most obvious.

Cyanide & Happiness Gets Demonetized by YouTube (remix)

Dave Grohl's Short Film, 'How I Ended Up In Seattle'

SFOGuy says...

tech changed it; I mean, just think: Amazon and Microsoft.
And Seattle just passed a payroll tax against Amazon's wishes to try and pay for some of the services the voters think the homeless folks need (there's an effect from gentrification in this case).

Payback said:

At the end, he wishes Seattle would "take him back". I think he means the Seattle of the 90s. It's a lot different now, thanks to Corporate America discovering there's money to be vacuumed up.

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