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Sooooo....What Have I Missed???? (Blog Entry by swampgirl)

DUDE!! Your pants!?! You're an ADULT....really. (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Grimm says...

youdiejoe wrote:

ps. not to mention the backwards ball cap... ::rolls eyes:
How did I know? Before I got to the end of your post I already knew I was going to ask you if he was also wearing a backwards cap.

George Carlin:
Another abomination: white guys over 10 years of age who wear their baseball hats backwards. White guys, let me tell you something: you're never gonna be as cool as black guys. It's not gonna happen. You're white, and you're lame. It's a fucking law of nature. Turning your hat around and learning a complicated handshake will not make you cool.

And you black guys, since you started the whole thing, I'm going to let you stay with the hats a little bit longer, but I think really, once you qualify for Social Security, it's time to spin that motherfucker around to the front of you.

Self-link ban policy (Sift Talk Post)

raven says...

'videosiftbannedme' is a rare bird, and I don't think you can quantify a new member's potential future involvement solely on their only having joined, sifted, and posted... it may be that a good many of these impetuous types find videosift for the first time, spend about ten minutes looking it over, think its cool, instantly have the thought that something of theirs is Siftworthy, sift it, vote for it, and then go off to do whatever else it is they do with their time. You can't know what kind of potential community member you are nipping in the bud by basing your judgment on their initial activities after they open an account. A good many of them are probably just like, "Wtf? Did I piss someone off already? Did I not know the secret handshake or something?" I mean, yes, they are big red letters, but if there is anything my experience in the world of retail has taught me is that people DO NOT READ SIGNS... it doesn't matter how big they are, how many there are, or even if the dumbass is standing right in front of it, they will probably still ask where the bathroom is.

Also, chances are, the banee, being such a N00b would have no idea who the admins are or how to contact them. I mean, shit, I was just a commenter for months before I ever sifted anything, and I always thought Dag was just some scruffy Aussie dude... no clue he had powers.

And lastly, its not like any offenders would be getting off the hook, or being allowed to self link, it would just be a more reasonable process... I mean, in the judiciary system, wouldn't a five minute trial where the accused is given no chance to defend his or herself and the verdict is reached by two people who happen to come along at the same time be considered highly illegal and inhumane? Railroading, I believe it is called... and I'd like to think we are at least above that.

Yay for Veteran's day! (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Arsenault185 says...

I LOVE talking to older vets. But your right MG. the first thing out of their mouth is always thank you, accompanied by a handshake. Defiantly gives you that warm and squishy on the inside, doesn't it?. Seems like every time they tell me thank you, i can only think "what are YOU thanking me for? Compare my carer to yours. You were probably a draftee, and went to one of the bloodiest wars in history. Now i've volunteered on 3 separate occasions, and have yet to go, and i joined of my own free accord. Seems to me like all the thanks should go to these guys. I can never stop appreciating what other vets do/ have done for us. Thank a Vet.

Senator McCain on Torture at CNN/YouTube debates

wazant says...

In my opinion, the pro-war/pro-torture position simply does not hang together. If you are pro-war (and not in the military) you are essentially asking other people to sacrifice their lives and limbs for some shared ideals. And what are these ideals? Let's assume they include good stuff, like freedom and all that, and that they probably do not include torture and other behavior associated with "evil doers".

The pro-torture argument is that if we can save some innocent life by torturing an evil-doer who probably deserves it then that's fine--especially if it keeps a bomb from going off in my local shopping mall. Ideals be damned.

Put these together and you get Romney's position: "Let's sacrifice our ideals if it'll save my ass, but lets defend them to the death if it just costs yours."

So it's all flags and handshakes now, but once one of these guys gets elected, it's all about taking care of number one. And number 1 ain't you--you ain't even number 2. (RIPFZ)

Foose Fooled -- A funny prank with an airbrush.

Arsenio Hall interviews Vanilla Ice

8546 says...

Did you see the awkward handshake mistake at the end? Arsenio comes in from up high with the fist, obviously expecting another fist to tap, but Ice comes up from the bottom with an open hand for a grab. He grabs the fist, but Arsenio smartly opens up for shake. Like the video, the handshake started awkwardly but seemed to pull through at the end.

Richard Dawkins on CBC - May 7th 07

Ban Mail (Sift Talk Post)

rickegee says...

I am with pho3n1x on the words used on the submit page. As the FedQuip controversy demonstrated, 'self-promotion' is often defined very differently depending on where you sit.

This site has become too ban-happy, even if ban-worthy dreck has been submitted. If I were a new user now, I probably would not bother learning the secret handshakes, exceptions to self-promotion, and tagging protocols. Far easier to lurk.

Phelps Smashes 200-free World Record

maudlin Hits the Hundred Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

Eel bites off diver's thumb...gets replaced by toe!!

ant says...

I was born with lack of thumbs and only four fingers. I was going to have a surgery to use one of my toes as a thumb. But the doctor decided to use one of my existing fingers (right hand) to make a thumb on my right hand. Bascially, cut the finger and rotate it. It works but not very strong. At least I can handshake, hold cups (not heavy and not too long), etc.

I don't think I would like this toe idea.

Steve Carell outtakes from Bruce Almighty - NNNEEEWWWSSS

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I'm proud to give it! Welcome to the wonderful world of GoldStardom, [secret handshake] - as you can see, the site looks completely different for Gold Stars, but you can filter out the free-flowing porn if you wish.

Chemistry Demonstration Goes Perfectly to Plan (not really)

James Roe (Member Profile)

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