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Sigourney Weaver on the Alien Prequel

Fletch says...

It can't be worse than the fourth movie. I can't believe she agreed to do that mess. I didn't see it in the theatre, as I heard it sucked. I pirated it years later on a goof, and I was pissed I wasted the bandwidth.

The Consequences Will Never Be The Same (Dubstep Remix)

Girls Suck at Video Games

Sagemind says...

I must first say that my comments are not intended to Troll or invoke an "emotional" debate. (not that I was accused).

In no way do I deny stereotypes don't exist.
I also don't think statistics tell the whole story.

Things that can skew statistics:
1). Women almost always get the kids in a breakup - something men have had to fight for years and almost always loose. This leads to (plus) 1 woman doing domestic work and (minus) 1 men doing domestic work. (a factor of 2)
According to U.S. Census Bureau in November, 2009
* Approximately 84% of custodial parents are mothers, and
* 16% of custodial parents are fathers
So this means more women than men (by a large margin) can lay claim to domestic chores in the home over men. Not factoring in how many of those men fought for the right of custody that was never granted to them.

This same report states that 34.2% of custodial mothers have never been married while 20.9% of custodial fathers have never married. Why they were not married needs further study here but many young mothers never inform or notify the fathers or just never put the father's name on the birth certificate so the father has limited legal rights to the child.

2). There is often a job sharing practice in the home. One member (ofter the woman) stays inside and cleans the house while the other (often the man), does other chores such as yard work, car maintenance, household maintenance ect. These things makes it look like the women do all the chores while the men just "hang out" when actually they can balance out. Sometimes the roles can be reversed to the stereotypical roles - In my house, I do the dishes and the cooking while my wife takes out the garbage. A friend of stays away from his wife's power-tools and lets her do the yardwork while he takes care of the kids and their education needs.

3). Men are groomed to be (from a young age) that working is the only option. Period. Women have always been raised knowing there is an option of staying home or going to work (just find the right man). So that means a percentage grows up already deciding they will stay home. As such, they never pursue a proper education to to enable themselves to start "Climbing the ladder" from day one.

4). About 13 percent of women suffer from depression after childbirth often making work outside he home or at full capacity not possible. This depression can be caused due to "changes in brain chemistry" during pregnancy and "hormonal factors unique to women". "women are at greater risk of depression at certain times in their lives, such as puberty, during and after pregnancy, and during perimenopause." Levels of thyroid hormones may also drop after giving birth." As well, the common treatments for depression often cause an increases drop in ambition as the drugs used often remove both highs and lows.

I must make note here that this is not an opinion or a jab at woman - it's a fact and I have great respect for anyone trying to cope with depression, anxiety or related mood disorders.
Postpartum Support International

I'm just trying to illustrate how nothing is as cut and dry as, "the women have to do all the work at home and work full time while never getting paid what they are worth - while the men never do anything, goof off all the time and get paid more... " I'm at work and can't write any more at the moment but I may be back

What motivates us

Breaking Bad: Hank Fights for His Life

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^dag:

Because he couldn't hear the ominous background music.>> ^NordlichReiter:
Why didn't he just start the car, and drive the fuck away?
Plot hole the size of the damned moon.
He shot that goof what? 3 times? Those pistols have the big round barrel of a .45 cal. Bullet proof vest or not, that guy would have been sucking air after two hits from slugs those size.

I need that so I know when I'm about to get attacked by my cats....

Breaking Bad: Hank Fights for His Life

IronDwarf says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

Why didn't he just start the car, and drive the fuck away?
Plot hole the size of the damned moon.
He shot that goof what? 3 times? Those pistols have the big round barrel of a .45 cal. Bullet proof vest or not, that guy would have been sucking air after two hits from slugs those size.

Hank has recently started freezing up when faced with stressful situations, due to an exploding head attached to a tortoise.

Remember, it's just a TV show; just like most other shows, they are taking liberties with reality to make a scene more exciting, and I think they definitely succeeded.

Breaking Bad: Hank Fights for His Life

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Because he couldn't hear the ominous background music.>> ^NordlichReiter:

Why didn't he just start the car, and drive the fuck away?
Plot hole the size of the damned moon.
He shot that goof what? 3 times? Those pistols have the big round barrel of a .45 cal. Bullet proof vest or not, that guy would have been sucking air after two hits from slugs those size.

Breaking Bad: Hank Fights for His Life

NordlichReiter says...

Why didn't he just start the car, and drive the fuck away?

Plot hole the size of the damned moon.

He shot that goof what? 3 times? Those pistols have the big round barrel of a .45 cal. Bullet proof vest or not, that guy would have been sucking air after two hits from slugs those size.

Canadian TV Show Destroys a Snake Oil Salesman

Drax says...

The tension in the air actually changed when the guy said, "I think you're nice, blah blah but I'm out" and the sleaze guy then didn't take it gracefully, he came back with a stern, "Why?". That's when everyone stopped goofing off because the sales guy clearly isn't a good sport (and DOES seem kinda insane), then the cancer cure just tipped it over fully.

How to make a Musical Cauliflower

Apparently you can count Slippery Pete...

Duckman33 says...

>> ^shuac:
That's the way people are these days. Here's my working theory...
Any admission of guilt or wrongdoing, in their minds, tags them weak and ineffectual, to the point that they'll spite themselves. You can observe this behavior amongst politicians and police, in fact, any positions of power seem to come with this childish baggage.
I've always thought that it demonstrates superior character when someone admits they're wrong. They don't even need to buckle right away, it might be a protracted battle with namecalling and the like. But when the evidence reveals beyond any doubt as to the onus of blame, nothing brings closure like a simple, "I goofed."
Of course, I could be wrong.

Yeah, word.

Apparently you can count Slippery Pete...

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^shuac:
That's the way people are these days. Here's my working theory...
Any admission of guilt or wrongdoing, in their minds, tags them weak and ineffectual, to the point that they'll spite themselves. You can observe this behavior amongst politicians and police, in fact, any positions of power seem to come with this childish baggage.
I've always thought that it demonstrates superior character when someone admits they're wrong. They don't even need to buckle right away, it might be a protracted battle with namecalling and the like. But when the evidence reveals beyond any doubt as to the onus of blame, nothing brings closure like a simple, "I goofed."
Of course, I could be wrong.


Apparently you can count Slippery Pete...

shuac says...

That's the way people are these days. Here's my working theory...

Any admission of guilt or wrongdoing, in their minds, tags them weak and ineffectual, to the point that they'll spite themselves. You can observe this behavior amongst politicians and police, in fact, any positions of power seem to come with this childish baggage.

I've always thought that it demonstrates superior character when someone admits they're wrong. They don't even need to buckle right away, it might be a protracted battle with namecalling and the like. But when the evidence reveals beyond any doubt as to the onus of blame, nothing brings closure like a simple, "I goofed."

Of course, I could be wrong.

Many sifters are extremists when talking about religion (Religion Talk Post)

d3bas3r says...

Hey, I posted that video.

The statement that prompted the original post of this thread is "If this does not get rid of my P there is no god." Which was meant as a tongue and cheek statement, that is all. I am glad it sparked a discussion. dan00108, you said "This war is useless and does not deserve the attention it is receiving." I disagree with you for all the reasons that dag and jiyanibi stated.

dan00108 you also said "As a note: All this is entirely my opinion and nothing else." I like that you took the time to write a good post about your opinion. I can see how my statement could be taken as jackassery, but i was just goofing around.

Congressman Alan Grayson Lists Number Of Dead Per District

LordOderus says...

The reason people die from "lack of medical care" is because getting treated without insurance is difficult and expensive. There are a numerous ways be uninsured negatively effects your life and health. I know this from personal experience. I will only mention here a few instances that I directly experienced.

When I was about 16, my mother was on leave from the post office after getting injured. My father worked at a school as maintenance. His insurance didn't cover me, and my mothers was suspended while she was out of work, so I was left uninsured. I was goofing off in the woods and tripped on some old lumber and get a rusy nail in my calf. Nothing serious, just a small wound that needed 3 stitches and a tetanus shot. We went down, waited several hours, and then was taken care of. (the wait time is due to the fact that my local hospital is terrible, not my lack of insurance) After a week, my mother got the outrageous bill for something around $1100. There were all kinds of insane fees tacked on. There was even a fee for it being a Sunday when I went to the emergency room. With my mother out of work at the time, money was pretty tight and this was a big problem for the family. I was supposed to return about 2 weeks later to have the stitches removed. This was going to cost another $200 or so, and we just couldn't afford it. My mother and I ended up waiting till I was supposed to return and have them taken out, and just did it ourselves. Now, removing 3 stitches from a healed up leg wound isn't a big deal. We did it no problem. However what if something had gone terribly wrong. Or what if it wasn't just 3 simple stitches but something much more intricate. Having to spend another $200 would have forced us to cut back on things like FOOD. These are the decisions uninsured people have to make. Getting treatment or paying rent. Getting your prescription filled or eating that week. I'm sorry, but those are not decisions people should have to make. I'd also like to point out, my family wasn't poor. We were lower middle class. There are a lot of people that were worse off than we were.
Another example was only a few years ago. My father was at work, he tends bar now, and randomly passed out. (No he was not drunk, his blood sugar was very low, and they told him he may be hypoglycemic) He woke up a few seconds later, but was put in an ambulance and taken to the ER. He was admitted, they drew some blood, did some tests, and told him to eat a candy bar and sent him home. Fast forward a week or so and he gets the bill. Over $5000. Roughly $700 of it was for the ambulance ride, from the volunteer ambulance core in our town to the hospital, about a 10 mile, all highway. Luckily for my father, he doesn't have a mortgage or rent to pay as the house he lives in is paid for. Never the less, he would send in a payment each month. As much as he could spare, and it still took him well over a year to pay if all off.
I understand that treatment costs money. I understand there are supplies, utilities, payroll, and other costs required to run a hospital or doctors office. I just feel, that people should be able to go to the doctor without having to worry about if and how they are going to pay for it. In a modern country, with all the money and power we have, no one should ever have to choose between food and care. It's insane.

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