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Rape in Comedy: Why it can be an exception (Femme Talk Post)

hpqp says...

Quoting for posterity here (and so you can look back on it when you are less drunk/high). Are you trying to make a point? If so, you are failing.
a) Would you like a list of the comments I'm referring to? Was looking at the comment thread under the video I link to too hard?
b) Nowhere did I say only women get raped. What's your point?
c) OED: "antisemitism: Hostility and prejudice directed against Jewish people; (also) the theory, action, or practice resulting from this." Keep grasping at straws dude. I made no oversight, antisemitism is common among Muslim Arabs and Africans. We're all Africans, that doesn't mean some of us aren't racist against Africans. See?
d) this dipshit makes the same mistake of comparing rape to diabetes. Is it like a meme or stg?

Next time you're going to post a giant response, think about it a bit, m'kay?
>> ^vaire2ube:

Watch Truth[video] watch truth be called treason [video] RIP Patrice brother you had it down pat. Fuck 'em baby!!!
"Several comments about it here on the Sift sing the tune of "if you don't like it, don't listen to it", but that is missing the point completely."
uh no... besides that being that actual and only point.... one who would post such are ignoring an egregious and combative point of view, that is a result of being offended personally, not because one is perpetuating any kind of crime themselves, but because stupid people who cant seperate comedy from reality are quite a burden... sometimes... but you can argue with patrice when you get there... somethings are more important than explaining humor to the humorless. go be offended elsewhere BECAUSE NO ONE GOT HURT WITH THE JOKE OMG
What did the nun say to the priest?
Nothing, she fingered herself watching him fuck a little boys ass.
only women can be raped??? so no more priest jokes then? oh wait you're ignoring anal rape of men, HOW DARE YOU BE SO INSENSITIVE TO NOT ADDRESS THIS RABBLERABBLERABBBLE IM DESERVE TEH ATTENTION ETC
Here's something interesting that is real: Semitic =/= Jewish. It refers to language origins. Arabs are Semitic too. Care to explain your oversight there? How certain people get to appropriate things to be offended about whilst denying anyone who disagrees as not allowed? Because....??? See the problem here with allowing people who are offended to just have their way... It leads to excuses that de facto result in violence because there is nothing to reason with.

Rape and Retards: Doug Stanhope talks Daniel Tosh

jmzero says...

Also, equating rape to diabetes is just moronic.

I'd put the order something like Holocaust > rape > diabetes in terms of offensiveness potential. And I think Holocaust jokes are just fine. I think that people making Holocaust, rape, pancake, diabetes, and "everything else" jokes is a positive thing for the world, even if most of those jokes have no particular insight. I don't think it matters whether a joke is good or insightful as to whether it's an "OK" thing to do.

If a comedian tells jokes I don't like, I think of that person as a bad comedian, not a bad person. Sounds like this guy did some poor material. I probably wouldn't go to his show. I don't want to hear poorly done rape jokes (as it sounds like these were). I'm 100% in favor of people sharing the type of comedy someone does - it helps people make good decisions on what they watch. But I don't think his intention was anything other than to entertain; from this I don't think we know anything about whether he's a bad person, just whether he's good at his job.

I think people should try not to be offended by things, and if they can't then they shouldn't go to comedy shows where jokes like this are likely to happen. Personally (and for personal reasons) I can't deal well with media that has violence against human infants (or even sick children). It affects me physically; I pretty much have to turn away. And I've heard arguments that movies and games and whatever shouldn't have violence against children. While I have no desire to see babies hurt in a game, I am 100% against any kind of ban (hard or otherwise). I shouldn't get to decide this for other people. Let people decide what to produce and what to watch.

We'll never agree on some set of "community standards" for what's acceptable in a comedy show - the best solution is just to publicize what kind of comedy a person does; then people can decide based on that whether it's a show they want to see and/or participate in.

Rape and Retards: Doug Stanhope talks Daniel Tosh

kymbos says...

I think the problem was that his joke was shit. It wasn't clever, thought-provoking, intellectually challenging. It was boring and lazy and unimaginative.

After the woman interjected that rape is never funny, he asked the crowd how funny it would be if she was raped by five men right now.

I think The Onion responded best:
"Embroiled in controversy following comments he made during a recent performance at the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, comedian Daniel Tosh chuckled this afternoon while being violently raped by a group of men in a Hollywood alley. “You have to admit, this is pretty hilarious,” said the teary-eyed 37-year-old, his bloodied face slamming against a brick wall as he was brutally and repeatedly penetrated against his will for the 53rd straight minute. “Sure, I’ll be forever tormented by images of my attackers tearing off my pants and holding a knife against my throat as they viciously tear into my rectum, but c’mon, you gotta have a sense of humor about this sort of thing.” As of press time, sources said a disheveled Tosh checked into a nearby treatment center, where he quietly smirked after being diagnosed with HIV."

Also, equating rape to diabetes is just moronic.

Bryan Fischer: Tax Athiests That Don't Attend Church

Quboid says...

>> ^chingalera:

@Quboid ~ Hell yeah!!?? Tax the unhealthy and those who have caused their health problems. Television, Monsanto, manufacturers of the shit, advertisers, etc. AND, a point of sale tax for any food that is not organic, kind, or kosher!!
Churches should have 10 per-cent of their tithes received as well, go straight into the healthcare system...which incidentally is cranking along in the black now that diabetes and heart disease are virtually non-existent AGAIN ~

Hell yeah? This seems kind of fascist to me. Taxing foods based on their nutritional value wouldn't be a bad thing, if largely unenforceable. Actually we have a form of that in the UK, items that are considered necessities aren't charged VAT (sort of like sales tax) but luxuries are charged 20% VAT, with "normal" foods being necessities and fancier foods and eating out counting as luxuries. It's not particularly effective, but I'd guess it's doing some good.

Bryan Fischer: Tax Athiests That Don't Attend Church

chingalera says...

>> ^kymbos:

I was looking forward to finding out about 'Tax Athiests'. I am unsatisfied.

....Similarly, I expected to find out about tax-dodging atheists who use their disbelief in God to include ALL, God-like institutions.

@Quboid ~ Hell yeah!!?? Tax the unhealthy and those who have caused their health problems. Television, Monsanto, manufacturers of the shit, advertisers, etc. AND, a point of sale tax for any food that is not organic, kind, or kosher!!

Churches should have 10 per-cent of their tithes received as well, go straight into the healthcare system...which incidentally is cranking along in the black now that diabetes and heart disease are virtually non-existent AGAIN ~

How to Help a Drunk Person Open Their Car

Stu says...

Yes, it's a fruity smell. However, if you can't tell the difference between someone with DKA breath and alcohol, you should have your sense of smell checked. They are very distinct smells.
>> ^Mashiki:

>> ^braschlosan:
Fuck that. If I go to my car when I'm drunk ITS SO I CAN SLEEP IT OFF IN WARMTH AND SAFETY.

Some useful info for you to know. In Canada, don't do this, it's the same as getting behind the wheel intoxicated. Even if you have no intention of driving. Intent is 9/10ths of the law on this.
>> ^TheJehosephat:

Unless, of course, you can smell huge amounts of alcohol on his breath.

Another useful tip: Diabetics who are having a high blood sugar reaction have a fruity to raunchy alcohol smell to their breath. Almost like wine, sometimes beer, or other spirits. Telling the difference for most people is almost impossible.

How to Help a Drunk Person Open Their Car

Mashiki says...

>> ^braschlosan:

Fuck that. If I go to my car when I'm drunk ITS SO I CAN SLEEP IT OFF IN WARMTH AND SAFETY.

Some useful info for you to know. In Canada, don't do this, it's the same as getting behind the wheel intoxicated. Even if you have no intention of driving. Intent is 9/10ths of the law on this.

>> ^TheJehosephat:

Unless, of course, you can smell huge amounts of alcohol on his breath.

Another useful tip: Diabetics who are having a high blood sugar reaction have a fruity to raunchy alcohol smell to their breath. Almost like wine, sometimes beer, or other spirits. Telling the difference for most people is almost impossible.

How to Help a Drunk Person Open Their Car

How to Help a Drunk Person Open Their Car

braschlosan says...

Fuck that. If I go to my car when I'm drunk ITS SO I CAN SLEEP IT OFF IN WARMTH AND SAFETY.

What if you only have one copy of the key (some people do). Now you have to pay to have it unlocked, so you can get your paperwork, then get a ride to the dealer to have a key cut from the vin (if they even have it on file) which may not be available so during that time your car is getting ticketed or towed.

Don't make assumptions. What if the guy was stumbling because he was going into a diabetic choma from low blood sugar and now he is DEAD because you think you're the safety police

Medical Professionals Shut Down Minister's Announcement

BoneRemake says...

>> ^messenger:

Of course, most people would agree that refugee claimants should receive no better health coverage than Canadians, but pregnant women, diabetics and people having heart attacks get free care. Why shouldn't refugee claimants get it too? This doesn't make it equal. I can't believe that's the best rationale they came up with. I'm curious what the real intent was. Save a few bucks? Pander to the racists? Didn't think there were enough of them. We're not America yet, are we?>> ^BoneRemake:
Steve~0 strikes again !

If it is life threatening why not ? I am for it. When I have a heart attack or get hit by a bus or a sifter finds me, I like to think a rod in my bone and machines and Doctors galore are provided. I do not understand how they are getting anything other than that which is available to me. What do they get that I do not have access to if I needed it. Other than wait times. Maybe I can assume they are going to the front of the line ?

Medical Professionals Shut Down Minister's Announcement

messenger says...

Of course, most people would agree that refugee claimants should receive no better health coverage than Canadians, but pregnant women, diabetics and people having heart attacks get free care. Why shouldn't refugee claimants get it too? This doesn't make it equal. I can't believe that's the best rationale they came up with. I'm curious what the real intent was. Save a few bucks? Pander to the racists? Didn't think there were enough of them. We're not America yet, are we?>> ^BoneRemake:

Steve~0 strikes again !
Chop cut chop cut.
I agree with this statement, be it true or not in this case.
Equalizing health care, they don't deserve anything more than I. What I get for "free" is pretty good, I can get a scope up my ass if I need, had one down my throat already. Good things to know. Wonder what they mean by equalizing, what would they get more than I ? a free heart ? what more is there.

Kids Funny Reaction to Spiderman Kissing Scene

Woman Sues City of Tulsa For Cutting Down Her Edible Garden

Yogi says...

Who are these people who actively take time out of their day to make other peoples lives worse? Are they so self hating and miserable about their own lives that any joy someone else experiences must be snuffed out? This fucked up country.

The worst part is this is like an attack on an overweight black woman who has diabetes and she's trying to eat healthy! Are they mad that she's not going to McDonalds and dying at 45? This is like Crack all over again, this fucked up country!

No Needles - (Advanced) Jet-Injected Drugs

ReverendTed says...

Let's talk about pain for a moment. It's alluded to, but the video and the Wikipedia article don't really specify.
It's stated that this eliminates the needle, but it's only suggested that this is less painful than a needle injection. ("You don't feel the mosquito proboscis.") I'd expect that even without the needle, the rapid delivery of the medication would still produce a sting.
My brief Google research supports that assumption, with sites like this one and this one saying that the current generation of jet injectors can produce a painful sensation depending on a number of individual factors.

This still allows for a greater degree of control (in situations when that type of precision is necessary), and may be of help to individuals with needle phobias, but I'm skeptical about the real utility over the status quo.

Polar Bear Cub's First Swim

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