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German Governments Commercial Regarding Covid-19

Tower distructtion

lucky760 says...

Man all that work and they could barely fit the payoff in frame.

The patience that takes so much time and effort to "accomplish" something so pointless astounds me.

Shuttering/Formwork Failure

Boosting Stop-Motion to 60 fps using AI

kir_mokum says...

interesting. seems quite a bit smoother than other frame/motion interpolation but there are definitely visible artifacts.

ThunderCats Opening Remade with CGI

Poor sad Beirut

StukaFox says...

"Not in my name, Tony, you great war leader you
Terror is still terror, whosoever gets to frame the rules
History's not written by the vanquished or the damned
Now we are Genghis Khan, Lucretia Borghia, Son of Sam
In 1961 they took this child into their home
I wonder what became of them
In the cauldron that was Lebanon
If I could find them now, could I make amends?
How does the story end?"

-- Roger Waters, "Leaving Beirut" (2006)

MSL Curiosity Mars Rover Landing @ 32fps

Doctor wears six face masks to debunk lack of oxygen myth

cloudballoon says...

For the alt-fact conspiracy believing nincompoops, I'm afraid this video is not good enough to convince them. They'll dispute the heck out of the video as a "fake setup."

I can think of:

1) Need to zoom out more so the sensor is clearly shown to be attached to the monitor at all time

2) no cutting out frames (speed up segments are OK?),

3) show the effect on the indicator's ### by not having the sensor attached to the finger (e.g. drops down to 00 or Error), and,

4) show the number by holding the breath (nostrils pinched & mouth closed) for an extended time to see it drops significantly as verification.

Protester gets maced and shot in the face by gas projectile

Drachen_Jager says...

Hey, did you hear a Detective from Springfield Mass got fired within days of posting an offensive Black Lives Matter post?

That's right, it was a photo of her nice at a BLM protest holding a sign saying, “Who do we call when the murderer wear the badge.” and some of her colleagues found that offensive enough they had to fire her.

So apparently they can act when their snowflakes are in danger of melting, just not, you know when they murder innocent people, frame innocent people, steal from innocent people and criminals, lie about incidents, doxx those who disagree with them then shrug it off when the doxxed person's neighbor is brutally raped apparently as a direct result of the doxxing (idiot got the wrong apartment number, police later said it was no big deal because the woman only suffered minor injuries (she was bruised head to toe, and raped, but no broken bones, so it's all good, right?) and the city counselor the cop doxxed could have been found through other means).

It's not a question of what to do "if" the criminal wears a badge. The criminals wear badges. The question is what can be done to stop them.

Home office fail underwear man hits the wall.

ulysses1904 says...

Looks staged to me but I have ICS (Internet Cynicism Syndrome). Maybe she actually did fill half her webcam frame with the room behind her and he just sauntered in to fill that empty space. And maybe his slapstick staggering after running into the wall was real.

Natural Childbirth Captured on Ring Camera

Rick Astley covers Everlong

eric3579 says...

I found myself preoccupied by his room and barely heard the song
- I love a nice framed map.
- Really like the choice of wall and ceiling colors
- Think a low key crown molding may be a nice addition


newtboy says...

Nice editing there. Tons of audio missing and multiple skips....what did they edit out? Discussions of how to frame them? Bribes?

We've seen multiple instances of stops exactly like this that ended in police gunfire....just as cordial and friendly until the citizen tells police they have a gun, or a camera, then the police lose their shit and start shooting.
The Press at protest marches were all 100% friendly, cordial, had open dialog asking politely where police wanted them to move to, totally legal, and complied with every request FROM officers, and still got shot point blank in the eyes with rubber bullets, tear gas canisters fired so close they can kill, pepper sprayed, were beaten, and arrested. Multiple times, on camera, over and over and over and over and over and over.
You claim 'look, it worked once, that means it will work every time, just put your life and freedom on the line and check, and don't consider the hundreds of times it ended in prison or death.'

He didn't actually comply legally, legally if you have a concealed firearm in your glove compartment, you MUST inform officers IMMEDIATELY....They didn't, and tried to hide it by bringing up his registration on his phone instead of retrieving the paper copy from his glove compartment. Many MANY cases just like this end in tragedy. This one just ended in a full vehicle search without a warrant.

Comply with officers requests, eh? So let them violate your rights and you'll be fine....except when you aren't. So American, comrade. Perhaps, since you likely live where you have no rights, you don't understand them. If you don't exercise your rights, you don't have any.

This isn't the narrative because it's not the norm, and even if it was, that's besides the point. The daily violations and murders of unarmed, mostly black men, is the point you wish to ignore. Pablo Escobar was a nice guy if you did what he said, were polite and compliant, and never hinted at crossing him. He's not a good guy or good apple, he was a violent criminal thug...just like police.

When Trump called for the death penalty for the innocent Central Park 5, were all those times they didn't rape women (including the time they were falsely accused) the point, or was the singular, false accusation about the one time they did rape someone his only point? Hint-it's the second one.

Edit : Now, are you ever going to produce these "known instances" of massive democratic voter fraud, or can you admit that was just one more thing you made up? It's not going away, I plan on asking until you have the testicular fortitude to answer.

bobknight33 said:


Sorry NEWT no brother was harmed. Nothing to see here. I realize ALL you post is bad cop vids because of your derange mind is to intolerant to accept that not all cops are bad.

Take solace newt, you will find something to bitch about this.

This is the example of the social compact between society and its law enforcement.

Funny when one is cordial, open dialog, legal, and complies with request form officers things go pretty well.

However this is NOT the narrative that FAKE news pushes day in day out, sowing the seeds of discontent just for the up coming election. If Dems win then race issue pushed to the back burner again.

Bollywood Action Jackson

BSR says...

Go frame by frame (comma key - period key) at 2:15. The car barrel rolls with someone seemingly attached to the outside of the vehicle by the foot which makes a full revolution as it comes toward the camera. Barely notice it at normal speed.

Sagemind said:

I was ready to hate but it's so well done! hahahaaaa

Black Man Gets Pulled Over For Doing 65 in a 70

SFOGuy says...

Discretion in police action (other than speed cameras)---is all about people with privilege getting a chance to get let go--because of a special license plate frame that recognizes a contribution to a widow and orphans fund for dead patrol officers...because of ethnicity...because (from college) a cute friend who was girl undid another blouse button and smiled a lot...And in this case, to allow them to pull over some for driving while black. Ugh.

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Beggar's Canyon