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STUDY: $500 Per Month Life Changing For The Homeless

newtboy says...

Did they offer that in the program, or was it only random individuals….or are you extrapolating, assuming the program became universal? I thought this plan was just for the indigent.

$500 each for 4 works out to more than my wife brought home for 40 hours a week after 15 years at her last job…..barely livable for 4 anywhere in California, a nice income in some states. Not a huge amount to provide for 6 months. How much does temporary housing, services, extra law enforcement, etc cost over that time for 4 people? I assume they’re close.

Yes, universal income is costly, but most on the right won’t consider giving the destitute money if they don’t get a handout too, that likely multiplies the amount by over 10 times. With a means test, it would be billions, maybe under $100 billion. We spent nearly $6 trillion on bad Covid response in 2020, including trillions to corporate welfare handouts with no strings attached and they still fired millions of workers. I think if that’s ok we can afford to invest in making people productive again instead of drains on society (of course, not everyone will benefit, but 75% success must be a win overall). If not, socialize any corporation that took a bailout, we bought em, we should own them.

…Or taking on more debt like every government project, but the increase in gdp from turning costs into profits likely pays for the program without a dime in new taxes, just a reduction in costs of handling the homeless and new taxes from their incomes….especially if you have a means test and not universal income.

Yes, they convoluted by calling it universal income but focusing on homeless. It should be UMI. Universal Minimum Income….under employed get less than unemployed up to a certain minimum livable combined income, fully employed (with living wages) get nothing….IMO. Sadly, a large portion of people can’t see what’s in that plan for them (no homeless, less crime dumbshits) so won’t consider it unless they also get $500 even though that’s not even a noticeable amount to them….one more ivory backscratcher.

bcglorf said:

I'm gonna have to be that guy. $500 a month for a family of four is $2k, which is a very good chunk of money to drop in your lap.

That works out the same as it they were on a single income, working 40 hour weeks at $10/hr, so almost equivalent to a full time job. No doubt that's gonna be a big deal and noticeable financial improvement to the recipient(s).

As always with UBI schemes, the devil is in how you pay for it. If it's truly universal, paying $500/month to ~330 million Americans would cost $1.98 Trillion dollars, meanwhile the current entire US gov budget for 2022 is estimated at $1.2 Trillion.

So, to implement $500/month universally in America would require not only increasing overall tax revenues by almost 50% it would also require the cancellation of 100% of every single other expenditure. That not includes military spending going to zero, but even cancelling the jobs of everyone that collects taxes and would presumably have been responsible for distributing the $500 checks.

If the 'fix' is to just tax the pants off anyone earning more than the $500/month, or limiting who we give it to, then it ceases to be a UBI scheme, and is instead just a mundane modification of the existing social security scheme by shuffling more money back and forth between different folks.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Poor Bob.
Every case of voter fraud found I’ve heard of was committed by a Republican bar one, a Democrat who’s husband died but she cast his vote anyway….for Trump. That’s 399 Republican cases, one semi-Democrat….or as you say, both sides….good people on both sides. 🤦‍♂️

Yes, I’ve had enough Republican voter fraud, schemes from single fraudulent votes to ballot harvesting and changing to schemes to throw out millions of votes based on Republican lies and false claims. Voter ID doesn’t address any of the fraud that actually happens.

Remember Trump’s national commission looking at voter fraud, the voting integrity commission….from 2017!? Remember how it quietly disappeared because they couldn’t find ANY fraud? Back then Trump said he would make certain there wasn’t any fraud going forward….what happened? That seemed vitally important to you people. Did he just forget? Did he fail miserably? Or did he make up the fraud fraud because his ego can’t accept that he lost in a historic landslide?

That said, under 400 possible cases nation wide, barely any in person frauds at all, none capable of changing the outcome of any elections (well, there actually was a mayoral race I read was overturned because of one fraudulent vote scheme by one candidate, but that wasn’t in person and the system caught it) …that is absolutely not a reason to disenfranchise millions of voters (I remind you that’s exactly what Republicans called for when you lost in 2020…just throw out any votes in areas where you claimed an individual fraud, invariably areas where Democrats won). It’s not a reason to put up road blocks that disenfranchise millions by putting poll taxes and hurdles in place.

I support a voter ID, if the ID is free and obtainable by anyone regardless of their documentation….but that makes it worthless. If the ID costs money, that’s a poll tax, and illegal. If the requirements to get the ID cost money, that’s a poll tax and out. If the affluent can obtain the ID easily, but the indigent have to spend a day or more in line to get one, no. Issue free national ID to everyone, including homeless, then it’s not too much of an obstacle. I think voting should be an obligation for every citizen over 18…I’ve never skipped an election even though I rarely like who I can vote for.

I point out that a voter ID law would do almost nothing to combat any fraud, because in person fraud isn’t the issue. Falsely claiming fraud is the issue. Republicans trying to defraud the system with fraudulent electors is a problem. Republicans harvesting mail in ballots from the elderly and filling them in for Republican candidates is a problem. Voter ID doesn’t address these problems, the real election fraud issues with real consequences, instead they target the poor with clear intent to dissuade them from exercising their rights, effectively blocking millions of votes from fear one invalid vote might be cast. That is the intent, and the result…not election security, but massive vote denials of a targeted population.

How about imagining requiring a firearm ID, required to buy, own, or possess a firearm, with fees, renewal fees, and documentation requirements to obtain….oh wait, I don’t have to, someone in congress suggested it (in the 90’s I think) and the right lost it’s fucking mind over the draconian government trampling their rights…but similar requirements to vote, sure, that’s fine because the ID they already have is acceptable….fuck the rights of people who don’t have a drivers license.
In person voter fraud is not an issue, voter ID solves a problem that doesn’t exist and creates a major problem for millions….intentionally.

His ratings are crappy largely because he’s not doing enough, not because of what he’s done. He needs to replace Garland with someone willing to prosecute sedition against representatives and ex presidents. They’re in the shitter because 35% (you) automatically disapprove simply because he’s not Trump, and 35% disapprove because he’s not replacing Trump era policy enough. I’m in the latter category, as are most people I know, but we understand that without congress functioning there’s little he can do, and Republicans have the practical majority even though they’re the minority on paper. Keep killing off right wingers and maybe that will change this year, but I’m not holding my breath.

Lol. Failed economy? Sorry, Trump is the one who gave us a negative GDP, tens of millions unemployed, and an unmitigated pandemic with a cadre of morons unwilling to believe in it or take any safety measures to combat it. My portfolio lost 8-10% over 4 years under Trump, it gained over 30% in one year under Biden. If that’s failing, keep failing! GDP near -3% in 2020…+4% 2021…predicted to be 9% 2022. -3%!!! And you want to talk economy?! You fucktard.
Inflation….Trump printed 1/3 of every dollar circulating! That’s what causes inflation, you devalue the dollar when you print more. The market takes time to react….there’s going to be more coming to pay for Trump’s spending spree. Dumbass.
Covid! You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! Covid is a right wing (Trump) caused issue, made much worse by far right insanity of denial and conspiracy, and now nearly all hospitalization and death is anti vaxers, who are nearly all far right nutters that followed Trump’s “lead” and who’s heads exploded when he recently told them to get vaccinated. Look at “leftist” countries like New Zealand to compare a leftist government’s response results. (52 deaths). Moron.

Trump’s tax rates didn’t improve unemployment rates, or the economy. They didn’t trickle down. Growth went negative under those cuts, unemployment went to double digits! Debt and deficit went into orbit, rising faster than ever by miles….but that didn’t matter one whit to you when it was Republican debt and deficit, a much worse Republican economy, and insanely higher Republican unemployment rates. Idiot.

Holy fuck. Talk about ignoring reality. What color is the sky in your world? Is the ocean in the air with fish swimming overhead there?!

bobknight33 said:

Poor newt.

Had you had enough of voter fraud? No side should cheat but they do.

Do you support Voter ID ?
Or is that still too much effort on American Citizens?

Joe Biden is doing a terrible job. His ratings is in the shitter not only from Conservatives but also independents.


The only keeping America going is Trumps tax rates. Once those go up growth will slow and unemployment will creep up

YouTuber tracking down guy who stole his stuff

Good Morning VIETNAM Creedence Clearwater Revival

noims says...

"A simple handshake and 'Thank you for your service' really DOES help"

... but not nearly enough.

Who here thinks US veteran homelessness and suicide rates are within reasonable levels and/or are sufficiently funded?

Prevention is better than cure, but if you're going to fuck someone that hard you can at least treat them decently afterwards.

Homelessness: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

Of course that goes for drinkers too, right?! Alcohol is one of the most destructive drugs of choice.

I’ve smoked an oz of marijuana a week for over 38 years, I’ve never been homeless, I own my home outright and have zero debt. Think again.

True psychological (not physical) drug addiction is a recognized disease caused by the structure of your brain, not a choice.
Physical addiction is far from a choice. Many if not most opioid addicts started with legitimate pain medications and became physically addicted, then turned to illicit drugs when their prescription ran out to avoid withdrawals.

Wrong on all counts, TT (Bob). Being wrong 99.99% of the time is a choice. So is being a douche.

TangledThorns said:

If you're a drug addict then expect to be homeless someday. Drug addiction is a choice.

Homelessness: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

w1ndex (Member Profile)

People Share Their Secret Anonymously (episode 11)

BSR says...

I was 18+or- when I used a restroom at a local town park and found a $50 bill on the floor next to the toilet. I was the only one in there. As I walked out and got about halfway to my car a man walked over to me who saw me just leave the restroom. He asked me if found a $50 dollar bill in the restroom and I told him "no". He went on his way to the restroom and I got back in my car and left.

It bothered me afterward to a point that when I see a homeless person I give them no less than $20 even if they don't ask for it. I feel as though the first $50 I gave away was paid back in a way because it wasn't mine. I continue to give to the homeless at times because I feel like I'm paying for my dishonesty that day. I'm still not sure how much longer it will take before I forgive myself.

*walks away without showing my face and toilet paper stuck on my shoe*

Catching A Wild Bee Swarm

Biden Has A Lot To Boast About In New Covid Relief Bill

StukaFox says...

Bob, as much as this'll surprise you, I totally agree with what you're saying. The distribution of the stimulus money to couples making up to $150,000 is friggen ridiculous -- and I'm in that category. I will do what I did with the last two checks: give to local charities helping the homeless and communities of color (as much as I hate that term).

The worst part of this is that it sets up a liquidity trap. The Fed can't reduce buying crap debt (that BBB dogshit is at 4% should terrify anyone who understands how debt and the rating agencies work), nor can they allow rates to rise (thus totally screwing responsible savers). This is the cusp of a financial disaster that blew past 1929 on 9/17/19 and is now approaching the cataclysm of the South Seas Company collapsing. As far as I can see, this is a total melt-up in the markets because there's no stable returns and everyone is now in speculation mode.

Were it my call, I would scale the money along income (or non-income) lines: $10k for the lowest incomes, sliding scale from there. I'd also set up government-backed savings accounts that pay 10% for those people and only those people. I'd also pay off/down student debt along the same income scales.

I do not begrudge the wealthy for their wealth. But capitalism can't be a winner-take-all system. We live in a society, and society will always have winners and losers. The least we can do is ease the burden for those at the bottom by taking some from the top. I'm tired of the homeless camps and mentally-ill people wandering the streets of Seattle. They are the least of us and thus should be the ones who get the most help.

bobknight33 said:

End of the day Americans got $1400 and a tax bill for 1.9 Trillion.

Again, Americans got screwed.

Fire Burns Under Austin Freeway at homeless camp

Mordhaus says...

Hard to say, due to the current laws on 'camping' in Austin, the police and other services have been hands off on the homeless.

newtboy said:

I hope that's not a bat habitat.

I can't believe they didn't close the ramp. Fire destroys concrete.

That’s just blocks from my brother’s house.

BSR (Member Profile)

Republicans in 2018 Post-Midterm Elections

newtboy says...

Edit: some of us would prefer the president be up to speed on day one, not as a spectator but as a leader. I get that a leader who's prepared to lead is a new concept, but we need one desperately.

You seem to be under the impression that distribution nation wide doesn't need constant supervision and revision. You are sadly misinformed.
The preparation from the Whitehouse isn't complete, distribution of most vaccines requires deep freeze shipping to facilities with proper sub zero storage, and all the equipment for each shot, and a system in place to offer it to only the most at risk (and to deny the asshole who won't wait), personnel, facilities, policies, and equipment. None of that is completed.

Edit: oddly you seem to think a program set up by the Trump team will be flawless and perfectly functional from day one, unlike every other program they set up. When it turns out they planned to use ice cream trucks for delivery, but they aren't cold enough so 30 million doses spoil on the docks, Biden shouldn't be prepared? When it turns out the vaccine that needs sub zero refrigeration is the only one that really works, he shouldn't have a backup plan ready? Why would you assume it will function adequately totally hands off when nothing works that way, especially the biggest mass vaccine program ever?

If you think the federal government isn't going to be in charge, you're again misinformed badly. Operation warp speed, the distribution policy/agency, is in charge... it's a federal program. It will need constant supervision and retooling. Biden will be directly in charge there and should be informed and prepared, not shooting from the hip.

You left out the federal government and manufacturers and manufacturers of needles etc...The most important players in distribution.

Lol...You act like the white house isn't directly in charge of the distribution, they are.

Biden is just now being told the details of the plan, who's involved, and how it's supposed to work. As the leader of the plan, he should be fully informed before taking charge so he can fix whatever the moron who's sycophants designed it screwed up. Until he knows the plan and where and how we are setting it up and what stage we are at, he cannot possibly make his own plans to improve and facilitate it. Duh, that's the point here. You can't be that dense.

Two months is not enough time to be properly briefed on everything he needs to know, as explained in the 9/11 report.

The army, cia, and other agencies had plans for Osama in spring 2001, but Bush was all but unaware of any issues because he lost a few weeks of briefing time during the transition. This is a MAJOR factor in the success of the attack, as he didn't take any action on a problem he was unaware of.

Same goes here.

I know you disagree, you do little else. Fortunately, people with your mindset won't be running things for long, then we can make progress on this and a multitude of fronts Trump screwed it that you even disagree he screwed up his pandemic response despite America being the worst hit country, and despite Covid not disappearing November 4 like he promised? Edit: do you not think it likely a trump response plan could be improved on?

There's so much to fix, like a looming depression, looming homeless armies about to be evicted, payback of the payroll tax holiday, new war with Iran, revision of our Russian policies, international relationships to mend, internal civil unrest, complete erosion of trust in law enforcement, 4 more years of completely ignoring infrastructure, treaties to rejoin, etc. He needs every second available to be as briefed on everything so he doesn't repeat Trump's ignorance of policy and law leading to more trumpian mistakes of ignorance and bravado, costing more lives.

greatgooglymoogly said:

You seem to be under the impression nothing is being done to prepare for distribution already. You're sadly misinformed.
There is already widespread preparation to distribute the vaccine once it is approved, tens of millions of doses are being manufactured and stored. There is coordination between the army, pharmacies, states, and nursing homes for the delivery. There won't be much left for Biden to do other than continue the program health professionals have created. It shouldn't need to be said, but I give Trump no credit for this.

If Biden has a plan explaining how the following is bad policy and will cost lives, please point me to his policy paper outlined his improvements.

Deported F**king Vets - Klepper

wtfcaniuse says...

Don't want to deal with all the homeless vets, injured vets, vets fighting PTSD with SFA support? Deport as many as you can! Problem solved, the American way.

How many vets go to prison? Well, when they have no support structure, poor physical and mental healthcare, no reintegration courses, no post service job networks. A LOT of vets can go downhill very quickly. If you're homeless, have chronic injuries, painkiller addiction and PTSD you're probably going to end up in trouble. If you can't take care of a veteran for life don't fucking start a war.

Klepper deserves some sort of restraint award for not punching that thundercunt.

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Republican

luxintenebris jokingly says...

the grand old party is as good as their word.

why should we worry? deny the president was guilty and removing him, only strengthen america's chances against a killer virus...right? pence would have been worse on the covid response...right? like pontius pilate the call was in their hands.

these are the same folks that say corporations are people, we can wait on infrastructure, healthcare and education necessities, they can channel the forefathers, and the almighty put their presidential candidates on the ballot.

as the god chosen they've divine this is the time to start another holy war. during a time when...
- a virus cold war is going on. rubes with attitudes spitting lines about constitutionality and freedom (spitting being the keyword). then accusations that the spit-upon are politizing the disease
- blm movements meeting up w/the far-right press and punks
- half the country is on fire and the other under water
- homelessness, evictions, unemployment, and the real possibility of a bone-crushing depression settling in longer than covid itself...

...and now the might right wants to add to the fire. like they are running a gender identification party.

any wonder my moscow mitch had a 13% approval rating? if the republicans hate their representatives, what chance does anything else have?

sure. justice cruz will be a salve to soothe the burn. like ethanol in hell.

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