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BRUTAL TRUTH About Democrat-Run Cities

00Scud00 says...

Actually many Democrats are like this too, you know who delivered the finishing blow to many welfare programs? Bill Clinton, these days both establishment Repubs and Dems try to keep the focus on social issues, things rich people don't care about but are a great distraction for the masses.

You wan to know how fucked we are as a species? Tell someone it's cheaper to give homeless people homes rather than put them in jail and watch them flip their shit when someone else gets something for free that they don't. They'll happily put them in jail and pay for it because at least that way they get punished for being poor.

We are well and proper fucked.

moonsammy said:

Crime stems from poverty and deprivation (and greed, but those aren't the sorts of criminals Rand McRandface is talking about).

Poverty and deprivation can be addressed through social services.

Republicans typically gut social services.

I know in my state we'd be much better off with more useful social services and better-funded schools, but every damn time republicans get control of the Governor's office or the legislature, they cut social services statewide. So the areas that most need those services suffer regardless of who they may have elected to local leadership. When dems manage to get back into control they reform things a bit to provide extra funding to social services, and things improve for a bit. Then republicans get back in, etc yadda wash rinse repeat.

So yeah, democrats tend to be elected in population centers, because for the most part they seem to actually want to help people. The current Republican philosophy seems to be "lol shutup poor people are stupid figure it out fuckers." I'm perfectly happy to examine any evidence to the contrary (by which I mean policy positions advanced by republicans that actually help improve the lives of most people).


luxintenebris says...

honestly, that's a nice thought, tho' it's dubious if the president ever figures anything out. losing? he's lost. the presidency, his little mind, and any chance of finishing 2nd in the worst president ever title.

check out axios on hbo interview...

antisocial, hysteric, narcissistic, borderline, compulsive...what a total liar.

SFOGuy said:

I think the President figured out he was losing the popularity battle on this one---and withdrew the Federal troops from Portland...

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Time to review user ratings? (Internet Talk Post)

newtboy says...

I would like it if, when you validate an embed, it would also check to see if the video has been submitted before filling out the rest of the submission page. I hate that it tells me the embed is good right away, but not that it's already posted until I finish my submission.

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Lol. If you honestly think that, you need serious help.

The president submits his budget to congress, they rubber stamp it mostly, then send it back for presidential approval. The president controls it more than congress, start to finish, they only make changes the president must approve.
The president has enormous discretionary spending abilities too.
I guess you forgot what Ukraine was about...the president withholding congressionally approved funds. It works the other way too, where they spend funds not approved....constantly.

The president can make presidential orders, emergency declarations, reappropriation, and other ploys to get around congressional approval for spending. Remember that wall Mexico was paying did it eventually get funded, (hint, not through the congressionally approved budget. He reappropriated funds for active duty family housing)

Edit: and now we're both right, as just yesterday the 9th circuit court decided Trump declaring an emergency at the border was a farce, his own DOJ numbers proved there was no need, no emergency, no caravans a comin, and that his misappropriation of the funding was unconstitutional....but I'm not a bit sure how that makes a difference since he already spent most of it. It was unconstitutional, but he did it anyway. They aren't going to recover those billions, so in reality being unconstitutional didn't stop anything.

Um...the "veto" we're discussing is actually technically called a "congressional override"'s when congress overrides a presidential veto, creating the law, not repealing it. Are you confused because I called it congress vetoing the president?

He withheld congressionally approved funds from an ally, costing them lives and loss of bargaining power in an attempt to blackmail their president into STARTING an investigation into a crime that clearly was impossible if you know the timeline. That harmed American interests both in the region and internationally, cost lives, and gave aid and comfort to our enemy, Russia...that covers treason pretty thoroughly. There was NEVER an investigation into Hunter Biden to drop. Fuck, you people are gullible and ignorant, and just refuse to check facts. The Burisma investigation was shelved long before Hunter worked for Burisma, and shelving investigations for bribes was what the prosecutor had been doing his entire tenure, and why EVERYONE wanted him gone besides Russia. There was no explanation because there was never any investigation. Duh.
Can you explain why you stopped doing something you never did in the first place? Why won't you explain why you stopped having sex with infants? Knowing why is a good thing.

Yeah, you probably repeat the nonsense about him getting what was it, $2 billion from China, or was it Trillion? He would have more money than Trump if either figure were true, but they're just not. Look into it.

Oh no, sir. They have repeatedly said, alone and as a group, that they won't publicly oppose him on anything significant or usually even anything minor because they fear he will not support them, will "primary" them, and without his cultists they stand zero chance of being reelected.

scheherazade said:

Congress controls the purse strings. The president has no control over budget or taxation or whatever.

Veto is a good thing. We have too many laws (~10'000 roughly wherever you set foot), and we get more every year. Start repealing.

Correct. I will not be complaining about Biden, I will be complaining about congress. President can't sign a law that isn't handed to him by congress.

The treason accusations are subjective. It's not like he sold out defense secrets to an enemy state. He *may* have pressured Ukraine to divulge why the investigation into Hunter Biden was dropped without explanation.

Knowing why is a good thing. I also think it's fishy that a politically connected American who doesn't speak Ukrainian and is not 'an energy man' is sitting on the board of a foreign energy company in a country we helped commit a coup in and getting paid a few million+ 50k/month.

It's not that Republicans don't dare to cross him - they infight with him all the time. They also have no alternative to him right now that doesn't involve giving up power entirely.


Guy Pokes Fun At French Language

Florsheim - One Of The Most Expensive Restorations

eric3579 says...

From yt comment thread..

I'm the owner of these shoes and wanted to add to the overwhelming positive response to the video and restoration. First tho, thank you Steve for dedicating yourself to your craft and being able to make this service available for folks like us. Steve knows my history on these but thought i would share some bits of it as a testament to his skills.

I bought these shoes new in the mid 90's after graduating from college being told from a friend's dad at the time that these would last a career, 25 years later, Steve completed the first resole of them. Ive worn these shoes initially every day to work and eventually reducing the wear to only special occasions knowing that Florsheim didnt make the shoe nor no longer refurbished the V-cleat soles. These shoes have seen every significant event in my career from first days of every new job, job interviews, friends weddings, my own, important meetings, anything that was important these shoes have witnessed it. ive tried to keep the best care of them only hand polishing them myself and having used shoe trees its entire life. i love the finish which is unique to this shoe and can only be had with decades of hand-polishing.

ive kept an eye out for someone that could restore the soles in the way the originals were made for the last 10 years and just recently stumbled across one of Steve's videos and the one that showed his award winning restoration of these shell cordovans down to the nail. from there i watched most of his videos almost like an interview to ensure i was comfortable with letting these shoes be worked on as they are only original from the factory once. we talked over every tiny detail and some months they are. i honestly didnt think i would find anyone that could restore these to original condition.

thank you again Steve...incredible job...and it really didn't matter to me how much it would have cost to restore these. they are priceless....including all the near falls ive had with those nails on slick floors ! i wouldn't have it any other way.

The maddest sudoku puzzle I've ever seen

Typical Government Worker

psycop says...

Worked for an place I can't discuss trying to make things more efficient. We worked our socks off creating a product which made a small but significant task much faster.

We worked out we could save people 20 mins each per day, ran the numbers across the place and realised it added up to a large number of people freed to do more valuable work.

Then we went to speak to a user at about 1:30pm. "Oh I'm sorry, are you on lunch?". He had his feet up on his desk, reading a book. "No, I'm just done for the day". "You're working a half day?", "No I've finished". "Finished what?" "My 10 widgets for the day".

We realised all we'd done was allow this guy to start reading his book at 1:10pm.

Not Your Typical Filmed-At-Home Video Challenge

Joe Biden - 17 Minutes Of Joe's Melting Brain

vil says...

Half of those clips mock his stuttering, that is some heavy-weight below the belt trolling.

Some of those clips show Biden making a mistake, correcting it and moving on. Refreshing from a would be POTUS.

Even when he forgets a word he manages to finish a coherent sentence most of the time.

Put this defamatory attempt at an insult up against a RANDOM clip of Trump and compare.

Satanic Temple (2019)

newtboy says...

Hail Satan.

I do always love watching the gears start turning in the heads of those idiots pushing for prayer in schools and other public settings when they realize other religions will have that same right to indoctrinate their children.

Didn't finish it though....Satan should understand that America's attention span is under 45 seconds, he had a hand in making it that way.

La valse d'Amelie - Vibraphone Test Melody - Marble Machine

newtboy says...

By comparison, the original machine looks slapped together. I hope he gets this one finished soon.

Portrait of Lotte, from birth to 20 years old

lucky760 says...

That's a really great thought.

After I finished watching the full downloaded series, that was the only episode I still have and won't delete.

When I hear that song, it still sends me back to that same deep, contemplative state that series finale put me in when I first saw it.

Seriously deep stuff right there...

geo321 said:

as an opposite to that I tried to find the video of the end of the 6 feet under series. honestly it is moving the way they show up gradually going to death

The Greatest Shot In Television

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