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Nephelimdream (Member Profile)

WeedandWeirdness says...

Awe noodle...thank you so much! I feel like a huge dork, but I have been crying ever sense I read your comment. I guess I am still working through the grieving process over the death of our friendship, and it just hits me hard sometimes. I really do miss my best friend, and I know that I have to let you go because that is what you want. I have the hope charm you gave me on a necklace that I wear all the time. I can't seem to let go of the hope I have that one day we will be back to that place we were the first month I was home. I have let go of the anger and hate, but hanging onto that hope helps me stay strong, and to keep working on becoming the person I know I can be. I know I just wrote you a novel to say thanks, but shit, some things never change doll.

Nephelimdream said:

Congrats on your first #1.

Epic Rap Battles of History: James Bond vs Austin Powers

eric3579 says...

Roger Moore will always be the real James Bond to me.
First Bond film i watched at a theater was Live and Let Die(blew my mind as a child).
Last one was Moonraker.
I think i've seen a few bond films made after those, and a few of Connery's also
Daniel Craig is hardly charming or smooth enough to be a bond imo.

Pixar created its most complex character for 'Finding Dory'

Obama Endorses Clinton and Praises Sanders

bareboards2 says...

It really is amazing to me, how reviled he is by some.

It's like that thing that is repeated all the time -- you have a right to your own opinion, you don't have a right to your own facts.

Disagree with his policy decisions, sure. Get impatient when he starts to talk haltingly and slow? I get that. But hate him? Despise him? Have zero pride that this remarkably poised, funny, charming, incredibly intelligent and caring man is our country's President?


Asmo said:

Gotta give it to him, he's a class act.

Apparently The Greatest Airbag Crisis In History Is Upon Us

radx says...

Nope, I've seen Toyota recalls in Europe, explicitely for faulty Takata airbags.

That said, I find the idea of a baby-claymore in your dashboard rather charming. Gives you an incentive not to crash. Can we get a study on this? Has this threat saved people from being mowed down by distracted drivers? Probably not, because people seem to lose interest after 30 seconds, but still...

More claymores, I say.

transmorpher said:

Is this US cars only?

Stephen and Dakota Johnson Drink Tequila

MICROSOFT WINDOWS 10 Update Interrupts Weather

Babymech says...

You have a charming definition of crime, which seems to boil down to "I hate this behavior, so it must be criminal"? I'm not saying I approve of Microsoft (presumably*) botching their product roll-out, but you're kind of proving my point about the hyperbole parade.

Of course, everything Microsoft does could be criminal from an antitrust perspective, but that's the risk of having a platform monopoly. From that perspective, making W10 free for most users could be seen as pro-consumer or anti-consumer with equal validity.

*~35% of Windows users appear to be using W10 - I don't know if that's above or below their current target.

gorillaman said:

Microsoft are installing adware and spyware on millions of PCs without their owners' consent. They're criminals, unambiguously, and they should be punished - brutally and extravagantly.

Reince Priebus' Cry For Help Is Very Specific

Marseille trailer - new Netflix series

VideoSift is 10 (Fire Talk Post)

PlayhousePals says...

Holy Crapoleum ... at just 3+ years I'm feeling a tad bit noobster-ish after perusing the comments from above thus far!

Online since 1996, I'd had little of the 'social' aspect of the interwebs prior to learning about VideoSift. Most of the actively social interaction was on YT where we'd cultivated a tight knit [world wide] cat community [surprise!] that really felt like a family. There are still a few of us hanging in there but, as YT changed [heavy sigh], the thrill was gone [r.i.p. former yt AND bb king].

Yeah, some of you know it was a struggle here for me at first, but the charm and allure of something truly special ... and at precisely at the right time ... kept me motivated to carve a place here. [Lucky YOU!]. I've honestly been impressed [and dismayed but secretly amused] with the quality and diversity of those who've participated in the last 10 years of obvious success sooo ... Congratulations are due @dag and @lucky760. As I've always said, wish I'd known about you sooner. And I do so appreciate you having me.

In conclusion Sifters, you're my kind of people ... and I "know" people as, in my mind, I'm quite discerning [except perhaps when it comes to some videos submitted for your consideration ... ummm, how do you like me so far?] And I sincerely appreciate [Eric] so many of you for exposing me to an array of great sites/sights that I surely would never have encountered. You've broadened my horizons beyond words ... which reminds me ... time for my 'medibles'!

Love you all ... whether you like it or not ... you're stuck with me.

skinnydaddy1 (Member Profile)

What Would You Do if You Were This Guy?

enoch says...

yeah.i do not understand why he was hanging around while she talked shit.

it appears he may have messed her stuff up,and was looking for something that may have dropped.

we really do not know though.could be anything.could be he gave her boobs a goose for all we know.

we DO know that she was verbally abusing him.

i know i would have walked away.i have encountered women like this all through my life.apologizing just gets you a litany of new insults,and as long as you remain in their vicinity...the insults will only continue and get even more derogatory.

walking away is the best policy.

the majority of times that sufficed to appease their inner rage demon.maybe they would throw a few zingers at my back,but i never really gave a shit.more power to her..they are just words flying out of an entitled little girl who cant behave like an adult.


on a few occasions.
the girl would follow right behind me,and continue to berate and harass me.possibly seeing my retreat as a sign of weakness.i really dont know.what i DO know,is that is a blatant sign of stupidity to take your 5"3" 110lb ass and try to jam it into my face as if you were rhonda rousey.

i have never hit a woman.
but i will not allow a woman to put her hands on me,especially when she has been verbally abusive and aggressive with me.

so the girls who have thought it totally ok to escalate the situation with physical violence,i have always responded in the same fashion: they get one shot.ONE.and then i whip around (and guys who have gotten into fights understand this) and in the most threatening and physically imposing manner,plainly let her know "ok thats ONE.go ahead and hit me again.i fucking DARE you.go ahead and hit me again and see what happens.because if you hit me again you are taking the place of a man,and AS a man i will knock you the fuck out".

i actually learned that from my dad.
one of the kindest and most gentle people you will have ever met,but his advice worked like a charm.

can you guess how many of those girls went for hit # 2?

thats right...none.

ya know.people get angry.
people can misunderstand a situation and react angrily.
humans will encounter conflict throughout our lives,and it is a testament to wisdom,intelligence and patience how we deal with those conflicts.

and there is never a time where it is ok to put your hands on another person,except for in self-defense.

so when a woman puts her hands on a man.
i dont care what level the rage meter is at,she should never put her hands on him.

for a few reasons:
1.its wrong. dont get a free pass because you own a uterus.
3.violence is never the proper choice for conflict resolution.
4.and most important.would you ever in your life walk up to a grizzly bear with a stick and start poking him? would you cry and whine about the unfairness of it all when that bear rips your face off?

use a little common sense and everything will be fine.

and did ya'all catch this womans glee?
the mere idea of her male friends killing this dude made her flush with excitement.that is a tad disturbing,but expected with such low quality females such as these.

experienced a bunch of women in that category as well.

but thats a story for another day.

simply put:this woman escalated the situation by making it physical and got popped in the mouth.
and thats all it was..a pop.
got her attention though didnt it?

so advice to all my lady friends here on the sift.
you have a right to your anger,your outrage and your indignation.
you do NOT have the right to be hitting,smacking or punching guys willy nilly without consequences.

and while i agree with BB (and others) that the dude should have just walked away,i will not put that responsibility solely on is it HIS responsibility to control this womans actions.she hit.she got popped.
end of story.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Star Wars Fans Are "Prickly"

Sylvester_Ink says...

There was a lot of posturing from Star Wars fans (from, I think) for a long time, with exaggerations about the power of imperial starships. However, some fans have done an extensive (and pretty ridiculous) amount of work to make a lengthy comparison, that, while only as accurate as can be interpreted from the provided material, does come out in strong favor towards Star Trek technology:
So yes, NdGT is correct, and really, you don't need to do the extensive research the fans did to confirm that. Logistics in a post-scarcity civilization alone gives a significant advantage.
But this is to be expected. When you have a TV show as focused on science and technology as Star Trek, it will certainly excel.
Meanwhile, Star Wars isn't supposed to be about high end technology. For them the technology is only there to highlight the story. The charm of the Millenium Falcon is not that it's a god-like ship that can mop the floor with everyone else, but that it's some guy's souped up junker that's full of surprises. The Death Star isn't the ultimate weapon, but a weapon of fear. (A weapon that destroys excessive amounts of available resources is impractical for anything else, and that especially includes Starkiller Base.)
And if there really needs to be some sort of sci-fi-peen competition, you can go the complete nonsense route with Doctor Who, where one Dalek could probably conquer both the Trek and Wars universes with minimal effort.
Or the overkill route with the Culture, where wiping the rest out would be an idle task, pursued for entertainment.
Star Wars fans just need to chill and embrace their universe of junkers and quaint technology. Star Trek fans have already embraced the fact that their universe isn't about action and explosions. (No, we don't include the Abramsverse.)

Making Pasta Shells by Hand - Bari, Italy

worthwords says...

ha. it was just a throw away reference to South Park but the term is often used to express sustainable living and quality food by interacting directly with producers rather than factory produced→ supermarket. In this case part of the charm of hand made orriccete is the slight imperfections, but as you say machine pasta doesn't taste any different. I make my own rolled pasta but happy to buy extruded variety as it's just not practical/worth it to do at home.

eric3579 said:

You would be right. Never heard the term, but sounds like it would be pretty easy to guess what it might mean. Although not sure why you're asking. Are you inferring that's what this video represents?

My Favorite Irish Couple Harvesting Edible Seaweed

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