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DJT spending a day in the shoes of his employees at a tower.

newtboy says...

This was nothing more than self promoting b.s.. if this was in any way real, we would have a wonderful video of Trump picking up dog shit...that there wasn't that shot is proof enough to me that he only did the parts he found palatable and someone else did all the dirty work.
A bit funny to see him excited that a vacuum picks up lint, like he's never seen it happen before.

Chris Hemsworth Explains Thor's Unexpected Ragnarok Haircut

Halloween Levitating Star Wars Speeder Costume

lucky760 says...

My reaction was pretty much "Well, there you go," so it makes me feel like I'm missing the part of my brain that should make me as excited as everyone else seems to be in the video, like the "20 points!" guy.

Just me?

Maybe if I'd seen it in real life instead of an Internet video I'd have a more exuberant reaction... ?

Donna Brazile: HRC controlled DNC and rigged the primary

MilkmanDan says...

I'm not at all convinced of that (Clinton's political career being over).

It would be the sane response. And yet, clearly the DNC (and US politics in general) aren't reined in by trivialities like sanity. I think that unless the fickle public gets really riled up over this, the DNC would swing just as hard for Clinton or some other corporate-friendly type over anybody like Sanders or Warren in 2020.

Sanders being an Independent in the Senate was held against him hard by party bigwigs. Somewhat understandably. That being said, Sanders' brand of "Independent" was/is a fantastic guide to what the Democrat party should be working to become.

Politics is all bullshit, all the time. As a result, a huge percentage of voters are quite disenfranchised and don't really see any candidate as being on their side. Sanders turned that on its head. And old, rather-eccentric, Jewish dude got people excited (me too!). Massive gold-plated opportunity, with giant fucking neon signs pointing at it saying "pounce on this NOW", and the DNC took a big shit on it instead because they can't fathom a world without being 99.9% funded by massive corporations in return for congressmen, vetoes, and judges being bought and paid for.

I think that's what the guy is talking about with regards to "taking over the party". The "Justice Democrats" thing is about progressive candidates funded by actual goddamn people instead of laundered corporate money. I'm not real optimistic about their chances of really shaking up the status quo, but by god I sure hope they do.

newtboy said:

Clinton's political career is over, I hope all Clintons...

Blade Runner 2036: Nexus Dawn

Exciting Crokinole World Championship

nanrod says...

Mock if you must but I used to love this game. And don't forget that the other side of the board has chess, checkers, parcheesi, and backgammon. But all things must pass and as we get older we move on to more exciting sports like curling.

Exciting Crokinole World Championship

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Crokinole, flick, championship, commentary, exciting' to 'Crokinole, flick, championship, commentary, exciting, Cr1tiKal' - edited by Fantomas

Car Wreck?

Mr. Plinkett's Ghostbusters (2016) Review

Mountain of Hell Downhill Race

newtboy says...

No where near as exciting as the Chinese Downhill....where were the weapons?

In all seriousness, we needed some shots from someone farther back than fourth place to get any idea of the insanity of a 700 bike landrush start on ice.

Rick and Morty Multiverse

Rick and Morty Multiverse

eric3579 says...

Rick and Morty’s Exquisite Corpse trailer features 22 animators including Simon Landrein and Bendik Kaltenborn

Also from Matt Taylors blog on the video

Pring4 said:

Does anyone know if there's a list of the artists that contributed to these? The sequence at 2:22 reminds me of Bill Plympton and the one at 3:02 is definitely the same guy who did Todd Terje's cover art (

Blade Runner 2049 - Trailer 2

And the Thirteen Doctor Is...

ChaosEngine says...

The last season was kinda average. Capaldi is great, but he hasn't been given enough to do, with a few notable exceptions (see his utterly amazing anti-war speech in the Zygon Inversion).

The bigger change here is less about Jodie Whittaker and more about Stephen Moffat stepping down as showrunner.

That said, I'm excited for this new doctor. First up, I like Whittaker as an actor. Second, I think a female Doctor will be interesting and finally, I have already gotten a seasons worth of amusement from butthurt MRA snowflakes whinging about "PC" or "SJWs" ruining Dr Who, despite the fact that we've already seen Time Lords change gender in show at least twice now.

AeroMechanical said:

I kind of lost interest a few seasons back. There were still good episodes but for whatever reason I just wasn't into it overall anymore. Has it jumped the shark or is it just me?

Marvel's Inhumans - Official Trailer 1

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