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George H.W. Bush heckled while ordering pizza

Kreegath says...

What's wrong with going up to Bush and calmly tell him that you think he did a terrible job and hurt your country? Why must it instead be shouting profanities like a self righteous young teenager?
I don't disapprove of the act of expressing ones feelings, just the way this guy handled the situation. He had a golden opportunity to voice some of his crackpot conspiracy theories to one of the subjects of them, but instead he seems to have wasted it by heckling like a drunk at a comedy club open mic night.

Alan Partridge Handles Some Hecklers

kymbos says...

One minor criticism, leave some space between the egg and the beans. I may mix them, but I want that to be my decision. Use a sausage as a breakwater.

Man, he toured last year, for the first time to Oz, and played this entire set including this 'impromptu' heckler response. Material was all more than ten years old. My irate brother was yelling out all the same heckles from the dvd, and Coogan astutely avoided a response.

Alan Partridge Handles Some Hecklers

dannym3141 says...

Just for a leeeeeetle information, this isn't really heckling. He asks the audience to yell out things that are unique about a fish and he delivers some comedy based on their answers. He has a staple reply to someone who tries to be "smart" by saying things like these, and that was his reply

Alan partridge is based on that awkward-situation comedy, he's a socially inept character so most of the fun comes from seeing him interact poorly with people.

Tea Party Patriots laugh at Lost Daughter And Grandchild

Minuteman Runs Away From Chicano Girl

jwray says...

The first amendment certainly doesn't include the right to not be criticized or heckled in response to a speech.

I think every neo-nazi would back the minutemen, but not every minuteman would back the neo-nazis. Every American redneck anti-abortion young-earth-creationist is a republican, but not every republican is one. Same thing.

The Lou Dobbs type of immigration-haters are mainly motivated by the idea that it is hurting their employment prospects, more than anything else.

Immigration is one of the "wedge issues" that republicans use to deceive poor people into voting against their own interests. Another is Reagan's fictional racist stereotype of the ghetto "welfare queen" who is better off than working class white people. Another is pandering to fundamentalist Christians with big talk about anti-homosexuality aka "family values" (While secretly getting handjobs in the men's bathroom of an airport).

My Favorite Way To Handle A Heckler

My Favorite Way To Handle A Heckler

10615 (Member Profile)

Neil DeGrasse Tyson On UFOs And The Argument From Ignorance

MSNBC Reporter Heckled During "Values Voters" Conference

MSNBC Reporter Heckled During "Values Voters" Conference

peggedbea (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

Internet high five on growing up and escaping Mormonism. I'm the only one of eight kids that has dropped Mormonism so far at age 21 (started questioning it back in Jr. High, was forced to go to church until I went to college). Shit's absurd.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

You guys were all upset at the congressman who shouted out during Obama's speech. Howcome you're all, "This guy has guts to do this..." for the rudeness of Mr. Prop 8, but you're all like, "What a jerk!" for Mr. "Liar!"? Howcome one guy is 'couragous' and the other is 'rude' when they're both doing publically pre-arranged stunts for the purpose of generating controversy?

can you honestly not see the difference between someone interrupting someone elses speech with heckling and someone waiting their turn to give their own speech?

whats going on in this video is something that happens the first sunday of every month. its fast and testimony sunday. members fast and then those who feel compelled take turns and bare their testimonies to the congregation. he waited his turn, felt compelled and bared his testimony.

and of course the camera was present because he knew what he was saying was going to get him kicked out. but he had the courage and strength and felt strongly enough to say it.

and the mormon church was VERY ACTIVELY INVOLVED in a perpetuating a fear and smear propaganda campaign to its members during church services. across the nation. what kind of church finances were spent i have no idea, but i do know for a fact that church officials intentionally sent down memos full of lies and hate and political opinions to be shared with the priesthood and relief society. to scare them into to supporting prop 8 initiatives nationwide. one of those lies was that legalized gay marriage would threaten and abolish their ability to get married in the temple. (which is EXTREMELY important) they told members all across the country that if gays were allowed to get married, if the church refused to marry a gay couple in the temple then the law would take away their ability to marry ANYONE in the temple. sounds ridiculous to me. but it sounds terrifying to millions of people who think that god himself guides church appointments and would never ever ever allow someone who would lead his people astray to be appointed into a position of authority.

how do i know this? I WAS FUCKING THERE.

A faithful Mormon speaks out against Prop 8 in Church...

peggedbea says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

You guys were all upset at the congressman who shouted out during Obama's speech. Howcome you're all, "This guy has guts to do this..." for the rudeness of Mr. Prop 8, but you're all like, "What a jerk!" for Mr. "Liar!"? Howcome one guy is 'couragous' and the other is 'rude' when they're both doing publically pre-arranged stunts for the purpose of generating controversy?

can you honestly not see the difference between someone interrupting someone elses speech with heckling and someone waiting their turn to give their own speech?

whats going on in this video is something that happens the first sunday of every month. its fast and testimony sunday. members fast and then those who feel compelled take turns and bare their testimonies to the congregation. he waited his turn, felt compelled and bared his testimony.

and of course the camera was present because he knew what he was saying was going to get him kicked out. but he had the courage and strength and felt strongly enough to say it.

and the mormon church was VERY ACTIVELY INVOLVED in a perpetuating a fear and smear propaganda campaign to its members during church services. across the nation. what kind of church finances were spent i have no idea, but i do know for a fact that church officials intentionally sent down memos full of lies and hate and political opinions to be shared with the priesthood and relief society. to scare them into to supporting prop 8 initiatives nationwide. one of those lies was that legalized gay marriage would threaten and abolish their ability to get married in the temple. (which is EXTREMELY important) they told members all across the country that if gays were allowed to get married, if the church refused to marry a gay couple in the temple then the law would take away their ability to marry ANYONE in the temple. sounds ridiculous to me. but it sounds terrifying to millions of people who think that god himself guides church appointments and would never ever ever allow someone who would lead his people astray to be appointed into a position of authority.

how do i know this? I WAS FUCKING THERE.

Bfresh99 (Member Profile)

Obama's Speech Before Congress on Healthcare

Kevlar says...

I find it delicious that in ~3:10 (of part two) of a good speech Obama says 'In the past few months we've seen Washington at its best... And at its worst.' only to be idiotically heckled minutes later in one of the worst displays by either side of the aisle I've ever seen caught on film.

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