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German WWI veteran describes killing with a bayonet charge

Laxatives fed to Seagulls on the beach

StukaFox says...

I don't wanna be a 24kt dick here, but I fucking HATE seagulls.

Seagulls and Canadian Geese are both the assholes of the avian world and fuck 'em both. God was in a shitty mood when he created these flying abominations. Oh, and pelicans. Yeah, fuck them, too. A pelican took a shit the size of a dinner plate on my (at the time) brand new '97 Z-28 Camaro. Right on the fucking windshield, too. I mean, one minute, I'm enjoying myself at the beach and the next minute I'm looking at a greasy green rotten-fish-reeking shit covering half my goddamn windshield. I have no clue what pelican anatomy looks like, but they must be 99% rectum and 1% ill intents. What a wonderful time to discover I was outta windshield wiper fluid, too. Two little squirts and then my wipers were just smearing semi-digested fish across my windshield. Oh, that FUCKER! I know which one did it, too -- it was the one sitting on a post like three feet away laughing at me. Oh, sure, I could have beaten it to death with a tire iron, but then *I* would have been the one in trouble. You can't ticket a pelican for taking a massive dump on your car, but beat one to death with 2 feet of galvanized steel and you're the one who has to explain it all to a judge.

People feed those rancid fuckers, too. I hope the next cocksucker who tosses a Ritz in the direction of a pelican is staring at the sky with mouth agape when the damned thing decides to void its football-sized ass. That'd be karma right there, and fuck all the people right now going "that's not how karma works!" They can just start putting their Dharma-believing asses to work cleaning my windshield with their tongues.

Please forgive me: I've been drinking for the last six hours and I've gotten maybe a little feisty.

Racist is what you do, not what you say.

Mordhaus says...

I just want to point out that I posted this video because it reminded me of another classic show from many years ago, All in the Family.

As to my personal opinion, we need to get past words, guys and gals. I am a white male of Italian descent. In my life I have been called a lot of names, by people of all ethnic backgrounds. I have been called a wop, a dago, a greasy (wop/dago), a cracker, whitey, and many other things. As a kid, it definitely hurt sometimes, but I came to understand that it could only hurt me if "I" let the names define me as a person. The N word, the C word, whatever word, only can hurt you if you allow it to do so.

Now treating someone different, directly based on their ethnicity, that is something that needs to be addressed. It will ALWAYS need to be addressed because human nature is to shun differences. In the US, we have problems with racism and sexism, but out of all the countries I can think of, we are blended enough that it is actually (slowly) starting to work out. We definitely aren't the worst, even countries in Europe that pride themselves on being accepting of diversity are flipping their shit right now with the influx of so many strange people (refugees). Countries like Japan and states like Hawaii, that is where you need to visit if you want to see some hardcore cultural racism.

The Empire Files: John Podesta

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns, Sanders Fans React

ChaosEngine says...

First up, bring back the old quoting system!

"I'm of the opinion that both Hillary and Trump would make bad presidents."


"That being said, I don't really believe the narrative that Trump would be the worse of the two; the "apocalyptic" one to elect. Trump is incompetent and chaotic. Hillary is greasy and corrupt."

Which one has campaigned for a law that flagrantly violates the first amendment? Which one has called an entire demographic of US citizens rapists and murderers?

" I think the system (which is actually pretty well designed at its core..."

The American political system is a complete clusterfuck. You have a two party monopoly, the electoral college is a disaster and then there's Citizens United.

"The DNC had a chance to put in another option that would have easily had as much support from core Democrats as Hillary, but also would have energized younger voters AND been a very attractive option for Republicans who don't buy in to Trump (of which there are many). But instead, they left their fingers on the scales and tipped things in favor of Hillary."

Completely agree. Instead of the excitement of a Bernie running, you have the "ugh, Hillary, I guess" attitude.

"So, I'll vote for one of the 3rd party candidates (I like Stein's stance on Snowden, so probably her) or write in the option that crooked DNC and Hillary denied us. Either of those actions is de-facto more likely to result in President Trump, and I acknowledge that. But like I said, I'm OK with that -- I honestly believe Hillary would be worse, and the main thing is that me and other people like me have to send a message to both parties that they need to present us with more reasonable candidates if they expect us to have any degree of the "party loyalty" that both sides expected / enjoyed in the past. This election cycle shows that they are taking that for granted -- so screw 'em."

And here we have the major issue. I have NO IDEA how people think electing Trump will somehow bring down the system. "Screw 'em"?? As in the dems and the gop? It won't bother them in the slightest.

But it will bother Mexicans, Muslims, LGBT people and em.... damnit, there was another demographic that the Republicans want to fuck over.... oh yeah... women.

Forget Trump. As much of an unconscionable arsehole as he is, look at the GOP platform for 2016:
- tax cuts for the rich
- repeal environmental protections
- an anti-abortion amendment
- oppose stem cell research
- prop up the electoral college
- ignore climate change agreements
- repeal obamacare
- abolish net neutrality
- oppose same-sex marriage
- abstinence-based sex education
- increase military spending
- the ridiculous and wasteful border wall

and finally, appoint a new Supreme Court Judge to push all this through. And THAT is the real reason Trump can't be allowed to be President. Say what you want about Hillary, but at least she won't choose a complete loon for the supreme court. Trump might pick David Duke, for all we know.

MilkmanDan said:

Points addresssed above:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns, Sanders Fans React

MilkmanDan says...

I'm of the opinion that both Hillary and Trump would make bad presidents.

That being said, I don't really believe the narrative that Trump would be the worse of the two; the "apocalyptic" one to elect. Trump is incompetent and chaotic. Hillary is greasy and corrupt.

I think the system (which is actually pretty well designed at its core; Washington has just had a lot of time with not enough scrutiny to find the loopholes to exploit) would be better at mitigating the damage of President Trump than President Hillary. She's too insidious of an evil -- covert and connected. Trump is the polar opposite of covert.

The DNC had a chance to put in another option that would have easily had as much support from core Democrats as Hillary, but also would have energized younger voters AND been a very attractive option for Republicans who don't buy in to Trump (of which there are many). But instead, they left their fingers on the scales and tipped things in favor of Hillary.

So, I'll vote for one of the 3rd party candidates (I like Stein's stance on Snowden, so probably her) or write in the option that crooked DNC and Hillary denied us. Either of those actions is de-facto more likely to result in President Trump, and I acknowledge that. But like I said, I'm OK with that -- I honestly believe Hillary would be worse, and the main thing is that me and other people like me have to send a message to both parties that they need to present us with more reasonable candidates if they expect us to have any degree of the "party loyalty" that both sides expected / enjoyed in the past. This election cycle shows that they are taking that for granted -- so screw 'em.

The curly fry conundrum: "likes" say more than you realise

Porn Actress Mercedes Carrera LOSES IT With Modern Feminists

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Online Harassment - been apart of the internet since chatrooms were available.

Are you ashamed of being an "internet-er" too?

Slut Shaming - been apart of society since clothes were invented.

Are you ashamed to being part of society?

Gamergate is specifically about game "journalists" and reviewers being bribed for positive reviews & articles.

Full stop. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I feel sorry for you or any other male "gamer" who attaches part of their indentity to the 4chan trolls who blew this entire thing out of focus.

And not for nothing. But the shit coming out of the mouths of Anti-GGers, SJWs, modern feminists, whatever..

It's JUST as batshit crazy, abusive, threatening, demeaning, belittling as the 4chan trolls & their bandwagon.

Saying "gamers are dead". They're all greasy basement-dwelling neckbearded 30 yr old virgin pig losers who should be exterminated..

isn't exactly becoming of polite, civil, "adult" discourse.

If anything, feel embarrassed to be a WASP because.. seriously, history.

I'll stop right there tho, before i cause another shitstorm.

ChaosEngine said:

And no, gamer gate is not some first world problem bullshit, it's a fucking disgrace and makes me embarrassed to call myself a gamer.

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - I Don't Wanna Pray

RFlagg says...

@eric3579 and any others:

I think the lyrics of what the band members sing are improvised on the spot. The official lyrics are at and lots of the stuff I can make out are clearly not in that version, though it matches the video in my one comment, save the improvised bit the one band member does.

So my best guess based on listening to it many times (time stamps of improvised bits in {}):

I love my god, god made love
I love my god, god made love
I love my god, god made good
I love my god, god made hate
I love my god, god made bad
I love my god, god made me

I don't wanna pray to my maker
[whoa]I just wanna be what I see
Not just who I am, but the pink in golden land
And that wide wild sky over me
Help me to the sun, hey I'm looking everywhere

Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
And now I don't want to pray
[No] I say I don't wanna pray
[No] I don't wanna pray
Who don't wanna pray

(but still)
I love my god, god made love
I love my god, god made love
I love my god, god made good
I love my god, god made hate
I love my god, god made bad
I love my god, god made me

(but still)
I don't wanna pray to my maker
[No] I just wanna be feelin' free
Not like in a book, or the leaves of trees that shook
From a word that means only not a thing

Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
And now I don't want to pray
[No] I say I don't wanna pray
[No] I don't wanna pray
Who don't wanna pray

{2:21}(alright Seth)
God ain't some man way high above me
[No] I think god is in the earth and in the land
I love by what I do
So for me I think that its true
That's its hard to worship when I'm on my knees

Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
And now I don't want to pray
[No] I say I don't wanna pray
[No] I don't wanna pray
Who don't wanna pray

When I was a boy my daddy made me
[Whoa] Read a story to him every night
Took me 'till it hurt, that stupid shirt shit don't work
[garbled] tell me to try

Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
And now I don't want to pray
[No] I say I don't wanna pray
[No] I don't wanna pray
Who don't wanna pray

{3:48}(now Sash(?))
I don't wanna pray to my maker
[No] [Don't let me be a servant?] won't you please
Not like greasy crook or those thevin smiley looks
I just want to be of helpin' if you need

Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
And now I don't want to pray
[No] I say I don't wanna pray
[No] I don't wanna pray
Who don't wanna pray

{4:35}Now I've seen her in the shadow
I have seen her in the tree
I don't even need to get down on my knees
[garbled followed by laugh]

Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
And now I don't want to pray
[No] I say I don't wanna pray
[No] I don't wanna pray
Who don't wanna pray

{5:20 slight improv of the normal lines}Well it's alright to talk, long as you are walkin'
And it's alright to take, long as you give
But some say we forgiven and forgotten of our sins
Either way I know for sure, that we all will live again

Pardon god and mom, if what I'm sayin' isn't fair
Hey I'm looking to become, not the prayer but the prayer
And now I don't want to pray
[No] I say I don't wanna pray
[No] I don't wanna pray
Who don't wanna pray

(but still)
I love my god, god made love
I love my god, god made love
I love my god, god made good
I love my god, god made hate
I love my god, god made bad
I love my god, god made me

A New Twist on Fast Food ADS vs. REALITY

yellowc says...

It's clear you have never tried this form of employment?

I was a checkout person once, at the start I wanted to top the fastest average scan list they released every week, I took pride in knowing all the veggie/fruit codes for quick weighing, I pre-scanned the belt to see how I was going to pack the bags and what room I would have to put things aside etc

That lasted a little while, until my soul was drained from my body, my back started to ache quicker and quicker, my feet got blisters and one inconsiderate asshole customer after another made my day a little shittier with their stupid inane behaviour. Do you know how your fucking eggs got delivered to the store? They're going to be fine.

Well then I realised why the women working full-time was slow, didn't give a flying fuck about where she packed things and couldn't be damned learning the code for bananas. It simply didn't matter in the slightest, you're all coming back for your shitty groceries week after week, I'm getting paid all the same and my shitty day isn't going to go faster being happy than it is being miserable.

That effect only lasts 1-2 hours, no matter your attitude, packing shit for 8hrs is going to get stale. Packing shit for 8hrs a few times a week or every day, well you're constantly thinking "Would I get fired if I punched this guy? Maybe, I think I can make a solid case."

I could craft you a nice burger all the time or I can just slap together some shit your gonna shove down your greasy gob anyway. How much do I get paid again? Oh yeah, fuck all.

Sagemind said:

Goes to show, they CAN make it look better, do it properly.
Most of the time, they are just too lazy to do the job right the first time!!!!!

Da Silva - La crise

chingalera says...

This music makes me wanna try heroin. Is that why indie music people dig this droning, annoying, sing-along stuff so much?

Look, after he's finished he's got that greasy, hipster look on his face..."Feel my pain and rage and, OH! Dole me out another warm gush of arm candy!"

New York Pizza is Magic - Jon Stewart Defends New York Pizza

artician says...

I figure I'm in the minority, but I will never get the appeal. I have gone to many of the highly recommended Pizza places in New York and surrounding areas, and New York pizza is greasy, soggy, falls apart, and has had sub-par everything.

I love deep-dish, but I've only had the chance to eat it one time.

Being originally from California, I have to say I dearly miss Round Table Pizza where I live now. Probably the only time I've been a fan of a chain-restaurant, ever, but everything from their slightly-spicy and rich sauce, to their delicious dough and cheeses is perfect to me.

California Pizza Kitchen is pretty good too if you like your pizzas "different".

But FUCK New York style pizza. I just don't get the appeal. I probably never will.

Jon Stewart Goes Off On Chicago Deep Dish Pizza

shagen454 says...

Only thing that bothers me about Chicago deep-dish is how "fashionable" it has become (I'm looking at your SF) when really, it is no-where near as good as a thin, crisp slice of super greasy New York cheese. In SF there are tons of these places masquerading as fine-dining when the corner "New York" pizza shop down the block, playing metal to their pet cockroaches whilst stoned out of their minds make better pie for less.

One "slice" of Chicago deep-dish and I feel like I'm going to fall asleep from a heart-attack.

Stringbean ~ Keep My Skillet Good & Greasy

chingalera says...

Pair a chickens' on my back,
Bloodhounds on my track;
I'm pullin for my little 'ol shanty home
I'm pullin for my little 'ol shanty home

If they beat me to the door,
I'll hide' em under the floor;
Keep my skillet good and greasy all the time-
Keep myyyyy skill-eeeEET, good and greasy all the tiiime.

I'm goin down into town,
Gonna swipe me a big ham;
Keep my skillet good and greasy all the time.

Gonna get me a sack 'o flour,
Gonna cook it every hour;
Keep my skillet good and greasy all the time
Keep myyyyy skill-EEt good and greasy, all the tiiiime.

Spectacular Goose Tornado: One Dog v 5,000 Geese

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