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Osaka Report (Blog Entry by dag)

Sagemind says...


I'm getting so bored trying half a lifetime to "Get Stable."
I'm not sure if I even want a stable, non-dynamic home.
Although the grass sounds greener on your side of the world, I'm sure you face a lot of the same everyday issues. However, the road that you are traveling sounds pretty adventurist - and I like the sounds of it.

Don't know how you ended up in Aus. though, it sounds like Osaka is calling you home!

Why buy a hybrid? Just paint your roof white! (Science Talk Post)

csnel3 says...

Then when the winter comes do we all paint our roofs black? It would save a lot of energy that would be used to heat our homes.
Then we could pass a law to have our roofs painted white by June. We would all have to remove our studded tires and paint our roofs or pay the fine!
I don't think this will catch on.
Years ago, a kid at a science fair invented a roof shingle that changed is reflectivity when the seasons changed. When the sun is at a high angle(summer) the roof tile reflected light. when the sun is at a low angle (winter) the tile appeared dark, and absorbed the heat. like those little hologram images that are on lots of things these days.
Sounds Greener then painting the world white.

Compact Florescent Bulbs are Bad for You?

keitholbermann says...

We should work together to make fluorescent and incandescent bulbs illegal. There's no reason people cannot pay a bit more for the greener LED light bulbs. And they last much longer, so that means less waste in our landfills.

The Truth About U.S. Drug Laws

Aniatario says...

^Duckman, Hear hear! Although the laws against Weed are not as strictly enforced here in Canada as they are in the States, we cannot ignore the money being spent on laws that are both impractical and impossible to enforce.

I can only hope that these ridiculous laws will be repealed within my lifetime. Its a nice image; that in the distant future I might sit down with friends and loved ones and have a smoke without any fear of prosecution or stigma.

We're fighting an uphill battle my friends, but believe me when I tell you that the grass shall be greener on the other side.

Peter Schiff On Your Money 12/20/2008 (HILARIOUS!)

RedSky says...

The hope is, the leverage the Bush administration, and soon the Obama administration will now have due to the stake in ownership this deal provides, will allow corporate and project restructuring towards greener and more fuel efficient cars, which will be more competitive domestically and worldwide. I'm not holding my breath though.

I do share Schiff's concern that the US dollar will rapidly and abruptly depreciate as inflationary pressure or risk over unsustainable federal governments debts or the foreign debt causes a massive and sudden shift away from it as the currency of choice for international trade. I mean for all intents and purposes the US is stuck in limbo, its manufacturing sector is being dismantled while struggling against overseas competitors in countries with significantly lower wages, standards of living and additional health care, pensions benefits; whereas its service sector while growing and in many ways highly successful is simply not large enough to sufficiently substitute the prior.

So I guess I agree that something has got to give.

christmas according to the bible

lavoll says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
nadabu is absolutely right. Christians don't do the things at Christmas that corporate America wants to worship God. It is possible to partake in an even that isn't specifically forbidden and still worship God. Just because some traditions may have pagan roots [citaion really fucking needed] does not mean they are being done as worship.
Way to pull a Palin an totally skirt the question, though.

some day around the end of december, and some day about 6 monts before are very celebrated days in many cultures and traditions. peoples noticed that the sun "turned" around these days and have some sort of festivity/religious arrangement attached to those days.

the swedes, they stick a big penis (with testicles and all) into the ground and dance around it on the summers longest day. a fertility rite.

we still call christmas Jul (yule), the germanic pagan name for the uhmm.. event. not Christ Mass like english hurches.

The christmas three, if i remember corretly, it is something green and shiny we bring into our homes on the years darkest day as a symbol of lighter and greener times (spring) that are coming.

A clever horse eating grass...

Fox News Proves Sarah Palin Is Dumber Than Bush

videosiftbannedme says...

She's 44...and she has to be tutored? Just more proof that O'Reilly's logic is so skewed, he can't even look at things objectively.

And yet 30 seconds later, he siding with her on "not wanting to be bogged down with a lesson before Couric talked to her". WTF?

Bill O'Reilly is nothing more than a Jim Jones or Marshall Applewhite, "leading" his flock on to greener pastures by kowtowing to their own deluded reality. And he does it knowingly. He reminds me of Burke in 'Aliens': "Well, at least I don't see them fucking each over for a percentage..."

Forklift driver Klaus -- First day at work

The Philosophy of Liberty (aka Libertarianism made easy!)

9410 says...

Principles of the founding fathers while their slaves cooked and cleaned?

Ok, so is war a mass murder committed by empowered governments?

How are you or your support structure supposed to defend themselves from those who would take try to take life, liberty and property from you without taking their life, liberty or property in return to some degree. Surely their disregard for others rights does not mean we can disregard theirs?

I'm not really criticizing this, I just don't know much about any of this in any detail.

It seems like one of those philosophies that "could" work if only we got everybody on the same page. I suppose the question is really whether you can get everybody off the local summit to find higher mesas with greener grass.

marinara and dead_tofu hit 100 Star Points! (Politics Talk Post)

laura says...

I'm loving seeing all these people who've been around as long as I have been on here finally get their just rewards! (I think I got my first downvotes from both of them! Yeay democracy! )
congratulations to both of you.
Gotta say it ~ the grass is greener on this side of the star fence, you know?

Greener Plastics

choggie says...

Cool-Plenty of natural CO2 to make more plastic shit with-

Please don't let these snake-oil fucks tax the individual for want greener kiddies, stop paying for the shit that you think causes any other color, and find Waldo the hidden-Start with Gore, and find out who hired him to make a fool of himself, and everyone who's still a sucker-

"Help reduce the use of fossil fuels" by converting what you buy from the real polluters-those who manufacture the need you imagine you have-oh wait, fuck it, China and the so-called 3rd world won't stop-so all your tiny efforts are vanity-wanna buy some oxygen???

This Cornell chemist must have never heard of hot sand-but you know he hears the ching sound....."ching ching"-

Q: Do we need plastic? No. Rather have a keyboard with crystal keystrokers....

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Yeah baby, the good stuff. I'm a big fan of glass-filled nylon myself. That and bakelite for nostalga's sake.

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
Uh... not that I know of. Usually just ABS, polycarb, ploypro, polystyrene, polyethelene and an assortment of rubbers.

He he.. I said 'rubbers'....

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
How about PLA? The corn-starch stuff, ever worked with that?

In reply to this comment by MarineGunrock:
I think my job just got a whole lot more interesting.

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

Recycled water bottles vs. discarded water bottles

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