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Ender's Game Trailer

enoch says...

and then the collective nerd rage reached such an apocalyptic crescendo that the angels in heaven wept tears of blood,demons cowered in fear and mother earth heaved in cataclysmic revulsion.
the peoples of the world gasped in utter awe at the sheer force and ferocity that was to become known as nerdegeddon.

so.. still gonna go see it because i am compelled to.

Sexy Pool Party

Sea Lion vs 10 Killer Whales

MichaelL says...

I was once in a pub overlooking the main harbour of Vancouver in Washington State. A herd(?) of sealions were on their sides in the middle of the harbour, sunning themselves. I caught a glimpse of orca fins at the mouth of the harbour slipping below the water's surface. I knew what was about to happen.
Suddenly the orcas came up out of the water from below the sea lions catching them completely unaware. As pub patrons gasped in shock and awe, there were sea lions screaming and swimming like hell for the shoreline as the whales ripped into them. It was simultaneously horrifying and mesmerizing...

Help a petition to get Susan Crawford appointed FCC Chairman (Politics Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Don't give up hope - the opposition always says they will get rid of the previous government's programs, but they often don't. NBN is far enough along that they would be foolish to axe it - could sell it to Telstra though (gasp).

charliem said:

It really boggles the mind. These guys have been told time and again, that for wireless to replace fixed line infrastructure, youd need more wireless spectrum than is currently available, youd need about 5000 times more towers (power and fibre to those towers!!), and even then it would still be sub-par, and severely limited upgrade path!!

Im a telecoms engineer, I work for an equipment vendor specialising in FTTx products (point to point, and PON), and HFC products (traditional docsis 1 - 3, RFoG, DPON etc..) take it from me, there is honestly no contender for technology upgradability, serviceability, cost, quality, life ticks every single box (short of direct P2P equipment, but thats a discussion for another day, I dont think it suits our geological landscape here).

Reading what comes out of their mouths on a daily basis for the past 2-3 years, and seeing peoples reactions of trust and agreement to just makes me cry, honestly. They are so misleading and its all for political points.

Destroying our communications future at the cost of an election.

Anti-Gay Pastors and Politicians Who Turn Out To Be Gay

Building to building jump with a helmet mounted camera

TYT - Pat Robertson Denounces Creationism WTF!

High Bar Base Jump Goes Terribly Wrong

silvercord says...

BASE jumper Richard Henriksen was performing the stunt for a TV show on the NRK TV network in Norway.

Video footage of the accident shows Henriksen making his first rotation around the metal bar when it suddenly collapses.

The father-of-five then flies off the cliff head-first, and those watching can be heard letting out a huge gasp.

In an extremely lucky chain of events, Henriksen survived the 1200m fall. He narrowly missed falling against the rock face of the cliff and managed to open his parachute on the way down, NRK TV reports.

Justice Has Been Served -This Bad Driver Got Busted

Darkhand says...

What court would this be being tried at? Kids today are growing up dumber and dumber and it's not because of the lack of education it's the lack of common sense. There are less and less ways to hurt and maim yourself as a child so kids aren't learning any practical lessons.

I grew up with Metal Toys! GASP Metal Toys?! How did I not spear myself or get some sort of horrible wound or injury. Because I wasn't a fucking moron? As a child I _NEVER_ had the sudden urge to run screaming into the road for no apparent reason.

Two Main Points

#1. there's no reason you can't slow down and pass the bus. The stop sign should be replaced with a slow sign and it would accomplish the same thing.

#2. I've been behind a lot of these bus drivers before and when they pull over for these special needs kids they flip that stop sign out and I've been sitting there stopped for 5 minutes when the kid isn't even outside yet. There are some bus drivers the respect the people on the road and let them pass and then once the kid is actually outside and coming to the bus they flip the stop sign on. But there are other drivers that as soon as they pull over it's just "STOP".

In my town they have DOUBLED the amount of no turn on red signs. Why? because of other peoples mistakes! All we are doing is balancing our society to help the lowest common denominator and it grinds my gears.

>> ^schlub:

Uh, it's called "children are erratic dumbasses"... just because they don't live on that side of the street doesn't mean they won't run out into the street. Also, just because their house is on one side, it doesn't mean they're going home immediately after getting off the bus. They could run to the local kwik-e-mart on the other side of the street. Kids are in a world of their own and aren't necessarily always paying attention to what's going on around them. Good luck using that "there are no houses on that side of the street" defense in court.
>> ^Darkhand:
I'm not saying lets make rules street by street. But a simple common sense rule of "If there is no housing or children standing on one side of the road you can pass on that side."
People forget there was an era of time when you didn't HAVE to yield to the school bus if it was on the opposite side of the road. Our super protective society is really just annoying more than anything.

Louis CK - Louie Gives His Daughter A Doll As A Gift

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

shinyblurry says...

>> ^VoodooV:

I like how @shinyblurry admits to the power of suggestion, but clearly has decided one way.
Two things I found interesting is that in @mtadd's clip:
1) the chanting occurs right AFTER Ryan just gave a long speech, AND Romney props him up for it so it would certainly be reasonable for them to chant Ryan.
2) the audio is just plain shitty, though it is odd that right before the moment of interest occurs, the volume goes up (sadly, it just amplifies the shittiness of the audio instead of making things easier to hear). I can certainly see how you might think you hear Romney, but one thing that does stand out is that despite how similar their names sound in that context, you never hear the "ney" part of Romney's name in any of that chanting. Ryan Ryan, RomNEY, RomNEY. You just never hear any of that emphasis on that last syllable, which suggests they're saying Ryan.
In the end though, it just really doesn't matter and it just proves my previous post. They're going for the sensationalism. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. It's a manufactured controversy designed to stir people up. Just like the birther phenomenon, just like whatever it was in Bush's suit when he debated with Kerry. It's just like Fox getting caught encouraging and directing the tea party protests and making it seem like there were more there than there actually was. It's manufactured outrage.
The reality is that Romney is losing because he's boring and out of touch and he hasn't presented any concrete ideas and he needs Ryan to stir people up (gasp..more sensationalism vs substance, whoduvthunkit) It wouldn't matter if you caught MSNBC red-handed doctoring the video, it doesn't change the reality.
If anything, giving this controversy air time is still a net negative for Romney. You're just playing the same blame game the right is accusing Obama of. Doesn't make Romney look any better even if MSNBC held a press conference and admitted to a coverup. "And I would have won if it weren't for that meddling press" Ut oh Scooby Do!
You're picking at nits while the house is burning down all around you.
It's not an issue of left vs right, it's an issue of low ratings, or high ratings. end of story.

I decided to believe what the crowd was reported to say, as well as the people who were actually there said happened, and also what my ears hear:

@3:35 p.m.: Ryan pauses for a moment while the crowd begins to chant, “Romney, Romney, Romney …”

@3:36 p.m.: Mitt Romney begins speaking to the crowd. Asks them to chant, “Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan; Romney, Ryan …”

Even the New York Times reported it accurately:

After Mr. Ryan whooped up the crowd in Vandalia on Tuesday, Mr. Romney moved to the front of the stage. As the crowd began chanting “Romney! Romney!” he cut them off.“Wait a second,” Mr. Romney said, instructing the audience to cheer for “Romney-Ryan! Romney-Ryan!” They did.

“There we go,” he said, pleased.

As far as your commentary goes, I can agree with what you're saying generally. This is all about rearranging chairs on the deck of the titanic. You are speaking of some corporate conspiracy, I am speaking to the Satanic power behind the conspiracy. I just think it's interesting that the sift got a kick out of the clip as it was falsely portrayed, and aren't actually interested in what really happened.

Louis CK - Louie Gives His Daughter A Doll As A Gift

shagen454 says...

This is absolutely genius. I was laughing so hard that I was gasping for air and tearing up simultaneously. Louis CK I fucking love you.

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

VoodooV says...

I like how @shinyblurry admits to the power of suggestion, but clearly has decided one way.

Two things I found interesting is that in @mtadd's clip:

1) the chanting occurs right AFTER Ryan just gave a long speech, AND Romney props him up for it so it would certainly be reasonable for them to chant Ryan.

2) the audio is just plain shitty, though it is odd that right before the moment of interest occurs, the volume goes up (sadly, it just amplifies the shittiness of the audio instead of making things easier to hear). I can certainly see how you might think you hear Romney, but one thing that does stand out is that despite how similar their names sound in that context, you never hear the "ney" part of Romney's name in any of that chanting. Ryan Ryan, RomNEY, RomNEY. You just never hear any of that emphasis on that last syllable, which suggests they're saying Ryan.

In the end though, it just really doesn't matter and it just proves my previous post. They're going for the sensationalism. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. It's a manufactured controversy designed to stir people up. Just like the birther phenomenon, just like whatever it was in Bush's suit when he debated with Kerry. It's just like Fox getting caught encouraging and directing the tea party protests and making it seem like there were more there than there actually was. It's manufactured outrage.

The reality is that Romney is losing because he's boring and out of touch and he hasn't presented any concrete ideas and he needs Ryan to stir people up (gasp..more sensationalism vs substance, whoduvthunkit) It wouldn't matter if you caught MSNBC red-handed doctoring the video, it doesn't change the reality.

If anything, giving this controversy air time is still a net negative for Romney. You're just playing the same blame game the right is accusing Obama of. Doesn't make Romney look any better even if MSNBC held a press conference and admitted to a coverup. "And I would have won if it weren't for that meddling press" Ut oh Scooby Do!

You're picking at nits while the house is burning down all around you.

It's not an issue of left vs right, it's an issue of low ratings, or high ratings. end of story.

16-Year-Old Atheist Jessica Ahlquist Faces Death Threats

VoodooV says...

to anyone with half a brain, it's actually @bobknight33 that needs to read about our founders.

The founders were actually quite diverse. (OMG?! Compromise?? but Compromise is weakness!)

there were a couple Christians in there IIRC, but most were deists. They believed in a creator, but didn't like religion.

Bunch of people left Europe for the US precisely because the England did have a state religion that was rammed down people's throats.

pop open a book sometime Bob, you might be surprised at what you....gasp....learn!

enoch (Member Profile)

Krupo says...

LOL I'd keep it. The fickle masses don't know what they're missing but such is life!

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by Krupo:
By rights this *femme and her band shouldn't be obscure, but that's fine with me. *quality! :

why thankies my man!
i was on the fence about putting that in the obscure channel.
but so many have no idea who garbage,or shirley manson (gasp/horror) actually are.
but my stats are anecdotal based,which is not very scientific lol.
maybe i should pull that channel tag.....

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