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Play Palin Bingo at the next VP Debate! (Election Talk Post)

Lewis Black -- Starbucks !! The End of the Universe

Payback says...

I believe the first "Starbucks across from a Starbucks" was in Vancouver, BC.

About 50 ft from each other at the intersection of Robson and Thurlow Streets at 1099 Robson and 1100 Robson. They are diagonally "cross-corners" from each other.

Llamatron on the Atari ST

lavoll says...

jeff minter is a very interesting personality.

Some special enemies in llamatron

Green 'hedgehogs' with white spikes that are more resilient than normal enemies. When destroyed, they explode into four diagonally-moving spikes.

Blue 'Brains' that turn the beasties into green 'Zombeasts', which then advance on the llama, firing some kind of homing projectile.
Pulsating purple-yellow blobs that split into smaller and smaller blobs when shot.

Laser guns that float freely throughout the level. They come in two types - horizontal or vertical - and periodically fire a deadly laser beam across the full width or height of the screen, instantly obliterating the llama if it is lined up with the laser gun at the wrong time. On later levels, there can be both horizontal and vertical lasers in a single level, which fire simultaneously.

Blue raindrops that fall diagonally through the level. To stop them, a number of umbrellas must be erected in the level, but the player has to catch them first.

A large sixteen-ton weight that hovers at the top of the level and attempts to crush the llama when it passes underneath.

A large Mandelbrot fractal, known as the "Screaming Mandy" that blinks in all colours and screams when you shoot it.

A huge Toilet that shoots toilet paper rolls with accompanying scatological sound effects and explodes in a shower of feces when destroyed.

The "alien in sheep's clothing", which acts similarly to the blue brains but masquerades as a beastie.

The final boss: a snake composed of parts moving based on a particle algorithm - named the "Ozric Tentacle", a reference to the UK underground band Ozric Tentacles.

Can Anyone Really Get Into Heaven?

nibiyabi says...

>> ^Mi1ler:
OK, simple counter arguement to the entire video.
how do you win at tic tac toe?
make a line of 3 diagonally
make a line of 3 horizontally
make a line of 3 vertically
make a triangle with 3 Xs or Os
given at any one time all of those answers are valid in their own way now if i take the jump the video does now to win at tic tac toe i need to make a line that is somehow vertical horizontal and diagonal as well as being a triangle
well now tic tac toe seems to be an absurd game that can never be won no matter the circumstance.

Is this a serious example? Your victory conditions have ORs in between them as opposed to the ANDs represented in this video. Sure, some of the things in here are taken out of context, but let's just focus on two of them, hm?

1. Love everyone.
2. Hate everyone.

Those seem rather clear -- any takers?

Can Anyone Really Get Into Heaven?

Mi1ler says...

OK, simple counter arguement to the entire video.
how do you win at tic tac toe?
make a line of 3 diagonally
make a line of 3 horizontally
make a line of 3 vertically
make a triangle with 3 Xs or Os

given at any one time all of those answers are valid in their own way now if i take the jump the video does now to win at tic tac toe i need to make a line that is somehow vertical horizontal and diagonal as well as being a triangle
well now tic tac toe seems to be an absurd game that can never be won no matter the circumstance.

Harry Potter Intervention

Measure the Speed of Light with a Chocolate Bar

maximillian says...


Thanks for the link. From this page:

It shows the hotspots generated from standing waves. My question is, shouldn't water molecules align to the positive peaks as well as the negative peaks? If yes, then there should be hotspots at LAMBDA/2 also.

Note that the chocolate bar is placed in the microwave at a diagonal. If the standing wave pattern is generated with front-to-back and right-to-left waves, then she measured peaks at a diagonal which would yield at an answer that is 1.4 times larger.

Crazy new wheels go in any direction

ReverendTed says...

"I guess this works by having those angled bowling pin shaped thingys spinning forward or backwards as the whole wheel rotates."
The bowling pin-shaped thingies are free-wheeling, not driven - the movement is accomplished by spinning each of the four wheels independently. If all four spin forward, it goes forward, and vice versa. I believe sideways movement is induced by having each diagonal pair of wheels spin in opposite directions.

Rolling door concept car

Purdue University models the 9/11 WTC attack computationally

Purdue University models the 9/11 WTC attack computationally

Doc_M says...

Is it bad that I've only been here since march and I already know that choggie will inevitably post to start a fight? hehe /love

and I'm sure I could select another extremely small and selective picture of the collapse site to support any conclusion I want to support. One image is not representative of a MASSIVE collapse of 2 100+ floor towers. Nothing so large has ever collapsed or been destroyed, so there is no control to compare this event to in order to draw conclusions out of simple pictures of that sort.

First off, no, I'm not affiliated with these people at Purdue. I am a scientist, but I don't know these folks. I just thought they did good work and wanted to share it with you folks.

Second, of course the obvious conclusions that can be drawn from this are that it is perfectly reasonable for the towers to collapse by their own weight when you look of the structure of those floors that were hit. And no, if you look at the 2 collapses, they did not occur in the "same way." Note one collapsed first diagonally at the impact site and the other collapsed evenly. And answer this for me, if they were done by explosives, how the hell did they know exactly where the planes would hit the buildings so that they were able to start the "demolition" at that exact spot on both buildings (one evenly as the plane hit and one diagonally as the plane hit off center). You can argue till you're blue in the face that it was an inside job, but this and a HUGE and growing number of unbiased, scientific studies are supporting the conclusion that it was... as they admitted... Al Qaeda. I don't know a SINGLE scientist or engineer or physicist who thinks these buildings were demolished and i know crap-load of scientists, etc. srsly

and I think I (even) could fly a jet in to a building that big, and I'm saying this as the brother of a jet pilot. He says it's basically a piece of cake, so there goes that argument. and I love how people always call them box-cutters. lol. They have freaking razor blades on them, they can cut you better than even your average "knife." I guarantee that murder with a "box cutter" is a very easy thing. Fear teh boxcutterz.

Anyway Choggie, I have a link and a video you must see. I don't pretend to think that I'll ever be able to convert a "9/11-was-an-inside-job" person, but if you haven't seen this video, ya ought'a just so you can say you did if people ask. Ya gotta see all the evidence in order to be able to argue either way right? ...and honestly the video is kinda funny. I loled a few times I'll admit.

Maybe I'll submit this video if I ever get a first video through the queue in the fist place.

zomg long postage.

glass illusion

Think 9/11 was unthinkable? Think again.

rosspruden says...

Wow, that's creepy. What few don't realize is that if terrorists REALLY wanted to do some damage to New York, they could fly a plane into the Citicorp building (the one with the diagonal rooftop)... its foundation corners were moved to its center points as a snazzy architectural feat from protecting a landmark Church on the block's corner. Using a series of chevrons spreading across multiple floors WITHOUT welding the chevrons to each floors, the shifting of foundation weakened the building and made it terrifyingly susceptible to falling over during hurricane winds. At one point, Citicorp employees masquaraded as first aid employees to do a census of the surrounding buildings -- if the Citicorp building fell, its sheer weight could cause a domino effect that could topple tens of skyscrapers and kill tens of thousands, not to mention the economic ripple effect for years afterward...

That's one BIG TV (744 Square Meter Screen)

Kingviper74 says...

This was the biggest before this japanese one

"Godzillatron" is the nickname given to the scoreboard at the University of Texas at Austin's Darrell K. Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium. The official name of the board has not yet been decided; it is simply referred to as the "Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium Scoreboard" by the Texas Longhorn Athletics department. It is one of the largest high definition video screens in the world. It was manufactured by Daktronics in Brookings, South Dakota, the largest producer of large-screen video displays in the world.

At the time of its creation, Godzillatron was called the largest high-definition video screen in the world,[1][2] though it was quickly surpassed by a larger screen in Tokyo.[3] [4] It is still the largest high-definition video screen in collegiate sports. [5] Depending on how the measurement is made, it may be the largest high definition screen in the Western hemisphere. The Miami Dolphins have a high-definition screen with a larger diagonal measurement, but Godzillatron has greater square footage. [6]

The scoreboard was installed as part of a US$150 million stadium renovation, $8 million of which is being spent on audiovisual improvements. The new high definition screen is the centerpiece of these improvements and it debuted at the start of the 2006 football season. [2] The screen has a pixel resolution of 2064 x 848.

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