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enoch says...

read the article.
it goes into further detail.
bibles instead of bullets...nice ring.but it is false.
this is what i referred to as the deplorable tactic of twisting scripture to justify horror.on one hand it eases the conscience of a religious soldier,and on the other has the facade of preaching the gospel.
ill call it what it is...bullshit.
what if,lets say hypothetically,your town of devout christians was invaded by muslims.and those muslims sought to save your soul by preaching the one true god..allah..and gave everybody in town english versions of the qu'ran.would you embrace this action?deem it true and holy?
or would you view it as blasphemous and maybe even heretical?
how would you view these things as you watched your neighbors die and their houses burned?
how would you feel about these muslims then?
how would you feel if these muslim soldiers called themselves warriors of allah?
and how would that be different if they called themselves warriors in christ?

truth is a relative perception,and when christians start to call themselves warriors in christ,and that this is a "crusade" against the muslim heathens and that fact alone justifies whole-sale slaughter.when young men are convinced that they are killing in the name of GOD.
well.....we should all stand up and take notice.
because religious rhetoric is just that..rhetoric.
be it muslim or christian.
and i defy anyone to find me a passage where jesus spoke of whole-sale slaughter as being righteous or divinely inspired by god.
those young men are being deceived by those who would exploit their faith to enact atrocities by twisting they muslim,christian or jew.
they are false.

for most of human history wars were fought using religion,but it was always the same goal.dominance of resources to perpetuate the powerful,by using the poor,ill-educated and "disposable".religion is a powerful tool to ignite the masses into a war spirit.
in the past 100 years that has shifted to nationalism,but still the same goals,using the same people.and always with the same results...death.
not for those who engineered these wars,be they the papacy,the crown or germany,US..oh heavens no.
it is the highest form of murder in the name of god.

you seem a decent sort JF,dont fall into the trap those who speak falsely would lay for you.
there is never a holy reason to kill,maim,murder or go to war...never.
there is only greed.

Fantastic animated building projection

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'building, facade, projection, animation, shadow, trompe loeil' to 'building, facade, projection, animation, shadow, trompe loeil, hamburg, germany' - edited by maatc

Bruno goes to a chtistian rock festival

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^rougy:
They get nasty because they know that he's not serious. He's clowning around and he's using them as a prop for his schtick.
I haven't watched a lot of S.B. Cohen, so take this with a grain of salt.

Cohen, is a master at pushing people out of their comfort zones and exposing their true selves.

They get nasty because they are nasty people, regardless of the facade they try to project. That's why so many of them try to sue him after the fact; they're pissed that the world got to see them as they truly are.

British National Party Exposed - The Secret Agent

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Pprt:
I watched this not-so-shocking "expose" in the past, and there's surprising here at all.
Those who made innapropriate and outlandish statements were either expelled or dealt with internally. The same would happen with any other BNP member today.

That's hilarious. It's akin to the current government ministers abusing the system of expenses to plump up their salaries and then paying it back, as though that makes it better. As you well know, getting rid of the visible symptoms doesn't hide the illness. It's like throwing away a drug addict's favourite spoon and lighter.

Actually, who am i kidding? It's nowhere near similar, because these people probably still have active roles for the BNP only off the cards. There's ways round everything.

Advocating or perpretrating violence is a noble solution, but these opinions and these individuals are products of their environment.

Oh the naughty child syndrome argument. That's a good one. Right up there with "His heart's in the right place, bless him." Let's forgive everyone everything because they're just a product of their upbringing. I was emotionally abused when i was growing up, i've turned into a law abiding, non-violent, caring person. I know people who were physically, sexually abused growing up, they're also great people now. That excuse works for VERY limited variables.

Imagine that 30 years ago you lived in a nice town where everyone got along nicely and you self safe at night. Today one quarter of the population is Asian, religiously and culturally segregated, heavily unemployed, unfriendly, self-centered and violent. Of course they're mad.
Does anger make violence a noble solution? Never.

Heh, i'll do you one better. THIRTY YEARS AGO nick griffin (the BNP elected MEP) was taking an organisational role in the NF (national front). After having disagreements with the NF (he was too racist), he played a key role in arranging the INF (international third position). Read more about THAT particular racist group here:

So you've exposed your own defence of the BNP as a load of old bollocks without me even having to do it for you. Congratulations.

But regardless of your lying defence of these people, i still respect your right to an opinion. At least now you'll accept that the BNP are racists, are staffed by ex-criminals and ex-neo-nazis. At least now you'll accept that you want a racist government to go along with your racist ideals, and people will have to just accept you as you are. At least now you won't be hiding behind a facade of legitimacy, right?

You can be sure as hell if immigration weren't so mismanaged and had a less gloomy prospect the BNP would not be running on this particularly pressing social issue. Perhaps they'd focus on health care, the elderly, road signage... who knows.


The British people have a right to demonstrate concerns about the politics of immigration and they have a right to vote for the BNP. If you're averse to that, you're more intolerant that you think they are.

I'm extremely intolerant of intolerancy.

Anyone reading any of these posts, stop around the point where pprt willfully walks into his own debunk, beginning with "these poor guys 30 years ago they had such a peaceful and non-wacist attitude and now these modern politics are just making them angwy!!!!! "

I apologise for the lack of aplomb and delivery which i normally have, i've just woken up and these comments required an immediate reply before anyone gets sucked into his bullshit.

Rachel Maddow: New CIA Torture Documents Released

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^jamessurvivalguide:
If he just "made up stories," and this makes him a liar, then couldn't he in fact be lying about having lied?

I saw you steal a cookie. You admit to stealing the cookie.
I torture you and you admit to stealing the cookie.
I believe you stole a car too but I didn't see it.
So I torture you again.
You claim not to have stolen a car.
I don't believe you.
I torture you again.
You admit to stealing the car.
I believe you stole a computer.
I torture you.
You claim not to have stolen a computer.
I don't believe you. Because you are the evil terrorist mastermind.
I torture you again.
You admit to stealing a computer.
I come to your cell to check on your health.
You admit to stealing my drink.
I torture you. Who knows what else you have done?
I come under investigation.
"Did the use of torture lead to actionable intelligence?"
"Yes, we have admission to ***BLOCKED FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY*** and this is why we believe this is a viable strategy"

Welcome to the wonderful world of torture as practiced by the Stasi, the KGB, the Khmer Rouge and Bush's America. Notice how none of the KSM documents outlining the operations stopped through the use of torture didn't surface out in any shape of form. Why. Because there is nothing there. Bush would be the first person to wave a victory flag through the use of torture. Only that didn't happen. But it's all National Security secrets now, but slowly like this it will seep out. And the facade of it all will collapse.

Conservative radio hosts gets waterboarded, calls it Torture

Duckman33 says...

Not only was this a lame example of water boarding. If anyone knows or has listened to this guy, they would know that this was all staged. Mancow Muller is a cheap, two-bit want-to-be imitation of Howard Stern. But is even more over-the-top with his theatrics. He's a huge wrestling fan and subscribes to the "bigger, and more outrageous is better" mentality when it comes to his show.

As you can see, if you are not concentrating on the subject, but paying close attention to his reaction in the video, Mr. Muller is a really, really, really bad actor. His reaction is contrived. And very poorly contrived at that. I mean seriously, he lasts what, 2 seconds? And as many others have already said, this was nothing even remotely resembling what a real water boarding would be like. I was going to post this a few days ago when it appeared on YouTube, but did not because I thought for sure most of the intelligent people on here would see right through the obvious and very poor acting job of Mr. Muller and the completely fake "demonstration" of water boarding and not give it one single vote. Guess I was wrong.

Not trying to offend anyone, I seriously thought you guys would see right through this facade. Very surprising.

Zero Punctuation: Farcry 2

budzos says...

I find it odd that Yahtzee didn't mention some of the most well-known and justifiable bugaboos about this game. Mainly, how fast the enemies respawn, especially at checkpoints. You can murder a whole checkpoint, then drive 200 yards away, loop back, and the same enemies will be respawned. I'm also a bit irritated that the world, while immersive in any given moment, is such a temporal facade. Nothing you do in the world matters... you can blow a village to smithereens and it will be magically repaired the next time you drive through.

Don't get me wrong, I actually really like Far Cry 2. I'm playing through it very slowly. I couldn't care less about the story, I just like to play through one mission at a time whenever I need to let off some steam and don't feel like doing multiplayer.

I did hate it at first, but I stuck through the first couple hours and the game became a lot more fun once I learned the ins and outs and got some upgraded weapons. Now I think it's a very solid game and would recommend it to any fan of FPS, or eyeball junkies who buy games for the graphics.

UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza

Farhad2000 says...

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
There's no spin. It's an accurate and fair assessment of the situation. There are more players in the game than just Israel and the Palestinians.

Oh blah blah blah, there is no point reading the rest of it.

You say the Arab world is supporting Palestinian efforts but don't acknowledge the large military and political help the Israelis receive from the US. Who they circumvent by attacking Palestinian areas anytime their big brother isn't looking. Note how vicious attacks got post 9/11 (under guise of fighting global terrorism not local oppression) and before transition of power in the US.

The Israels making concessions is a facade, the Road map to peace which I mentioned in my previous comments clearly was a progress to peace that Kadima's Sharon perused. The Palestinians at the time agreed to it, what happens next? Israel unilaterally imposes 'reservations' on the peace process and dismantles the no expansionary Israeli settlement clause in the articles. One of the key arguments Palestinians have with Israel.

Israeli demands and their concessions are out of balance, a 1% adjustment in Palestinian lands to Israelis remove all economic and political areas out of Palestinian lands. This is all while more lands in the West bank are criss crosses and ceded back into Israel with walls, towers and troops moving in to defend these new settlements from people whose homes just got bulldozed.

Israel doesn't want peace, all it wants is to keep the peace process in formaldehyde. The seeming appearance of perusing peace while it builds walls, sniper towers, blockades, and walls the Palestinians in further and further. That's why Palestinians and the rest of the Arab world do not really take their declarations of seeking peace seriously because it's always the same bullshit.

But you know I can see why you would think otherwise, Israel has AIPAC, WINEP, MEMRITV and a thousand other media apologists to fight the media perspective on how this conflict is read out in the rest of the world. I quote:

"Simultaneously, the Israeli media has been towing the government line to such a degree that no criticism of the war has been voiced on any of the three local television stations. Indeed, the situation has become so absurd that reporters and anchors are currently less critical of the war than the military spokespeople. In the absence of any critical analysis, it is not so surprising that 78% of Israelis, or about 98% of all Jewish Israelis, support the war."

"The Immigrant Absorption Ministry announced on Sunday it was setting up an "army of bloggers," to be made up of Israelis who speak a second language, to represent Israel in "anti-Zionist blogs" in English, French, Spanish and German."
And some views from Gaza from the UK media to see what kind of difference in coverage you would receive unlike the US media:

""We used to hold signs at protests reading 'The occupation will corrupt'," she told me. "Now, we can see that it has [come to pass]. As a society, we have lost our ability to see clearly; we have let fear blind us. Once, calling someone a racist was the harshest accusation you could make. Later, you began to hear people say 'I know I'm a racist, but...'; nowadays [during Cast Lead], we heard 'I know I'm talking like a Nazi, but at least the Nazis knew how to deal with their enemies'."" Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know. But I don't like those analysis which refers to 1967 as the year when Israel "lost its soul"--whatever that means. It never had a soul to be begin with.

But most disturbing of all was the graffiti they daubed on the walls of the ground floor. Some was in Hebrew, but much was naively written in English: "Arabs need 2 die", "Die you all", "Make war not peace", "1 is down, 999,999 to go", and scrawled on an image of a gravestone the words: "Arabs 1948-2009".

"Estimates for the proportion of civilian deaths among the 1,360 Palestinians killed range from more than half to two-thirds. Politicians, diplomats and journalists are by and large shying away from the obvious, namely that Israel has been deliberately targeting Palestinian civilians and the very infrastructure of normal life, in order to – in the best colonial style – teach the natives a lesson."

Media bias about the Israeli - Palestine conflict EXPOSED!

10768 says...

"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it" - Joseph Geobbels

This video advances the big lie put forward by the Palestinian partisans that their cause is an underdog. In truth, international media coverage constantly glosses and spins the atrocities committed by the Palestinian terrorist corps against the Jews and dissident Palestinians alike.

Organizations like Rueters, BBC, AFP, Al Jazeera are the worst of a bad lot. American news organizations are only marginally better. One could say that they at least try to maintain a facade of being "Fair and Balanced."

Is it any wonder that Israel is cognizant of this poisoned atmosphere, and devotes resources to attempt to combat it?

Read the posters and commenters here on VideoSift. They run about 50% Pally-koolaid drinkers, 40% ambivalent, and 10% Israel-supporting. This reflects the success of the Anti-Western, Pro-Palestinian propaganda machine rather than any truth on the ground

Seems like they are doing all right...

Religulous -- Full Movie

13656 says...

Your preaching to the choir Mr. Maher. I think everyone should see this movie and contemplate their beliefs a bit more critically.

Does society really need the facade of religion as discussed by Socrates/Plato, or can we have our moral values sans religion?

3D Laser art projected onto buildings and surfaces

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from '3d, laser, art, projection, builinds, surfaces, trippy' to '3d, laser, art, video projection, building, facade, surfaces, trippy, monumental' - edited by kronosposeidon

A simple question (Religion Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

I believe in personal responsibilty and treating others as you expect to be treated, bottom line. I believe in the afterlife, I think we all have an eternal goal. I believe in reincarnation. I don't think that this is it, one life then you're done, that seems like a waste and not enough time to learn everything you could learn. And I also believe that if i'm wrong, who gives a fuck cos if that's the case, when i'm dead i'm dead and I won't know any different anyway

I believe that religion is just a tool to get people to fall in line. At the end of the day, who gives a shit what's the truth, we'll never know until the end and even then we might not. Just be real and honest, don't lie to yourself, know yourself and love yourself, the rest will come along with it.

There ya go, yet another unforeseen outpouring from yours truly. Gah, I need to take a break away from here, my facade is slipping dammit

*wanders off to hug a few trees*

What part do you play in the VS community? (Mystery Talk Post)

laura says...

I'm always sitting in the corner looking busy when people are around but I'm really astutely observing.

Nobody notices me until something excites me and I chime in as if I've been actively involved the whole time, which really annoys some people.

I'm the one who'll clean up when the family reunion is over and everyone is gone then head off to the real party, which of course no one expects of me because I have a rockin' alter ego behind the facade.

Ron Paul And Ralph Nader together on The Situation Room

Don_Juan says...

>> ^charliem:
"I plan to get as many votes for him [Nader] as possible, because it will take the votes away from Obama..." - Ron Paul.
Sir, you have just lost a serious amount of respect that I had for you. Throwing this race to McCain in lieu of a broken system is fucking childish, and it will not change a damn thing.
For shame.

"I don't see any difference between the two candidates -3:13-" Ron Paul

"No! I want to change the system! I want third party debate!." Ron Paul

"This is a ritual! This is a charade!" Ron Paul

Our only present hope for our country and American values is Ron Paul. I'm writing him in - my conscious will be clear. Perpetuation of a facade is not my choice.

Police arrest Amy Goodman at RNC (what police state)

choggie says...

uhhhhhhh, background?? What occurred??? Amy Goodman occurred, and continues to raise the hackles of the Nazis in control..
She started her career as just another , easily labeled "liberal" public radio nobody, now in the national spotlight beginning to peel layer after layer of the onion of dark forces behind the facade, is beginning to expose the people behind the people you think is running the show, and it makes these non-humans want to sacrifice children and and drink the blood of innocents....
some of Amy's work that has caused her to be put on several "lists":

She sees the forest for the y'all???

She has become braver and stronger, but you can see the toll it has taken on this soldier, in her eyes is much pain and frustration-she's on the front lines of exposing the hidden power structure and their ultimate agenda, and this is more evidence, we are getting close to some major event in the time-line of NWO, and major power grab-Look to the Asians and their cabals as well to flex,...they know full well the determination and will of the elite white boys, and the lengths they will go to secure empire has no moral or spiritual compass guiding the We's all caught in the middle???....well, chess was a game played by kings in the past, still is, and there are more pawns on the board expendable than needed for end game....

Wake the fuck up...

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