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Some men just want to watch the world burn.

sirex says...

yeah maybe. i dunno, i've seen people just freeze like a deer in the headlights whenever something unusual happens on the road.

Literally last night we pulled up as an accident had occurred ahead of us, and for the next five minutes the number of people who blasted past a line of stopped cars all with their hazards on and full headlight beams illuminating the crash site and so on, was staggering. Last minute they'd realize that yes, there's a car blocking one lane and facing the wrong way all smashed to bits and yes, there's glass and oil on the road. One after anouther they'd slam on the brakes, almost hit it, then almost get rear ended.

People drive with total tunnel vision i think. It's kinda scary how little awareness some people have. On the other hand maybe they're an asshole. hard to say.

newtboy said:

...and blind?
Deaf would explain not hearing the fire siren, but not the waiting 13 seconds after the light changed! This seemed intentional.

Cop Kills Mexican For Slowly Shuffling In His Direction

newtboy says...

He could have backed away, or closed his door. Is that so hard?
The title said "shuffling in his direction", it did not portray him as a person randomly shuffling around shot for no reason.
You said it in the next sentence...the officer ALLOWED him to get too close, he had options to not let that happen that don't include homicide. That's the point I, and the Mexican government, wish to make clearly. There WERE other, non deadly options that keep the officer safe, they simply didn't try any of them and went with deadly force as a first option when verbal commands didn't work.

Stabbed or shot him with WHAT? His hands were empty, and in fact he was totally unarmed, and too drunk to win a fist fight.

Yes, moving towards the officer can be seen as threatening, but a threat that is easily avoided without using firearms in numerous ways, like walking back or closing his door, either of which would keep him 'safe'.

HOLY SHIT!!! Now just putting your hands down is a shooting offence! I'll simply disagree on that, and hope I'm not alone.

I'm flabbergasted that the officer is being seen as doing the right thing by people here for shooting instead of retreating to a safe distance, people who's opinion I value, no less, not just our local cop excuser. I watched again to see if I see what you guys do, and I just can't see it. I must admit, it seems I'm a minority in least in this country.

I guess people better do exactly as the officer says, and if you have two officers telling you to do opposing things, (for example- "FREEZE" AND "GET ON THE GROUND"....which do you do?) well, you're hosed, because one of them can shoot you for not obeying, making you 'threatening'.

robbersdog49 said:

I agree with lucky760 here. This guy was not a compliant person shot for no reason.

I'm someone who thinks cops should be held to extremely high standards and I've commented such on other cop videos on videosift. But in this case I'm not really sure what else the cop could have done. He needed to engage the guy physically. He was walking toward him. That might sound innocent enough but the closer he got to the cop the more dangerous he became.

Even if there was a real language barrier and the guy didn't understand what he was being told this is just obviously not OK. He wasn't behaving right, maybe he was high or whatever but he was a physical threat to the officer.

Portraying him as just a person shuffling around being shot for no reason ignores the fact that he was shuffling right up to an officer who had his weapon drawn. If the officer allowed him to get too close he could have attacked the officer. Even if the officer got a clean shot adrenaline could have driven the guy on a step or two and he could have stabbed or shot the officer. That distance separating them is important. Moving toward the officer in this situation is a threatening act, regardless of where your hands are.

The officer did not shoot on numerous occasions when the guy put his hands down, an act which under the circumstances could legitimately be seen as a threat to his safety. He waited until the guy had gone way too far and got way too close. This wasn't a trigger happy cop out to back a Mexican, it was an unlucky cop in the wrong place.

Internet Explorer Sucks

RedSky says...

Rumour is that MS's W10 browser will support Chrome extensions. Somehow.

I'm somewhat curious. I'm falling out of favour with Chrome, it gets bogged down and chuggs badly on mobile CPUs when you use font scaling. Also Google's application design is increasingly becoming restrictive and frustrating. Why is there no way to turn off auto-update? Why is the interface locked from modification and I'm forced to squint painfully at the address bar on my 1920x1080p 13 inch laptop?

Firefox has terrible font rendering and I haven't been able to improve it. I originally moved over from it because it seemed to have memory issues where over time videos would randomly freeze for like half a second during play intermittently, dunno if they fixed it.

Opera seems better in these regards but I can't for the life of me get used to browsing without alt + # for switching between tabs.

Meanwhile IE 11 handles font scaling well and memory wise seems fine, but also lacks basic extensions at the moment. If they fix this issue I may switch over at least on my laptop.

This Is Your Brain On Extreme Weather

newtboy says...

Also living in the Pacific Northdamp (not so wet anymore here), I can say for certain that our weather has changed. The last 5+ years we've gotten 1/2 or less of our average rainfall, and the last 2 years we've barely had a winter. Yesterday it was in the upper 70's, even low 80's here, and it's been in the upper 60's to lower 70's most of this winter, and a large portion of last winter. Those are our normal summer temperatures, and it's mid Feb?!

When I moved here near 20 years ago, we were in a 'normal' pattern which meant raining about 1/2 the days between November and March, and temps in the 40's including some freezing. It's easy to notice when the river that's usually full of fish in Sept/Oct is now a knee high creek until Feb.

Don't break up with fossil fuels

newtboy says...

They forgot to mention that your girlfriend, fossil fuels, is putting anti freeze in your coffee every morning and slowly killing you....but stick with that bitch, yeah, good idea.

Can a newt get a *WTF

Half Life in One Map

Shayde says...

Not as much as you might think. Half-life levels have markers at the exit points that match up with markers on the map the exit point leads to so the transition from one map to another (other than the Loading freeze) is unnoticeable. It's straightforward to just place the maps based on those markers using code.

RFlagg said:

Still the amount of work to overlap the maps at the proper spots and seal things off is fairly impressive. Undoubtedly took a great deal of time.

Lotawana On Ice

Stormsinger says...

Man, I wouldn't have thought it's been cold enough here this winter (especially the last month) to freeze that lake hard enough to be safe. But the ice sailing in particular looks like a LOT of fun!

Jon Stewart Picks Apart Palin & GOP Incoherent Speeches

blahpook (Member Profile)

Quick Quack Car Wash

oritteropo says...

There are two possible reasons. Firstly, they might just freeze. Secondly, if they actually think they're hitting the brake pedal, then the way to stop is to hit it harder, right? In either case, the car isn't doing what they expected and it takes time to work out why.

For a non-car example of someone just freezing up under pressure, see - the ground engineer drafted in to man the throttles didn't do so well under pressure.

I was quite sure I'd upvoted this already... oh well, upvoting now.

Sycraft said:

I don't understand how people can do something like this. I mean I can see potentially hitting the wrong pedal but why would you keep your foot on it after it is extremely apparent you are pressing the wrong one?

Fibonacci Zoetrope 3D Printed Sculptures

eric3579 says...

From description

In person uses a strobe light to get this effect. For this video, rather than using a strobe, the camera was set to a very short shutter speed (1/4000 sec) in order to freeze the spinning sculpture.

Sniper007 said:

How much of that phenomenon is a function of the shutter speed on the recording camera? Does it occur in person as well?

Westjet 737-700 pushed across the tarmac by strong winds

AeroMechanical says...

I saw this sort of thing happen in big college parking lot once. There was freezing rain the night before, nobody salted, and there was a quarter inch of ice covering the entire surface. Then, at about 10 in the morning after 100 or so cars had arrived, it got REAL windy.

By the time I left at noon, cars were all over the place. Crashed into each other (doing serious damage), wedged together in improbable groupings. A few had even gone over the hill leading up to the lot.

Miraculously, my car was untouched and exactly where I left it. I believe this was because it was by far the crappiest car in the lot and generates a natural repellent force. Could have been all the rusted out holes in the bodywork too.

a brief history of the modern strawberry

Xaielao says...

One of the myriad reasons I eat primarily locally farmed organic produce. Well that and the food tastes way better. I actually barely spend more money than I would going to say Walmart for my food. Only I pay in larger chunks and get so much of it my SO cans and freezes about half of it for use over winter. Alaska, for a White (less) Christmas

SquidCap says...

Last two winters in Finland have been pretty black. Freezing in the night in to solid ice, melting during the day. There was a tiny sliver of cold air that arrived just days before christmas so it's white now, expecting to melt away before new year. Makes cycling pretty much impossible, they haul gravel on to the pavements, it falls thru the melting ice only to get trapped in it when the night comes and you got clear, solid sheet of ice again in the morning. I have never seen so much gravel in the streets in the spring as i did last year. Good news is that -20C only happens for two, three week tops.

Cars on ski slopes, 2 WD, 4 WD, and 4x4 snow tires rule

spawnflagger says...

slight nitpick about the video. the technology and the performance is different between All-Wheel-Drive (AWD) and 4-Wheel-Drive (4x4). These guys use the terms interchangeably, but that Ford is AWD, not 4x4.

It would also be a nice PSA if they did the same comparison on ice - where all of them would fail hard. This might teach dumb SUV owners that nothing works on ice and they should slow the fuck down when it's freezing rain followed by heavy snow.

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