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Crash causes Electric Explosion

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Amazing Workers Show Off Impressive Skills

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

BTW you anti American moron.
You got suckered into spreading Russian lies again.
The stupid race baiting video you graffitied my profile with was another lie, an American citizen having a psychotic break and killing a cat who was not in Springfield, not a Haitian in Springfield eating cats like you claimed.

Another lie spread by the idiot that believes and spreads every single lie he’s told but absolutely never admits anything, much less every single thing he believes is a blatant lie.

This makes false racist accusation 317 you have attempted to spread that I have thoroughly debunked, you lying racist piece of shit.

Yes, this IS another Russian lie you are spreading. Blatant overt racism meant to divide between rational reasonable people and irate idiot racists…guess which side you chose. Many of the bomb threats and constant calls to police are coming from one foreign country…guess which one.

The Republican campaign is purely divisive, has no solutions only scapegoats to target, has been unambiguous that they will create and spread false stories (like pet eating by migrants) to get their messages out and will ignore the damage and danger it causes (like bomb, gun, and death threats, physical attacks, and terrorism of entire communities), they support and encourage political violence at every turn then cry a River when there’s the tiniest bit of blowback like when one of your own nutjobs turns on you.
The reason it is so divisive, outrageous, racist, sexist, etc. is that this gets clicks and views and reports and distracts the news cycle from going over his record of economic collapse, health crises, job losses, division, failed trade wars, failed border policy, failed drug policy, forgotten infrastructure policy, all of 2020…honestly any of his policies…notice he doesn’t talk policy EVER. There’s good reason.

😂 just too fucking hilarious to miss….maga celebrities are begging people to stop listening to celebrities about politics! 😂

Latest Failed Assassin Arrested On Florida Highway

newtboy says...

What’s that? You see another wolf?
Both are definitely verified to be 100% hard core MAGA. Nice try. Too bad you have zero believability after 14 years of idiotic nonsensical lies and absolutely nothing more. (blm killing cops (oops, I mean far right boogaloo boyz trying to blame blm) ANTIFA on Jan 6 (oops, not a single non MAGA found attacking democracy) Pelosi was a lover’s spat (more likely from either shooter, they once loved the child rapist). The election was stolen (the felon tried to steal it, but was too incompetent). Every claim you make is stupidity mixed with anger at your own failures and spiced with racism.). But you keep shouting “WOLF! WOLF WOLF!” and see how that works out for you. I certainly wouldn’t expect you to look into how it worked for others in the past. 😂

Both had mental issues….both still attained assault style weapons after Trump repealed a law that barred people who are mentally ill from purchasing guns.

Both supported Trump. One voted for him and recently supported Nicky Haley not Biden or Harris, and once reportedly donated $10 to support democracy in Ukraine (the reason he turned on Trump, is that why you say he’s a democrat…because he’s pro-democracy?), the other was too young to vote but every single person who knew him said he was 100% far right MAGA, his motive is fame, the alleged donation to vote blue was quickly debunked as another person in another state at another age but with the same first and last name, a claim that was verified to be wrong week one after the shooting. Both were 100% MAGA, no question, verified a dozen ways over. More baseless lies from the liar ignoring all actual evidence to believe some stupid nonsense based on known falsehoods, or to just lie about the facts because they’re bad for him…shocked!

We all know you can’t admit it, we know you are incapable of admitting any mistake or lie because it’s all you have, but we also all know the truth, and the truth is BOTH ARE FAR RIGHT WING MAGA GUN NUTS THAT USED ASSAULT RIFLES (that Joe had banned in the 90s but the right removed the ban) TO ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE POLITICIANS THAT ARE NOT FAR RIGHT ENOUGH. (Cozying up to Putin is not right wing, btw)

It should be noted, his secret service detail told him repeatedly that he could not be safeguarded at that course because it had public roads and homes bordering multiple holes and it could not be secured. He went there anyway, and now blames the secret service.

At best you are a Russian troll, but I don’t give you credit for that kind of intelligence…in reality you are an uneducated gullible idiot that buys every bit of AntiAmerican propaganda Putin feeds you because you honestly hate modern America and aren’t bright enough to see reality. I haven’t noticed one you missed, and absolutely know there isn’t a single time you have admitted they tricked you into spreading the Russian based lies despite it being proven daily. You haven’t said a word about your favorite failures in mommy’s basement all being caught getting paid hundreds of thousands a month to spread anti American Russian propaganda, or the right wing media and politicians that picked up that dishonest propaganda and ran with it (like you did every single time).

I go to the “Putin’s puppet” line because you and the felon keep repeating the lies he keeps feeding you, then pretending you didn’t even as you spread the next one. You and he are Putin puppets. Putin, and El-Sisi ($10 million cash bribe to change official policy towards Egypt still completely unexplained and growing as Barr testified Trump forced him to end the investigation into the bribe that was looking bad in 2017, and is restarting. Another case of the felon selling out America for $.). Same thing as Menendez, and Dems threw him to the wolves without defense when he was caught…you just keep on defending the felon as he sells out America to pay his enormous legal bills. The best thing you could possibly say is admitting you are too stupid and ignorant for it to be intentional….maybe….it would be impossibly hard to believe even you are that dense.

bobknight33 said:

Both are DEMOCRATS. Both donated to Democrat Act Blue fundraising ordinations.

Are worst you live in fake news.
At best you are a tool for the left.

Always going to the Putin puppet line.

Use Your Talking Buttons!

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5 I will quit my job tomorrow

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Saturday Night eBike Cruise - Denver, Colorado

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La Parade des Champions from Olympics and Paralympics 2024

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"I'm Just Lost For Words!

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Funky Interlude

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"Weed"ing Rainbow - Theme Song

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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another MAGA gun nut tried to assassinate the felon. A Trump voter turned Haley supporter.
Why does MAGA want to murder Trump?

Oops…JD Vance admitted on CNN that he created the eating cats story to get people to talk about immigration….yes, he unambiguously admitted he made it up to get you upset over immigration and trick you into voting for him because they lose on any other topic. HE FUCKING ADMITTED IT PLAINLY.
You still believe it, don’t you? You believed the old video of an American citizen having a psychotic break in another town and killing a cat somehow proved it was true…because you are an amazingly gullible ignoramus who always prefers lies to facts.

JD Vance aligned himself with the Proud Boys who are assaulting legal migrants and committing terrorist acts like bomb threats in Ohio based on the lies Vance admits he made up.

Still no explanation for the $10 million cash bribe paid to the felon by Egypt right before he changed US policy for Egypt’s benefit.

Margin of error beaten in all recent polls.

3 In a construction site rife with violations of OSHA stand

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A Dog’s Nose Doesn’t Always Know!

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It’s Not Big Enough For The Both Of Us!

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