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The Atheist Delusion

Heinosity says...

Religious people (any religion) are just sheep...weak, deaf, dumb, blind, and born to follow. If you believe any of the overwhelming bullshit in the bible, the koran or whatever other fairytale book, then you just need to go ahead and jump off a cliff or something so you can be with your God. Hey asshole, jump! he's down there waiting for you! Spare the rest of us your insane, unbelievable garbage.

Crazy super-fundie christian freak on Trading Spouses.

SnakePlissken says...

Why look for rational answers to irrational questions?

"If there is a God, what clues will lead me toward proving his/her/it's existence?" is as sensible and rational a question as "If Superman exists, will he come and save me if I'm getting mugged in an alley?" or "If Santa exists, will he get me a GI Joe with Kung Fu Action Grip this Christmas?"

"Science cannot satisfy these questions, hence faith."

Just because the finest scientific minds on our planet can't find the answers to silly, childish questions about obviously fictional, mythological beings (probably because they have far more important questions to answer) it doesn't make sense to just "have faith" that there is a god despite a complete lack of evidence.

Or to put it another way, it makes just as much sense to say that you "have faith" that Santa, Superman, and the Easter Bunny exist.

I'm just glad there are adults around who grew out of fairytales during childhood.

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