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Daily Show - Jon Stewart and Newt Gingrich Part 1/2

Daily Show - Jon Stewart and Newt Gingrich Part 1/2

iPad - MadTV (2006)

choggie says...

I heard cootch......I always hear that word...yer right though, but pineapple is a more apropo euphemism, wouldn't you agree?

Never heard a vajayjay referred to as a peach before.

Pat Robertson: Worst Person Ever

choggie says...

uhhh, worst person ever is not the patsy....worst are the people lambasting the self-absorbed cocksucker to make themselves feel comfortable with doing fuck-all to correct the problem...excise the cancer...or what ever euphemism suits yer over-educated, ineffectual asses...

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

I really do question what we've learned in school. I think it's national indoctrination, that's why I dislike the public school system so much. That, and my education was sub par, and I was not the sharpest tool in the shed at 18 because of it. I've done better as an autodidactic which has also lead me to understand what I learned in school was not so much a lie but a cherry-picking of information devised for social engineering and thinly veiled as unbiased education. Regardless, I don't think any of my classes properly explained Capitalism to me, nor the free market, nor fiat currency, Corporatism, the Federal Reserve, etc. etc. etc. They didn't teach me a lot of things except how to be dumb and be a cog.

I get it. I don't tow the lines. But, you seem to want to lump me in with anti-abortionists (I refuse to call them by any euphemism), creationists, anti-immigrationists, homophobes and racists. Seriously? All of that is antithetical to my positions and those of Libertarians. In fact, if California was a Libertarian state, I bet gays would no longer be secondhand citizens like they are in the blue state. Democrat civil liberties fail.

What's so wrong with personal liberty, DFT? What's wrong with giving the individual a right to be captain of his own destiny? Why shouldn't we honor self-reliance over dependency? Why do you feel people are too stupid and incompetent to live with freedom? I believe you veil elitism under the banner of democracy. Most people do who believe they know what's best for everyone instead of allowing the individual to choose. When your direct democracy leads to bad legislation and tyranny you will pretend it wasn't democracy, but a lack of it; and therefore it's a selective democracy where the pro-Democratic voices should be heard, but dissenters should not. To me your party sounds a lot like the other party.

Also, I understand your fears of Corporations. I, too, am anti-Corporatist and I certainly don't trust them. They wouldn't exist if government didn't allow them to. In fact, it used to take an act of Congress to create a Corporation; now it all has to do with how much money you have. And it's government regulation that allows them to monopolize the markets by squeezing out the small business owners. Corporations, like government, hate competition, and most regulation is set up to protect Corporate interests, not ours. I've given a great example of this here in the 5th and 6th paragraph and show how a protective government bureaucracy like the EPA is only used to further the Corporate agenda, not protect us. That's your government regulatory system failing... again.

I could ask you the same question about being a Democrat that you asked me about being Libertarian. Seriously, if you were part of the Green Party or a Marxist I'd probably have more respect for your position. But a Democrat? Sure I can see how you agree with some of their positions, but all of them? Hell, most of them? The continuation of the unconstitutional war? More troops sent to Afghanistan? No mention from your party on closing the 700+ military bases in 130 countries overseas. And, what about the Patriot Act? Your party isn't moving to repeal it, only modify it. Your party is a sham. And the fact that you can't see how similar your party is to the Republican Party is very amusing but mostly frustrating. Pot, meet kettle.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday

CA Lawmaker Duvall Caught on Mic Bragging about Graphic Sex

NetRunner says...

Personally, I wanna know more about the meeting at the lobbying firm when they were putting together their plans for getting the congressman's support.

I mean, do they just out and out ask their employees to spread their legs for money, or do they use euphemisms, or was Mr. Duvall just too sexy for them to resist?

EDD (Member Profile)

smooman says...

Well thanks =)

I find depreciating humor to be the best way to rebut sweeping generalizations anyhow. Plus it's always funny.

I'm still right and you are still wrong, however. It's science =P

In reply to this comment by EDD:
We may disagree on a LOT of topics, but much respect to anyone who responds to personal attacks like that with self-depreciating humor. That's an instant-win in my book

In reply to this comment by smooman:
smooman derives from the show Dinosaurs (remember that show?) there was an episode where Baby was watching TV and all the shows had foul language in them (albeit made up Dinosaur foul language). Smoo was one of those words, along with flark, glimp........and another I cant remember.

I just thought it was a funny word and i plugged it in my online handle and it stuck ever since.

But secretly it means Smoochman which is a euphemism for homo-ass-to-mouth

smooman (Member Profile)

EDD says...

We may disagree on a LOT of topics, but much respect to anyone who responds to personal attacks like that with self-depreciating humor. That's an instant-win in my book

In reply to this comment by smooman:
smooman derives from the show Dinosaurs (remember that show?) there was an episode where Baby was watching TV and all the shows had foul language in them (albeit made up Dinosaur foul language). Smoo was one of those words, along with flark, glimp........and another I cant remember.

I just thought it was a funny word and i plugged it in my online handle and it stuck ever since.

But secretly it means Smoochman which is a euphemism for homo-ass-to-mouth

Mum Tasered In Front Of Kids, Arrested. Kids Left In Vehicle

smooman says...

smooman derives from the show Dinosaurs (remember that show?) there was an episode where Baby was watching TV and all the shows had foul language in them (albeit made up Dinosaur foul language). Smoo was one of those words, along with flark, glimp........and another I cant remember.

I just thought it was a funny word and i plugged it in my online handle and it stuck ever since.

But secretly it means Smoochman which is a euphemism for homo-ass-to-mouth


Stormsinger says...

I may or may not know most of these in the first place. My problem is figuring out what particular euphemism they were supposed to be referring to (I really did like the bearded clam, though). I could only figure out about 8 of them. I think I have to be held back a grade now. ::sigh::

Third World Mentality: Southerners "Earn Their Wings"

HenningKO says...

shiiit. My blood ran cold in the first minute of that video. Never heard about this...
What's the literal meaning of that euphemism? Earning their wings... They think they will go to heaven for shooting black people?

Third World Mentality: Southerners "Earn Their Wings"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'murder, america, uninvestigated, euphemism, vigilante, hate' to 'murder, uninvestigated, euphemism, vigilante, hate, katrina, algiers point, new orleans' - edited by kronosposeidon

Swine Flu Vaccines (Blog Entry by EndAll)

entr0py says...

gwiz, you're right it's no more dangerous then regular flu. In fact when they say H1N1, that's shorthand for the most common type of flu.

It is a real epidemic though, it quickly spread to every part of the world. The unusual thing about this outbreak is that almost no one has a natural immunity.

Here's a quote from a recent BBC report:

"The government has also warned that deaths from swine flu this winter could be between 19,000 and 65,000 in the UK.

Experts said it was impossible to predict exactly, but with a third of the population perhaps becoming infected in the coming months the death toll could rise to such numbers.

The World Health Organisation has also described the pandemic as the fastest-moving one ever, adding it was now pointless to count every case."

Another thing most people don't know is that at this point, if you get the flu, it's almost certainly swine flu. According to the CDC:

"Over 99% of all subtyped influenza A viruses being reported to CDC were novel influenza A (H1N1) viruses."

While there are other types of H1N1 flu, whenever you see the world "novel" it means swine flu. It's a euphemism pushed by the pork industry.

The View: Bruno - Almost Porn

entr0py says...

ooooooh, she means "little people" as in, "unimportant, poor, non-famous people". Here I thought she was using a current politically correct term, but she's really using an antiquated demeaning euphemism for the working class. Well played Barbra.

"Tossing Salad" in Jail (REALLY NSFW)

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