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Coach Barely Avoids Crash

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Distributed by KingWorld 12/28/1981 Pat's Debut OB

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The Emu War (2023)

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What Were They Thinking!? - Military Fails #2

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Vanna's Farewell to Pat | S41 | Wheel of Fortune

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Maga Loyalist Endorses Donald Trump

newtboy says...

More brain numbingly stupid projection.
Everyone including yourself knows full well disgraced Donny lusts after his daughter and has since puberty started, he’s always been very public about it. Everyone knows disgraced Donny spent decades partying constantly with Epstein who was prostituting little girls to his rich friends, was credibly accused of raping a 13 year old at his island (with video), and still defends middle school madam Maxwell (because she has the tapes) despite her convictions for child sex abuse. Everyone knows disgraced Donny bought the Miss Teen USA pageant specifically to be able to go backstage and leer at the underage girls getting dressed, and bragged about it on air. Everyone knows disgraced Donny violently raped his wife then bought her silence (after she reported it). Everyone knows Disgraced Donny told 26 women he cheated on his wife with that they resembled his YOUNG DAUGHTER which made him horny for them.

Everyone knows these disgusting and just dumb lies about President Biden are utterly ridiculous, (edit: like the last one when you claimed he raped an woman in the open halls of congress in public during session but no one noticed and it wasn’t reported for 40 years but really it happened, believe you!…and come from known liars who usually are guilty of the baseless charges they lob at others…like the GOP that is absolutely overflowing with real charged rapists and pedophiles like Gaetz and Donjon.)

Married his babysitter…Jill? What? According to who? They met in 1975 on a blind date set up by Biden’s brother who knew her. You are buying more stupid lies because you are nothing but a stupid liar who stupidly lies day in and day out, convincing no one of anything besides the fact that you are incredibly, outrageously, unbelievably stupid and a constant idiotic liar afraid of reality or truth. Congratulations.

Jill bangs her son’s wife? What? You smoked some bad meth, buddy. Get help.
You really are off the deep end and just screaming self referencing nonsense on the corner. If only you could recognize how insane you really are in your panic at losing everything, you would voluntarily commit yourself tonight.

As expected, you ignore this laundry list of disqualifying facts about a convicted felon, rapist, cheater, and incestuous pedophile but hold onto nonsensical blatantly obvious lies about a lifelong public servant and loyal and decent husband and father.

The Trump crime family has more CONVICTIONS than every administration before and after them combined. They have more convictions than many administrations had accusations, and more credible accusations than all administrations ever! 😂

bobknight33 said:

I'd rather vote for Trump than Joe.

Joe showers with his daughter and married his babysitter , (Jill) and his son Hunter bangs his dead brothers wife.

Biden family values are degenerate.

Baseball Fan Beaned by Foul Ball Gets Her Own Topps Card

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Sex Catapults: How to Avoid Cannibalism When Mating

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Every time I go out ...

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Governor Larry Hogan has been ousted from the Republican Party for daring to say you should respect the American legal process, a hard Republican stance my entire lifetime until convicted felon Trump came around.
The RNCs official position is no one should vote for anyone who respects the rule of law or the legal process, the GOP would rather lose the house and senate than have someone who respects the law and the American legal process. This was their official statement.

Yes, the RNC has OFICIALLY become the party against law and order who wants to sew division and unpredictable fascism.
The law is your enemy, so is the majority of the public, you are a criminal terrorist organization working for the benefit of our international enemies like China, Russia, North Korea, and even Iran….I don’t think even you are so dumb or delusional that you don’t know it.

BTW-Aren’t you going to brag about convicted felon and rapist Trump’s crowd size in Ocala Florida?
Aren’t you going to gloat about the mistrial Trump is getting because the cousin of a jurist proved the fix was in?
Can’t wait to see how many cultists roast themselves to death in LV hoping to glimpse their prophet. I hope the city sues the campaign for creating an event so poorly planned it was excessively dangerous if not deadly, just like the one in Phoenix.

Im suing

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Moments before disaster

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Kid tries to do Canada’s Highest Bungee

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Convicted felon and rapist Trump has today declared war against America, and is begging his cultists to join his war council in preparation for his personal civil war you would fight for one man. Anyone who responds will be on a terrorist watch list. Enjoy Gitmo…if you live that long. The first shot fired by maga will be your end, the nation is done with the tin foil hat brigade and are ready to cull you and yours.

50+ cultists hospitalized from heat stroke in Phoenix apparently wasn’t enough so he has another noon rally planned outside in Vegas tomorrow when it’s scheduled to be over 110 in the shade. He is actively trying to kill you.

This as he celebrates his new maga title, “The Chosen One”…with the golden Trump and Maga Shamen in tow and Trump bibles for sale….but NOOOOOOO, it’s not a cult. 😂

Did he just realize he lost to Carrol? He’s tweeting like he just found out about the 4 month old judgement(s), ranting about New York losing businesses (reality is there’s a massive influx of businesses so strong it’s outpacing the city’s ability to permit them, not a loss). The man is broken and in steep decline. Better hope the sun doesn’t get him tomorrow (don’t fret, he will have AC unlike the crowd).

Indian Elections: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

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Beggar's Canyon