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Austin Powers THE MOLE.

Herd Of Cows Help Florida Police Corner A Fleeing Suspect

Elegant Friesian horse meets the neighbours cows

Nut Milking EXPOSED!

JiggaJonson says...

I think it's fair for the dairy industry to lobby for this. It's an argument of definition.

You make almond milk basically by taking almonds and blending them up with water then straining.

They could call it "milk-substitute" perhaps. Point being, it's not the same thing as milk from a cow.

Peanut butter went through a similar episode in history when Jif added a bunch of crap that wasn't peanuts to its mix.

"Jif, in an effort to overtake Skippy and Peter Pan, added sweeteners and reduced their actual peanut content to improve the flavor and increase the profit margin. According to a lab study (granted, by a lab run by Skippy’s parent company, Best Foods), Jif peanut butter contained 25 percent hydrogenated oil and only 75 percent actual peanuts. This greatly concerned the FDA and other consumer groups."

Today, you can't call a product "peanut butter" unless it's made of at least 90 percent ground up peanuts. Otherwise it has to be labeled "peanut-spread."

See also: Pringles are not "chips" they are "potato-crisps"

Tiny knife hand made in Japan

newtboy (Member Profile)

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newtboy (Member Profile)

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Goat Vs Cow

Is the Trump presidency a religious cult?

Liberal Redneck - Nuclear Dealbreaker

bobknight33 says...

The Iran deal was a joke, a personal pledge from Obama and his circle of cohorts to make a political pledge ti Iran. This agreement has no legal standing, otherwise Trump could not have been able to walk away from it so easily.

It was nothing more than Obama's political pledge.

I think the real real deal was this adventure was a cash cow for those involved.

vil said:

No he did not.

This is really circular if all the definition of "right" you have is that Donald did it and all the definition of "wrong" is that Obama did.

What is the positive outcome we should be looking forward to?

Liberal Redneck - Nuclear Dealbreaker

bobknight33 says...

The agreement was legally worthless.
If it was then Trump would not have been to back away from it.

It was nothing more than Obama's political pledge.

I think the real real deal was this adventure was a cash cow for those involved.

newtboy said:

You blew it when you stood me up on our date, don't come beg/crying back love for you.

I began with the congressional bill you claimed didn't exist by stating...
"Congress had nothing to do with authorizing this."
...and followed with multiple articles that delineated exactly what the republican led congress did.

Can you dispute a single fact presented, or do you simply dismiss the fact checking entirely because it's not from a source politically right of faux news?
Left "leaning" compared to your normal hyper right opinion articles is hardly disqualifying without contradiction, and I don't accept the label anyway. Calling out Republicans for lying 3-1 over Democrats is actually right leaning when you consider they lie >5-1. (For example: Tax breaks don't benefit the rich, I didn't pay off my mistresses and those payoffs I made 2 weeks before the election to hide years old events had nothing to do with the election, my campaign had no contact with Russia, a republican pedophile is better than an upstanding Democrat, homosexuality is an abomination unless we get caught at the gloryhole, .....I could go on forever VS 'I didn't see an issue using a personal server for government emails', and "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".)

Right thing for who? Not for regional stability.

MilkmanDan (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

Happy Birthday Milkman! "I don't like looking back. I'm always constantly looking forward. I'm not the one to sort of sit and cry over spilt milk. I'm too busy looking for the next cow." Gordon Ramsay

Massive Sinkhole on New Zealand Dairy Farm

Stalked by a Cougar

transmorpher says...

There's plenty wrong with decimating their natural habitats and then shooting them when they have nowhere else to look for food.

Animals might not understand how to write a contract but they understand territory very well.

We walk through their land and then we get upset if they aggressively defend it.

And the vast majority of this habitat loss is so someone can stick a cow on the land because that's what consumers are demanding. We're effectively replacing the planet's wonderful biodiversity with 5 animals and 5 types of crop to feed these farm animals. We must change our consumption habits, otherwise nature will change it for us in about 50 years.

Payback said:

Fun Fact: This cougar is still hunting rabbits and deer for no other reason than he's 170 miles into an area where people tranquilize and truck him away from populated areas instead of bumpstocking 30 rounds of 5.56×45mm NATO through his falling corpse.

...not that there's anything wrong with that.

Sarzy (Member Profile)

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