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Teddy Has An Operation - zefrank

Police perform illegal house-to-house raids in Boston

Fletch says...

This one suspect was not a threat to the entire Boston area, and did not make what amounts to Martial law without the declaration right.

Says you. You have no idea what they knew or didn’t know. How many people would he have to endanger to declare martial law (which they didn’t)? This idiotic logic you choose to use, that 1 man couldn’t possibly be a risk to ¾ million people, completely ignores that he was, as evidenced by his actions up to that point, a danger to some of those ¾ million people. I can’t believe I’m actually defending the cops, but defending the public is exactly what I believe their jobs should be (as opposed to primarily raising revenue by writing tickets), and until I see evidence to the contrary, it appears they did just that with the knowledge of the situation and the suspects that they had at the time, and until you can show different, the warrantless searches seemed reasonable.
If you think being scared is the best reason to give up your rights to privacy and freedom from search and seizure, you don't understand the USA and perhaps should move to one of those other countries that agree with you, there are many.

You don’t have a right to freedom from search and seizure. You have a right to freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. Living in a free country gives you the right to be as ignorant as you wish about the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution, but demonstrating that ignorance in a public forum such as this should be embarrassing.
Now, we appear to have a comprehension problem...I said I disagree with those claiming this was some conspiracy or even a compliance test. I did not say, and have not heard anyone else say (besides the suspects father) that this was perpetrated by the government, that's a pretty big jump there. The implication is that the police are using the fear violate people's rights thinking they'll be either be justified in their actions or at least get away with them.

I have heard some say” is the most common and sleazy way of introducing an idea one has not a lick of evidence for, but wants to wedge into the conversation because it supports, again, a narrative he/she wants to advance. You said it and then only denied you were one who said it. You went on to truss up the notion of “compliance test”, and imply your agreement of it, with “difficult to argue against that idea”, and then revealed your conspiracy nuttery with “so they don't want to (or can't afford) to do this again”. The next paragraph’s lame appeal to patriotism and nationalist dogma betrays an authoritarian worldview. You don’t have a reading comprehension problem. You have a reality comprehension problem.
Sadly they would likely be right, thanks in large part to people like Fletch that don't understand or agree with the freedom from 'search and seizure'.

Unlike you, I understand what the Fourth Amendment says, but I'm pretty sure I also understand what you and your ilk wish it would say. Again (again), you choose to detach “unreasonable” from “search and seizure”, which, I think, demonstrates that even you realize the invalidity of your blustering, and that your primary purpose here is to advance a narrative.

{snipped lots of ridiculous, ignorant horseshit of personal beliefs about police actions and procedures he has no evidence whatsoever to support; read it above if you need a chuckle; #youtubelawyer}
Again, you appear to suggest that the police may enter your home to search for dangerous criminals at any time they choose in the name of safety because they are dangerous criminals and MAY be in your home, they are certainly in the area. That's just plain dumb and shows lack of forethought and lack of understanding of the right to be free from search and seizure, especially in your own home.

I didn’t suggest anything of the sort, although you continue on in your paragraph with the false presumption that I did. I don't even know of anybody who does suggest it. It only seems to exist in your paranoid fantasies. Do you have any point or argument that you didn’t pull out of your ass, or anything that doesn’t rely upon some other bit of info you assumed, presumed, or just fabricated? This isn’t YouTube. You can find support here, but your bullshit will be called, and criticism won’t be muted by the endless scroll of a thousand comments.
If you want to give up your rights because your a coward, move. I hear Australia is nice.

Oy... more authoritarian nuttery. Australia is awesome, btw. Bravest thing their government ever did was pass effective gun control. That we should have such courage…

Edit: Went a leeetle too far

George Galloway Storms Out Of Debate With Israeli Student

bcglorf says...

In the video Galloway also goes on to say that he's had several Israeli citizens on his show and who he's on platform with. Galloway specifically states that he doesn't consider every Israeli citizen the problem

2:45 in Gorillaman's video, "I don't debate with Israelis", again at 8:44 and again at 11:08. Galloway only declares that his problem is not with Jewish people, he repeatedly declares that he absolutely will not debate Israeli's.

What is your response to the gorrilaman video which Galloway explains his reasoning.

My response is disgust, outrage and disbelief. Galloway declares that on principle, his boycott of Israel extends to the point of refusing to even engaging any Israeli in debate. I had hoped that much was clear, and if that point isn't agreed let me know. I don't know how Galloway could make himself any clearer but apparently some still don't hear him.

On the face of it, his position on that isn't even what I find most offensive, though I do find it so. I insist it is no different than any other nationality I've mentioned up thread. What is intolerable is Galloway's own past record.

Saddam Hussein committed genocide against his own people not once, but twice. Killing nearly a half million people across the two. George Galloway did NOT refuse to engage Saddam(let alone Iraqis) in debate. In fact, George went to Baghdad and met Saddam, telling him "Sir, I salute your courage, your strength and your indefatigability. I can honestly say when I was speaking with my comrades about coming here, each one wished me to extend their fraternal greetings and support."

Bashir al Assad is continuing on the work of his father, brutally repressing and killing his own people. Galloway again went to Damascus, to praise Syria and tell the people how lucky they were to have Assad. He even squeezed in praise for the Iraqi suicide bombers then blowing up Shia mosques and neighbourhoods.

Galloway's moral 'high' road towards Israel is revealing in the extreme when looking at his eagerness to not only engage, but actively praise other war criminals in the region.

A Unique Perspective on Wingsuit Flying

Paperman: Beautiful Disney Short Film

rychan says...

If you listen to the director's commentary (I saw him talk at Siggraph 2012), he basically agrees with you up until the point where he quits his job. The director says that the main character is being a wimp and hasn't done anything to deserve the woman until he shows the courage to really go after her.

Of course, that's just the fairy tale logic. Yes it's a bit stalkerish and impulsive.

lucky760 said:

Yes, that's the kind of love we and our children should all aspire to, the kind where you see someone much better looking than you who is so uninterested they don't hesitate to board a train. But no worries- as long as you watch them through a window and stalk them long enough, you'll be able to compel them to reciprocate.

The travelling piano tuner - Richard

dapper says...

wow! this guy has the courage to the live the life that my personal philosophies point to... art, music and low impact on the planet. Congratulations to him. I hope it brings him great rewards.

Quentin Tarantino: 'I'm shutting your butt down!'

SpeveO says...

I personally find his attitude pretty childish. He reminds me of a scumbag politician who sidesteps answering a serious question because he's worried about what impact it could have on his career later. He could have given a succinct and mature answer and moved on, but no, he raves for almost 3 minutes and turns it into a narcissistic power trip. If he was a leader he would have had the courage to defend his point of view by giving a fucking answer.

Sagemind said:

I love Quentin's attitude. In fact I envy his ability just not care what other people think when in this kind of scenario. He is a leader, he doesn't back down and he stands up for not only what he believes in but for his own thoughts and opinions.

Atheist TV host boots Christian for calling raped kid "evil"

Fletch says...


Let's just say this show has probably not done anything to make a believer more of a believer, but has probably helped many people reason themselves away from the bullshit that is religion. Maybe not by itself, as escaping religious fuguery usually requires a multiple-vector onslaught of logic and reason, but this show has surely helped many people attain the some courage to doubt. It's a godsend.

Personally, I watch it to see Christians get humiliated.

David Rakoff in The Invisible Made Visible

silvercord says...

Normally I hear the same condescension from the people you mentioned. But here I see and hear courage from a man living with and soon to die from cancer. It is inspiring, to say the least. It is the last time he'll ever dance in public. Watch the whole thing.

artician said:

Gah... Ira Glass writes in that same, stuttering, talking-down-to-the-audience voice that he narrates with. I hate that guy.
What's worse, ever since he became popular, more and more NPR hosts are popping up that have adopted his ridiculous pattern of speech.
God I hate that guy.

Quality Advice From Zefrank

eric3579 says...

Don't call it a comeback, I'll have hair for years.

I'm scared. I'm scared that my abilities are gone. I'm scared that I'm going to fuck this up, and I'm scared of you.

I don't wanna' start, but I will.

This is an invocation for anyone who hasn't begun, whose stuck in a terrible place between 0 and 1.


Let me realize that my past failures that follow through are no indication of my future performance, their just healthy little fires that are gonna' warm up my ass.

If my FILDI* is strong let me keep him in a velvet box until I really really need him.
If my FILDI* is weak let me feed him oranges and not let him gorge himself on ego and arrogance.

Let me not hit up my Facebook like it's a crack-pipe, keep the browser closed.

If I catch myself wearing a tutu (too), too fat too late too old, let me shake it off like a donkey would shake off something it doesn't like.

When I get that feeling in my stomach, you know that feeling when all the sudden you get a ball of energy and it shoots down into your legs and up into your arms and tells you to stand up and goto the refrigerator and get a cheese sandwich - that's my cheese monster talking. And my cheese monster will never be satisfied with cheddar, only the cheese of accomplishment.

Let me think about the people that I care about the most. And how when they fail or disappoint me I still love them, I still give them chances, and I still see the best in them - let me extend that generosity to myself.

Let me find and use metaphors to help me understand the world around me, and give me the strength to get rid of them when it's apparent that they no longer work.

Let me thank the parts of me that I don't understand or are outside of my control, like my creativity and my courage.
Let me remember that my courage is a wild dog, it won't just come when I call it. I have to chase it down and hold on as tight as I can.

Let me not be so vain to think that I am the sole author of my victories, and a victim of my defeats.

Let me remember that the unintended meaning that people project on what I do is neither my fault, nor something that I can take credit for.

Perfectionism may look good in his shiny shoes, but he's a little bit of an asshole and nobody invites him to their pool parties.

Let me remember that the impact of criticism is often not the intent of the critic, but when the intent is evil that's what the block button is for.

And when I eat my critique, let me be able to separate out the good advice from the bitter herbs.

*Can't understand the over-dub'd speech*

Let me not think of my work only as a stepping stone to something else, and if it is let me become fascinated by the shape of the stone.

Let me take the idea that has gotten me this far, and put it to bed. What I'm about to do will not be that. But it will be something.

There's no need to sharpen my pencils anymore, my pencils are sharp enough - even the dull ones will make a mark. Warts and all.

Let's start this shit up.

And god let me enjoy this, life isn't just a sequence of waiting for things to be done.


* FILDI = Fuck it let's do it.

Autistic Kid Shouts Aragorn's Battle Speech Before a Test

Joe Scarborough finally gets it -- Sandy Hook brings it home

bareboards2 says...

@Kofi, I posted on his Facebook page under this vid. Congratulated him for having the courage to change his mind. And then encouraged him to look at WHY he changed his mind, why he suddenly had empathy, and to maybe try a little harder to have empathy on other policy issues when it isn't just about him.

It took a lot for him to make this shift. Let's give him props for it. And remind him to take this lesson into other areas of public policy.

Shelley Lubben On Abuse In The Porn Industry - (Very NSFW)

NetRunner says...

But that's exactly the thing dft (and I) would like people to straighten out in their mind. The word bias isn't supposed to be synonymous with "has no credibility."

If you want to accuse someone of being some sort of dishonest person who's making shit up because they're prejudiced, then you should have the courage of your convictions and say "x is dishonest" or "x is prejudiced", and not hide behind some BS term like "x is biased".

gwiz665 said:

You're abusing the term to such platitudes as saying "you're biased towards the english language" Oh please, spare me the bullshit. We're talking about a biased position to the point where it loses credibility.

Cenk (TYT) Goes Ballistic About Fundamentalist Religion

VoodooV says...

I got his point, but it's still a flawed argument. getting out of poverty and being wealthy are not the same thing, nor should it be.

Wealth is not a requirement to education, nor is a college degree a guarantee that you're educated. There are correlations between them, yes, but correlation is not causation.

intelligence is not wisdom and money does not buy either. All you need to throw off the yoke of religion is a questioning mind and some courage. You can flunk every class you've ever been in and still be smart enough to know what's reality and what's a fictional story.

A vision of Jesus

shinyblurry says...

>> ^enoch:

it takes courage to share such an intimate and intense experience knowing that many will ridicule something that was so life-changing.
good for him.

Yes, and he is doing it for Jesus. It's an amazing testimony and it's also neat because it contains an element of prophecy. The Lord showed him two distinct parts of his life before any of it happened, and only God knows the future.

So what says enoch? You ever have any experiences like this?

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