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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Where were we?…..
226 Kennesaw Mayor, former councilman Leonard Church (all households required to own a gun) child molestation

227 GOP WA state Sen Joe Fain - accused of rape, accuser inspired by Christine Blasey Ford

228 Federal judge Brett Kavanaugh and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been credibly accused of sexual assault

229 George H.W. Bush - several groping allegations (though my sister worked in nursing homes & said they used to note DOM (Dirty Old Man) on charts because it was so common for aged men to lose their social control

230 AL GOP Gov. Robert Bentley - sexual harassment

231 Pensacola’s GOP Sheriff Al Harrison convicted of forcing women prisoners to have sex with him.

232 SC celebrity politician Thomas Ravenal, former Republican State Treasurer, sexual assault, assault and battery

233 Colorado Republican House minority leader Mike May’s company sued for sexual discrimination/harassment

234 Republican Sheriff L. PAUL BAILEY of Berrien Co, Michigan oversaw a prison where several inmates were raped and abused.

235 Reagan appointee U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith Jr. sexual harassment and misconduct

236 SD GOP state Rep. Mathew Wollman resigned after sleeping with interns Plural!

237 Republican NY state Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin - sexual harassment

238 NY Assemblyman Greg Ball - R - sexual harassment and assault several times in NY & TX

239 NY Assemblyman Republican Angela Wozniak sexual harassment, retaliation after staff member breaks off affair

240 Former state representative and gubernatorial candidate Steve Nunn ignored the restraining order had against him for domestic violence and murdered her.

241 GOP Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls gets ONE YEAR for raping a young woman since she was 9 until she was 23.

242 Will Folks, spokesperson for Republican Gov. Mark Sanford (Appalachian Trail) convicted for domestic violence.

243 MN GOP state house candidate Brad Gerten - domestic assault

244 GOP Congressional candidate David "Bull" Gurfein domestic violence

245 University of Massachusetts Republican Club vice president -Bradley S. DeFlumeri domestic violence, violating restraining orders.

246 Carl’s, Jr CEO and big Trump supporter Andrew Puzder lost the opportunity to be Labor Secretary because of domestic violence history, but Trump still wants him in the administraiton

247 Albuquerque Republican Rep. Rory Ogle - domestic violence and assault withdrew from reelection campaign

248 William "Wild Bill" Janklowm Republican governor of SD - two rapes, one as a minor, the other, he took advantage of reservation inability to prosecute whites who commit crimes on reservation.

249 Republican Congressman Dan Burton - sexual harassment and groping

250 Dick Armey, GOP Congressman from Texas - sexual harassment, inappropriate conduct with college students

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Here’s more Republican sex crimes for you….

226 Kennesaw Mayor, former councilman Leonard Church (all households required to own a gun) child molestation

227 GOP WA state Sen Joe Fain - accused of rape, accuser inspired by Christine Blasey Ford

228 Federal judge Brett Kavanaugh and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been credibly accused of sexual assault

229 George H.W. Bush - several groping allegations (though my sister worked in nursing homes & said they used to note DOM (Dirty Old Man) on charts because it was so common for aged men to lose their social control

230 AL GOP Gov. Robert Bentley - sexual harassment

231 Pensacola’s GOP Sheriff Al Harrison convicted of forcing women prisoners to have sex with him.

232 SC celebrity politician Thomas Ravenal, former Republican State Treasurer, sexual assault, assault and battery

233 Colorado Republican House minority leader Mike May’s company sued for sexual discrimination/harassment

234 Republican Sheriff L. PAUL BAILEY of Berrien Co, Michigan oversaw a prison where several inmates were raped and abused.

235 Reagan appointee U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith Jr. sexual harassment and misconduct

236 SD GOP state Rep. Mathew Wollman resigned after sleeping with interns Plural!

237 Republican NY state Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin - sexual harassment

238 NY Assemblyman Greg Ball - R - sexual harassment and assault several times in NY & TX

239 NY Assemblyman Republican Angela Wozniak sexual harassment, retaliation after staff member breaks off affair

240 Former state representative and gubernatorial candidate Steve Nunn ignored the restraining order had against him for domestic violence and murdered her.

241 GOP Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls gets ONE YEAR for raping a young woman since she was 9 until she was 23.

242 Will Folks, spokesperson for Republican Gov. Mark Sanford (Appalachian Trail) convicted for domestic violence.

243 MN GOP state house candidate Brad Gerten - domestic assault

244 GOP Congressional candidate David "Bull" Gurfein domestic violence

245 University of Massachusetts Republican Club vice president -Bradley S. DeFlumeri domestic violence, violating restraining orders.

246 Carl’s, Jr CEO and big Trump supporter Andrew Puzder lost the opportunity to be Labor Secretary because of domestic violence history, but Trump still wants him in the administraiton

247 Albuquerque Republican Rep. Rory Ogle - domestic violence and assault withdrew from reelection campaign

248 William "Wild Bill" Janklowm Republican governor of SD - two rapes, one as a minor, the other, he took advantage of reservation inability to prosecute whites who commit crimes on reservation.

249 Republican Congressman Dan Burton - sexual harassment and groping

250 Dick Armey, GOP Congressman from Texas - sexual harassment, inappropriate conduct with college students

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Cons are child raping abusers that are led by a rapist that lusts after his daughter, or at least publicly did when she was an underage teenager.

226 Kennesaw Mayor, former councilman Leonard Church (all households required to own a gun) child molestation

227 GOP WA state Sen Joe Fain - accused of rape, accuser inspired by Christine Blasey Ford

228 Federal judge Brett Kavanaugh and Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been credibly accused of sexual assault

229 George H.W. Bush - several groping allegations (though my sister worked in nursing homes & said they used to note DOM (Dirty Old Man) on charts because it was so common for aged men to lose their social control

230 AL GOP Gov. Robert Bentley - sexual harassment

231 Pensacola’s GOP Sheriff Al Harrison convicted of forcing women prisoners to have sex with him.

232 SC celebrity politician Thomas Ravenal, former Republican State Treasurer, sexual assault, assault and battery

233 Colorado Republican House minority leader Mike May’s company sued for sexual discrimination/harassment

234 Republican Sheriff L. PAUL BAILEY of Berrien Co, Michigan oversaw a prison where several inmates were raped and abused.

235 Reagan appointee U.S. District Judge Walter S. Smith Jr. sexual harassment and misconduct

236 SD GOP state Rep. Mathew Wollman resigned after sleeping with interns Plural!

237 Republican NY state Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin - sexual harassment

238 NY Assemblyman Greg Ball - R - sexual harassment and assault several times in NY & TX

239 NY Assemblyman Republican Angela Wozniak sexual harassment, retaliation after staff member breaks off affair

240 Former state representative and gubernatorial candidate Steve Nunn ignored the restraining order had against him for domestic violence and murdered her.

241 GOP Kent County Commissioner Gary Rolls gets ONE YEAR for raping a young woman since she was 9 until she was 23.

242 Will Folks, spokesperson for Republican Gov. Mark Sanford (Appalachian Trail) convicted for domestic violence.

243 MN GOP state house candidate Brad Gerten - domestic assault

244 GOP Congressional candidate David "Bull" Gurfein domestic violence

245 University of Massachusetts Republican Club vice president -Bradley S. DeFlumeri domestic violence, violating restraining orders.

246 Carl’s, Jr CEO and big Trump supporter Andrew Puzder lost the opportunity to be Labor Secretary because of domestic violence history, but Trump still wants him in the administraiton

247 Albuquerque Republican Rep. Rory Ogle - domestic violence and assault withdrew from reelection campaign

248 William "Wild Bill" Janklowm Republican governor of SD - two rapes, one as a minor, the other, he took advantage of reservation inability to prosecute whites who commit crimes on reservation.

249 Republican Congressman Dan Burton - sexual harassment and groping

250 Dick Armey, GOP Congressman from Texas - sexual harassment, inappropriate conduct with college students

bobknight33 said:

Liberals are disgusting.

lurgee (Member Profile)

X-47B First Arrested Landing

X-47B First Arrested Landing

X-47B First Arrested Landing

A little bit about Anti-Theists... (Blog Entry by kceaton1)

shinyblurry says...


I wholly agree that I detest these once atheists that have literally taken what is normally a balanced "naught" position as to God(s) existence barring evidence and instead these anti-theists ditch that stance and deem that not only is all religion a wash, but any God is as well. They're very "militant" in nature and seem to draw in those that are less secure about their own opinions; kind of like the Westboro Baptists. Unfortunately, they are also very pro-active, boisterous, and vitriolic in nature--worse of all they call themselves atheists still, giving the rest of us a bad rap.

And they're everywhere. The only place that I can go and say anything about Christianity without being ridiculed is a Christian forum. This goes from the obvious places like atheist forums, to a place like this, to even the comments section on Antitheists seem to outnumber thoughtful atheists at least 100-1.

Some of them though are just plain tired of the charades they have had to play with men they worked with, people they once respected--but, those same people might as well put their workmate, friend, and neighbors into brutal conditions for a simple principle held: atheism. It's happened before, not as ruthless as it may have been in the earlier centuries, but black listing someone in a community can happen. I've seen it happen innumerable times first hand! I can't blame some for their outrage and pointed damnation they hold for others; it was created by those that may complain that the volume and acidity of their words may be too strong--or too true.

Some have been mistreated, and some are just on the hate bandwagon because they are angry, insecure people who scapegoat religion for the evil in the world. Much like an anarchist blames all the evil in the world on governments.

Of course religion has it's share of idiots as well. They are almost always the fundamentalists, like the Westboro clan. Papa (George H. W.) Bush once said that atheists should have no rights in the U.S.--if he had his way--they would not be citizens nor would they be patriots. Because, this is a nation "under God"--atleast after that was added. Maybe Papa Bush didn't know that historical part. Religion also has a grand stand in politics and the media. That is yet another thing that must be remembered is that when an anti-theist does speak it will outrage the religious; but, atheists, anti-theists (even Jews, Muslims, Hindu, Buddhism, etc...), endure the endless exposure and should be expected to remain quiet... Fox News is the epitome of which I speak as it is nothing more than a pulpit for the rich, white, Christian, American, white collar worker.

Stupidity, of course, is not exclusive to any particular group of people, but is common to all of them.

But, there is one more consideration that HAS to be mentioned. As this point gets me to go after religious people all the time. If this makes me anti-theist, because I voiced a concern over what is being said--then anti-theism is far more wide-spread and has NOTHING to do with atheism. I do think this may be a common misconception from just my general experiences on the messageboards, here and elsewhere.

The problem is: Science!

This is especially true for all of the fundamental type religions. They all have a huge laundry list of minor science flaws to HUGE science flaws. Fundamentalism Christianity in the U.S. tends to take the lead in this war of fact versus opinion. There are plenty of fully qualified scientists out there that are religious, but ones that tend to go against the full body of evidence and scientific community to prove a religious claim tend to be "not fully qualified". They tend to use full scientific data and factual evidence to create a new theor...I mean hypothesis (many will try to use "theory", but their reason for their arrival at the new understanding tends to have no basis) and inject a very large amount of opinion, sprinkled with some facts. One such example is the red-shift video provided above by @shinyblurry .

The video I posted does have a basis, the phenomena was legitimately observed:

Obviously it isn't conclusive, but it definitely has merit and should be explored rather than dismissed. I would really like to know the difference between something like this and the pure speculation accepted as fact in big bang cosmology, such as the existence of dark matter and dark energy. They are little more than fudge factors, as well as cosmic inflation, to account for the glaring holes that don't fit observation. That isn't science, but you excuse it because..?

Science can become a VERY heated area of topic when it comes to religion. This begins when a religion: tries to debunk a theory or a part of it, to commandeer a theory and direct a new conclusion to fit an already preconceived destination which has not been peer-reviewed or tested, repeating scientific theories in religious pamphlets or media while purposefully undermining the theory by not presenting in full and correct context or actually printing falsehoods, lying about the nature of scientific testing, repetitiously incorrectly stating current stances on various theories (like radio-carbon dating, etc...), attempts by any churches through the state to eliminate the teaching of branches of science--especially ones that have been tested so much that have attained the rank of THEORY (Evolution, etc...), again the use of lying in media against science--this has reached every facet of media-large and small.

Here's the problem with the so called theory of evolution. What Darwin observed was microevolution, not macroevolution. He observed that species will adapt to their environments. That is scientific fact, and a great discovery. What he did from there is speculate that because species adapt to their environments, that those adaptations would lead to new species, and therefore, that all life has a common ancestor. Since it wasn't something that could be observed, what was supposed to prove his theory would be evidence from the fossil record. There was only one problem with that:

innumerable transitional forms must have existed but why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth? ..why is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links?

Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain, and this perhaps is the greatest objection which can be urged against my theory.

Charles Darwin
Origin of the Species

The total lack of transitional fossils was a complete embarrassment to Darwin. The excuse made was that because the record was so poor, more time was needed to unearth the fossils. Here we are 150 years later, and those transitional forms have failed to materialize. The fossil record is composed mainly of gaps. It also defies all the predictions of gradualism. All the major body types appeared suddenly in the Cambrian explosion without any discernable evolutionary history, and they appeared highly diversified. All the major phyla, classes, orders etc were there at the beginning. Species appear suddenly in stasis and leave just as suddenly. Macroevolution is not science, it has never been observed nor can it be tested. It is a just-so story which does not fit observation.

Christians don't have a problem with science, they have a problem with what isn't science. Macroevolution was a giant leap made by Darwin for which there was no evidence, and the fossil record does not match the predictions of the theory. Because of this, evolutionists have moved away from the fossil record and have used other lines of evidences to prove macroevolution, like common genetics in our DNA. The problem with that is, common genetics also indicates a common designer, and is better indicated by it actually, because of the mosaic pattern we observe in the genome.

I'm sure there are more. History has been a great use to show us what religion WILL do to science, even though all that is being shown is the truth. It truly is a dangerous weapon. If you can't except truth what hope do we have for you. Yes you can be a good person, but somehow you're flawed, unable to except reality.

Historically the church supported scientific inquiry. Science got its start in Christian Europe, and many of the greatest scientists were devout Christians.

When I was a believer (no matter what @shinyblurry says I was; I was Mormon and shiny seems to believe that his religious path is of course a T3 hard-line; were as Mormons just get the basic 56k dial-up...) I FELT the presence of God, or more accurately The Holy Ghost. I had no problem believing in everything science told me when I was religious. I knew it was the truth and I knew that God would not want me to ignore the grand insights into the workings of his masterpiece. I could feel in my soul, the first year I had physics, that something profound had just happened. I had found something I had been searching for my whole life. I felt connected to everything. I began to dismiss those that were religious around me and disliked evolution--to me evolution was so simple and yet such a wondrous way to create the most complex of things from literally the simplest. A literal masterpiece. So I do know that some can believe all that science says, but it's very hard in Christianity.

There are two kingdoms in this world, the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of Heaven, and they are both supernatural kingdoms. You can get a supernatural experience in a false religion, but it is just a corrupt copy of the real thing. Were you feeling a burning sensation in your chest? What you were feeling wasn't the Holy Spirit, or the presence of God, but the false spirit that pervades the mormon church. The presence of God is something that goes beyond feelings and sensations. This is how people get duped into false religions, because they get a spiritual experience from a false spirit.

I grew up secular, and when I became a Christian I was more than willing to accept the conclusions of science. I had believed them all my life because they had been taught to me as factual. I was even willing to intergrate them into my faith. It was only after investigating these things that I found, to my shock, that there wasn't any actual evidence for these things, and that they were neither testable or observerd. I changed my mind based on my investigation of the facts and not because of any religious duty. I would still believe it if I thought there was convincing evidence, but it isn't there.

Since you're scientifically minded, let me give you a challenge. You appear to be quite confident that evolution is proven true, so if that is the case, see if you can refute the arguments in this book:

So I hope I made a point with this. Anti-theism comes from quite a few directions. The most usual and common sight is that you'll see between someone defending scientific theories, while the less common will be those that have been directly burned by the religious community they most likely once belonged to. The last is of course what was brought up in earlier posts: atheists who turn into anti-theists. They tend to be the kind that will assert that religion is evil no matter how small or insignificant it may play a role in someones life.

It's because they have no idea how much of western civilization is built upon Christian principles and philosophy. What they need to do is educate themselves:

In the end most atheists boil down to this:

Stephen speaking to a religious friend...
“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

~Stephen Roberts

Penn Jillette: An Atheist's Guide to the 2012 Election

kceaton1 says...

Thought I'd throw in one more bit about the anti-theism comments above, like @GeeSussFreeK 's.

I wholly agree that I detest these once atheists that have literally taken what is normally a balanced "naught" position as to God(s) existence barring evidence and instead these anti-theists ditch that stance and deem that not only is all religion a wash, but any God is as well. They're very "militant" in nature and seem to draw in those that are less secure about their own opinions; kind of like the Westboro Baptists. Unfortunately, they are also very pro-active, boisterous, and vitriolic in nature--worse of all they call themselves atheists still, giving the rest of us a bad rap.

Some of them though are just plain tired of the charades they have had to play with men they worked with, people they once respected--but, those same people might as well put their workmate, friend, and neighbors into brutal conditions for a simple principle held: atheism. It's happened before, not as ruthless as it may have been in the earlier centuries, but black listing someone in a community can happen. I've seen it happen innumerable times first hand! I can't blame some for their outrage and pointed damnation they hold for others; it was created by those that may complain that the volume and acidity of their words may be too strong--or too true.

Of course religion has it's share of idiots as well. They are almost always the fundamentalists, like the Westboro clan. Papa (George H. W.) Bush once said that atheists should have no rights in the U.S.--if he had his way--they would not be citizens nor would they be patriots. Because, this is a nation "under God"--atleast after that was added. Maybe Papa Bush didn't know that historical part. Religion also has a grand stand in politics and the media. That is yet another thing that must be remembered is that when an anti-theist does speak it will outrage the religious; but, atheists, anti-theists (even Jews, Muslims, Hindu, Buddhism, etc...), endure the endless exposure and should be expected to remain quiet... Fox News is the epitome of which I speak as it is nothing more than a pulpit for the rich, white, Christian, American, white collar worker.

But, there is one more consideration that HAS to be mentioned. As this point gets me to go after religious people all the time. If this makes me anti-theist, because I voiced a concern over what is being said--then anti-theism is far more wide-spread and has NOTHING to do with atheism. I do think this may be a common misconception from just my general experiences on the messageboards, here and elsewhere.

The problem is: Science!

This is especially true for all of the fundamental type religions. They all have a huge laundry list of minor science flaws to HUGE science flaws. Fundamentalism Christianity in the U.S. tends to take the lead in this war of fact versus opinion. There are plenty of fully qualified scientists out there that are religious, but ones that tend to go against the full body of evidence and scientific community to prove a religious claim tend to be "not fully qualified". They tend to use full scientific data and factual evidence to create a new theor...I mean hypothesis (many will try to use "theory", but their reason for their arrival at the new understanding tends to have no basis) and inject a very large amount of opinion, sprinkled with some facts. One such example is the red-shift video provided above by @shinyblurry .

Science can become a VERY heated area of topic when it comes to religion. This begins when a religion: tries to debunk a theory or a part of it, to commandeer a theory and direct a new conclusion to fit an already preconceived destination which has not been peer-reviewed or tested, repeating scientific theories in religious pamphlets or media while purposefully undermining the theory by not presenting in full and correct context or actually printing falsehoods, lying about the nature of scientific testing, repetitiously incorrectly stating current stances on various theories (like radio-carbon dating, etc...), attempts by any churches through the state to eliminate the teaching of branches of science--especially ones that have been tested so much that have attained the rank of THEORY (Evolution, etc...), again the use of lying in media against science--this has reached every facet of media-large and small.

I'm sure there are more. History has been a great use to show us what religion WILL do to science, even though all that is being shown is the truth. It truly is a dangerous weapon. If you can't except truth what hope do we have for you. Yes you can be a good person, but somehow you're flawed, unable to except reality.

When I was a believer (no matter what @shinyblurry says I was; I was Mormon and shiny seems to believe that his religious path is of course a T3 hard-line; were as Mormons just get the basic 56k dial-up...) I FELT the presence of God, or more accurately The Holy Ghost. I had no problem believing in everything science told me when I was religious. I knew it was the truth and I knew that God would not want me to ignore the grand insights into the workings of his masterpiece. I could feel in my soul, the first year I had physics, that something profound had just happened. I had found something I had been searching for my whole life. I felt connected to everything. I began to dismiss those that were religious around me and disliked evolution--to me evolution was so simple and yet such a wondrous way to create the most complex of things from literally the simplest. A literal masterpiece. So I do know that some can believe all that science says, but it's very hard in Christianity.

So I hope I made a point with this. Anti-theism comes from quite a few directions. The most usual and common sight is that you'll see between someone defending scientific theories, while the less common will be those that have been directly burned by the religious community they most likely once belonged to. The last is of course what was brought up in earlier posts: atheists who turn into anti-theists. They tend to be the kind that will assert that religion is evil no matter how small or insignificant it may play a role in someones life.

In the end most atheists boil down to this:

Stephen speaking to a religious friend...
“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

~Stephen Roberts


Standup Economist: On politics and the federal budget

NetRunner says...

>> ^bobknight33:

You have some good links, thanks. It clearly points out that both parties spend like there is no tomorrow. Nothing like spending others people money.
Thank GOD that the TEA PARTY was able to infiltrate the Republican party and start holding these jackals feet to the fire. Hopefully the Democrats can get some TEA PARTY members on their side and together the TEA PARTY can stop this wasteful spending. >> ^NetRunner:
>> ^bobknight33:
To see how much the Government spends click the link
What 15 trillion dollars look like.

Where the debt actually came from:

Kinda not sure what you're talking about.

The first link shows that the deficit would be 0 if we unwound everything Bush did, and the second one shows that the bulk of the debt we have today was the result of Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush, and that Obama will be the first Democrat since FDR to preside over a deficit, and yet it'll still be a smaller one than Reagan ever ran...

The biggest source of debt is tax cuts, starting with Reagan. Clinton got the budget balanced with tax increases and spending cuts, Bush & the Republicans unbalanced it again with tax cuts.

Democrats have essentially always cared about debt and deficits more than anyone else. Look back at historical campaigns, even as far back as the 19th century.

This link was broken the other day, but here's what our future deficit problems are being caused by:

Mother of George Bush; Barbara Bush - using hypnosis

rottenseed says...

hahaha flail...part of that "ready, shoot, aim" logic>> ^shinyblurry:

i believe these are duplicated in the individual video..admittedly when i posted this i thought all of them might have been from the same cut, so in retrospect its not that great an example..but i mean, just look into her eyes..or dont because its scary, but its clear she is trying to drill this into peoples minds through hypnotic suggestion
>> ^Drax:
>> ^shinyblurry:
which was obviously edited for different audiences

But if it's edited for different audiances, then there's no mind control through repitition to the viewer.. wasn't that the whole point of the video?

Mother of George Bush; Barbara Bush - using hypnosis

shinyblurry says...

i believe these are duplicated in the individual video..admittedly when i posted this i thought all of them might have been from the same cut, so in retrospect its not that great an example..but i mean, just look into her eyes..or dont because its scary, but its clear she is trying to drill this into peoples minds through hypnotic suggestion

>> ^Drax:
>> ^shinyblurry:
which was obviously edited for different audiences

But if it's edited for different audiances, then there's no mind control through repitition to the viewer.. wasn't that the whole point of the video?

Mother of George Bush; Barbara Bush - using hypnosis

Drax says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

which was obviously edited for different audiences

But if it's edited for different audiances, then there's no mind control through repitition to the viewer.. wasn't that the whole point of the video?

Mother of George Bush; Barbara Bush - using hypnosis

shinyblurry says...

Ahh, no, they aren't all necssarily one long take..but they are all part of the same campaign video..which was obviously edited for different audiences, but it wasn't all the same take..and as far as credibility goes, i don't think your testimony about me is particularly credible, seeing as it has been laden with ridicule from the outset

>> ^Drax:
>> ^shinyblurry:
These are all cut from one campaign video..they aren't different takes..whether it works on you or not its an example of politicians blantantly using mind control

Oh, you know this for fact? I've seen the raw footage from what this is from, she's addressing differen't people in different areas with each take. They are NOT part of one piece / interview / whatever you want to call it. The little cut to animated text scenes in this video is masking that this isn't one long take.
So.. you'll claim to know something for sure without all the facts, so long as it matches what YOU want it to be, huh?
Now how's anyone supposed to take anything you claim with any credibitlity?

Mother of George Bush; Barbara Bush - using hypnosis

Drax says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

These are all cut from one campaign video..they aren't different takes..whether it works on you or not its an example of politicians blantantly using mind control

Oh, you know this for fact? I've seen the raw footage from what this is from, she's addressing differen't people in different areas with each take. They are NOT part of one piece / interview / whatever you want to call it. The little cut to animated text scenes in this video is masking that this isn't one long take.

So.. you'll claim to know something for sure without all the facts, so long as it matches what YOU want it to be, huh?

Now how's anyone supposed to take anything you claim with any credibitlity?

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