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The Mueller Investigation Is Not A Witch Hunt

newtboy says...

As usual, you're absolutely wrong on all counts.

Manafort was convicted of repeatedly committing felonious frauds with the express purpose of hiding his massive financial ties to Russia and hide the fact that he is a foreign agent working for them and has been for years if not decades.

Paying out of your pocket to women to not say anything in order to help your campaign for president, which Trump did repeatedly (according to his personal lawyer who has released tapes of them discussing it) without disclosing it as a campaign contribution is absolutely a crime, as is making a personal contribution in those amounts.

Lying about it can also be a crime, which is part of why he cannot testify. He knows he'll also be asked about them and all the other women he's screwed and paid, and he doesn't know what they can prove, so has no idea which lie to tell. He also cannot testify about his finances without admitting many more felonious frauds. No blue dress needed when you're talking about an admitted criminal fraud and consummate liar like Trump, and btw, making a blue dress dirty wasn't a crime either....hiding it and lying about it under oath was....and Trump lies 3 times per sentence. He will never survive any interview under oath....he just isn't capable of honesty.

These are high crimes, felonies, not even misdemeanors. If Clinton had 1/10 the ties to Russia you would call her a Putin stooge and be calling for her head, and you know it. If her administration had 1/10 the convictions you would be frothing at the mouth for impeachment and be irate there was any obstruction to the special council or delay in getting her testimony, and claiming the convictions were absolute proof of her guilt. The smoking gun will be found, that the multiple decades of investigations are over and she's been cleared of any crimes, and there's no accusations of actual criminal activity forthcoming (if you say pizzagate I'm going to assume you're actually mentally deficient and stop talking to you)...NOW the smoking gun will be found. *facepalm

If there's a log of smolder and smoke on the Clintons, there's a blast furnace on Trump. His entire upper echelon is either convicted of high crimes against the state, fired, both, or at odds with him for unpresidential actions and for trying to politicize the justice system like a despot. So much for his "I have the best people" lie, eh?

You are so blatantly hypocritical it would be funny, if only there weren't tens of thousands of you willing to say any kind of ignorant nonsense if you think it distracts from the overtly and undeniably criminal administration you support. That's pretty damn unpatriotic of y'all.

bobknight33 said:

Unrelated to Russian collusion or campaign fiance.

Paying $ out of you own pocket to women to not say anything is not a chime.

Low level stuff of unimportant main stream media drama.

Oroville Spillways Phase 2 Update August 14, 2018

Shocking footage of minor crash turned major on the 401

Sniper007 says...

You can (and should) blame distracted drivers until you are blue in the face. But if you convince a hundred people to be more attentive, a thousand more distracted idiots will fall in line behind them.

I personally would (and do) take additional steps on a case by case basis, well beyond public service announcements.

I would rush - RUSH - to get cones set up in the blocked lane two hundred yards before the blockage. Set up at least a half a dozen cones so that they gradually close the lane as drivers approach, with the lane fully closed at least 50-100 yards before the blockage.

I don't see a single cone in the video.

Full credit for the crash goes to the white car driver. I agree, this case is not above moving over for emergency vehicles.

Shocking footage of minor crash turned major on the 401

Drachen_Jager says...

All the details about moving over to the other lanes are fine, but I'll bet anyone that the driver was distracted. Dunno about other places, but here in Canada, distracted driving took over from drinking as the #1 cause of accidents.

Distracted Cop Hits Cyclist

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'cyclist, distracted, phone, Peculiar, Maryland' to 'cyclist, distracted, phone, Peculiar, Missouri' - edited by lurgee

Distracted Cop Hits Cyclist

newtboy says...

Distracted driving, a misdemeanor, often becomes a felony when it causes serious injury or seems that's the case in Maryland.....

Jake's Law was passed in response. Texting while driving or using a hand-held cellphone while driving was already illegal in Maryland. ... Now, distracted drivers who cause serious injury or death can receive up to three years in jail and up to a $5,000 fine.

They damn well better prosecute him for that, and unsafe driving, illegal left turn, driving into oncoming traffic causing an accident, etc. Police are not above the law, they serve it. No excuses here.

Who Is America? (2018) | First Look | Sacha Baron Cohen SHOW

ChaosEngine says...

Ok, I gave it another go.

Jesus fucking christ.... you're right. It's still not that funny, but it is terrifying. That asshole laughing at the "it's not rape if it's your wife" gag? I think I could be pro-gun just in the hope that someone shoots that motherfucker.

To be honest, at this stage, I just found the accent and makeup distracting. It's unnecessary. You could probably just talk to these guys and they would say the same shit. No false persona required.

Ok, the bit about the kids being able to see in slow motion and the "cardi b neural pathway to the wiz khalifa" did make me laugh.

bcglorf said:

I agree with you, I reluctantly watched this because my opinion of Sacha's other stuff has been the same. You fish long enough and edit enough and you can get a lot of stuff together making people look stupid. I've found I really don't enjoy most of his previous schticks because of this.

This bit is different if you watch the last half. This isn't comedy style funny, but rather in it's prime Daily Show laugh instead of cry funny. I like this BECAUSE it has the potential to ruin people's careers, and normally that's what I've hated about Sacha's schticks before.

However, getting lobbyists, and then elected congressmen to advocate on camera for getting school children as young as 4-5 armed in schools helps society. If we can identify people this monstrous, compromised or willing to pander and get some of them out of office, that's good.

Mellow version of Zombie on the bass

Trump Holds Rally Amid Aftermath of Family Separation Policy

newtboy says...

Oh @bobknight33, you slurp up the moronic lies every time.

Obama didn't separate those children from their families, they came alone.
Were they held in "cages", technically yes, for up to 72 hours (but usually less), but not for up to 20 days after being separated from their families. Obama was lambasted none the less by both parties and quickly made efforts to minimize the incarnation of children, Trump has maximized it while minimizing our ability to process them by not supporting the funding of more immigration judges.
Also note, Obama era "cages" had walls, not just open chain link, a small but psychologically significant difference.

"You don't like parents and kids separated, you don't want them detained (indefinitely) together either...what do you want?!"....really, she and the right are too dumb to come up with any other alternatives? That's impressive stupidity.
How about more immigration judges so families can go through the legal application process within the legal time frame instead of just warehousing them indefinitely and making the process longer and harder, breaking US and international laws in the process in the hopes they'll give up and just go home to die.

Liberals, and all other humans with a conscience, have been fighting this policy since day one, no one saved their moronic a lie....but I expect nothing less from oan, whose hyper bias and aversion to fact is more apparent than Fox.

The Trump family separation policy was the distraction, distracting you from the ever increasing conviction rate in the Russia probes and our precipitously falling international standing.

bobknight33 said:

Liberals are hypocrite. This is nothing more than shifting the narrative from the damning IG report.

Rachel Maddow breaks down .. report on 'tender age' shelters

mentality says...

"Immigration experts we spoke to said Obama-era policies did lead to some family separations, but only relatively rarely, and nowhere near the rate of the Trump administration."

and "Obama generally refrained from prosecution in cases involving adults who crossed the border with their kids"

There is no hypocrisy. Do you not understand the difference between something rarely happened, that Obama actively tried to avoid, and widespread enforcement by Trump which affected thousands of families?

But hey, Trump signed an order and everything's good right? Wrong. No relief in sight for those he already separated.

What's hypocritical is that conservatives cry about fake news and then you put a link to this blatant propaganda bullshit. This video makes CNN looks like a beacon of impartial wisdom and reason and communists can learn a thing or two about brainwashing from OAN.

What's hypocritical is that you pretend to love Jesus and abide his teachings, but you are complicit in Trump's transgressions against humanity. The IG report is the real distraction, letting you ignore the evil that you're condoning. The only thing damning is your soul.

bobknight33 said:

Liberals are hypocrite. This is nothing more than shifting the narrative from the damning IG report.

Trump's Crossed Arms Reveal His Insecurity, Pathos, Neuroses

Liberal Redneck - Space Forcing Families Apart

mentality says...

The IG isn't damning at all, but hey, it's a nice distraction so you don't have to think about the terrible things your Boss man is doing to children. That you can so callously ignore an immoral and horrendous act shows exactly what kind of person you are.

bobknight33 said:

The kid distraction is for the left to not report in the damning IG report.

Liberal Redneck - Space Forcing Families Apart

JIM ROGERS: The worst crash in our lifetime is coming

Teacher Fed Up With Students Swearing, Stealing, And Destroy

JiggaJonson says...

I disagree. Pinpointing the problem isn't very hard if you have some idea of where to look.

As someone who was 'coming of age' in my profession when No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and its successor the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), I can provide some insight into how these policies have been enacted and how both have been detrimental to the public education system as a whole. The former is a GWBush policy, and the latter is an Obama policy meant to mend the original law, so both liberals and conservatives are to blame to some degree, but both are based on the same philosophy of education and teacher-accountability.

There are some other mitigating factors and outside influences at work that should be noted: gun violence, the rise & ubiquity of the internet, and universal cell phone availability, all mostly concentrated in the past 10 years that play a large role. Cell phones, for example, are probably the worst thing to happen to education ever. They distract, they assist in cheating, they perpetuate arguments which can lead to physical altercations, and parents themselves advocate for their use "what if there's an emergency?!?!"

The idea of "teacher accountability" is the biggest culprit though.

Anecdotally, I've caught people cheating on papers. A girl in my honors English class basically plagiarised her entire final paper that we worked on for close to a month. The zero tanked her grade, which was already floundering, and the parent wanted to meet. I'd rather not go into detail to protect both the girl and my own anonymity, but suffice to say, all of the blame for this was aimed directly at me. How? Well I (apparently) "should have caught this sooner and intervened." Now, the final in that class is 8 pages long, I have ~125 students all working on it at the same time. but my ability to check something like that and my workload are beside the point. I'M NOT THE ONE WHO COPY PASTED A WIKIPEDIA ARTICLE AND DOCTORED IT UP SO IT COULD SQUEAK BY THE PLAGIARISM DETECTOR (shows she knew what she was doing, IMHO). Yet, I'm still the one being told that I was responsible for what happened.

Teacher-accountability SOUNDS like the right thing to do, but consider the following analogies

--Students are earning poor grades, therefore teachers should be demoted; put on probationary programs; lose some of their salaries; and if they do not improve their test scores, grades, and attendance; be terminated from their positions.

as to

--Impoverished people have poor oral hygiene/health, therefore their dentists should be forced to take pay cuts from insurance companies. If the patients continue to develop cavities and the like, the dentist should be forced to go for further training, and possibly lose his practice.

I have no control over attendance.
I have no control over their home life.
I have no control over children coming to school with holes in their shoes, having not eaten breakfast.

@Mordhaus the part about money grubbing could not be further from the truth.

I'll be brief b/c I know this is already too long for this forum, but Houton Mifflin, McGraw Hill, Etc. Book Company is facing a shortfall of sales in light of the digital age. It may be difficult to blame one entity, but that's a good place to start. They don't sell as many books, but guess who produces and distributes the standardized tests and practice materials? Those same companies who used to sell textbooks by the boatload.

When a student does poorly, they have to retest in order to recieve a diploma. $$$ if they fail again, they retest again and again there is a charge for taking the test and accompanying pretest materials. Each of which has its own fees that go straight to the former textbook companies. See:

In short, there is an incentive for these companies to lobby for an environment where tests are taken and retaken as much as possible. Each time a student has to retest that's more $ in their pocket.

How can they create an enviorment that faccilitates more testing? Put all the blame on the educators rather than the students.

That sounds a little tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory-ish, but the lobbying they do is very real:

That, combined with exceptions for charter/private schools where students have the option to opt-out of said testing is skewing the numbers in favor of all of these for-profit companies: << one example (you can't opt-out in a public school, at least in my state)

@bobknight33 idk if i'd call business-minded for-profit policies "liberal"

Mordhaus said:

Instead of focusing on who 'created' the problem, which I guarantee you cannot tie to any one specific group or ideology, we should be instead looking for a solution to the problem.

At some point we are going to have to quit beating our drums about 'bleeding heart' liberals or 'heartless money grubbing' republicans and work together. If we can't, then we deserve everything we have coming.

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