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Latest Failed Assassin Arrested On Florida Highway

newtboy says...

What’s that? You see another wolf?
Both are definitely verified to be 100% hard core MAGA. Nice try. Too bad you have zero believability after 14 years of idiotic nonsensical lies and absolutely nothing more. (blm killing cops (oops, I mean far right boogaloo boyz trying to blame blm) ANTIFA on Jan 6 (oops, not a single non MAGA found attacking democracy) Pelosi was a lover’s spat (more likely from either shooter, they once loved the child rapist). The election was stolen (the felon tried to steal it, but was too incompetent). Every claim you make is stupidity mixed with anger at your own failures and spiced with racism.). But you keep shouting “WOLF! WOLF WOLF!” and see how that works out for you. I certainly wouldn’t expect you to look into how it worked for others in the past. 😂

Both had mental issues….both still attained assault style weapons after Trump repealed a law that barred people who are mentally ill from purchasing guns.

Both supported Trump. One voted for him and recently supported Nicky Haley not Biden or Harris, and once reportedly donated $10 to support democracy in Ukraine (the reason he turned on Trump, is that why you say he’s a democrat…because he’s pro-democracy?), the other was too young to vote but every single person who knew him said he was 100% far right MAGA, his motive is fame, the alleged donation to vote blue was quickly debunked as another person in another state at another age but with the same first and last name, a claim that was verified to be wrong week one after the shooting. Both were 100% MAGA, no question, verified a dozen ways over. More baseless lies from the liar ignoring all actual evidence to believe some stupid nonsense based on known falsehoods, or to just lie about the facts because they’re bad for him…shocked!

We all know you can’t admit it, we know you are incapable of admitting any mistake or lie because it’s all you have, but we also all know the truth, and the truth is BOTH ARE FAR RIGHT WING MAGA GUN NUTS THAT USED ASSAULT RIFLES (that Joe had banned in the 90s but the right removed the ban) TO ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINATE POLITICIANS THAT ARE NOT FAR RIGHT ENOUGH. (Cozying up to Putin is not right wing, btw)

It should be noted, his secret service detail told him repeatedly that he could not be safeguarded at that course because it had public roads and homes bordering multiple holes and it could not be secured. He went there anyway, and now blames the secret service.

At best you are a Russian troll, but I don’t give you credit for that kind of intelligence…in reality you are an uneducated gullible idiot that buys every bit of AntiAmerican propaganda Putin feeds you because you honestly hate modern America and aren’t bright enough to see reality. I haven’t noticed one you missed, and absolutely know there isn’t a single time you have admitted they tricked you into spreading the Russian based lies despite it being proven daily. You haven’t said a word about your favorite failures in mommy’s basement all being caught getting paid hundreds of thousands a month to spread anti American Russian propaganda, or the right wing media and politicians that picked up that dishonest propaganda and ran with it (like you did every single time).

I go to the “Putin’s puppet” line because you and the felon keep repeating the lies he keeps feeding you, then pretending you didn’t even as you spread the next one. You and he are Putin puppets. Putin, and El-Sisi ($10 million cash bribe to change official policy towards Egypt still completely unexplained and growing as Barr testified Trump forced him to end the investigation into the bribe that was looking bad in 2017, and is restarting. Another case of the felon selling out America for $.). Same thing as Menendez, and Dems threw him to the wolves without defense when he was caught…you just keep on defending the felon as he sells out America to pay his enormous legal bills. The best thing you could possibly say is admitting you are too stupid and ignorant for it to be intentional….maybe….it would be impossibly hard to believe even you are that dense.

bobknight33 said:

Both are DEMOCRATS. Both donated to Democrat Act Blue fundraising ordinations.

Are worst you live in fake news.
At best you are a tool for the left.

Always going to the Putin puppet line.

Latest Failed Assassin Arrested On Florida Highway

bobknight33 says...

Both are DEMOCRATS. Both donated to Democrat Act Blue fundraising ordinations.

Are worst you live in fake news.
At best you are a tool for the left.

Always going to the Putin puppet line.

newtboy said:

What?!? Is this another moron on Putin’s payroll?
There’s a few problems with that stupidity….1) both shooters were Republicans radicalized by far right stupidity 2) both shooters used firearms Biden did ban until the hyper right court overturned the ban and started the daily mass shooting spree we now live in and 3) Biden has never suggested the felon should be dealt with by “2nd amendment people” or with “second amendment solutions” and 4) Biden has been 100% consistently against political violence while MAGA consistently celebrates political violence by their side, like Jan 6, or the attempted kidnapping of a governor, or the attempted murder of multiple congress people, or a dozen other terrorist acts you excuse and exalt and provoke without hesitation or qualm.

Sad but true.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Look up Michele Fiore, a Trump-loving Nevada Republican, she has been indicted by a grand jury for allegedly embezzling money from donors who believed that they were giving to a charitable foundation dedicated to building memorials for slain police officers, just like the felon did among his other fraudulent charities he used as piggy banks (like the $6 million he stole from his veteran’s charity).
This after getting busted violating campaign finance laws in her 22 campaign for state treasurer when she ran a straw donor scheme to get around $10000 maximum donation limits.
Party of law(lessness) and (dis)order indeed! 😂

And SHOCKER!!! It has been confirmed by multiple sources who were there and involved that the late start to the NABJ event was NOT due to audio issues but because the felon, last minute, insisted he NOT BE LIVE FACT CHECKED and the NABJ said no, they would…he refused to take the stage until they relented over a half hour later, then he lied as usual and blamed the event staff.

“Sofaking” JD Vance - I F#@ked A Couch

newtboy says...

Ok….you wanna be political about JD Vance (aka James Donald Bowman aka James David Hamel aka JP Mandel, aka the SofaKing)’s music video?
Let’s talk about how he was just caught on audio recently saying when they take office they will use federal troops to arrest women traveling from red states to blue states for reproductive health care that they cannot receive in red states because gynecologists and OBGYNs have left the state, their professions having been outlawed.
Traveling or moving while pregnant will be criminalized.
Yes, they have said clearly that they intend to arrest pregnant women who need healthcare and deny it to them, not just abortions either because they can’t tell what the doctor MIGHT do, so leaving a red state while pregnant will be illegal, period….until they enact a national abortion ban which is clearly and obviously the plan.

Let’s address your stupid embed….Kamala has never been popular? Nice pandering bill, but 100% incorrect. She was popular enough that Donald contributed $15k to her campaign! She is popular enough to have won 4 elections handily, unlike Don who has never received more votes than his opponent in any election ever and was so bad he damaged down ballot candidates and lost seats with his red tsunami (talk about unpopular). She raised more money this week than any campaign ever in history, and was awarded more than enough delegates for the nomination in one day. On an organization zoom call for “black women for Kamala” a record 55000 showed up and signed up to volunteer…then on the “white women for Kamala” zoom call over 155000 signed up to volunteer, another record…she raised over $240 million in under 1 week in mostly smaller donations from nearly 2 million donors!
Edit: Oh no! MAGA just lost again in court, trying to block her campaign from the $240 million in the Biden Harris campaign…it’s hers. Now nearing $500000000 this week!
There has likely never been a more popular candidate.
What utter nonsense you spew.
Those MAGA tears are so yummy….more please!

bobknight33 said:


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh no…the felon just lost $180 million he claimed Elon had pledged.
Elon NOW claims he never committed a dime to his campaign or super pac despite the felon claiming it was true. You think Tesla crashing and him losing over $18 billion in net worth this week had anything to do with it, or was it the fact that he no longer has a chance of winning so why waste $180 million?

😂 The felon has already turned on him, calling him a welfare queen, saying his companies are all built on subsidies,…and saying
-“when he came to me asking for help on all his subsidized projects, whether it’s electric cars that can’t go far, self driving cars that crash, or rockets to nowhere, without which subsidies he would be worthless, telling me he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said “drop to his knees and beg”, he would have done it”. 😂
Spiteful little sundowning baby threw another tantrum and bit the hand that feeds him….again.

Meanwhile Harris has raised $126 million in small donations directly and far more in super pacs since Sunday (over $150 million day one).

Good luck with the wanna-be king and the Sofaking.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww…did the thing about Hannibal Lechter hit too hard? You don’t wanna talk about how dumb the felon is, so dumb he doesn’t realize the asylum Hannibal was in is different from the asylum immigrants are requesting and that’s why he keeps bringing him up when he’s railing against immigration.

No, of course you don’t wanna talk about that…it’s real. You only want to talk about made up nonsense like the felon’s black supporters.

OMG- Nicky Haley’s super PAC has changed its name to NICKY HALEY VOTERS FOR HARRIS! Disgusted by Haley spinning 180 degrees from warning against a Trump administration to supporting one, her voters have refused to remove her name from their PAC and has renamed themselves accordingly!

Maga is terrified, trying multiple ridiculous lawsuits to bar Harris from the candidacy, bar PACS from supporting her, bar donors from donating, anything to stop her because she is infinitely more qualified and acceptable than your felonious dottering octogenarian child raping candidate.
It probably wasn’t too smart of Vance to alienate all “childless” people in America (including childless men, step parents, adoptive parents, even parents of dead children) publicly calling them “childless cat women who hate their lives and shouldn’t have a say in government”. 😂

😂 Raskin evicerated consummate failure Comer on Fox, thanking him for doing such a magnificent job exonerating Joe Biden of all the fraudulent charges that were raised against him because of course there was no high crime or misdemeanor, exonerated more thoroughly than anyone ever has been. 😂

What Happens Now That Biden Dropped Out?

newtboy says...

The assassin is a MAGGOT. It was Trump’s teams assasination plan, idiot, hoping to replace the loser with someone palatable and not bat shit crazy…that’s why his own security team allowed so many blatant indefensible failures. They missed, so they cut his ear for sympathy hoping to at least gain him a few votes…it failed he’s lost many…there’s no real injury at all just an ear diaper. None. (On a side note, it’s hilarious that the same people who wouldn’t wear a mask for public safety or to end lockdowns sooner because it made them look silly will wear a sanitary napkin on their head to emulate great leader’s tiny ear scratch 😂)

If it had been successful and a real Republican candidate emerged with the sympathy for the last candidate’s assassination, Republicans would likely have beaten Biden easily, especially if their candidate was 60 or under. Trump is like Clinton, he draws votes for the opposition more than himself.

Yes, the people, the money people, and the super pacs already overflowing with cash to defeat the felon are 100% behind Harris, she already has more delegates than needed for the nomination, and between her and one superpac she has raised $240 million in 24 hours after the announcement, mostly small donations despite tricks like Elon blocking access to her campaign page. This is on top of the $240 million in Bidens super pac that will soon be hers.

It’s hilarious to hear the right try to paint a career successful prosecutor who in just one case recovered $18 billion for consumers, AG, multi term Senator, and VP as a puppet with no experience and no accomplishments but their candidate, a jr 2 year senator with no other experience (who will end up as president as soon as Trump pardons himself, sells a few billion in state secrets, and decides he’s tired of president ing and retires) and no accomplishments at all besides a book lambasting Appalachians like his mother as weak minded lazy drug addicted welfare queens and called Trump “America’s Hitler” before spinning 180 degrees is fine, not an inexperienced “yes man” puppet.

Joe is the most successful president in our lifetime, avoiding a depression Trump steered us into and cut the brakes before leaving, ending Covid, rescuing American manufacturing and (unfortunately) oil production, making America not just energy independent but an exporter, rescuing gdp from a negative, rescuing jobs better than every Republican president in my lifetime combined, even if you remove the massive negative that was Trump’s record (worst ever in history by far), slowed immigration significantly during the season when it normally explodes (despite Republicans blocking bipartisan border security measures), saving NATO from the likes of Trump, saving Ukraine from Putin (and now returning Crimea) which Trump would stop day one, reaffirming our support of Taiwan (which Trump would let China have), reaffirming our support of S Korea (which Trump will let N Korea have out of fear of nukes). Trump is the puppet president, fool, but the strings all lead to foreign dictators.

bobknight33 said:

Joe stayed in until his planned Trump assassination attempt failed.

If successful then Joe would have be an easy win.

Since it failed Joe came up with "COVID" as an excuse to step out.

Now the $ people will put up KH as not to rock the boat until the Dem Convention and possible swap her out.

If kept they will puppet string control her just like they have been doing with JOE.

Kamala VS Trump

newtboy says...

Terrified, MAGA is going to court in multiple states to try to bar her from the ballot, knowing she’s an infinitely better candidate than theirs.

$89 million in new small donations have been pledged in the last 24 hours.
Edit: Make that a record $240 million…including the super pac that had supported Nicky Haley that now supports Harris.
She has now secured enough delegates to be the candidate.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Like pedophile father, like incestuous son…Jr just released a video of him with his young daughter calling her “Sexy”.
Just like dad who has never stopped saying how much he wants to fuck his daughter.

Pretty hilarious that for 6 months the campaign has made the point that we can’t have a dottering old man as president, now who’s the dottering old man? 😂

Also, sorry, there are NO accusations of Harris rape or of sexually abusing women or girls (or men or boys), she’s never been convicted of fraud unlike your guy who was convicted of fraud with his school, fraud with his charity, and 34 felony frauds with his New Your business, Harris didn’t remove a right to self control over women’s own bodies or health care and doesn’t have a plan for a national abortion ban, and a national birth control ban, and a national registry of pregnant women.

It’s now a criminal octogenarian rapist vs a successful AG he himself supported. Enjoy.

How hilarious…the old man’s campaign has decided their tact….they’re going to call the first female VP, and first black VP, a successful AG and DA, and US Senator who Trump himself donated $15k to elect “illiterate”, a “ho” and “dick sucking prostitute”, and a “dope fiend”, claiming she got the jobs of DA and AG and Senator by sucking dicks and sleeping with powerful men not her skills or multiple major successes in court (obviously, black women only have one skill and it’s prostitution)…leaning in hard to the degrading racist and sexist troping of a consummate professional, intelligent educated woman, and successful lawyer. (Must be why Trump sent her a check for $15 k as late as 2014, right? Payment for prostitution.)
That won’t win you the black vote Don. That won’t win you the woman vote Don. That won’t win you the law and order vote Don. That won’t win you the patriotic vote Don. That doesn’t win you the anti elderly vote that you have cultivated Don. That doesn’t win you the “his family sold out to foreign powers” vote. That only leaves you the racist and sexist cult votes, the Qanon insanity votes, and the anti America for spite votes. Enjoy them.

Oh no…the data leaks from Heritage Foundation and Trump’s project 2025 found that many of the architects of the plan have Chinese IP addresses…but they forgot to register as a foreign agency or list any of the foreign agents working with them…and instead tried to improperly register themselves as a 501c3 charity! The FBI is investigating…but who is surprised that the plans to decimate America and fill all government positions with know nothing sycophants instead of competent career civil servants, leaving the government incapable of functioning or defending against incursions involves Trump and China?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Miles Guo, Bannon’s Chinese partner in crime who with him defrauded MAGA out of hundreds of millions in their “build the wall” fraud was found guilty on 9 felony counts. Including racketeering, Money laundering, and fraud.
He (and Bannon) spent the donations (that Bannon promised went 100% to building more “wall”) on a $25 million mansion, $1 million in rugs, $5 million gift car for his son, $37 million yacht (where Bannon was arrested), $60 million penthouse apartment, $1 million chandelier, even multiple $35000 mattresses…where do you even find a $35000 mattress… Is it made of 5 year old girls? They built no wall.
Trump has already said he will pardon him immediately if elected…grifting you is the point, not a problem.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

@newtboy said: Lied to? How so….be specific.

As expected, you cannot answer because you just spew nonsense like a brain damaged infant….as usual.

Bonus- American Muck Rakers about two years ago launched a website with information suggesting that Lauren Bobert had been an escort on a sugar daddy website, that she had had multiple abortions, and that she engaged in illegal drug usage at the time.

Boebert insisted she was going to sue them and their donors…but didn’t. They sued her for defamation…and she just settled with them and paid Muckrakers who had the story about her being a drug addled hooker who has had multiple abortions (and who has performed public sex acts in front of children REPEATEDLY…once on camera) correct in the first place. They claimed to have lost 90% of their donations due to the threat, so it’s likely a big settlement…and isn’t she already bankrupt, having closed her failed business, sold the house in the divorce, and can’t even afford a criminal attorney for her unemployed criminal son who is also a teenage father and neighborhood menace? Isn’t agreeing to pay them a settlement and never filing a suit herself an admission that their reporting was accurate, and she is a drug using hooker who has had multiple abortions…everything she rails against?

bobknight33 said:


Again you have been lied to by the fake news and Democrat party.

Atlanta Democrat sentenced to seven years for $15M fraud

newtboy says...

They certainly seem happy about this. I wonder why?

So, she, like hundreds of thousands of others, defrauded the Convicted felon Trump’s completely unregulated and set up to defraud PPP welfare for business owners scheme that cost taxpayers $800 BILLION and in the end failed completely because it did not save any of the jobs it was intended to save.

Only one year for every two million she stole…not nearly enough. I sure hope they go after them all with the same zeal, starting with Manly Traitor Greene who never repaid nearly $200k for her “business” that seems to only have employed her and her husband, she refuses to acknowledge any questions about it. Lock them all up.

Unlike Maga, reasonable people understand party affiliation doesn’t erase criminality. The fact that she’s a Democrat to me means she’s slightly more criminal, because she’s not even in the party of criminality and convicts she’s in the party that supports law and order equally applied to everyone.

lol! “Is the candidate responsible for knowing where donations come from?”
They better hope not or their favorite candidate is in such deeper shit than 34 felony convictions! He’s absolutely taken millions from hostile foreign powers (like Russia and China and the Saudis) laundered through lackeys like Giuliani and Kushner without disclosing it, and has been caught over and over and over with undeniable paper trails. If the candidate has some responsibility, he shirked it with gusto. 😂

What an ending line….”Hypocrisy is not a crime but fraud certainly is”… seems they forgot to add “unless it’s convicted felon DJT committing that fraud to the tune of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS…then prosecution is a witch hunt”….they better be glad hypocrisy isn’t a crime, because they’re guilty daily.

Sheriff Jamie Noel Caught With Millions In Stolen Property

newtboy says...

6 more felony charges today, including revelations that he donated tens of thousands of stolen township money to Republican campaigns in his name but coming directly from township accounts. Is anyone surprised?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

More top maga officials indicted in Wisconsin for the fraudulent elector scheme to defraud the election. Chesebro, Roman, and Troupis.
Also indicted in Georgia and AZ for the Trump election fraud scheme. More to come. Failed seditious maga insurrection is the gift that keeps on giving.

Epoch Times, the maga propaganda outlet, is busted as a Chinese money laundering scheme that spent tens of millions to get maggots elected using pilfered money stolen using international identity theft from China.
Not the first time either, remember Bannon’s partner, Miles Guo, another Chinese fraud working for and donating to maga arrested for a $1 billion fraud scheme? It is a pattern, maga is funded by foreign money coming from criminal people who win if America loses.
Question- How many times has the DNC been indicted for being funded with stolen money donated to them by Chinese criminals they’re in business with?

Bonus - In a case of delicious irony, Jesus took the wheel of the Trump “Trust Jesus” bus and it rolled away on its own and crashed on its way to Staten Island.

Second Bonus - the distributor of “2000 mules” has apologized and removed the film from their platforms because it was chock full of lies and falsified data and evidence, lies and fake evidence that the producers knew were lies and fake when they made the movie. SHOCKER! Who could have guessed? (Look back, you’ll see who.). You still believe every word despite the multiple fraud admissions by its creators.

Third bonus- Biden’s meeting with OPEC resulted in them agreeing to drop production and bring oil prices down to below $74 a barrel. America is producing more oil than ever, and is now the major supplier of oil to the world. Gas prices are about to drop like a stone. Enjoy Bidenomics!

Fourth bonus - Biden just changed immigration policy so now anyone illegally entering the country is banned from even applying for asylum and immediate deportation. A much stronger immigration policy than Republicans even tried to implement.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Lol. I’m not. Their track record on coming through for voters is pretty good, unlike maga that only came through with tax cuts for the rich.
One video of one idiot spouting nonsense doesn’t change that. BTW- Even your foreign propagandists don’t know English, it’s not Chicago citizen’s, it’s not even Chicago citizens….it was a single Chicago citizen. Are you sure you aren’t a Nigerian prince?
You should worry about your inability to think for yourself and the fact that you are only being capable of parroting the maga propaganda machine. It has made you into a bad joke and cautionary tale.

$200 million? Says who? Idiot Eric? Not the campaign. They said $54 million. Ever notice how their financial filings never match their public claims? I have.
Even the mythical $200 million would put them FAR behind Biden’s fundraising, and he doesn’t have a hundred million a month in legal bills, or over a half billion in judgements to pay. 😂
And from who? Not mom and pop maga, they’re tapped out on DJT stock and crying that eggs cost too much. You might think about who is buying Trump, they aren’t Americans.
Shocker, fully half is just PLEDGED, not donated, by one person, Israeli Miriam Adelson. Don’t count your donations before the check is written…and it isn’t.
He needs every penny of it and more. There’s still no money for campaigning or other candidates, his legal bills are still tens or hundreds of millions per month, and he’s still not campaigning in any meaningful way. He thinks he can do what Biden did and win without trying…he’s sorely mistaken about that too.

“Fraudulent trial”…you claim based on nothing but sour grapes. There’s absolutely nothing fraudulent about it, nor about the politically motivated extraordinary trial of Hunter Biden….both have political components, and both are real felonious crimes, in one case they’ve been proven.
Only anti Americans abandon the American justice system because it gives them a singular result they dislike. Your ilk’s patriotism is thinner than an obsidian blade’s edge and weaker than Trump’s sphincter.

bobknight33 said:

You should worry about your Democrat party ignoring their voters.

FYI Trump raised over $200 Million in 3 days.. Due this fraudulent trail.

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