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Volkswagen - Horses Laugh [Commercial]

Reduce Your Emissions by up to 50% With This One Trick...

ant jokingly says...

/me farts at you.

ulysses1904 said:

It sure beats the alternative, which is sharing a windowless IT tech room with someone who doesn't bathe every day but instead throws on another layer of some dime-store spray, powder or gel. So it's like working in a Greyhound bus restroom with the industrial-strength masking agent covering the organic human stink.

RetroReport - Nuclear Winter

vil says...

Fingerprinting is a nice analogy, Buttle. How can we be sure that all that pollution, CO2 levels, nitric oxide levels and cow farts are A) our fault, and B) actually causing changes in climate?

We cant be sure unless we predict, and then wait a few decades and keep measuring, can we? So we have to say, along with the man falling from the skyscraper, everything OK so far!

So the hysteria about nuclear weapons was a bit silly, beacause we would not all die in an all-out nuclear war. Because people high on hillsides on the far side of New Zealand with food and water and seeds and medical supplies for a couple of years would make it fine. They would not freeze, it now turns out.

Then maybe climate change will be OK too.

Shit Job

A Mesmerizing Line Of Caterpillars

bareboards2 says...

Well, after fiddle farting around, and trying to isolate a screen shot that shows all their little heads going up at the same time.... I didn't succeed.

So it appears that the simultaneous head lifting was an optical illusion and not a video manipulation.

Time shift is definitely going on. But it appears they are really doing this.

Nature, you freaky.

makach said:

I agree, looks like time shifting and video composition.

Carpenter Shenanigans

Why Being Honest about Ghostbusters is Important

dannym3141 says...

Well I haven't seen Ghostbusters yet, but remember when everyone was pissed off because the new Star Wars had a woman and a black storm trooper as the lead characters?

Do you also remember when the film succeeded on its own merits and no one gave a shit any more because the film was actually good?

Releasing a film where the four principle characters are 3 intelligent white scientists and a streetwise sassy black woman is hardly a fucking exercise in equality anyway. And we're talking about a remake of a comedy that was popular and successful in the 80s - it's not like they're taking big risks and giving the women a chance to shine on their own, is it? How about an all-woman written and directed original film, or can't they spare the money? Because they seem to find enough cash for Seth Rogen or one of the other comedy clones to vomit out another catastrophe every year. Or maybe the people with the money are all men and prefer jokes about farts and masturbation.

That's the worst thing that seems to get ignored - this is Hollywood's lazy way of brushing a few crumbs from the table and saying 'See? Women have just as much power and prominence in the movies! By the way, do you know any girl who's turned 18? We need the new love interest for a 50 year old in the latest action flick. We need someone who looks just good enough that we can photoshop a huge pair of tits on her. We're going to take it in turns to take her to dinner and try to bed her before filming starts.' Hello people? There is enough sexism to deal with in Hollywood without worrying what IMDB rating Ghostbusters got and why.. Treat the disease, not the symptoms.

Climatologist Emotional Over Arctic Methane Hydrate Release

Climatologist Emotional Over Arctic Methane Hydrate Release

Lumm (Member Profile)

Weird Ways Animals Communicate

Don't jump, Edward!

Payback says...

"Don't play on playground equipment when your parents are cheap bastards and buy 10 year old second hand shit after sunlight and the elements have degraded the plastic to a point where a hummingbird fart will pulverise it to dust, Edward."

Making a Katana

A hedgehog reacts to farts.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

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