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Opposing Forcing The Ten Commandments In Public Schools

newtboy says...

Doesn’t it bother you that your messiah/idol has proudly broken every single commandment, most of them daily? Clearly not, because even you don’t believe this nonsense.

He went so far as to create a golden Trump for you to bow down and worship. He is the epitome of coveting, adultery, “bearing false witness” (lying), and theft on an industrial scale, worships the dollar, doesn’t even know what the Sabbath is, and has never once given testimony that wasn’t false and self serving, and he definitely puts himself above god….
This is you guy, this you pick, the farthest from following these religious laws as you could find.….clearly proving you don’t believe in your religion or you wouldn’t support someone diametrically opposed to its tenets just because he hates who you hate and promises the moon.

You wouldn’t be in a party diametrically opposed to them either. Coveting and bearing false witness are the main features of your party, every MAGA rep has committed adultery and stolen, and taken an oath to put the constitution above their religion at their job (an oath most then immediately break, that’s 3 commandments broken with one “I do”).

Most Christians wear idols. Very few remember the correct sabbath, the Jewish sabbath, and almost none “keep it holy”. (Remember, “keeping it holy” specifically means killing anyone who works or has others work on the sabbath, stoning them.). You pick and choose which to observe and when, and which to force others to observe at your whim.

Good people don’t support evil for personal gain. Fascists do. You do.
It says volumes that you don’t understand this country was founded in large part as direct opposition to government enforcement of ANY religion. It’s the very first right the constitution guarantees…no government establishment of religion. Any college graduate knows that, but you don’t.

At most, only 3 of these commandments are crimes, the rest is immoral indoctrination.

“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion..” -John Adams, unanimously ratified by congress in 1797

I don’t know if there’s a god or a heaven, but one thing I know for certain is you’re going to hell.

bobknight33 said:

You shall have no other Gods before me
You shall not make for yourselves an idol
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not give false testimony
You shall not covet

MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod

moonsammy says...

OH MY. I watched the video after playing what I *thought* was the game, and I missed a LOT. I tried spoiling only tiny bits of it at a time and seeing how far I could get before I needed another spoiler, but it was too complicated to do it that way. Ended up just watching the rest of the video.

This is an astoundingly complex work of art. Huge credit to whoever the hell made it, and I hope more people (and not JUST people who've played Doom before) watch and/or try it, to appreciate just how amazing it is.

*promote this wonderful madness.

moonsammy said:

I played this without watching the video, and am glad I did. Really excellent mod, and the ways it fucks with you are quite ingenious!

750th Episode Opening Credits | Couch Gag | The Simpsons

newtboy jokingly says...

Or they could have left out Hans Moleman because something bad happened to him….like it always does.

I think it would have been hilarious to sneak Akbar and Jeff, or Bongo in there somewhere.
(I’ve been a Groening fan since the “Life In Hell” series)

noims said:

I haven't gone through looking, but it would be great if they left out Grimey, just to annoy his fictional corpse.

edit: aaaw, here's there beside Mindy 25 seconds in. Could they have left out Gill so he doesn't get appearance fees?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Incorrect, you have for years now undeniably (by honest people) been hell bent on exposing all fantasy Democratic fuckery you either made up or believed without evidence… and hell bent on hiding and denying the 99% of anti democratic fuckery that comes from Republicans.

If there are piles, why can’t you find more than one actual case for every 100 I offer you of Republican death destruction and debauchery?

You spend plenty of time and hatred on your silly fact free replies, that’s self evident in your dishonest often racist, allways hateful posts. Pretend you don’t, it only makes you more dishonest. Better, you completely waste your time posting them here where absolutely no one will be fooled, we all know how silly and dishonest you are. I get the benefit of learning a little something every time I debunk some nonsense propaganda you posted.

I have plenty of time, early retirement debt free is nice, but the posts you refer to are simply replies to your hatred and lies. It’s true, I do hate lies and liars, but I don’t spend much time on you. 5 minutes to research and reply while watching TV more often than not. I know the same takes you an hour, usually without the research part. That’s the advantage of actually knowing things. It’s true though, it still takes longer to debunk the fact free stupid lies you spout than it does to spout them….or would if I didn’t think you type at 15 wpm…and I never just disappear when I’m proven wrong (largely because you’ve never proven me wrong about anything salient, but others have and I’m happy to admit it, even thank them).

The economy ALWAYS does better under Democratic control, always worse under Republicans. Laws always become more draconian, more one sided, and more unfairly applied under Republicans. In my lifetime, business always takes precedence over citizen’s rights, health, or even life under Republicans. Your leader actually called for suspending the constitution because he lost the election…and you STILL ridiculously claim Republicans are better. Just absolutely asinine even from a brain dead slug like yourself.

You watch OAN propaganda and believe all of California is skid row, every bit of it, and nothing can convince you differently.

If you can find someone to explain these statistics to you, you’ll see California adds >$93k per person to the economy, N Carolina < $64k per person, and Cali is over 15% of Americans economy, N Carolina 3%. I guess MAGA doesn’t like success.
I live in a state with the biggest, most robust economy in America, that more people want to move to than any other state if they can afford it, where there are services for the indigent and mentally unstable and a >$30 billion SURPLUS last year…more than your state’s entire budget.

Red states are going the wrong direction. Consistently more gun violence, far worse economy, worse unemployment (hardly bad thanks to Biden though), more welfare, more draconian laws, less freedoms, fewer rights. The right has drug their populations down like a lead balloon. You like to point to “democratic cities” but hide when it’s pointed out that states make gun laws and red states are MUCH worse.

You are NOT an independent, bob. Why would you lie such a stupid blatant lie? You are HARD CORE MAGA.
You would want that for your state because having more money and freedom are GOOD THINGS….unless you’re MAGA I guess. Derp.

bobknight33 said:

That's because I'm not hell bent on exposing Democrat fuckery.
There are piles of fuckery on the left - If one were to look.

There is more important things to do in life.

You have nothing to do in life except stew in you hatred. This is self evident in you posts.

All one needs to know is that Democrats are more wrong in how America should be run.

You live in a state totally run by democrats and it is going in the wrong direction.

Most cities in the US are Democrats run and also running in the wrong direction.

Why, as an independent. who votes Republican want that for my state?

Somehow you can't see that.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

That's because I'm not hell bent on exposing Democrat fuckery.
There are piles of fuckery on the left - If one were to look.

There is more important things to do in life.

You have nothing to do in life except stew in you hatred. This is self evident in you posts.

All one needs to know is that Democrats are more wrong in how America should be run.

You live in a state totally run by democrats and it is going in the wrong direction.

Most cities in the US are Democrats run and also running in the wrong direction.

Why, as an independent. who votes Republican want that for my state?

Somehow you can't see that.

newtboy said:

Today’s Republican criminal fraud Tennessee Congressman Andy Ogles who is ANOTHER Santos/Trump style liar about his résumé stole over $25000 of donations for a public child’s cemetery he never built.
Google it.

I’ve got more daily, you whine about Democrats but you only come up with 1 example for every 100 examples of Republican criminality at higher levels.

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

StukaFox says...

It looks like we're all Bay Area refugees!

My Camaro was a shark-nose '97.

For classics, I owned a '73 Charger SE and I loved me the hell out of that car, too. It was the size of an aircraft carrier and the engine compartment was bigger than my condo. The scariest thing about that car was how easily the back end would come around in a sharp turn. The first rains of the year were a horror show when the pavement was like oiled glass. "Am I gonna beat that red? Gun it! ... uh-oh."

Now I drive a Mazda 3 and responsibly. Getting old sucks.

eric3579 said:

The fastest I've ever traveled in a car was when I rode in my friend's '68 Firebird on the straightaway near Scotts Valley on Highway 17, where we hit just shy of 140mph. The car felt like it was going to shake itself apart. Never felt the need or want to go anywhere close to that speed again.

What year was your Z-28? Got pics? I absolutely LOVED me some late 60s Firebirds and Camaros when i was younger.

CHP Officer not happy when you go 90 mph

StukaFox says...

I got pulled over by the CHP for doing 110 outside King City in California.

The cop didn't even ask how fast I was going. He just said "110" and then he said "I'm going to write you up for 80 and save your license."

"Thank you, Officer." -- and I was sincere as fuck when I said it, too.

That was the last speeding ticket I got and it was over 20 years ago. Luckily, there was no cop around when I hit 140 on highway 237 outside Mountain View a week later. I miss the hell out of my Z-28!

Baltimore City Police Fatal Crash 2-8-23 Footage

newtboy says...

Immorality next to bob….yep. I believe that’s the 11th level of hell, for advanced sinners only.

BSR said:

Immortality would be your worst nightmare... next to bob I mean.

NATO Declares Nord Pipeline Ruptures Sabotage

newtboy says...

Nice one comrade. Putin will definitely send you an extra ration of borscht for towing the party line.

Such an anti American idiot you are. There’s no way in hell you really are one. Next you’ll be claiming you’re a Jewish Israeli.

bobknight33 said:

America blew it up.

Joe did that.

They knew and now we know the President knew

newtboy says...

So, now that you’ve had time to confirm that only Trump (and his SOD under his orders) can call up the national guard in DC, and that more police were requested (but not deployed) early by everyone but Trump’s pro-insurrection people….now what?

A federal judge has cited the house Jan. 6 committee's final report since it was made public last week, ruling Wednesday that then-President Trump's remarks to a crowd on Jan. 6 telling them to "fight like hell” could have signaled to his supporters that he wanted them "to do something more" than just protest. It was clear to all that peaceful protests outside would not “stop the steal”, another thing he instructed the crowd was imperative to “save our country”.
Clearly that’s not the only phrase he used that indicated he, and his people, wanted violence. “Trial by combat”, “take your country back”, “stop the steal” all imply the same call to violence, especially when delivered to his rabid, well armed, ready to get “wild” crowd.
While this does rise to the level of incitement, it does not create a legal shield that they were acting on legal orders from the president as many have claimed in court.

It’s also been made public that Trump tried to give a blanket pardon to every insurrectionist….indicating he knows it was a criminal insurrection because you can’t pardon innocent people….also indicating he believed it was only his rabid supporters there, because he would never consider pardoning ANTIFA activists (that weren’t there) for one picosecond.

bobknight33 said:

Who is in charge of capital security?
Who is charge of calling them up?

At what point did Trump say Lets Storm the Capital and take over ?

He never said / implied such a thing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He’s already said he won’t step down, and has gop support. They can’t very well remove him for lying and stay themselves. there’s no way in hell the GOP thinks him lying about literally everything but his name (and has anyone checked on that?) is more important than his expected MAGA vote.

That’s good you cashed out, but absolutely disgusting that you continued to suggest others buy while you were cashing out. If you told the truth and were still buying at 400 for the long haul last year like you were shouting to anyone who would listen, you lost at least 1/3-1/2 your investment by selling around 200. If you had listened to many here instead of obstinately contradicting all advice, you would have doubled what you got out.

Just last week you were saying I was wrong when I said it was going to crash. You said it was a great time to buy. It’s crash has nothing to do with an imaginary recession and little to do with fed rate hikes, it’s pure mismanagement that tanked them. Tesla has crashed twice as hard as average car companies.

Wait….are you suddenly saying severe covid restrictions by China were lifesaving and absolutely the right thing? …and now that they’re lifting expect major disruptions and death? Who is this?

Amazon got hit, I don’t know why, I don’t have any (but might grab some) so haven’t watched it. Meta was never going to succeed, it was an idiotic idea to retry “second life” with billions invested and no demand.

Many growth stocks are growing. My portfolio is growing, not crashing.

Again, there’s no recession. You just want to pretend there’s one to blame Biden. GDP grew 3.2% in q3 and is expected to be 3.7% q4.

bobknight33 said:

Santos and all need to be vetted. Let him step down. America has enough elected lairs.

I sold 1/2 of Tesla at 240 , a lot more at 204 and the rest at 190. So I'm just in cash. If I were to by at today price I would obtain just about 2x the number of shares I sold.

Tesla down 11% today and IMO will continue to fall. Yet to see the up coming recession Q1 Q2, Yet to see implications of all the Fed Rate hikes. Should see this start to appear on upcoming Q4 results.

Now that China has lifted restrictions Mass Covid infections and deaths. This will also affect global economy.

Tesla is not the only getting the snot beaten out of them. Amazon , Meta and all others taken hits. Growth stock getting harder.

This is a great opportunity. Take advantage of this upcoming recession and buy you favorite stock at steep discount.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I love how you proved me right again by just going silent when, for the 7396th time I proved my statements correct and proved yours to be lies with direct unadulterated, non biased information direct from the source, in this case the courts, the DA’s filings, and the publicly available portions of transcripts of the MAGA terrorist’s confession.
You have never once returned that favor in all the years you’ve been here. Not once….because you can’t prove lies with facts. You come up with stupidity like “it was Pelosi’s gay lover, he’s not MAGA” because you don’t care a bit about truth, honesty, civility, facts, or honor, you just need to be the biggest rancid uncleaned douche bag possible at all times in every situation. How’s that working out for you? ROTFLMFAHS!!!

Treasonous Trump’s traitorous lawyer Stefan Passantino being prosecuted for, as a Trump White House lawyer, instructing administration employees to lie to the Jan 6 committee about nearly everything.
The lawyer informed them to claim they don’t recall when they absolutely did recall information, saying “they don’t know if you know, so it’s fine.”
Ba-da-dum dum dum….another one bites the dust.
He was fired for intimidating his “clients” who were testifying against Trump on behalf of Trump. He’s also charged with making lucrative employment offers to witnesses if they testified right, offers that were all withdrawn when they testified honestly.

He also took private privileged attorney client information and told opposing council (Trump’s other lawyers) in direct contradiction of his client’s stated wishes AND THE LAW.

Every move by Trump’s team is a crime, every statement a lie, every accusation an admission. You sure picked one hell of a losing team….you all must have gotten real tired of winning, because you really stopped doing it long ago.

More Making Attorneys Get Attorneys. The real MAGA….because MAGA is a criminal terrorist enterprise….and you’re part of it.

Bonus, Trump’s DOJ hid the reports on the privately built sections of border fence because they showed complete failure to follow any environmental laws and horrific construction techniques so bad portions were falling down before the assessment could be done. He had the reports hidden in order to give the “construction company” (fraud) a $1.7 billion contract to “build” more. All of what they built is so sub par it may need another $2-3 billion to remove it as trash before it falls into the Rio Grande and becomes a major river hazard and environmental disaster.
Just another in the never ending stream of grift and theft from Trump….this one alone cost well over $2 billion. Go on, whine about how much the Jan 6 committee cost and beg for Hunter to be investigated. Such a mindless braying moron you are.

Can’t wait for those taxes…I bet you any amount Trump’s worth exponentially less than he claims. Trump had the IRS break the law and not audit him, in direct contradiction of his claims and the law.

Teen Boy Saves His Dad’s Life By Lifting Fallen Truck

luxintenebris jokingly says...

oh! you know it's real.

did you see the gap between dad & son? both looked uncomfortable as either one of them would have even fist-bumped.

check @ :20
mom is smiling, clutching Hercules's hand. looking at the other siblings to see if they're enjoying this at much as she is.

ain't that good of actors out there.

'tho make for some good banter between father & son...

"do i have to mow the lawn? i did save your life."
"you can lift a truck but pushing a mower is too much to ask?"

Khufu said:

Did anyone see the truck move when 'picked up' or 'dropped'?

Texas's new 31 billion dollar seawall to be constructed

newtboy says...

So…a state that denies climate change wants twenty billion of federal tax money (60 billion+ before its finished) to protect the tax exempt industry most responsible for climate change from the destruction is brings that they deny is real….all on taxpayer money, not a bit industry funded.

I grew up in Houston/Galveston. This is stupidity. There’s no way in hell they’ll ever stop hurricane flooding. The barriers would need to be 30 ft tall, not 5. They would also need to redirect numerous rivers that outflow through the coast, and find a way to remove unfathomable amounts of flood waters coming from land. I was there for Alicia, a relatively small hurricane in the 80’s, and all of Houston was 5 ft under water, with the bayous 40ft above their channels. That water flows into the Galveston area….behind these barriers.

This is a massive boondoggle that will never be built for dozens of reasons, but will still make numerous politicians and their families disgustingly rich, and may eventually partially protect some high value real estate, but never the entire coast. That’s today’s Texas. It bears noting, Texas is nearly $50 billion in debt with a crumbling electric grid, failing water system, no social services, and likely still $10 billion away from finishing their useless failed border fence….but plan to spend at least another $10 billion of state funds on this. How, exactly?

Cocaine Bear

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