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Man Takes Photos in Space with $75 camera

BoneRemake says...

>> ^dag:

I wonder what the absolute top altitude of a weather baloon is? I guess at some point, the helium is heavier than the surrounding near vacuum. It would be helpful if there was something - other than a rocket that carries all its reaction mass with it - that could reach space.

they do, the balloons pop. Pop goes the weasel.

Man Takes Photos in Space with $75 camera

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I wonder what the absolute top altitude of a weather baloon is? I guess at some point, the helium is heavier than the surrounding near vacuum. It would be helpful if there was something - other than a rocket that carries all its reaction mass with it - that could reach space.

Bionic Penguins

Laughing Gas is funny.... very funny

dannym3141 says...

>> ^volumptuous:
This video is a lie.
I've done Nitrous hundreds of times (even have a $85 personal dispenser) and it definitely does not work that way.
Also, it effects your voice opposite of what helium does - makes it drop about 1 or 2 octaves. None of their laughs seem to be effected by the gas whatsoever. This is something you have no control over. If you inhale the gas, your voice drops.
Last, inhaling/exhaling the way they are doing would be sure to make them seriously dizzy, probably fall over, and maybe even pass out. But again, noone seems to be that effected by it. So, again, I call lie.

Not necessarily if they're nose breathing at the same time. They're obviously not toking on x-times-exhaled air for 30 seconds, so i assume that is a given. Try getting an inflated balloon and breathing in and out (with your nose blocked) 20-30 times, you'd be surprised how hard it is. I'm 99% certain these guys are substituting fresh air with their noses to go with the balloon gas (whatever it is) which they are trying to get the effects of.

This also effects your first statement - if they are breathing in/out to get themselves 'nitro-genated' (like oxygenated but with nitrous, get it?), getting it into their system as best they can - like divers do - breath in and out deeply many times before taking a large breath to get their blood oxygenated due to it soon being highly de-oxygenated, then their lungs wouldn't be full of gas and hence their voices would, at least from a physics point of view, not be affected. The change in octave of taking in certain gases is caused because of the different properties of the gas passing over your vocal chords. Air passing over our vocal chords sound normal to us, heavier gases sound deeper, lighter gases sound higher. So unless the nitrous affects the inner workings of the body such that the vocal chords are slack/tight, the pitch may be unaffected or mostly so.

As for the laughing, i know nothing. I was skeptical of the first guy's stupid laugh. Seemed extremely fake to me, but the other 2 didn't seem that way.

Laughing Gas is funny.... very funny

volumptuous says...

This video is a lie.

I've done Nitrous hundreds of times (even have a $85 personal dispenser) and it definitely does not work that way.

Also, it effects your voice opposite of what helium does - makes it drop about 1 or 2 octaves. None of their laughs seem to be effected by the gas whatsoever. This is something you have no control over. If you inhale the gas, your voice drops.

Last, inhaling/exhaling the way they are doing would be sure to make them seriously dizzy, probably fall over, and maybe even pass out. But again, noone seems to be that effected by it. So, again, I call lie.

Laughing Gas is funny.... very funny

Why Did The Church Cross The Street?

Physics - Fusion and Fission

dannym3141 says...

>> ^RhesusMonk:
Question regarding fusion: If the binding energies of the two hydrogen isotopes equal 10 MeV, and the binding energy of helium is 28 MeV, wouldn't the fusion require the input of 18 MeV? I don't understand. Doesn't the helium require more energy to hold together than the hydrogen isotopes had to begin with? And, even if the nucleons do just come together, how is there surplus energy if less energy went into the reaction than exists in the product?

Ok, it's a long time since i even looked at physics, but i'm gonna study astrophysics next year so i better make at least an attempt

The electromagnetic force repels the nucleons from each other. The nuclear force attracts them to each other. You have to force the two together. That requires you to overcome the electromagnetic force. So you only need enough energy to do this, and the energy required to do this is usually LESS than the energy that is released for atoms 'below' iron.

The energy basically comes from a conversion of mass to energy. The mass of the combined atoms is not quite equal to the mass of the parts that you combine. Mass is lost, and it manifests as energy. (because e=mc^2, or in other words, energy and mass are 'interchangeable' - you cannot just 'lose' mass)

Physics - Fusion and Fission

RhesusMonk says...

Question regarding fusion: If the binding energies of the two hydrogen isotopes equal 10 MeV, and the binding energy of helium is 28 MeV, wouldn't the fusion require the input of 18 MeV? I don't understand. Doesn't the helium require more energy to hold together than the hydrogen isotopes had to begin with? And, even if the nucleons do just come together, how is there surplus energy if less energy went into the reaction than exists in the product?

Out-of-control balloon landed, did not contain 6yr old boy

alizarin says...

Mythbusters tried to raise a little girl with balloons and it took more volume of helium to do it than that by allot... couldn't they just do the math and see there's no kid raised by a balloon this small? US media suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks!

FNC's Liz Trotta Slams Sarah Palin!

blackest_eyes says...

Orwell's vision is coming true. How else can you explain why stating the completely obvious is considered "controversial"? Next on Fox News: "the Sun: the liberal media says it is a burning ball of hydrogen and helium. What do they have against gods who ride across the sky in glowing chariots?"

Deltron 3030 - Things You Can Do

MrFisk says...

3030 way past the millennium, check it out
Yo, Deltron thunderforce, ain't no other source of sunlight
Two ton mic, leave you toungue-tied
Runnin amuck with technology with no apology
Shoutin out to my colony with third eye physiology
Millennium past apocalypse is all I spit
Make you swallow it - your weak style, I'll abolish it
with nuclear rockets they glued to your optics with sci-fi
Unsettlin, man and metal blends
Underground chillin with the Mole Man, and his whole fam
Inhibit bacterial growth, material wrote
Impenetrable, incontestable, indigestible intelligence
Never let a computer tell me SHIT
It's rapid innovation, penetratin
Artificial life forms, who bite songs
I'm a buy a vest, lie is next, then I'll flip the bio-techs
Right into the wireless; your third eye is hit with psoriasis
The mightiest, Deltron Zero
Traverse and purge the travesties that tempt your earholds
The area of distribution, lifts the clueless
My flow is like, liquid oxygen
Rip it often with specific impulse, increasin thrust
Grease the cuts - unleash a cluster of thoughts I muster
I talk to touch ya, and rupture commercial communications
Convert solar energy, into imagery
In the mind's eye, blindside the contagious
With radioactive isotopes to decay them
Atomic mass they small as fragments
I magnetize the avid lies
My radiation shields reflects, rejects Decepticons
who take the truth and stretch it long, while I bless a song
Next level incredible, metal melding
Flexability and my engine is never failing

All your rhyme histories combined couldn't violate
the Prime Optimus operative
Use my hydrometer to see how warm you are, watch me form a star
Hydrogen turned to helium when I shine
Ridin 'em revealin 'em leadin 'em to the vacuum
Interact with tunes in my digital citadel
Critical pivotal with the mental shit on you
Spit infinity, hiden energies too dope for our planet
Star spannin, slammin hymms with
mechanical limbs, scanning your lens
with cosmic rays, you'll all get played, your brain's inferior
I hit the lateral AND posterior
My science is eerier
Ionic bonding for your moronic pondering, meet the armorines
My micro machines, might throw your team, into paralysis
They not talented, just a malady
Worry 'bout a salary, creative casualty
Couldn't defrag my power density intensity
Nonequivalence, nine hundred Newtons
Crush you like croutons, you plus Houston
Hiero's like dipoles inside a silo
Turbulence ten-fold, never simple
Defies accepted methods development most unique
Paralyze central nervous when you close to me
Interstellar void fills with color, appears to bubble
and split into four like amoeba
Inhabitin planets with, grandiose boast
and coast like Silver Surfer, feel the purpoise
High velocity, verbal atrocities
Fire resistance, better hire assistants
My pistons glisten ultra, high performance
Inside your private quarters where I fry your components

Deltron 3030 - Positive Contact

MrFisk says...

Now let's see - Deltron Z
Art avenger, let's start the adventure
Hit ya with nerve gas, absurd blasts
Crashin space craft, I'm bio-enhanced
Hiero advanced series, monstrous evolution
Headed, tooth and nail, scoop the trail
Super-sleuth, a new race
Mad creator, savage nature
World Wide Web, the ebb and flow
Light years from watchful eyes while my thoughts provide
objectives to ostracize the pompous prophecies
Underground societies are hard to lead
Asteroid surfing, castor-oil burping
The darkest side of humanity animated
The grand awakening, plan to take it in
I demand your patronage, mobilize my battletanks
With clusters small, NTR's to empty Mars
Many MC's cruise low earth orbit
Easier for me to use my search warrant
Drift by a star, absorb it, and store it
Leave tourists pourous, my galaxy's gorgeous
Quantum jump - I'm right at your doorstep

Now I catch more wreck with fast ignition
My last decision, pulse amplification
Terror with napalm, I want y'all to stay calm
Alien annihilation, I stay armed to the grill piece and kill beef
20 percent matter, 30 percent is energy
Assimilating to become a living being
Evaporative radiation fades your station
I get high as aviation

I rise like helium, you're falling rapidly
Trapped in apathy, while I track your speed
I'm what you call a legend, dominance with armageddon
Gives me a warm reception
Verbal war with weapons, installation
Blowin the star dust, distance twelve parsecs
Enthuse your phalanx with my literary talents
Just a bit of balance, rip the silence
in space, all-star systems are our victims
Atomics, anonymous with ominous
implications of information, or information, and entertainment
Cyber-tech dialect, you gotta earn my respect
I'm like Gamera to amateurs, hit em with a cannonball
And in all this confusion
The fusion of music and mind precipitates translucent illusions
Search the ruins with Automator
Hit the walls with a carbonator
Hit-or-missiles, just regenerate
The sonic soldiers allow us to demonstrate
Emergency dispatch, skyscrapers ripped back
from the impact, their flow is mismatched
My style's protected by heat shields and ceramics
Don't panic, I landed on planet Mercury
Gave it atmosphere, set up my headquarters
I'll never get captured here
Rap your tear clap your ear with Soulsonic Mantronik phonics
Turn your brain to an omelette
I'll hold a comet in bondage, with my dominance
Take a space shuttle to escape trouble
Bounce through the Milky Way
Not many MC's feel this way

Perpetuum Jazzile - Brez besed / Eres tu

mauz15 (Member Profile)

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