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Conan Busts Jordan Schlansky & His Elitist Espresso Machine

Matt Damon Goes On Strike!

chingalera says...

Trey Parker and Matt Stone speak with their satire the words sympathetic fans know to be true. The self-deceived embrace with emotional fervor causes with ulterior substance and authentic sell-outs invest in the causes and become spokesmen for their keepers.
Sean Penn

Anyone who aligns themselves with any cause sponsored by UNESCO, UNICEF, RED CROSS,WWF, United Nations....Beware of cunts. Check the list of all UN organizations- IMF is one of them. Might as well join a private club, elitist assholes all.

Freddy Wong Saves The Internet

Jinx says...

Watch out guys, this elitist has semicolons and he's not afraid to use them.

I'm going to wait 5 years and then start linking people to harlem shake videos. You know, in an ironic internet hipster sort of way because I'm so counter culture I've gone full circle. Anyway, I refuse to sift harlems but this version did succeed in bringing a smile to my face:

Colin Powell calls out Republican racism

lantern53 says...

This guy is the black McCain. He'll say anything to stay on the camera.

Anyway, Democrats are the racists. Democrats believe black people can't make it on their own. It was Republicans who passed the civil rights act. Now, the country-club Republicans don't like minorities, but neither do elitist Democrats.

GOP volunteer gitting out the vote by Malinforming

packo says...

its nice to run a party with no accountability whatsoever

ill informed? misinformed? prejudiced in any way; whether it be religious/racist/economic system (i shake my head at the moronic nature of socialism being a "bad" word)?

the Republican party is right for you

the Democrats are educated elitists!!!

any, and I mean ANY social/political/religious group DESERVES to be judged by it's least shining examples... there's a responsibility on any group of people that shares denomination with this type of stupidity and doesn't try to elevate their "lowest" members... whether it be in education/opportunity/etc

sad that this "culture" is created for the express purpose of those on top to prey on ignorance

sad that this is the "culture" of the "#1 nation in the world"

I'm telling you as someone who used to think highly of you USA, you used to be the hot chick... now you are fat, and think its a GOOD idea not to bath, and to constantly wear spandex because its more "comfortable"... you have the opportunity to regain your glory... but this isn't the way u do it

you've got back boobs, the rest of the world can see it, and you are oblivious

Mitt Romney's One-day Flip-Flop-o-Rama

shagen454 says...

That is pretty much exactly what I said, he does not have an ideology of his own except for the one he was spoon fed his entire life but when that fails he is just a business man and he can weave in and out of it as long as his writers queue him up for it. Romney is a total right winger though, when I have heard him being himself is when he is making vast generalizations with conviction... that is a staple for that sect of thought.

>> ^messenger:

This isn't about conservative/liberal. Te point is that Romney himself is nothing. He's not conservative. He's no liberal. He's just a politician out to get votes any way that he can. Nothing else.
"These are my principles! And if you don't like them, I have others.">> ^shagen454:
The problem with conservatives is that they are supposed to stay the same. Which is why most of them that never leave the farm are about just as good as the cows eating the feed and then they get all tangled up in the masses who have all of these opinions and culture... ITS SO CONFUSING being an elitist, rich piece of right wing turd.

Mitt Romney's One-day Flip-Flop-o-Rama

messenger says...

This isn't about conservative/liberal. Te point is that Romney himself is nothing. He's not conservative. He's no liberal. He's just a politician out to get votes any way that he can. Nothing else.

"These are my principles! And if you don't like them, I have others.">> ^shagen454:

The problem with conservatives is that they are supposed to stay the same. Which is why most of them that never leave the farm are about just as good as the cows eating the feed and then they get all tangled up in the masses who have all of these opinions and culture... ITS SO CONFUSING being an elitist, rich piece of right wing turd.

Mitt Romney's One-day Flip-Flop-o-Rama

shagen454 says...

The problem with conservatives is that they are supposed to stay the same. Which is why most of them that never leave the farm are about just as good as the cows eating the feed and then they get all tangled up in the masses who have all of these opinions and culture... ITS SO CONFUSING being an elitist, rich piece of right wing turd.

John Stewart Rips Romney on the 47%

Hive13 says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Is all this Mitt bashing this week just to cover up the failed Obama relations with the Muslims shit going on in the middle east?
Obama knew 3 days in advance about this and blames a piss poor video.

What the fuck are you talking about? How does Mitt shoving his foot in his mouth in a MAJOR way have ANYTHING to do with Muslims losing their minds over a movie?

Do you even comprehend what Mitt Romney was disclosing in that leaked video. It is a significant and very scary look into his actual political agenda. He is an out-of-touch, elitist, bigoted, self-absorbed douche.

I am not saying Obama is any better, but you need to get your head out of your ass if you think that the outrage over that leaked video is in anyway connected to paranoid, radical Muslims.

Shivers of pleasure while watching a political PAC ad....

bareboards2 says...

"The video has been removed by the user."


Koster's campaign response to this SuperPAC ad, per Seattle Times website

Larry Stickney, Koster’s campaign manager, responded with this statement:

“We now have a country where more than 46 million people are on food stamps because of the failed “progressive” economic policies that Suzan DelBene espouses. The attacks on Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party are right out of the Democratic Party’s playbook for 2012 as they seek to divert attention from the job-killing economic meltdown they have engineered. Outside of pleasing the Party faithful and DelBene’s elitist social circles, this amateurish web video will be ineffective in swaying the voters’ opinions.”

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^qfan:

Side note: Being well respected doesn't mean his views are truth.

Agreed. On the other hand, the unassailable mountains of evidence for evolution means his views (at least on evolution) are truth. Or at least as much as it's possible to have any scientific "truth".

>> ^qfan:

Though yes, perfectly fine to have an opinion. I'm not disputing that.
What's in dispute is that he's telling parents not to share their beliefs with their own children. So we're not only telling creationists they can't share their views publicly in school, we also tell them that they can't share their views in private with their own children. It's extraordinarily dangerous thinking in the free world. These are private people who wish to raise their children with their own values. Bill is publicly preaching to parents (unlike those parents who are privately teaching their children) not to share what they believe in, all the while saying "When you're in love you want to tell the world about it." The man is amazingly hypocritical and sadly without an ounce of realisation about it.

He's not saying parents can't tell their children about creationism, he's saying they shouldn't. You can dance around the issue all you want, and believe in creationism, the tooth fairy or santa claus, but there comes a time when you have to grow up and accept reality. Right now, there's no debate about evolution, simply because there is no valid competing scientific theory that even comes close to matching the evidence. That I have to even spell this out is pretty sad.

>> ^qfan:

He says "We need scientifically literate people...". The thousands of scientists that believe in creation are also literate in science, even in the evolutionary aspects, except they choose not to believe in evolutionary theory. Science is a method. Nothing more, nothing less. Creationists aren't ignoring science at all, they are ignoring evolutionary theory.

There might be "thousands of scientists that believe in creation", but they represent a tiny percentage of the overall scientific community and almost none of them work in relevant fields. You wouldn't ask a plumber about aeronautical engineering, so don't ask a physicist about biology.

And if you ignore evolutionary theory, you are ignoring the science of biology. You are cherry-picking which evidence you accept because it doesn't fit your world view.

>> ^qfan:

Bill says "We need engineers, people that build stuff, solve problems...". The example of Wernher Von Braun puts this point to rest.

I have already conceded that you do not need to understand evolutionary biology to build rockets.

>> ^qfan:

You're confusing a lot of things here. First you say he ignored an area (evolution) that conflicted with his belief "because it didn't affect his work", then go on to say "You can be damn sure he benefited from the study of evolution".

If you're going to quote me, at least do me the courtesy of doing it fully and in context. What I said was:
>> ^ChaosEngine:

You can be damn sure he benefited from the study of evolution though, given it's the backbone of a lot of medical research.

I meant that Von Braun benefited from the study of evolution in the same way that every other human in the developed world did, through better medicines. It didn't really affect his work, but it did affect his life.

>> ^qfan:

Von Braun, "For me, the idea of a creation is not conceivable without invoking the necessity of design,” “It is in scientific honesty that I endorse the presentation of alternative theories for the origin of the universe, life and man in the science classroom. It would be an error to overlook the possibility that the universe was planned rather than happening by chance."

So what? He was wrong about evolution. Big deal. Newton was one of the greatest minds of all time and he got time wrong. Science marches on, and I'm confident that Von Braun if he had the time and inclination to really study it, would eventually have accepted the facts of evolution. And if he still chose to ignore the evidence because it didn't fit his world-view, well, that's sad, but it changes nothing about the truth of evolution.

>> ^qfan:

Bill says that denial of evolution is unique to the US (which is already a very questionable statement in itself), then goes on to say that the US is the most technologically advanced nation (with a grudging acceptance that Japan might be slightly ahead). Again, another questionable statement and slightly elitist I might add So if denial of evolution is holding the US back, why is it the most technologically advanced? You could word it another way... denial of evolution and technological advancement do not correlate with one another.

It's not unique to the U.S., but it's more prevalent than any other developed nation. What he's saying is that the U.S. should know better.

Denial of evolution in and of itself is bad, but it's symptomatic of the larger issues of anti-intellectualism and non-rational thought. The people who made the U.S. the most technologically advanced nation are not the same people that believe in a talking snake.

Besides, he's talking about potential. Maybe somewhere in the bible belt the next Alexander Fleming is having their future taken away from them because they are being lied to (intentionally or not) by their parents and/or preachers.

Bill Nye: Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children

qfan says...

@ChaosEngine "Well, aside from being a well-respected science educator, he's also a private person and thus entitled to an opinion. The same way that religious people seem to think they should be able to tell other people not only how to raise their children, but what their children should be taught in science class."

Side note: Being well respected doesn't mean his views are truth. Though yes, perfectly fine to have an opinion. I'm not disputing that.

What's in dispute is that he's telling parents not to share their beliefs with their own children. So we're not only telling creationists they can't share their views publicly in school, we also tell them that they can't share their views in private with their own children. It's extraordinarily dangerous thinking in the free world. These are private people who wish to raise their children with their own values. Bill is publicly preaching to parents (unlike those parents who are privately teaching their children) not to share what they believe in, all the while saying "When you're in love you want to tell the world about it." The man is amazingly hypocritical and sadly without an ounce of realisation about it.

He says "We need scientifically literate people...". The thousands of scientists that believe in creation are also literate in science, even in the evolutionary aspects, except they choose not to believe in evolutionary theory. Science is a method. Nothing more, nothing less. Creationists aren't ignoring science at all, they are ignoring evolutionary theory. Bill says "We need engineers, people that build stuff, solve problems...". The example of Wernher Von Braun puts this point to rest.

@ChaosEngine "If Von Braun had believed in a biblical theory of "intelligent falling" instead of gravity, his rockets wouldn't have gotten far. If he had actually studied the science, his conclusion might have been very different, but there's not a lot of call for evolutionary science when designing rockets, so he basically ignored an area of science that conflicted with his belief system because it didn't affect his work. You can be damn sure he benefited from the study of evolution though, given it's the backbone of a lot of medical research."

You're confusing a lot of things here. First you say he ignored an area (evolution) that conflicted with his belief "because it didn't affect his work", then go on to say "You can be damn sure he benefited from the study of evolution". Von Braun, "For me, the idea of a creation is not conceivable without invoking the necessity of design,” “It is in scientific honesty that I endorse the presentation of alternative theories for the origin of the universe, life and man in the science classroom. It would be an error to overlook the possibility that the universe was planned rather than happening by chance."

Bill says that denial of evolution is unique to the US (which is already a very questionable statement in itself), then goes on to say that the US is the most technologically advanced nation (with a grudging acceptance that Japan might be slightly ahead). Again, another questionable statement and slightly elitist I might add So if denial of evolution is holding the US back, why is it the most technologically advanced? You could word it another way... denial of evolution and technological advancement do not correlate with one another.

Great Rant from God Bless America

ulysses1904 says...

So that makes him a hipster elitist because he's not a Jerry Springer fan? Count me as one of them too because I watched that Springer element go from fringe to prime-time mainstream over the past 15 years and there's no escaping it. The in-your-face booger-eating shock value that at one time you only saw in the mentally-challenged kid in your school.

And now this instant powdered fame has become a bankable commodity, if you're a pretty girl who eats her own earwax or admits to liking the smell of farts you can become a star. Or you don't mind pranking your mother on-camera by telling her that you're pregnant with your high-school art teacher's baby, just to "push the envelope" of reality TV.

Like the guy in the movie my workplace is full of college grads who were weaned on this crap, it's all they know. They talk like they think they are some sitcom sidekick, spitting out this stream of snarky, hip, pop-culture references and this week's memes and reality show updates. With a smug grin because the studio audience in their head is cheering them on.

So you can have it. Call it a hipster pose but I am too good for this crap. I don't care if there are 32 million of them, this crap is for morons and it will only get worse.
>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

So you're including yourself in that group, yes?
Or are you too hipster for that? "I was counter-culture before counter-culture was a culture."
>> ^gorillaman:
I hope we all understand that you can nod your head along to the sentiments in this video and still be a part of the problem.

Reid Hitting Romney Hard Over (Possibly) Unpaid Taxes

shinyblurry says...

The choices today are bad and worse, although I think that Romney has proven experience leading, creating wealth, and governing, whereas Obama..well, we've seen what that looks like. It's clear this country needs to go in a new direction..I wish it wouldn't have to be Romney, but I don't think America can take another 4 years of Obama and survive.

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^shinyblurry:
I don't see why Romney should release his tax records. The Obama campaign is simply fishing for more ammunition to paint Romney as a rich elitist, so in effect they are calling for Romney to produce a club so that they can beat him over the head with it. So I don't really see a compelling reason for Romney to do it.
Personally, I'm an independent. I would ask liberals though, if you could stop clamoring for the red meat the DNC is throwing to you for a second and look at the world objectively, how is it that you can come away with any other opinion than that the Obama presidency is a major disappointment? Why would you vote for him again? Can you articulate anything convincing? Obama campaigned in 2008 on hope and change, as a messianic figure who would fundamentally transform this country and fix everything. He said if he didn't it would be a one term proposition. Obviously none of that happened and the country is in even worse shape, and bitterly divided along political, class and racial lines. It has never been more divisive. Instead of hope and change we get slash and burn. Instead of a principled reformer we get a bitter partisan playing dirty politics; ie, a typical politician. Why in the world shouldn't it be a one term proposition? He isn't the man he said he was by any measure, and basically he has run this country into the ground. Don't you have a sense of self preservation?

Quite a number of "liberals" on the sift and elsewhere have stated openly that Obama is a disappointment.
But the real disappointment is that no matter how bad he is, he's still an order of magnitude better than any candidate the republicans put forward.

Reid Hitting Romney Hard Over (Possibly) Unpaid Taxes

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^shinyblurry:

I don't see why Romney should release his tax records. The Obama campaign is simply fishing for more ammunition to paint Romney as a rich elitist, so in effect they are calling for Romney to produce a club so that they can beat him over the head with it. So I don't really see a compelling reason for Romney to do it.
Personally, I'm an independent. I would ask liberals though, if you could stop clamoring for the red meat the DNC is throwing to you for a second and look at the world objectively, how is it that you can come away with any other opinion than that the Obama presidency is a major disappointment? Why would you vote for him again? Can you articulate anything convincing? Obama campaigned in 2008 on hope and change, as a messianic figure who would fundamentally transform this country and fix everything. He said if he didn't it would be a one term proposition. Obviously none of that happened and the country is in even worse shape, and bitterly divided along political, class and racial lines. It has never been more divisive. Instead of hope and change we get slash and burn. Instead of a principled reformer we get a bitter partisan playing dirty politics; ie, a typical politician. Why in the world shouldn't it be a one term proposition? He isn't the man he said he was by any measure, and basically he has run this country into the ground. Don't you have a sense of self preservation?

Quite a number of "liberals" on the sift and elsewhere have stated openly that Obama is a disappointment.

But the real disappointment is that no matter how bad he is, he's still an order of magnitude better than any candidate the republicans put forward.

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