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newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Russia is playing videos of nude Melania doing soft core porn constantly on state TV to embarrass the felon. Maybe soon we can see the golden shower tapes.
China put a 15% tariff on US imports and blocked hundreds of billions in deliveries from port while stopping shipments of rare earth minerals and Xi is not taking the felon’s phone calls, we dropped all our tariffs for no gains, in fact 5000 Mexican troops left the border that Biden had secured, we lost around $2 trillion in net worth or more in two weeks, we destroyed international relations with both our neighbors (both of which are now considering BRICS and distancing themselves from America as much as possible), and we stated unambiguously that treaties and official agreements (like the felon’s own trade agreement) with the US aren’t worth the paper they’re written on and are discarded at any whim, so no more agreements, treaties, or being allied. Canada removed all US alcohol off their shelves, don’t expect it to return.
Eggs $15.
No company is hiring or expanding nationwide now, because they have no idea what insanity the felon will do next, what stupid tariffs they will have to contend with, what supply chains will be cut, or what allies will refuse deliveries.

And…..the first article of impeachment has been filed. How long before a few Republicans grow a spine and stand up.

Trump Closes the border.

newtboy says...

By decree, he has also claimed to have ended FEMA, saying states should take care of themselves, not each other. The south is doomed….California will just withhold federal taxes and pay for itself, and save tens of billions of dollars per year that way, Louisiana alone will be $10 billion per year in the hole or more. All southern states are “takers” from the fed… Enjoy.

Eggs are $9 already and skyrocketing and he completely abandoned the promise to lower grocery prices, now says it’s impossible.

When told his policies are already crashing the economy on live TV by Hannity he answered “I don’t care”.

We will be in a depression this summer, and a real military invasion by Xmas (unless he hands Alaska to Russia and Hawaii to China).

His first plan to stop the Ukraine war….tell Putin he is planning tariffs and sanctions on anything Russia sells the U.S. (clearly not knowing they’ve been in effect for years already, and that Russia hasn’t sold anything to the US in years).

Pardoned more terrorists including those who pleaded guilty to treason/sedition and violence against police.
Some were re-arrested for more violent felonies they committed under a day after release. He invited these convicted anti American criminal thugs to the Whitehouse.
This is exactly what he did in 2020 in Afghanistan before handing the country to the criminal terrorist Taliban (yes, he even invited Taliban leaders to Camp David and the Whitehouse)…a group he seems to look up to. Thank goodness some judges refuse to dismiss with prejudice so they can be retried if law and order ever return to America….unlikely.

Once again, he already dismantled our pandemic response team right as bird flu is emerging in America, and decreed our health agencies cannot make any statements or recommendations but must keep silent and useless. Buy PPE!

His plans to deport every undocumented alien are estimated to cost multiple trillions per year directly just to try and cost the economy up to another $10 trillion per year in lost production…absolutely devastating and turning us into a third world nation overnight.

Is there peace in Ukraine yet? His new stated plan is to ask President Xi of China who is supplying Russia with military equipment and ammo to solve it for him. Russia is publicly mocking him and Smelania (by broadcasting her soft core porn constantly), laughing at his “threats” and giddy at their luck that Biden is gone and their cucked boy is back.

Shocker, these decrees are all directly from project 2025, written by the project 2025 committees, and many Trump doesn’t know what he’s signing since he wasn’t involved in drafting the orders….exactly as we knew would happen.

UPDATE: Decree #1, ending birthright citizenship, shut down by a Republican judge with a hilarious rebuke.

Also fun, 75% of farm workers didn’t show up to work this week. Harvests are essentially cancelled. Prepare for double digit inflation at the grocery store in short order. $9 eggs is just a start.

That wasn’t very nice

newtboy says...

As a kid whose family thought it was funny to constantly fuck with me, this creates adults who distrust people both in general and individually.

cloudballoon said:

Haven't we seen this before? Anyway...

Maybe I'm in a taking-this-too-serious mood, but not finding it "funny" when all I can think of this is just a stupid TikTok "challenge" thing... BUT it is facinating social study. Adults using (abusing?) kids as tools for likes & subs. How the kids react to the adult's shenanigans.

Observation? This is the hilarious beginning to the end of civilisation I tell ya! We're not getting a hopeful Star Trek finale to humanity! The end is NIGH! LOL.

Hunter Biden Pardoned

newtboy says...

Pretty hilarious that the released Gaetz report proves he did everything he accused Hunter of doing…like buying guns high on cocaine and not listing his drug use on the form, sex trafficking, constant drug use, statutory rape, and massive obstruction…(the biggest difference being there is a mountain of incontrovertible evidence proving Gaetz’s guilt and only paid criminal Russians lying about Hunter)….and the child drug pusher and child rapist was tapped by the criminal underage drug fueled orgy party for the highest law enforcement position on earth while Hunter is just a citizen with no political aspirations or designs.

Epstein’s partner in crime knew every word of the report when he was nominated to be AG, the felon wanted him BECAUSE he’s a known criminal child rapist….birds of a feather and all.

Kinda funny how they don’t care at all about his much worse proven crimes but were so hyper focused on the much lesser but same unproven accusations against Hunter for 4 full years +….almost like they don’t care about the crime one bit but just need a stick to beat you in the head with.

Henrik Zeberg On U.S. Markets - It's Going To Get Ugly

newtboy says...

You cite well known and untrustworthy, alarmist, constant crash predicting, conspiracy theory spreading, alt right, Russian propaganda outlet Zero Hedge as your best source!?! 😂 😂 😂
Must be true then, no need to look into it further.

“ We rate ZeroHedge an extreme right-biased conspiracy website based on the promotion of false/misleading/debunked information that routinely denigrates the left.” - media bias fact-check
“ US intelligence officials on Tuesday accused a conservative financial news website with a significant American readership, Zero Hedge, of amplifying Kremlin propaganda.” - Bloomberg
“Ad Fontes Media rates ZeroHedge in the Strong Right category of bias and as Unreliable, Problematic in terms of reliability.” - Ad Fontes Media
“Wallace-Wells observed that the site demonstrated a pro-Russia bias, stating the site had a "pointed" Russophilia.” - Wikipedia

You are such a willing liar….I don’t believe you actually believe 10% of what you post. How much has Russia paid you this year for your nonsense?

It’s hilarious you still spout the “these numbers will be revised” stupidity despite all the revisions this summer being revised UP…BETTER numbers in reality than those you said were fake, fantastical, pie in the sky dreams. The economy is booming by every measure, and a real boom, not some fake phantom on paper only boom, you just need an excuse for when Dumb Donny crashes it by springtime and are willing to believe any idiocy that will support that need. Didn’t you say just a month ago something stupid like 100% of new jobs created went to undocumented aliens? Now you want to try the stupid lie that they are 100% fake government jobs created solely to fake the numbers!?! 😂
Have you heard you?

bobknight33 said:

From Zero hedge article.

"They Just Got Handed Fraudulent Books" - Ed Dowd Confirms Our Warning That Trump Is 'Inheriting A Turd Of An Economy'

Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is a skillful financial analyst who said in May the economy was skidding. Now, Dowd predicts the economy is poised to “roll over” and soon.

"I have never seen such blatant manipulation of government statistics.

There is government spending and government hiring to paper over what is truly a bad economy for the average man. When I was asked prior to the election who do you think will win the election, I said Trump has already won, according to the economic statistics. That’s why he won. Bobby Kennedy helped along with Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, lots of people switching and what have you. What really got Trump in was the economy, the real economy, not the stock market.

It was not the ‘everything is hunky-dory’ pablum from the mainstream media.

The real economy has been rolling over, and we are just waiting for the financial markets to figure this out.

When they do, Trump is going to inherit a turd of a financial market crisis.

Government statistics will be updated, and it will show we started a recession sometime this year...

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

I’m lucky…I just get aches and cramps. Much easier to deal with, but pretty much a constant these days.

ant said:

I do over a mile almost daily, but man it is getting hard. More aches and craps.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another Corrupt MAGGOT candidate caught directly stealing ballots out of voting machines during the machine test.

A “former” candidate because he was caught and arrested.

Shocking, every single attempt at voter fraud has been a maggot…human garbage…again….for at least the 4th election in a row. There have been dozens.

Maga hates America and democracy, proven by the constant attacks against both from the top down, because maga is a fascist terrorist movement, you know it.

I’ve been supplying you with at least one real prosecuted election interference case a day for a while. What fake scandal do you have for me today? You’re slacking.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still bragging about his “love fest” as an amazing event everyone loved, still hasn’t disavowed the comments he approved ahead of time (he read the script and he had him remove jokes calling Kamala a cunt, so he knew exactly what would be said ahead of time and approved), which he should have done at the event if he disagreed with the constant overt racism that every single pre-vetted speaker read from the teleprompters the campaign loaded with their hate speech.
Puerto Ricans and Latinos are not coming back. They can sway multiple swing states and even red states like Florida…lose Florida you lose it all. Good job!

Even Raphael “Ted” Cruz is losing in Texas….before the Nazi…I mean maga rally. Tons of Latinos in Texas, and Cruz has been clear he’s not there for them.

The Hitler/nazi praise isn’t going away, it’s being reinforced by his behavior, his plans (both stated and leaked), his constant abusive racism, and more and more direct witnesses coming forward to confirm that is who he is. Good job!

Once again, know Elon and Trump have both admitted their economic plans will decimate the economy, they expect it to fail so they can “rebuild it”. They are PLANNING A DEPRESSION because it will make it easier to rob America and they can afford it.

Oops, maga Mike said he will kill Obamacare (with no replacement) and completely deregulate healthcare (no more medicine that has medicine in it) and industry (because everyone knows industry always self regulates safely and honestly). He’s supposed to keep that quiet until Nov 6, dummy!

Trump Melts Down As Fox News Turns On MAGA

newtboy says...

Utterly ridiculous twaddle from a delusional cultist that’s all in on the loser felon just like he went all in on Tesla in November ‘21 at $400 a share.

The double standard exists, but is skewed so far right to sane wash his insanity constantly it’s dizzying.
He can be totally lawless, she must be totally flawless. That is absolutely how they are treated by the media.

An analysis from the extreme right wing hyper biased Media Research Center? Get real, you expect anyone outside the cult to give it a second’s thought?

For instance, every single broadcast media outlet gave some version of the headline “Trump speaks to packed house at MSG” despite photo and video proof he didn’t fill the stadium 1/4 full and entire rows of seats on the floor, right in front of the stage were empty, along with entire sections of seats and possibly the entire upper section. They reported that Harris filled the 30000 seat arena in Houston to capacity and beyond, but didn’t report the 1.2 million who tried to attend but couldn’t get tickets. Talk about lopsided coverage, real honest coverage would have asked what kind of piss poor planning led to this racist nazistic fiasco in NY, and why didn’t Harris book a bigger arena. At the same time they tend to repeat Trump’s claims about Harris without correction, just “he said ….” and leave it at that despite being easy to contradict his every dumb lie of the moment.

The main reason for the imbalance…your guy is a 34 time convicted felon, nearly 80 year old incontinent dementia patient with malignant narcissism, an adjudicated rapist, the self described partner in crime with Epstein and lover of quite young women just like Epstein (his words), fomented a coup and says he will again, stole top secret nuclear files and definitely gave them to Putin during one of dozens of illegal negotiations in private since leaving office, hasn’t strung together a cogent or true sentence in 8 years, and directs his cultists to physically attack the press as the enemy of the people…then wonders why they dared to actually report what he actually said in context and without deceptively editing it to look sane.

Ohhhh…a right wing blog repeated it? Must be true then. Never mind. 😂

bobknight33 said:

TV Hits Trump With 85% Negative News vs. 78% Positive Press for Harris

One week before Election Day, a new analysis from the Media Research Center finds that broadcast evening news coverage of the 2024 presidential race has been the most lopsided in history. Since July, ABC, CBS and NBC have treated Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris to 78 percent positive coverage, while these same networks have pummeled former Republican President Donald Trump with 85 percent negative coverage. (See Methodology explanation at the end of this post.)

The difference in coverage between the two candidates is far greater than in 2016, when both Trump and then-challenger Hillary Clinton received mostly negative coverage (91% negative for Trump, vs. 79% negative for Clinton). It’s even greater than in 2020, when Joe Biden was treated to 66 percent positive coverage, vs. 92 percent negative for Trump.

The main reason for the imbalance: Since July, the Big Three have swamped their audiences with more than 230 minutes of airtime — virtually all of it negative

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Love it….great move…go full racist and call millions of Puerto Rican voters “garbage” and all Latinos “mass breeders who don’t pull out, they cum inside, just like they did our country”, then double, triple, quadruple down and more with every speaker being overtly disgustingly racist in a warm up for the racist rapist in chief.


Yes, you fucking morons, there are about 6 million Puerto Ricans living in America, legally, not a single illegal immigrant from Puerto Rico is in the USA, not one, because they are citizens you morons, and they vote!
There are enough in Florida, over 1 million, to turn even it deep blue….and they are ALL PISSED!
There are 300000 Puerto Ricans and 600000 Latinos in Pennsylvania…way more than Biden won by.
Do you really think he can afford almost 6 million extra votes for Harris, because that’s what his Maddison Square Garden event (and years of totally undeniable constant racism against Puerto Ricans and Latinos in general) earns him.

Then Elon’s outreach to women is literally to say “America can’t have a cunt for a president”.

Good job. The Nazi rally killed any slim chance he had left and tainted the entire party as horrifically racist fascists in the most public way at the worst time. Another violent coup is now the only shot, and the national guard and army aren’t on your team.

I’m certain you saw nothing wrong with the speeches, or the venue, or with Trump now wearing Proud Boys colors… that’s because you are a racist.

Maggots have started firebombing ballot drop boxes because you are losing so badly, at least 2 so far.
In Redding a maggot landlord was stupid enough to brag about stealing 4 of his tenant’s ballots and voting for Trump on all 4. He’s been fired and is under investigation for vote fraud…he could (should) get 12 years.

Exit polling is 62%-33%!

PS- shocking news reported that Elon violated his student visa by working instead of going to school. Deport that illegal alien back to Africa now and seize all of his illegally gained assets and cancel any government contracts, he’s an illegal alien! You can’t do business with him in any way.

It’s falling apart around you.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yet more corroboration, 13 of the felon’s cabinet members have all signed a letter backing up Kelly, saying they are personally aware and witnessed the felon constantly praise Hitler in the Whitehouse and he is absolutely a fascist by any sane definition or assessment, with more coming.

Yet another fake “disproving” with no actual even disputing the growing mountain of evidence, much less disproving anything.

You have made yourself into such a ridiculous joke.

I still can’t understand why you fantasize about fantasy cat piss. Just like you said you like sticking your dick INTO urinals like you would a woman (if any would let you)…That’s weird, you’re a real weirdo.

ERMERGERD! I hadn’t heard that he now plans to put bat shit crazy brain worm riddled, flat meat sandwich aficionado and science denier RFK jr “In charge of our health”. Get ready for no more health care in America if it happens, he doesn’t believe in it….he thinks you should eat road kill to be healthy and ignore the brain eating parasites.

Oops- JD reminded his crowd that “pissing on my wife’s sister, I’m a black Nazi” Mark Robinson is 100% Trump’s guy, totally his hand picked candidate that he full throatedly endorsed deep, long and hard as his kind of guy, a great guy, a trump-like guy. Another Nazi.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another fake and disproved story.

You are truly stupid and gullible.

I can only imagine the smell of cat piss in your house.


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Shocker! Watch experts have examined the photos offered as illustrative of the product and determined even the $100000 watch is a cheap obviously Chinese made (maybe a few Swiss parts) piece of crap worth around $1k and the cheaper $500-$1k watches are worth well under $200, and can be purchased anywhere in China for under $100. They couldn’t even put together pictures of a decent watch knowing they didn’t ever have to produce them! WYF!?!
Even the grifting is falling apart like a tissue paper suit in the laundry. It’s so gratifying to finally see even the cultists coming to their senses and recognizing the constant dishonest grift and schemes….often in collusion with China or the Saudis.

newtboy said:

So dirty, now the felon is selling non existent $100000 watches online, selling them to foreign customers using untraceable bitcoin with a photo that is not of the watch but is for “illustrative purposes only” and a disclaimer that he is not responsible for infinite shipping delays so he never has to produce much less deliver any watches.
This is another blatant attempt to rake in foreign campaign donations from powers like the Saudis and Putin and other billionaires hostile to America…campaign donations that are 100% illegally selling out America for cash, like he did with Egypt. He will be prosecuted if he lasts long enough in prison from his other dozens of felony convictions. So will Jared once the Republicans lose the ability to block any investigations.
You honestly worship a super criminal….a super criminal who is way past his prime.
Start at 1:55 to hear how he treats ordinary people

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

BTW you anti American moron.
You got suckered into spreading Russian lies again.
The stupid race baiting video you graffitied my profile with was another lie, an American citizen having a psychotic break and killing a cat who was not in Springfield, not a Haitian in Springfield eating cats like you claimed.

Another lie spread by the idiot that believes and spreads every single lie he’s told but absolutely never admits anything, much less every single thing he believes is a blatant lie.

This makes false racist accusation 317 you have attempted to spread that I have thoroughly debunked, you lying racist piece of shit.

Yes, this IS another Russian lie you are spreading. Blatant overt racism meant to divide between rational reasonable people and irate idiot racists…guess which side you chose. Many of the bomb threats and constant calls to police are coming from one foreign country…guess which one.

The Republican campaign is purely divisive, has no solutions only scapegoats to target, has been unambiguous that they will create and spread false stories (like pet eating by migrants) to get their messages out and will ignore the damage and danger it causes (like bomb, gun, and death threats, physical attacks, and terrorism of entire communities), they support and encourage political violence at every turn then cry a River when there’s the tiniest bit of blowback like when one of your own nutjobs turns on you.
The reason it is so divisive, outrageous, racist, sexist, etc. is that this gets clicks and views and reports and distracts the news cycle from going over his record of economic collapse, health crises, job losses, division, failed trade wars, failed border policy, failed drug policy, forgotten infrastructure policy, all of 2020…honestly any of his policies…notice he doesn’t talk policy EVER. There’s good reason.

😂 just too fucking hilarious to miss….maga celebrities are begging people to stop listening to celebrities about politics! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Total win for the Hayes family and artists in general. For 4 years after receiving a cease and desist from the rights owner, Hayes’ son, Trump continued to use the music constantly without payment. He is now under court order to stop using Hayes music immediately, and expect many other artists to sue as well since legal notices are routinely ignored.
In this one case there are millions in damages, and there are dozens and dozens of artists in the same boat who told him to stop misusing their copywritten art and he rudely refused.
This may cost him hundreds of millions he doesn’t have and tie him up in court for years.

Oh no! The Treasonies are cancelled because
1) safety and security concerns (oh the delicious irony)
2) the backlash for a presidential candidate holding a fundraiser for people CONVICTED of sedition and attacking the government…a backlash that, in their insanity, came as a surprise
3) a scheduling conflict because the felon has another court case to address in chambers with the judge and Jack Smith tomorrow about the new superseding indictments. 😂

Bidenomics failed - Next POTUS will be left holding the bag

newtboy says...

Not surprising, you know nothing, and your memory makes a gnat seem like Dave Farrow by comparison.

Edit: you would benefit from this….

The decline of jobs under the felon was due to his absolutely disastrous response to Covid, (not that he was doing great before, well under 1/2 what Biden produced even if you still ridiculously erase 3 million from Biden) first dismantling the agency that tracked diseases overseas allowing it to fester unnoticed, second his racist response by banning CHINESE people from traveling to America but not people who were in China, guaranteeing the virus would get here, then third ignoring it for months pretending it was a cold, guaranteeing a total American endemic that killed twice as many Americans as it should because of the felon’s terrible response, then his obvious distain for any public health measures and his idiot cultists following suit caused at least half the deaths we had and extended the endemic and shutdowns at least twice as long as if we had followed instructions, maybe 3 times as long…his own CDC said exactly that. Comparison with nations whose leaders LEAD proves it was worse than that, and not just Asian nations that culturally are predisposed to follow directions, NZ for instance was barely affected because they listened and locked down and masked up. Australia too.
Truth is he likely lost 4 million jobs, but 1 million of them died so never became unemployed.

Joe has created 5 times the jobs the felon lost, he recreated all 3 million he lost and 12 million more you idiot. I know you can’t possibly give him any credit for rescuing and invigorating the economy, but he did, amazingly well. You can discount the 3 million your guy lost if it makes you feel better, but he still produced another 12 million, more than all Republican administrations during our lifetime combined, and fixed the mess the felon left….sucker.

You have always been in complete denial of everything in reality, friendo. You said depression would hit by June 21. You said Pelosi wasn’t attacked by a MAGGOT. You said adult only pride events happen in front of children. You said police never shoot innocent victims and Ashley Babbit was shot by police for innocent behavior. Every single point you try to make is based in lies, and you know it. You never defend your lies, because you can’t, that’s why you constantly just disappear from a thread, only to start a new line of lies elsewhere.

You being a complete and utter imbecile, I can understand your inability to think, but I think it’s time to quit you. I will be requesting a siftquisition soon to remove your trolling from the site, you add nothing but lies and whining, and your racism is on full display with Harris as the candidate. I think we can be done.

What did you say? More lies. You never say anything but. Every word you write is dishonest twaddle at best, more often racist fascist lies. Every word I write is easily verifiable through multiple legitimate sources, not a single failure angrily vlogging from mommy’s basement. You lied and claimed the adult only event was happening in front of children. I have pointed out this lie a half dozen times. You continue to pretend you don’t know you lied, which is another lie. You can do nothing but lie. It is likely why your family won’t talk to you and I bet you are in trouble at work. It must be a miserable existence trying to keep all these lies alive at the cost of your humanity, all for a felon, charity thief, and child raping racist.

The Olympics opening that referenced Greek mythology but morons who can’t count or think think it referenced the last supper? Yep, no problem at all, only morons who create problems out of ignorance like you. If you want Sharia, move to Afghanistan and leave the west alone.

When are you going to lose your shit over the woman boxer who fought another woman? I know it outraged you, you are exactly that dumb.

bobknight33 said:

The decline of jobs under Trump were due to Covid hysteria and state and local governments illegally forced shutdowns, destroying jobs. Under Joe covid finally clears and big uptick in jobs as things open back up.

You are in denial of economic realities that are coming.

You being a leftest I can understand your foolish thinking.

"You gonna fess up to your pride event lies yet?"

What die I say? Oh yea I said the truth.

What about the Olympics opening ? You see no problem with that?

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