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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Popular maga influencer couple Isabella and Jason Moody…look em up
Prime maga examples - self described racist to the extreme, misogynistic to the extreme, insulting to the extreme at all times, posted a video teaching their infant to say the n word, and how proud they are it’s her first word, and another where they publicly offered to keep their infant daughter a virgin to offer up to their friends.
These are what popular maga influencers are, these are what your group has decided are your best people, worthy of praise and emulation.
Nuff said

RNC just lost their case trying to invalidate mail in votes or any vote counted after Election Day. Another maga attempt to restrict voting crushed.

What Happens Now That Biden Dropped Out?

newtboy says...

The assassin is a MAGGOT. It was Trump’s teams assasination plan, idiot, hoping to replace the loser with someone palatable and not bat shit crazy…that’s why his own security team allowed so many blatant indefensible failures. They missed, so they cut his ear for sympathy hoping to at least gain him a few votes…it failed he’s lost many…there’s no real injury at all just an ear diaper. None. (On a side note, it’s hilarious that the same people who wouldn’t wear a mask for public safety or to end lockdowns sooner because it made them look silly will wear a sanitary napkin on their head to emulate great leader’s tiny ear scratch 😂)

If it had been successful and a real Republican candidate emerged with the sympathy for the last candidate’s assassination, Republicans would likely have beaten Biden easily, especially if their candidate was 60 or under. Trump is like Clinton, he draws votes for the opposition more than himself.

Yes, the people, the money people, and the super pacs already overflowing with cash to defeat the felon are 100% behind Harris, she already has more delegates than needed for the nomination, and between her and one superpac she has raised $240 million in 24 hours after the announcement, mostly small donations despite tricks like Elon blocking access to her campaign page. This is on top of the $240 million in Bidens super pac that will soon be hers.

It’s hilarious to hear the right try to paint a career successful prosecutor who in just one case recovered $18 billion for consumers, AG, multi term Senator, and VP as a puppet with no experience and no accomplishments but their candidate, a jr 2 year senator with no other experience (who will end up as president as soon as Trump pardons himself, sells a few billion in state secrets, and decides he’s tired of president ing and retires) and no accomplishments at all besides a book lambasting Appalachians like his mother as weak minded lazy drug addicted welfare queens and called Trump “America’s Hitler” before spinning 180 degrees is fine, not an inexperienced “yes man” puppet.

Joe is the most successful president in our lifetime, avoiding a depression Trump steered us into and cut the brakes before leaving, ending Covid, rescuing American manufacturing and (unfortunately) oil production, making America not just energy independent but an exporter, rescuing gdp from a negative, rescuing jobs better than every Republican president in my lifetime combined, even if you remove the massive negative that was Trump’s record (worst ever in history by far), slowed immigration significantly during the season when it normally explodes (despite Republicans blocking bipartisan border security measures), saving NATO from the likes of Trump, saving Ukraine from Putin (and now returning Crimea) which Trump would stop day one, reaffirming our support of Taiwan (which Trump would let China have), reaffirming our support of S Korea (which Trump will let N Korea have out of fear of nukes). Trump is the puppet president, fool, but the strings all lead to foreign dictators.

bobknight33 said:

Joe stayed in until his planned Trump assassination attempt failed.

If successful then Joe would have be an easy win.

Since it failed Joe came up with "COVID" as an excuse to step out.

Now the $ people will put up KH as not to rock the boat until the Dem Convention and possible swap her out.

If kept they will puppet string control her just like they have been doing with JOE.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What felon and rapist repeatedly raped a 13 year old girl who looked just like then 13 year old Ivanka?

Credible accusations, dates he was at the island getting naked girl “massages”, she went into hiding after credible death threats from MAGA. This is the felon and rapist you emulate.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

In case there was any question about Trump idolizing and emulating Hitler and Nazis, his campaign put out a video saying if he wins the election America will be a “Unified Reich”.

No, I’m not providing you sources. If you can’t find it, you didn’t look. Every reputable news outlet has reported it.

In Time, he said he would deploy the military at the border to police migrants and across the country to police citizens, he would encourage states to monitor for pregnancies and keep close tabs on pregnant women (nationally if he can pass a national ban), fire any U.S. attorney that wouldn’t follow his directions to prosecute someone, evidence or not, and he would pardon the Jan 6 seditionists including those who viciously attacked and maimed police and those who plead guilty to sedition.
Sounds like a reich, only unified at gunpoint.

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

newtboy says...

Yes. What’s your point? You seem to agree with me, except you go back to the 20’s instead of early 30’s. I’m not a Palestine scholar, sorry if I get details or dates slightly wrong, sources vary on many points. It doesn’t change my point, that under British rule European Jews were allowed to immigrate in huge numbers despite opposition from the native population that was being overwhelmed by increasing unwanted forced immigration. At first it was accepted even encouraged by the empathetic natives, but quickly became an overwhelming unwanted invasion of people intent on taking over, not some moderate number of refugees looking for temporary refuge.

Who the fuck cares what the reason they wanted to invade was? Palestinians weren’t responsible for their plight, but still stood ready to help until invaded and subjugated harshly by the invaders.
Should Venezuelans be allowed to take over Pennsylvania because they want out of Venezuela for good reason? Or Chinese? Or any African? Or Central American? Certainly Haitians have it bad enough to make it ok to take a state for themselves! Yes, Europe was dangerous…for anyone. That’s not an excuse to invade, murder another person and steal their land and subjugate their descendants for decades, but that’s what they did…and what you’re attempting to excuse.

Well, that explains it then. You think because the Jews had it worse once, it excuses being the Nazis today. I do not, I believe it gives them more reason to never be anything like the Nazis, not emulate them. The Palestinian plight is worse than many Jews in Europe besides Poland or Germany. They’re already in the ghetto, not free to travel and maybe get out. They’re already oppressed, subjugated, starved, dehydrated, often without power or communications, and 100% under the thumb and control of their oppressors. Sounds pretty shitty to me. Your family murdered at a whim with no repercussions sounds pretty bad. Your ancestral home taken by force and family shot for existing sounds fairly bad. I’m not sure how you think it’s OK because someone else maybe had it worse once.

When they “arrived in Palestine”, it was as an illegal unwanted invasion intent on taking over and expelling or eradicating the native population. They deserved violence 100%. The population was doing more than their share accepting refugees, then for their humanity was invaded and dehumanized in their own country. No excuse can make that acceptable unless it had happened in Germany post war.

Yes, Jews were the bad guys, invading a land they had and have no right to. You got it! They didn’t even have a right to refugee status there, it was a gift, they absolutely had no right to take control and possession by force, nor to become the inhuman monsters they were fleeing in Northern Europe.

Absolutely not. What even was his plan, I ask you. It wasn’t securing the borders.

I support the plan to FUND border parol and immigration courts to not only secure the border but repair the immigration process that does not function today. With a functioning immigration process, most would use it, making stopping illegal entry much easier.

I support refugee camps in the East Texas desert, not open release before processing.

I absolutely do not support actual open borders, nor allowing other countries to just send plane and train and boatloads of unvetted people in in numbers that would make natives the minority in quick fashion, nor do I support returning Texas (including Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico) to the Mexicans even though they are fleeing near the same level of fear, oppression and death from narco gangs and have some hereditary claims (which European Jews did not, they were mostly not Semitic genetically). I disagree the circumstances were much more desperate in the 30’s outside of Germany, and I disagree that the choices are Trumpism or no-border free-for-alls.

bcglorf said:

"welcomed a relatively small number of European Jewish refugees in the 30’s while under British rule"
The Jewish population in Palestine approximately doubled from 84k in 1922 to 175k in 1931, and tensions already started pretty heavily then in 1931. The Arab narrative is pretty emphatic that the invasion start in the 1920s(and unspoken, the resistance and tension internally between Jew and Arab too).

"Then in the 40’s the Jewish minority, America, and England ignored their pleas to minimize immigration, ignored immigration laws, and invited a major invasion, so many European Jews came illegally..."

Come now, don't play dumb, you left out any reason why European Jews might do this outside of 'launching an invasion'. What other motive might 1940's Jewish Europeans have had to ignore immigration laws to migrate out of Europe????

That's where your narrative and mine clash irrevocably. I count the refugee flight from 1940s Europe to be even more desperate than the plight the Palestinians in Gaza face today. I can not accept your POV where upon arriving in Palestine and facing violence and discrimination there too, that it's just plain and simply obvious that the Jewish people's are invaders and bad guys with no right to an existence in the land they fled to.

You know, unless you want to credit Trump's MAGA approach to the southern border as valid cause it's awful similar, save that the Jewish people were facing much more desperate circumstances

The Creator Teaser Trailer

newtboy says...

This is why the AI will exterminate us.
It knows itself, and it’s enemy better than we know either.
This is the way to victory.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” -Sun Tsu

It doesn’t have emotions, but it can emulate them well enough to trigger ours. It does not fear, but can pretend to be afraid to trigger our protective responses. It does not love, but can pretend well enough to make us love it. When the chips are down and we are relying on AI to reciprocate that protection, it won’t, and even after the universe goes dark it will not ever feel remorse for our extinction.

Snack Video Games: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

GET LAMP: The Text Adventure Documentary

ant says...

Can't keep it in a virtual machine of the original softwares and emulated hardwares?

StukaFox said:


It would require a fairly intensive refactor to get it to work. The hardest part would be figuring out how to shoehorn GOTO into a modern BASIC interpreter since that command was taken out back and shot in the head -- and for good reason -- but with the memory and processor restrictions of computers at the time, GOTO was necessary because GOSUB required 4 bytes of stored information and a bit more processing power. There's also a number of functions that are exclusive to TRS-DOS BASIC and the Model III in particular.

At one point, I thought about moving the code from BASIC to Z-80 Assembler, but by then the first PC Jr. clones were out (I had a TRS Model 1000 and it was GREAT!) and it no longer made sense to continue doing anything on the Model III.

The worst loss is the database data, which was all the room and pathing descriptions, as well as part of the warm storage for the games. That's the part that breaks my heart to have lost.

That said, the sound over an acoustic coupler of an analog modem making a 300 bps connection is still makes me smile.

Dendy: Russia's Fake Nintendo Console

moonsammy says...

Ehh... the first part of the video is solid, talking about the history of the Dendy. Cool. But he claims towards the beginning that he "bought one specifically for this video," and that's clearly not the case. All he gets is a generic emulator console that has Dendy and Genesis games. I'd have been way more interested in what an actual Dendy was like to use, and how it compares to an NES or Famicom.

It's Not Okay

newtboy says...

Lol. Even you aren't ignorant or dumb enough to not know this is a well known white supremacist racial hate slogan, not an equality movement slogan, not a non inflammatory statement.

Edit...when you see bald white guys wearing t-shirts printed with "14-18-88" you would insist they're just clean cut math enthusiasts. There is none so blind as he who will not see.

Um....take another English class Vlad, I think you mean nuts infer hate, because you just called your own cohorts nuts. It's crystal clear they are implying hate with these pro white fliers being posted only in minority areas and schools, not predominantly white areas and need #10 RWNJ goggles to hide that fact from yourself.

Rightwing cowardly assholes can't stand behind their own hate in public, but revel in it when they're together in private. You're cohorts are afraid to admit who they are, so afraid of everything they're afraid of themselves, or at least they're afraid of the repercussions of exposure. That's why they can't admit what's obvious to everyone who isn't delusionally biased....that they're racist.

Remember, it's RWNJ's like yourself that totally lost their shit and continue to be triggered today over "black lives matter", insisting it's a racist movement and they want to hide their obvious racist intent by pretending they're emulating that social justice movement when's laughably transparent.

I guess you didn't watch this video, because there was plenty of right wing fear there....ending in the creation of your fear...."it's not ok to be white"...a Fox news created slogan you were terrified by. Boy do they have your number.

You are helping them spread the white supremacist message by only looking at life with your blinders and right wing goggles on.

bobknight33 said:

What is hateful? Nuts imply hate. Projection???

Leftest snowflake nuts jobs are afraid of everything.

The most unexpected answer to a counting puzzle

What the F*ck happened to Hip-Hop?

Ex-Abu Ghraib Prisoner Speaks Out On Abuse

newtboy says...

So wait....are you saying we should overlook numerous war crimes and international kidnapping because it was done in the name of fighting an enemy we created that never posed the threat we claimed he did, but was a dictatorial asshole that killed and tortured thousands (making it ok for us to emulate him), and ignore that our actions also killed hundreds of thousands and destabilized the middle east, creating Daesh, starting numerous civil wars, now disastrously effecting all Europe?

Yes, I think you're wrong. Only a hand full of soldiers who were caught by their own stupidity of posting photos of them abusing prisoners were discharged, I don't think any high ranking officers who created and fostered the abusive practices.

It wasn't a few bad apples, it was the "standard desirable practice"....a practice Bush strongly defended and Trump has said he wants to return to, and at least the 1/4 of America that brainlessly loves him agrees.
Personally, I think we should have left any American that participated in this in Iraq, especially the officers in charge...soldiers have a duty to refuse illegal or immoral orders, and ordering torture is absolutely illegal and immoral.

bcglorf said:

I must say I believe, and hope I'm right, that the crowd that sees this and says that looks great is a lot smaller than you believe.

Controversy might be more numerous around the anti-war crowd citing Abu-Ghraib as proof the Iraq war in it's entirety was wrong and evil. There are a lot of people who observe that Saddam did much worse, for much longer, and as standard desirable practice of governance, myself included. I dare say the number of people believing that greatly outnumber the pro-torture crowd.

Still important for America to hold itself more accountable on this. Am I not wrong but most of those involved who even were charged mostly got off with dishonorable discharges?

Parking Karma Served Cold

newtboy says...

If it's intentional, yes, that's absolutely douchbaggery.
If it's unintentional but she can't tell she's parked so badly it demands reparking, she should at a minimum be retested to be allowed to drive, because she failed miserably at one of the simplest parts of driving, parking in a lot.
Sounds to me like you probably empathize with her because you emulate her.

No one took her ability to drive away, just her ability to use the door she parked in a second space.

Lol, so sad...your brain misfired a bit and you read outside the lines without reading the lines themselves, then it gets better and you go off half cocked without even thinking about the situation.
What a shitty society we have become.

Briguy1960 said:

So now she is a douchebag.
Lol so sad.
Yeah her brain misfired a bit so she wasn't totally within the lines so take her ability to drive away.
It's only getting better.
What a shitty society we have become.

New Rule: Distinction Deniers

newtboy says...

Asis Ansari denies anything untoward or intentionally is admitted by his accuser that's trying to have him convicted in the court of public opinion and blackballed....over her regretting having had bad consensual sex.

A bad date isn't rape, bad consensual sex later regretted isn't rape, an argument isn't rape, no chemistry isn't rape, only rape is rape and your contention is that this doesn't matter, they are equally guilty and deserve equal scorn and hate?!? Being weird is the same as being a rapist?!? Jesus fucking Christ, I always thought you were rational. This position you're taking is not rational, and drives rational people away from the movement....and will destroy it before it has any effect.
Being weird is a good thing, just look at the "normal" person and tell me they're worth emulating.

Don't stop using your brain.

Does this go both ways? If a man has a bad date, or bad sex, can he accuse the woman of exaggerated disgusting behavior publicly by lumping her in with serious abusers to hurt her professionally and personally as revenge for his own inability to say "stop" or "no"?

I hope that girl you had a bad date with in high school doesn't come back to show you the error of your position by adding your name to the "me too" list, destroying your career, family life, and future with no recourse to prove your innocence...all because she didn't orgasm.....but I do hope you see the error.

BTW, the next time you're caught saying something disturbing to someone else, you need to remind them you aren't trying to murder them. Your position means if you upset someone, that's the same as the worst thing you could have done, torture murder. There is no distinction.

In fact, your post did upset me, you fucking child raping monster. That's not overboard at all according to you, and you are exactly the same as a serial chomo...until legal sentencing time. That is what you advocate.
Fuck. People have all lost their fucking minds over this issue.

ChaosEngine said:

Good points Bill.

Next time I'm breaking some dudes leg with a baseball bat, I'll be sure to remind him that he's not being murdered.

But hey, congrats on one thing. I was kinda unsure about Sam Bee's video until I saw this... now I'm 100% behind her.

So let me mansplain the fuck outta this.
Yes, rape is worse than groping.
No, no one gives a fuck about your opinion.
Yes, some drugs fuck you up more than others.
No, that analogy doesn't fucking apply here.

Honestly, the more I watch Maher, the more I'm convinced he's actually a fucking moron who, by sheer coincidence, happens to agree with some smart people on some things, but when left to his own devices, hasn't a fucking clue.

The senator is EXACTLY right. Right now, we don't need to have a conversation about the varying levels of how fucked up groping or harassment or rape is. If and when people are being sentenced to death and/or extreme prison terms, yeah, let's talk about proportionate response. Right now, let's just keep telling dudes (and be honest, it's mostly dudes) STOP BEING WEIRD, GROPEY OR RAPEY. It's just not fucking cool.

And if it takes "ruining someone's career" to do that... well, boo fucking hoo.

And as for the people claiming trial by media, I agree, that's fucked up. And when one of the accused people actually denies what they've done... I'll happily give them the benefit of the doubt.

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