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Biden Has A Lot To Boast About In New Covid Relief Bill

newtboy says...

Thanks McConnell. At least more goes to citizens than Republicans wanted, and less as handouts to large international companies.
Yeah, you don't think schools should get any money, but some people think a third grade education isn't enough. They absolutely need funding to reopen safely, but again you don't believe the virus is anything to worry about. The only intelligent thing to do is wait until students and teachers are vaccinated before returning to a system where social distancing is impossible.
Republicans are outraged there's more cash for citizens in it, they just gave $600 per person and weren't happy giving back that much. Your party completely disagrees with you....but it is interesting you suggest they should go with the Democrats original plan to give up to $2000 per adult monthly...a plan republican representatives refused to consider because it's socialist to help citizens that much, but fine to hand trillions to large companies they own or have stakes in that didn't need assistance. It sounds like you're saying Trump's pandemic relief bills were total cash grabs by his lackeys not designed to help citizens or the pandemic. Welcome back to reality.
If you let the people decide, 1/3 of Republicans will pretend there's no pandemic, refuse vaccination because Bill Gates put microchips in there, and go maskless to group events, starting wave four and reversing the gains under Biden. The healthcare portion is imperative, as is mandatory vaccination. It should be just like measles, no vaccine, no school, no job, no government cheese.

It is confusing how, when raising the minimum wage was the most expensive part of the bill, it's still $1.9 Trillion with it removed and with payouts regulated instead of paid out across the board like Trump's unregulated bailouts. Where did that savings go?

Funny how now, after 4 years of completely ignoring it as it skyrocketed, the debt suddenly matters to Republicans again. Y'all can eat a crate of baby dicks, democrats are far more fiscally conservative than Trumpsters.

Edit: btw, this bill has >75% support from the American people, and zero support from obstructionist republican representatives. This is the unity Biden brings, not unity with outrageously self dealing and self centered obstructionist republican representatives but unity with Americans, and an end to legislating solely for the benefit of the top 10% - 1%.

bobknight33 said:

9% for the American people
$1400 each if earned under 75K/ear or $2800 of married under 150k$/year.

At $75K/year you really don't need this $ or at least could get by with out it.

then comes the remaining 91% for programs and pork.
Schools don't need this $.

Free premiums if under 150% poverty rate -- ok.

However if 1400 represents 10% of the 1.9 trillion when would it not be better spent if each got $14,000 each or $28K for the family and let each family decide how to spent this money. LEt teh people decide their needs on what to pay for Healthcare mortgage, rent car payment etc.

End of the day Americans got $1400 and a tax bill for 1.9 Trillion.

Again, Americans got screwed.

The Joy of Painting w/ Bob Ross and Banksy

eric3579 says...

Was referring to this Robert Ross
(Bob) was added to show the possible link Banksy may have been making between the two, but maybe that makes it more confusing.

makach said:

Could be a tribute to Oscar Wilde, about your *edit - could you have mixed up the personas?

Oscar Wilde
Born: October 16, 1854, Westland Row, Dublin, Ireland
Died: November 30, 1900, Paris, France

Bob Ross
Born: October 29, 1942, Daytona Beach, Florida, United States
Died: July 4, 1995, Orlando, Florida, United States

I Arrested the District Attorney.....EXPLAINED

newtboy says...

I’ve seen the raw footage from 1996 of this case without the commentary, but I’ve never been able to find any follow up. Does anyone have any idea how this ended up? It sounds good, but remember, he’s only serving (and “arresting”) court workers who have no idea what’s happening or how to respond. I’m curious what happened when it got to court. Did he win, or is this like sovereign citizen nonsense that might confuse someone into being scared to act but has no real legal validity?


Trumps Impeachment Lawyers Are Very Bad: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

If the cultist’s brains are shit, they will aquit. Look at the monkey.

Edit: Hilarious you choose an exemplar that is widely accepted as a miscarriage of justice based on a bullshit claim like “if it doesn’t fit, you must aquit.”....especially since the glove DID fit...just like the charges fit Trump. OJ stretched his hand so it wouldn’t fit, giving his jury an excuse to aquit when they knew he was guilty. Trumptards stretched their little brains to create out of thin air a trial disqualification where there clearly was none, then used that lie to excuse excusing treason, treason they admit publicly Trump committed. Since McConnel caused the trial delay then claimed the delay invalidated the trial, he’s next. Obstruction of justice is rarely that straight forward.

There were more votes to convict by his own party than in every impeachment trial combined, 7 times as many votes, even in his hyper partisan, excuse anything party. You probably think that indicates he’s the best at being impeached or something just as ridiculous.

More than enough admitted he was guilty, but they ignored the law, actually made up a law, voted on that law and lost, and excused Trump based on it anyway, voted by party to avoid being physically attacked by crazy trumptards because they’re all cowards.

Who’s your president, laughing boy? Who runs the house? Who runs the Senate? HAW HAW.

Trump has dozens of other cases to handle without council now, some criminal with no presidential protections. His troubles are just starting. Send him money, he needs it.

HA HA....dozens of civil AND CRIMINAL cases chump boy. No more protection from cultist senators. No money for lawyers. Being forced to sell his failing properties at huge discounts to pay his bills before he defaults on everything. He’s going to be the biggest loser again in 2021, his third year at least being the nation’s biggest loser. Banned from other allied countries, the first time that’s ever happened. Under criminal investigation in multiple other countries, again, a first. Trump is not “winning”, in case you’re confused. His empire of cards is crumbling just like his political clout.

Go make up more excuses and bat shit crazy paranoid fantasies. He needs them as much as he needs your money.

Edit : prepare for more Democratic victories, people are fleeing the Republican party largely because they acquitted Trump based on pure party's going to be incredibly hard to win an election when 10% leave the party and the rest split into two parties...harder than the election you just lost in a massive landslide of blue.

Oh....and I was wrong, McConnell and other Republicans did instigate the coup to hurt Trump....forget all those facts and logic I handed you and go get em boy.

bobknight33 said:

If The Glove Doesn’t Fit, You Must Acquit…

Impeachment 2.0 yet another failed attempt in a long list of failures by Democrats to run Trump under the political bus.


Next they will try civil cases of this and that.

Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

newtboy says...

Sweet Jesus you dishonest brain dead slug. You are either being as dishonest as possible or have severe brain damage....or both.

I’ve never once denied that Democrats WERE once the party of racism and anti civil rights until the 60’s when they decided it was in their interests to support civil rights and oppose racism. When they did that, they became far more popular and Republicans, to have a chance of winning another election, changed their platform to anti civil rights, pro racism in order to gain the southern white racist vote. That was called the southern strategy that you just deny happened despite all evidence proving it did. This is at least the 10th time I’ve pointed this out with references to prove it, and you still act ignorant. Do you have a severe memory problem, or are you just being a dishonest troll starting the same argument for the 11th time because you might get away with it this time?

Yes, the Democratic south WAS the OG of racism and anti civil rights right up till the 60’s when they, like Iced T, changed their thought process and straightened up. Shortly afterwards, Republicans were losing elections and the party was dying, so Goldwater and Nixon courted those abandoned southern white racist voters. Since then, Republicans have been the party of racism and anti civil rights (for non whites). I expect, like at least 10 times before, you’ll take the first 1/2 of the first sentence of this paragraph, remove the word “was”, and pretend I just said Southern racists ARE Democrats because you are nothing but a dishonest bullshit artist (but a horrendously bad one).

Iced T WAS an OG gangster rapper, now he’s a rich actor. Same for Ice Cube, J Z, etc.

I’ve never denied the truth, or history. If Democrats and Republicans had not switched positions I would be Republican and you would be a Democrat...but they did. When are you going to accept the truth? It’s been over 50 years and you still deny it. We aren’t living in the 50’ seem confused about that.

Again, if Republicans aren’t the party of racism, how do you explain the fact that they get 100% of the racist white supremacist vote and well under 10% of the black vote?
So infantile Bob. You just have to deny reality every time to ever make your point.


bobknight33 said:

You saying

" Republicans switched from supporting civil rights to opposing them in order to win the southern white (mostly racist)" ..
So you are saying Republicans became racist to get more racist Democrat votes.

So you are implicating Democrat south as the OG of Racism. Sweet. About time you admit truth.

Youdiejoe's vid of the 2009 SoCal siftup

BSR says...

I find the Sift Talk section confusing and outdated. A friendlier talk forum design would probably help boost and keep members around longer. I just don't have the patience to try and figure it all out compared to better forums.

Seems there is always 0 people in the Sift Lounge.

moonsammy said:

Up to 233 now BAYBEE!

I appreciate that this site continues to chug along in spite of the precipitous drop-off in participation that it's seen. It's been something of an oasis of reasonable commentary on videos since forever, given that most comment sections are a toxic wasteland.

Top Secret! (1984) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers

moonsammy says...

It confuses me that this movie isn't better-known. Having just looked at the other releases* the month it came out I can completely understand it not being a theatrical success, but it should have caught on via home rental. Nope! Always had a cult following, never anything beyond that.

*First week of June 1984: Star Trek III. Second week, Gremlins and Ghostbusters (yes, on the same day). Third week was dead, but the 4th saw not just Top Secret! but also The Karate Kid. The next week was Bachelor Party, Conan the Destroyer, and Cannonball Run II. I don't think Top Secret! stood a chance.

Geese on a London Bus!

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Are you trying to say the Uighurs, but your racism got in the way? "Wigger" is a compound word, care to say what those two words are? Now, care to explain how you aren't racist but publicly use those racist terms?

FYI, they are actually backed by the Falun Gong new religious movement, not the Uighurs.

I didn't mean to upvote your post since it's you don't get confused.

bobknight33 said:

Backed by the wiggers, who are being rounded up and enslaved by communist China

VLDL: Getting a USB in first time - USB

spawnflagger says...

well, USB1 certainly beat the pants off PS/2 ports and connectors which it replaced.
USB-C was supposed to fix the upside-down problem, but introduced a lot of compatibility confusion (now there's a dozen different cables that all look the same, but aren't compatible)

Khufu said:

It is interesting that it SHOULD be 50% chance but it's more like 1% for some reason. probably because any bit of resistance from a wrong angle, rotation, wrong port, can feel like it's because you have it backwards, so you turn it around, then it IS backward... just a poor design that is enduring.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Who appoints a judge has nothing to do with their authority, good for you or all those Trump judges would be powerless come January....besides which, Brann is a registered Republican and a former member of the conservative Federalist Society. There's no appeal, he ruled Trump had no standing to bring the lawsuit, no evidence, and no case.

Trump lost by a landslide of over 7 million votes...verified legal votes. Be a man, not a crybaby sore loser, and come to terms with it. He lost. Bipartisan election officials have certified in every state that there was no democratic cheating scheme, OAN and Newsmax are lying to you. He was ahead only if you don't count Democratic votes. He's never had a single victory by vote. Never.

Just lost his Nevada challenge too....not that it matters. Pennsylvania clinches it for Biden.
Edit: and Michigan and Georgia.

What did Trump do in 4 years to secure election integrity. According to you, less than nothing and both elections under Trump were disasters. He claimed massive fraud from day one, spent millions investigating, yet found none and did nothing to stop any.
Who doesn't care about election security? Democrats tried multiple times to create an unchangeable paper trail of every vote, Republicans blocked it and every other plan to make elections more secure. You are again confused about which party tried to act to protect America and which blocked protections.

bobknight33 said:

You think some Obama appointed judge be the final say, you are sadly mistaken.

Trump might lose but not yet.

Trump did have a landslide victory but Democrats well being Democrats cheated the shit out of the election.

But hey when did Democrats ever car about election integrity?

Election Results 2020: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Just stop with your stupidity you fuckwit. You're so infantile, and it's the best you've got, one instance of Biden misspeaking, forgetting to say "anti", it's not like anyone could honestly be confused.
Trump hasn't uttered one proper sentence in 4+ years, and when he misspeaks it's things like publicly taking a foreign dictators word over the entire intelligence community, and he never rectified it, nor did he complain the same dictator put a bounty on our soldiers heads and paid it repeatedly...Trump's too whipped to even mention it.
Just so stupid Bob. Be ashamed of yourself.

I ask you, what did trump do to prepare to fight actual vote fraud (not imaginary frauds like illegals voting or people successfully voting two or more times) besides whine?

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

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