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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Cowardly liar Trump is complaining he couldn’t use an “advice of council” defense, hoping you and your ilk are dumb enough to not know it was 100% his choice.
He didn’t use it because 1) it removes any attorney client privilege and makes their correspondence public (outing him for a few dozen more crimes as yet uncharged) and 2) Trump would have to take the stand himself (again, opening himself up to dozens more charges as he admits serious felonies under oath, the moron).
His defense is still “it was a legal fee he paid as a legal expense” ignoring the mountains of evidence, most signed by Trump personally, much of it provided by Trump under oath that prove beyond any sliver of a shadow of doubt exactly what they did to illegally hide this campaign expense as “legal fees”, exactly why they did it, and that they (including Don) knew full well it was illegal and unethical when they were doing it and went to great lengths and expense to not be caught, but were anyway.

He had to sell his plane to pay his legal bills. 😂

Eric said on the courthouse steps…”I cannot wait for the day that we win. We will…WE’RE WHITE!” Tell me again how the Trump’s aren’t racists.

Once again, virile DonJohn couldn’t stay awake in court EVEN DURING JURY INSTRUCTIONS…arguably the most important part of the trial and his last chance to make an impression on the jury…the impression he gave, pure distain and disrespect for the law. The choice to stay up high on speed all night rage tweeting was a poor decision. I would have said he “ran out of gas” but all reports are he has a massive gas surplus and is venting excess gas constantly. 😂

He is now tweeting that he doesn’t even know what the charges against him are…after how many weeks in court having them explained and dissected? His feeble brain has failed. He’s going to die his first year in prison, he’s already in a final decline.

The defense closing was so bad that the judge had to tell the jury to disregard much of it, in parts he admitted to Trump’s guilt, and was so disjointed and weird that it was impossibly difficult to follow, that’s coming from someone who completely understood inception and Tenet on the first viewings (they weren’t complicated, they just weren’t well thought out). Surprise, he violated the law so badly that it may be enough to give the DA an appeal and bring the case again in the impossible event don is acquitted.

Outside closing arguments DonJohn admitted defeat by saying “even mother Theresa couldn’t beat these charges” because he knows he has zero chance of acquittal. He better hope a maggot lied to be on the jury, a jury deadlock is his only possible saving grace, acquittal is not possible.
If one did, they damn well better get doxed fast….and their family.

PS- He’s also saying now that he intends to deport any citizen that annoys him, stripping them of their citizenship, specifically he mentioned anyone who protests legally (unless they’re Jan 6 maga terrorists) but make no mistake he means ANYONE who doesn’t properly cow tow. Tell me again how he loves the constitution….

PS- reminder, Trump this week campaigned with two violent gang members (alleged to be Crip leaders) out on bail and under a 140 count indictment for murders, lest you convince yourself for one second that you aren’t in a violent criminal cult.
In stark contrast, Biden has never campaigned with a mass murderer or active gang leader.
PPS- Misogynist and spouse abuser and philanderer and abortion pusher Minnesota Republican US Senate maga candidate Royce White was just busted for spending donor money on an all-nude strip club, new clothes, expensive hotels, limos, and other illegal expenses…look it up. Not his first attempt either, there are over $100k in unexplained personal expenditures and cash withdrawals from his campaign contributions, many made AFTER he lost his primary. He’s more total human garbage on every level, typical criminal maga.
PPPS- Maga policies just forced a 12 year old rape victim in Louisiana to have her child, ruining both their lives before she’s out of middle school.

Memes of the Day

newtboy says...

Lol. Such stupidity @bobknight33, as expected. No facts, no arguments to make, so let’s make infantile memes to show what serious adults we are instead….and it worked exactly as expected.

BTW- $43 billion won’t solve world hunger for a month…no amount of money can. New IRS enforcement agents make the government money, they don’t waste it. When their directive is to go after rich tax cheats, not anyone making under $400k per year but those making millions and paying zero taxes, yes, that’s an amazing idea that will benefit the country greatly and pay for itself in recovered revenue.

BTW- those empty shelf pictures are from 2000….probably the homeless in cities and lines at borders too. As for vacation, Trump spent 1 out of every 3.4 days, 428 days in total, on vacation as the economy crumbled, pandemic raged, and sedition fomented. Far more than Biden, who has taken way too many days off during the economic recovery, employment boom, and waning pandemic. D’oh!

BTW-Communist China and Vietnam eradicated an enormous lions share of that extreme poverty, well over 500 million out of poverty since 2000 between just those two, going to near 0% poverty by 2015….so much for capitalism’s saving grace, eh? Are you going to go sell the benefits of communism now? Derp.

This is why morons shouldn’t argue, they often make the exact opposite point from what they intended.


Anonymous message to Vladimir Putin

BSR says...

Vladimir Putin's yacht, Graceful, appears to have a different call sign on a few yacht tracking websites.

As Russian oligarch yachts are being tracked around the world, Putin's luxury boat typically has the call sign UBGV8, according to FleetMon.

But on another website, MarineTraffic, Bloomberg reporter Ryan Gallagher and Good Pillow CEO William LeGate noticed that someone changed the call sign to FCKPTN and its current maritime position is "Hell."

Gallagher tweeted that it was an offshoot group from the hackers Anonymous known as The Anon Leaks,

They "told me they did it by manipulating the maritime 'Automatic Identification System,' which is used to track ship locations," he tweeted. "They said they wanted to put the yacht in the scope of sanction packages as well as 'put a little smile on some faces for a short period in these dark times.'"

P.I. and Ex-Cop schools cops regarding the law

surfingyt says...

and interestingly being a police officer isn't that dangerous of a job despite the fearmongering the scared little boys try and peddle

Drachen_Jager said:

If Cops REALLY were concerned about the dangers of the job they'd act like it instead of turning every single interaction with the public into a conflict that could end in a life or death situation.

TX law & tattoos

vil says...

I try to be as smart as I am able to, my means are humble.

Do you presume that everyone in Texas who proclaims himself a christian is obliged to have the same official christian opinion on abortions?

Dissenters to be burned at a stake on Sunday.

I do not claim to know "very fundamentals" but I am sure there are many interpretations even in Texas of what christianity is or should be. Which exactly do you have in mind?

I am glad videosift is graced by the presence of the Texas supreme christian fundamentalist who knows what people in Texas should think, the penalty for nonconformity being to "fuck off out of Texas". Sounds very unchristian to me, but what do I know about christians in Texas, right?

Well enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, Texas. Abortions dont care, they will keep on being performed, just secretly, dangerously and expensively. Lawyers will be happy. Poor people will die. In the name of preserving the life of a cluster of cells which might or might not have gone on to become a human, actual humans will be harmed.

Anom212325 said:

"other christians?" ...

"perscribed opinions" ...

If you don't know very fundamentals of the religion please don't try and be "smart"

GOP Try to Rewrite the History of the Jan 6th Insurrection

moonsammy says...

That cop's alternative being what, letting the rampaging mob have their way with the legislators he was duty-bound to protect? It's not like the officer was just wandering around and randomly shot her - she was at the front of a violent mob that had just broken through a barrier. By shooting her, he kept the mob at bay for a bit longer, which may very well have saved lives. When people on this site decry police violence, it tends to be in a context where that violence was unnecessary and excessive for the situation. The fact that more of the insurrectionists weren't shot actually illustrates incredible restraint and professionalism, on the part of the Capitol police.

I'd like to add: fucking stop with the "unarmed" bullshit. They were a RAMPAGING MOB. They were chanting their wish to kill the Vice President, who they believed to be in the building. Do you really believe a group of people with only bludgeoning weapons are incapable of causing massive amounts of harm? They had violently broken into one of the core seats of power in the US, in a direct effort to stop the democratic process and what has in *every other instance* been a peaceful transition of power.

Seriously - if you support the 1/6/2021 insurrection, you support an attempted fascistic overthrow of the US government. It isn't up for debate, that's what happened on that day. It wasn't a fucking protest, they weren't a goddamned tourist group. They smashed their way into the Capitol, at the behest of a man seemingly incapable of admitting defeat (gracefully or otherwise), with the goal of keeping him in power against the will of the voters of this country. That shit is not at all acceptable, and I hope the lot of them serve sufficient time in prison to act as a warning to all other fascists.

TangledThorns said:

Ashli Babbit was murdered by .gov. It's the one time that Democrats don't care about cops murdering an unarmed person.

Don't be a sucker

moonsammy says...

This is fantastic. Thank you for posting.

While he doesn't really get into politics, a while back Destin from Smarter Every Day had a brief discussion on the topic of "political grace." Basically, don't hold people's beliefs against them, as they may come to them with entirely good intentions. A challenging concept to actually practice, particularly when everyone can probably think of many examples of "how the fuck can anyone possibly believe this insane bullshit" that they've personally encountered. The audience members in this video are a solid example of why political grace matters though, as none were villains but some made some truly egregious decisions. We should look for those who preach unity and forgiveness, and be wary of those who sow division.

Helicopter night rescue of trapped firefighters

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

shinyblurry says...

God gives people grace in many ways. One of those ways is by communicating His will through the preaching of His word. The hearing of the word imparts faith, which is a gift from God. You're wondering how you believe; when you listen to the word with a good heart God will give you the faith to believe it. He will also confirm His word with supernatural signs and wonders.

I don't know how true your appraisal is of those who have told you about the Lord, but your situation is better than those who have never heard. Plus you have me, newtboy, and I'm sure that makes you feel extremely fortunate. Yet scripture tells us that even if the messenger is bad it doesn't negate your responsibility. Faith and reason are complimentary. I think this quote is true: Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found too difficult and not tried.

I can't speak for the myriad of pretenders but there has only ever been one man who died for your sins. Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah that Moses and the prophets wrote about in the Old Testament. There are exact prophecies like the 70 weeks of Daniel which predict the exact date of His death for our sins. I believe what I believe because I have been changed by His grace. That's my only motivation in telling you or anyone about this, because He is real and you can know that for yourself. You can know that by putting even a slight intellectual effort into understanding the problem. You will find that there are good reasons to believe that God is real and good reasons to believe Jesus is who He said He is. I am a flawed vessel but I serve a God who doesn't need me to prove that He is real. He sends me because He is inviting you to seek Him and be saved.

newtboy said:

"Warned about" Noah, not God, right? So Noah failed to convince them it was true, no? If they knew it was coming because they KNEW God was real and had warned them himself...good riddance, they must have been incredibly dumb or suicidal.

I've been warned that Zenu is coming back too....I've been warned that Vikings will pour over a rainbow and murder the world, or many other tales that existed far longer than this Jesus guy's been heard of. I've only been warned of these things by humans who were clearly delusional (or liars), never anyone trustworthy. When the message is unbelievable, and so is the messenger, and the proof is "believe", and there are dozens of contradictory messages with exactly the same level of proof, the idea that a person should choose correctly or suffer eternal punishment is the definition of evil.

If God withholds judgment capriciously out of fickle mercy based on no discernable pattern or rule, and just as often punishes the righteous and rewards the wicked as the reverse, how is that different from random chance?

Why do you stubbornly deny the undeniable existence of El and his son Ba'al, though you see their works daily? Their tales, which predate even the earliest Hebrew scriptures or stories, prove their hand in your existence, yet you refuse to give your devotion and would unfairly discredit them and hand all credit to this Johnny come lately deity. Mot shall have you if you don't repent.
Sounds silly, doesn't it?

T.I. has Melania Trump...

newtboy says...

I guess she's also the most elegantly proper, and most American FLOTUS too?
Ignoring she's a clear gold digger and soft core porn model, it's an astonishing lack of self awareness to announce her anti bullying movement isn't about kids being bullied, it's about herself, the biggest victim of bullying ever! She's not even the biggest bullying victim of her husband, who's a professional bully.

Compared to the hyper racist, constant, even institutionalized bullying Michelle endured with calm and grace, Melania is treated like a Disney princess constantly. Michelle got everything Melania gets X5, but got (still gets) all the racial attacks as well. You just didn't hear her whine about it or start a national movement backed by the Whitehouse to try to stop her personal issues with trolls.

Consider, "people" like you insist a foreign nude model with little education, no degree like she lied and claimed to have from various universities (now proven false, she left after 1 year) and horrible English skills (almost as bad as her husband) who married the internet troll in Chief for money is a better spokeswoman/speaker than a well educated lawyer who's public speaking prowess is above reproach, head and shoulders above any person on the right, elected or not. Recall, Melania thought Michelle spoke so well, she plagiarized Michelle's speech.

Consider, you could not mention Michelle without calling her names, bullying her is so ingrained in the right's psyche it doesn't even register to you. I'm impressed you thought and changed "gorilla" to "dog". That's actually an improvement, which is an incredibly sad demonstration of how low the right has sunk, completely lacking civility while whining they aren't coddled enough.

bobknight33 said:

Most bullied FLOTUS.

If this was Michael Obama the media would be losing its mind and blowing its stack. The outrage of outrage.

Then again Michael Obama is a dog and could not pull this off.

New Rule: The Fault in Our Stars | Real Time with Bill Maher

MilkmanDan says...

Warren could be good. I'm not 100% sold that she can play the political game particularly well -- the "Pocahontas" thing should have been pretty gracefully manageable, but she kinda fumbled there a bit. Still, if the Democrat primary system can avoid being the train wreck it was leading up to 2016, I think she could go through that and prove that she's got what it takes. So, maybe.

I love Sanders, but he's divisive because of the "Socialist" thing, which is still quite a scary word for Cold War-era people. I think that is surmountable by calmly explaining exactly what his brand of Democratic Socialism means, but there's always going to be that easy Fox News narrative against him. So between that, age, and other factors, he's not a slam dunk.

Obama? I'm assuming you mean Michelle? Name recognition yes. Firsthand political experience, not so much. I don't think I've ever heard her say anything about wanting to get into politics directly.

I concur about Avenatti.

I hope the D's don't screw this up. All of these celebrity / political celebrity candidates seem risky and hit or miss to me. Might be better to go with a relative unknown -- somebody who's been through a hairy campaign or two (because we know Trump will attack and try to rattle) and knows how to walk the line between giving those attacks legitimacy by responding to them and seeming too milquetoasty by ignoring them. (Barack) Obama was quite good at having that calm outer demeanor while also having a quick wit and knowing when to get counter-jabs in. Seems like someone with those kinds of skills could really lure Trump into a bunch of pitfalls.

newtboy said:

What about a celebrity politician like Warren, Sanders, or even Obama? They all have name recognition and experience.
Abonetti is like nominating Clinton, not exciting and a bit scary for many Democrats and independents, totally divisive, and a reason to go vote for Republicans. Please let's not make that mistake again.

WARM...whrkt...LEATHERETTE: 2006 Bauhaus/NIN cover

Jesus fails at Crossfit

Grace Jones Tribute video

Erlich Owning Kids - Silicon Valley

MilkmanDan says...

@ChaosEngine --

I was mostly just being facetious. Although I do think that "blissful ignorance" is a fine approach when it comes to appreciating media / art / whatever. As such, I'd rather ignore any of the behind-the-scenes stuff and evaluate such works strictly in their own right.

I think that works well (for me at least) for existing, completed stuff. But it is honestly a shame when that behind-the-scenes stuff gets in the way of expansions, follow-ups, or graceful conclusions to the good stuff that came before. Doesn't mean I will enjoy the good earlier works any less, though.

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