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the danger of abstinence

cloudballoon says...

Embed works for me.

It's all about messaging isn't it? When all other countries considers tax as a means to take care of its people, American right-wing politics call it Socialism, Communism, Facism and whatever else they want to call it (but hush hush on its own Socialism for its banks, for-profit prisons, the MIC & other Big Tech, Big Pharma, etc.). It's like America loves nothing but to keep throwing money to billionaires who don't need it. Feed the billinaires, not the downtrodden!

True, any government-run programs have a certain waste. But letting Big Corps profiteering run rampant instread proves, time-and-again, that doesn't improve the quality of living for the vast majority of the population a single bit.

luxintenebris said:

darn it. the embed edit didn't take. meant to cue it up @ 7:04.

China Will Collapse in 3 Days

cloudballoon says...

LOL. Communism is only in the CCP's name, hardly in practice anymore. As a country, it's arguably a more capitalistic system (there's far less tax bailouts for the rich in China than the Communist Republicans in the USA) with a socialist political agenda (in order for the party to stay in power, mind, but I'm calling a spade a spade). Still, it's less socialist/communist than many Western Europe countries.

There are far too many idiots who don't bother to understand and distinguish the differences between communism, capitalism, socialism, facism, authoritarianism, democracy, freedom, government regulations, checks & balances in the private & public sectors and all the grays, mixes-and-matches in between systems & ideals.... it's sadly all too laughable.

"All white people are racist"

dannym3141 jokingly says...

So if you could just let us know what types of racism and hate-speech we should look the other way over, we can begin recreating the third reich immediately...

I don't want anyone dox'd or harassed, and i especially don't want her racism to result in more racism directed at her because that will confirm her bigoted world view. But I can't wrap my head around someone defending a racist hate-speech from a *left wing point of view.* Historically, anti-racism, anti-facism, etc. was always led by the left - this is their genre!

I don't understand what her age has got to do with it other than excuse making, and i also don't understand why the sift shouldn't be allowed to post videos that are used by websites/groups we ideologically oppose. In that case, we need to take down the videos about cops killing unarmed black teenagers, because far-right websites use those videos in different contexts too. And we better show understanding and take down videos of those "random young people" from Charlottesville marching as nazis.

I know i'm being a bit sarcastic here, but seriously..... do not - DO NOT - censor videos showcasing racism according to the skin colour of the offender. That is possibly the exact worst thing you could do to help the far right cause. We are right to speak up and hopefully stop this woman going off round the country radicalising more people to her way of thinking.

You can say that nazis marching in the street and getting violent are inherently more problematic than what is shown in this video and i agree. But the reason we have violent nazis in the streets is because we compromised and allowed acolytes for hatred like Milo to make his own hate-speeches in the name of 'respecting all viewpoints' and led by impotent neoliberal centrists who didn't want to piss off a demographic by morally challenging their views.

Imagoamin said:

Well, fair enough on the source. I just always viewed the sift as more left leaning and the brand of "lets point and laugh at some random young person" video beneath the general user base. Maybe I've got rose tinted glasses.

And Twitchy is a right wing website known for directing massive amounts of users at individuals online. This article covers it.

Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement

newtboy says...

True, no one KNOWS, but it's a no brainer that his election would be seen as unpredictable by the markets, and dire political unpredictability=bear market.

Not so in any way. He has so little actual power it's laughable that you would think that. He's not even allowed to run the companies he actually owns large parts of because the boards won't allow him to, because they have a duty to not let him drive the companies into the ground. What "power" do you think he has?

He probably can't "seize the reigns" by force unless he's elected. He can attempt to seize them if he is elected.

Facism-(sometimes initial capital letter) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.

Has Clinton been convicted? You didn't even say "likely broken Federal law", you said "on more occasions than is accountable, broken Federal Law" Because his past has not been as transparent by far and usually those dealing with him are forced to sign non disclosure agreements, it's patently ridiculous to imply that his crimes would be simple to just point to....but OK, not paying off on interstate contracts is a federal crime, one he's admitted publicly that he's committed uncountable times, any time he gets service before payment in full it seems....and he's been found guilty of that in civil court. Satisfied?

Um...lacking knowledge is being naïve.
Naïve-having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous:

harlequinn said:

We can only imagine what will happen. Nobody knows.

He is already one of the most powerful men in the world.

He can't seize the reigns. He can only be voted in. I.e., the reigns will be handed to him freely given by democratic vote.

Fascist means such a lot of things nowadays that it is an easy catchall insult. You'll have to elucidate exactly what you mean. Totalitarian? Despot? Anti-democratic? Etc, etc. the list is so long. It's a useless word when it means so many different things. You might as well say "smurf".

"Demagogue". Lol. Yes, he seems pretty good at it too.

Likely is not the same as has. He either has or he hasn't broken as many or more federal laws. And if he has you'd be able to point out the investigations, convictions or some other irrefutably damning evidence. And, just like Clinton, he's innocent until proven guilty.

You forgot an option at the end of your diatribe against Trump. 4) Lacking knowledge of said allegations. Which is not the same as naive.

Sexualization vs Objectification

dannym3141 says...

I'd just like to say that this does go both ways though..

I know a couple of different guys with Asperger's and some other kinds of developmental issues from where i go swimming, and several times in the past i've seen a female react towards those guys like they've been weird or creepy when all they did was say "Hello" like i've seen them do a hundred times before to all types of people. I've even met women there who have spoken to me, been quite happy and talkative, what-have-you, even flirty, and then either said to me "some weird creepy guy <one of my friends> was trying to talk to me in the jacuzzi", or they might give me an "oh my god" look if one of them says hello to her. Body language, facial expression, how they talk all changes when they address them... I feel my skin crawl when i come across someone like that.

I only say this because i think that if we all try to be nicer and kinder to everyone, to be happy and interested in people, we can not only solve the issues raised by the video and in your comment, but also the ones raised in my comment, the ones not even mentioned here, like racism, facism and homophobia.

I think we need feminism, masculism, the LGBT, NAACP and god knows what else to all come together and realise that everyone is tackling the same problem which simply manifests itself in different proportions to different peoples - we're all here for one single life-time, so if we spend it being nicer and friendlier and more courteous and generous we can make life much more enjoyable all round, and no one will have to worry about cat-calling, bitchiness, homophobia or racism.

kir_mokum said:

because they're inundated with dudes calling them sexy as if they are a sex object. being able to differentiate between you saying someone is sexy but also meaning they're a rad human and you saying someone is sexy but just meaning you wanna fuck them is pretty much impossible if they don't know you. generally speaking calling someone sexy should be reserved until after you've established that you're not a dickhead.

The Religious Mind Is Morally Compromised: Demonstration

shinyblurry says...

I appreciate your comment because it shows thoughtful people on the sift what you, and people who think like you, are all about. It shows the facism inherent in your idealogy. It sounds like you'd fit right into the communist regimes of the 20th century.

As far as your claim on genetics goes, I find it ironic because your faith in materialism and evolution demands that your thoughts and beliefs are the result of unconscious processes and chemical reactions in your brain. In this view, your militant antitheism was decided by the arrangement of atoms at the beginning of the Universe. You inherited your reason from unreasoning animals, and your so called rationality is determined by irrational forces, IE, it is untrustworthy and should be discarded.

>> ^SpaceGirlSpiff:
Why do you all still argue with Shiny? I've said it before and am saying it again. You are wasting your time. Shiny has no capacity to change his mind based on reason, logic or rational evidence. You may as well spend your time trying to convince a dog to change the color of its hair.
You will cite reason, logic and rationality... he will cite dogma. Rinse, repeat.
He is most certainly one of those who is genetically predisposed to be religious ( and cannot help thinking the way he does. I would pity him if he and those that think like him did not pose such a threat to the civilized world.
He is a lost cause, but there are others who can be "saved" and brought to see reason. I suggest you find those and spend your time helping them instead.
You are better off ignoring him. Let his dogma go unnoticed and starve him of attention. Let his dogma die of starvation and fade into the past.

Food Speculation Explained

packo says...

>> ^Darkhand:

Can someone tell me why we need speculators? In all seriousness I just want to understand. Please correct me if I am wrong but speculators just seem to me to be people who tell investors how to invest their money so the investors doesn't have to do research themselves?

so rich people can get richer?
leverage is all fine and dandy... but that's why you NEED government, to limit/inhibit actions like these... ie to protect the INTERESTS OF THE MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE... not the few

the concept of FREE MARKET ECONOMICS completely collapses once entities arise that have enough money to fundamentally change/inhibit free market action, whether through purchasing of politics, monopolization, or simply buying out the competition... supply/demand becomes secondary in the equation, and fantastic, there's no one there with the power to stop it... and don't expect those benefiting from it to control themselves... the actions of Wall Street over the last 30yrs can't be plainer proof of this

its ironic that most people that tout FREE MARKETS use NATIONALIZATION as the alternative... in the extreme... both are facism...

don't believe the propaganda and brainwashing, the most humane and sustainable economics lay somewhere in the middle...

its just sad that until the tragedy that the 3rd world is facing because of this type of economics is visited upon 1st world countries... nothing substantial will be done... because the politicians don't work for the people... they work for business... and business has no morals... only limitations, which are slowly (and moronically) being eaten away by the call for small government and the hijacking of libertarianism

"its nothing personal... just business"

Ellen Comments on Family Feud Category About Her

Payback says...

>> ^gwiz665:
Patriotism is a lame duck, it's basically a religion. Pledging allegiance to a power structure designed to empower some over others (the others often being you). People say it's loving your country, but that's just an arbitrary piece of land - it does not do anything you can say you love, it just is. Patriotism is just bending over backwards for the leader do jour, "we love you, god emperor of my country", wrapped in a flag.
All the good things are the lands itself, while all the bad things are the people running it. It's confusing.

Actually, no. Allegiance and patriotism are separate things. True patriotism is more like pure communism. Love of the community, not the leader or country. Many patriots are credited with overthrowing their leadership.

Although... patriotism IS on the other side of a thin line from facism.

Glenn Beck's Hate Speech, Paid For By...

peggedbea says...

how exactly is it hypocrisy to hate glenn beck?

i hate glenn beck
and you can hate the president all you want.
i also hate the president.
"theyre marching us to facism, 1984"
"the president is a marxist"
"the president is a racist"
everyone accepts that anyone can be a racist, but wheres the evidence exactly?

but lets look at the wider picture, glenn beck is an entertainer passing himself off as a journalist providing valid, researched, fact checked information to millions of people a night. its disingenuous at best and dangerous divisive fearmongering lies at best. the worst kind of lies too. lies for profit. lies that take advantage of a scared illinformed base, for money.

and i suppose i recognize his right to feel think believe and say any sort of loony ideas he wants. but i dont want to buy the product from the people who pay his salary. just like i dont want to buy blood diamonds, and i would like to be able to know if the electronics i purchased were made with conflict minerals. and i should do a better job of checking for vivisection free alternatives to products i use everyday.

George Lakoff - Does Capitalism lead to Democracy?

McCain Supporters Suggest That They Will Form Militias...

11989 says...

I love how they can just memorise the talking points like that... it's so cute.

THe amount of times Socialist was mentioned, I don't think I'd heard it this election before a week ago.


Hahaha I really have to watch the whole video before I comment.

"Theres a fine line between Socialism and Facism" - and he basically said voting for McCain because McCain isn't a socialist. Did he just call McCain a facist?

Is Ron Paul Right that Corporatism is Soft Fascism?

SDGundamX says...

>> ^Payback:
Fascism is where the government's will is more important than individual rights, ethics or morality.

Actually, no it isn't.

"Fascism is a term used to describe authoritarian nationalist political ideologies or mass movements that are concerned with notions of cultural decline or decadence and seek to achieve a millenarian national rebirth by exalting the nation or race, and promoting cults of unity, strength and purity." (Wiki)

BrknPhenix was right; Ron Paul and most of the posters here are creating their own definition of fascism (and confusing it with authoritarianism in the process). It's pure inflammatory rhetoric.

If you're interested, you can learn a great deal more about fascism from a university professor who literally wrote the book on the subject here:

Scott McClellan Exposes Fox Network

12507 says...

There's a fairly substantial difference between the bias of the media and our government covertly using the media to disseminate propeganda.

Secret infection of the media with party propeganda stinks of facism. I sincerely hope whoever gets elected next has more honor than to participate in such a disgraceful practice.

Jonah Goldberg discusses LIberal Fascism with Glenn Beck

curiousity says...

Interesting to see the stark difference in the two interviews. Thanks Farhad.

I didn't realize that when I bought organic food, I was supporting facism. :-P

>> ^Farhad2000:
Ah Jonah "I make words mean what I want them to mean" Goldberg.
The theory is 1st year college garbage. I agree that left should be criticized but not in such an amateur, misguided, ridiculous way as Goldberg does.

14 Signs of Fascism

10148 says...

USA, Im just glad I dont live there. Its sad to say, but its a growing consensus worldwide, as a traveler I know. People used to want to live there....but now with government corruption at its highest, and a complacent public. Your country is looking like the most fascist country I can think of and have even been too. Looking in from the outside, it looks like you love trading freedom for protection. I hope you enjoy your protection, soon ... it'll be all you have.

It may not be facism by the 1940 definition, but none will ever be exactly like that again. Just look at all the laws your government implements on a daily basis.. if your country was so great why all the new laws? why all the protection? Why not Freedom?

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