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Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

newtboy says...

Oh yes it is.

His whining does not make a legal case for fraud. There's no evidence of fraud besides the numerous failed Republican attempts at defrauding the election.
Just like the last election when he falsely claimed 3 million fraudulent votes cast for Clinton, wasted millions investigating, and found NOTHING. Courts don't deal with whining little bitch's nonsense, and he has zero evidence of fraud. That's why his court cases are being tossed all over, they're nothing burgers.

The only doubt is in the weak minds of cultists who think Little Donny tells the truth. 4.25 million more legitimate votes for Biden even after the massive vote suppression campaign, even with 300000 missing mail in votes for Biden, even after Barr and others joined the foreign born smear campaign against Biden (that the Republican senate denounced as utter bullshit), even with Trump's armed suppression gangs threatening violence at the polls, Biden crushed him. Imagine if the Democrats had put up someone like Butigieg, might have been a >10 million difference.

Biden is on track to top 270 today. Trump has no path to 270. Disputed ballots aren't a thing. Sorry sunshine. Once the ballots are out of their envelopes and counted, it's over....and they are. Stop the count....Biden wins. Count all votes...Biden wins bigger.

The ONLY chance left is complete subversion by Republican governors, replacing electors with pro Trump electors and ignoring the vote....which will not work but will get them killed.

Duh....who do you think Pelosi is going to choose if it came to that, which it won't?


Bye Felecia...i hope you got that suicide insurance

bobknight33 said:

It ain't over yet.

When is the last time Trump gave up.

There is voter fraud going on, how big? big enough to cast doubt.

If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.

Hitler learns he can't stop vote counting

bobknight33 says...

It ain't over yet.

When is the last time Trump gave up.

There is voter fraud going on, how big? big enough to cast doubt.

If neither candidate gets to 270 electors due to disputed ballots, the House would have to decide the election.

Asimov on superstition, religion, and rationality

noseeem jokingly says...

so what the logic behind those sideburns?

just let it all grow. save on shaving gear. as a writer, he'd fit in more with Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, or Whitman* than Elvis.

on a different angle, the atheist apes can be worse than J.W., Mormons, and Evangelist badgers. if a person wants to believe in a higher power - so what? they can get through their days as serenely as the true science maven. religious people can be logical, brilliant, and still put faith in the unproven. no worse than justifying military weapons in the name of science.

after all, having experienced this president, am pushed to believe in True Evil yet simultaneously believing there is no GOD.

no logic or reason to it other than he is a magical troll, and has cast a spell on the townspeople.

X-- (cross and spit twice)

*or perhaps, Darwin as a science writer

Killing Them Softly - final scene

my15minutes says...

loved it in the theater 8 years ago, but only sifted and self-*promoted now cuz i've had this scene in my head all day, knowing that tonight was the first presidential debate of 2020.

great cast, too. and 1 of the 3 movies (this, The Mexican, and True Romance) featuring Pitt and Gandolfini, all 3 of which i adore.

ps. her name was Sally Hemings, in the hopefully unlikely event that you didn't already know. thanks for coming to my ted talk.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He clearly suggested something totally illegal, you call it playing the media.
Again, subverting democracy doesn't cross your line if it triggers some liberals. Unbelievably unpatriotic, antidemocratic, and anti American.

It's not a flaw if they catch them all, which is easy since everyone has a personal serial number for mail in or in person, checked before the ballot counts. Trying to vote a second time is a felony, no matter your reason.

He did say vote twice. Mail it in, then go check if they counted it yet, and if not vote again. That's a felony, I think it's a felony to tell people to do it. He's hoping to invalidate the election, or at least set up an excuse in case he loses. Massive fraud. No matter that it's by his direction.

If you're going to in person polls anyway, why would anyone try to mail in too except to try to vote twice....there's no reason besides to attempt fraud, no matter what you say.

It could lead to cheating, but not successfully. Because your mail in vote hasn't been scanned yet doesn't mean it's not delivered. When the massively understaffed polls have time to scan all the ballots, which may take days or more if the post office can't handle the load, as long as they're postmarked before the deadline they count. They'll catch the double voters that tried to cheat the system as he's suggesting. Getting caught doesn't make it a non crime. Don't play stupid.
If I steal your wallet but you catch me and get it back, I still stole it, didn't I. I'm sure you agree if hundreds of my friends and I mob rob a store and get caught, we still stole, right? Saying we were just checking their security isn't an excuse, is it? Looters are just checking the security levels in their areas so it's fine, right?
Same goes for double voting. If two ballots reach the county office for counting votes that one person cast, they're a felon in most states, just an unpatriotic enemy of democracy and a criminal in a few. I'm just checking to see if it's possible to get away with isn't an excuse for crimes.

I only hope that anyone caught R or D not only gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but loses both votes not just one, and their right to vote. That only seems proper, wouldn't you agree? They're criminals, felons trying to subvert democracy. At least Trump is stupid enough to spill the beans on this scheme in time to put extra safeguards in place. I hope that includes tent prisons to house you all.

Testing the security of an election as a private citizen in any way that ends in casting your vote twice is illegal everywhere.

Of course, the FEC is intentionally understaffed so even if this obvious, open ploy to cheat by Trump leads to massive voter fraud as a campaign feature, they're powerless to even determine it's criminal much less charge anyone, it's been that way Trump's entire term, intentionally. He hasn't tried to fill the empty seats. He needs them toothless so he can safely cheat and steal.

bobknight33 said:

He played the media. He got them to show the faults of mail in voting.

Also he did not say vote twice. He said to mail in you vote. Then on election day see if you could vote at the polls, implying that if you vote was pre counted you would be on the rolls.

Media clearly pointed that out hence showed at least 1 flaw which could lead to cheating.

Sky Brown the 12 year old girl and her mega ramp

newtboy says...

I had a friend in high school that had a 15' vertical ramp. He liked to climb to the roof of his 3 story Victorian to drop in, around 40'. Another friend's ramp had a big tree next to it, he liked to grab it >30' up and sit down to rest, then drop back in from the branch. He never looked scared at all.

When you're doing what you love, the fear of failure dissolves.

That's how I was able to drive 140 over unknown uneven terrain with +- 3% traction and feel good about it. It was horrifically unsafe, but some of the best times of my life I would repeat in a heartbeat if I was still able. Thanks to various broken parts including my back, that's a pipedream now. (Hilariously, maybe ironically, I broke it working on my house, not off road racing, not downhill biking, not whitewater kayaking, just removing a cast iron bathtub.)
At least there are some decent off-road video games now to keep me out of the buggy.

SFOGuy said:

It's---frankly terrifying? Even if you were supremely confident in your physical body's skills, to be any age and launch down that ramp---my imagination (and several previously broken body parts) would not let me do it. I hope she is somehow never really hurt badly...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

I support a man with many faults. I also support a man who get things done.

Joe will not win, Democrats will lose by a landslide.

Also more mail in voting gone wrong in Detroit.

Recorded ballot counts in 72% of Detroit's absentee voting precincts didn't match the number of ballots cast, spurring officials in Michigan's largest county to ask the state to investigate ahead of a pivotal presidential election.

Without an explanation from Detroit election workers for the mismatches, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers requested this week for Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's office to examine the "training and processes" used in Detroit's Aug. 4 primary, which one official described as a "perfect storm" of challenges. The board is charged with certifying election results.

In 46% of all Detroit's precincts — absentee and Election Day — vote counts were out of balance, according to information presented Tuesday to the Wayne County Board of Canvassers. Specifically, the number of ballots tracked in precinct poll books did not match the number of ballots counted.

The situation could amplify the spotlight on absentee ballots in Michigan ahead of an election for which record levels of mail-in voting are expected and President Donald Trump is already raising concerns about how votes will be handled.

newtboy said:

You should know who you support....

15 year olds, Bobby, 15.

GROUNDHOG DAY - WTF Happened to This Movie?

ant says...

*scifi *90s *history

"Hollywood has had its fair share of historically troubled productions. Whether it was casting changes, actor deaths, fired directors, in-production rewrites, constant delays, budget cuts, or studio edits, these films had every intention to be a blockbuster but were beset with unforeseen disasters. Sometimes huge hits, sometimes box office bombs.

Of course, this week's movie is one of the HUGE HITS we're talking about, with Groundhog Day being a top-tier classic in Bill Murray's filmography. Brilliantly directed by the late Harold Ramis, this is a movie that's spawned many imitators (including the recent Palm Springs) but, in the minds of many, will never truly be equaled..."

Propaganda Unfit To Print

newtboy says...

Oh Fuck @bobknight33....
Your guy here is attempting to talk shit about New Zealand because some people lost jobs, 229000, most of which are in tourism and will return, but America lost well over 40000000, a huge number of which are gone permanently.
New Zealand has had 22 deaths, America, which fudges the numbers worse than China, has a reported 170000 and screaming upwards, the true number is likely twice that.
As for civil rights, they're not the same as America, no one took their rights you morons.
And again, you incredible fuckwits, days after ENDING lockdown they were reinfected, the lockdown worked.
New Zealand has different laws, and while the prime minister can delay the election in New Zealand legally, Trump absolutely can not, no matter the circumstances. Also, it's abundantly clear New Zealand isn't postponing to benefit any one candidate , but Trump was.
It's also abundantly clear New Zealand will hold their election. If Trump had his way, most people agree 2018 would be the last presidential election of his lifetime, after which he would designate Jarred (because as a woman, Ivanka couldn't possibly do it) to inherit the throne.
Besides, Trump wants to postpone not due to Covid, which he says is already over, is safe, is just a cold, only infects Democrats, only kills people already on their death beds, and is a hoax scheduled to miraculously disappear November 4th, he wants to postpone due to polls....or can you admit all that bullshit about how safe it is to vote in person is just that, utter bullshit, and he should be trying to help make vote by mail work to ensure maximum possible numbers of safe votes are counted, but no, he's both trying to postpone and saying it's safe and doing everything possible to make vote by mail AND absentee voting (which are the same thing, exactly the same checks and regulations despite Trump's lies) unreliable if not impossible.
He seems to forget absentee ballots, the vote by mail he's trying to get Republicans to use, also use the USPS. You can't cast absentee ballots if you can't cast vote by mail ballots. The only difference between them is absentees must claim in person is a hardship, otherwise they're exactly the same with the same verification processes.

More *lies and bullshit propaganda. The desperation is growing. Just fucking ridiculously dumb.


newtboy says...

Just absolutely wrong on every point except the post office....but consider instead of giving them the funding needed to address these problems, Trump has withheld funding for even normal operation and his appointees have already removed 10% of it's capacity, when they need to be expanding it to hold a fair and open election according to Whitehouse and CDC guidelines.
What happens when it takes 4 weeks to deliver ballots because of the intentional slowdowns and many aren't delivered before election day? Tens of millions are disenfranchised directly because of Trump's actions. A vote blocked is a vote STOLEN, so you are standing with a plan that cheats tens of millions out of their vote unequivocally in a stated plan to avoid hundreds of assumed fraudulent votes from being attempted (but likely caught so not cast).

Trump should want to fund it because holding a fair election is his duty, but he's never fulfilled a duty in his life.

Um...Covid absolutely 100% is a legitimate reason for vote by mail according to health agencies that determine such things (CDC, HHS) if any reason is needed, it's the norm in many states.
Vote by mail is not an excuse for covid, that actually is BS....but I think you meant to be contradicting the former. It's a pure lie that it's more fraudulent than in person voting, another bold faced lie Trump told you.

You can't vote outside. Social distancing while voting is going to take the lines that were 5-6 hours long in places and make them twice that long. Thousands of polling places can't be staffed because most pollsters are elderly retired people, in the most effected group and totally not safe to work, (especially since it's a given that dozens of moronic denier Trumpsters are going to show up at every open polling place unmasked insisting it's their right to vote while spreading disease and forcing their way inside), so many are being closed. How do you think in person voting could possibly work given those facts?

If your ilk would mask up, we could do that, but you all have extended and exacerbated the pandemic so badly, and in their brainless worship of Trump still claim it's ALL a hoax, never even existed, and still won't wear masks because they block oxygen and suffocate people. Because of Trump's horrific leadership, in person voting is a no go for most without risking their, and other people's lives.

Your choice for president is failing at even holding an election...not surprising, he's failed at literally every job a president has, and our nation has suffered greatly, lost international status, tens of trillions, trade, respect, jobs, and over 160000 lives directly because of Trump's leadership....and every problem I listed is getting worse daily as he floundered.

What has he done successfully in your mind besides the tax cut he gave himself, doubling the deficit? Not the economy, not employment, not safety, not health, not trade, not deals, not strengthening ties with what?

bobknight33 said:

Absentee voting and vote by mail are different.

1 has check and balances and the other doesn't.

Vote by mail is not regulated and hence cheating can occur.

There has been a good few stories about the mess this occurs. Un counted, late mail.
What happens if not postmark by NOV3? Dems will scream count them. Thats wrong.

So why would Trump want this of fund the Democrat party for this method?

Vote by mail as a excuse for covid is BS.

People shop, protest, eat work in public.

Mask up and VOTE.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You know I won't click on your links since you sent me to that virus hosting site. How about name an instance and I'll investigate myself, I certainly won't trust your sources....especially when it comes from a Trump tweet. Get real, I expect another "professional opinion" like the doctor that supports hydroxy, and alien DNA in medicine, lizard people, and demon sperm as the cause of all gynecologic issues, not facts...he hates facts, they never agree with his uninformed opinion.....but he loves the uneducated, they'll believe his insane bullshit and never check for themselves.

HOLY FUCKING SHEEP SHIT YOU MORON.... I checked first then read doesn't say this was fraud, much less democratic fraud, it makes no mention of political affiliation, but based on recent history chances are great that, if it's fraud, it's Republicans. How long were these few dead people dead before the election? Could they have been alive when the vote was mailed in? Doesn't say. How many cases are considered fraud by the election board? None I could see.

What it did say was many didn't receive their ballot in time to vote, or at all, because Trump and friends hobbled the mail services causing delays that suppressed thousands of votes. It also said most votes that were disqualified had issues with either the signature, something Trump claims isn't being checked, or the section for someone to deliver the ballot for the voter, something else he claimed isn't checked. Kinda blows his claim that fraud is rampant and unchecked when his evidence is the votes that didn't pass the checking they did of them. His solution, suppress tens of millions more votes. Evidence of Republican vote suppression, not democrats vote fraud.
A vote denied is a vote stolen.

This article actually makes the point that any possible vote by mail fraud will be caught, not that it's a problem.

This is Trump and friends interfering in the election by your estimation, Bob. If it's fraud because people didn't get their ballots, or they were delivered too late to count, and they didn't get them because the post office is slowing down at Trump's order, that's Trump and co. committing election fraud.

Not true, mail in ballots are exactly the same as absentee. There's never been a distinction made before this election. There are multiple states that have had universal mail in voting for decades.
There is no difference in the processes, despite what Trump and Fox have told you. They're liars, you know it. The only difference is you don't have to lie about your ability to get to a polling place with universal mail in voting. The article Trump had you link to proves it conclusively....those votes were disqualified because they did check signatures and more.
Trump's entire family votes mail in, even though they have no reason to. They're all registered in multiple states too....from what Trump says, that's proof they're committing vote fraud.

Lest you forget, the CDC stated unequivocally that mail in, not in person voting is the ONLY safe way to hold an election this year.
Lest you forget, Trump has said unequivocally that if every eligible voter voted, Republicans would disappear instantly. The ONLY way for Republicans to win is to disenfranchise millions of voters. That is why, when logic and reason say the post office should be expanding operations to prepare for weeks of high mailings, but instead they are cutting hours, removing 10%+ of their sorting capacity and removing an unknown number of mail collection boxes, already creating massive backlogs in normal mail service of weeks to months, making them incapable of fulfilling huge numbers of contracts they have which will cost them package delivery business they desperately need to survive when they should be ramping up. Only a brain dead slug can't see that's intentional, especially when Trump goes on TV and says it is, intentionally done to suppress the Democratic and independent vote because if they vote, he'll lose.

Trump refuses to fund even normal operation at the USPS because it would make delivering ballots easier.
You know he agreed to fund the post office, including money needed to greenlight universal mail in voting, if Democrats give him tens of billions for tax cuts and pet projects for himself, right? So, he's saying he will allow election fraud for a price? Or is it more likely he's willing to give up a dishonest and failing political ploy for a bribe?
You know this is tax payer money meant to fund civil services, right, not some handout? It seems you think funding essential civil services is a gift in your mind, not an obligation. So you'll stand behind Biden if he halts all funding for police and military until they get their act together, right? (Not that he plans any such thing, I'm making a point about your hypocrisy as a defense for intentional election disruption and massive voter suppression as a campaign strategy.)

The international community disagrees. When only 10% of votes are cast this election, the world will declare the election a fraud, so will 90% of Americans. Talk about dividing the nation for one man's gain. That's why we think you're Russian, Americans care more about the nation than their cult leaders.

The check and balance comes at registration, and again when the vote is counted....just like absentee votes. Trump is lying when he claims they aren't validated.

Trump disrupting mail service in any way possible to deny voters a chance to vote safely, also closing thousands of polling places (mostly in democratic leaning areas) from lack of staff IS election rigging....he has said specifically on television it is done to sway the election results by suppressing a majority of votes, leaving only the method he polls best with, unsafe in person voting which the CDC said clearly is a recipe for disaster and will kill people. He doesn't care a whit that hundreds more Americans will die and thousands be disabled because he forces them together to fulfill their civic duties, not his problem because he's mailing his vote in (so he has time to go golfing, watch TV, and tweet all day, not because he can't vote in person btw).

bobknight33 said:

You are wrong

yet another example of voters not getting their voting mail

Least you forget that mail in ballot, the democrats want so badly is not the same as absentee ballot. There is a proper proecess for absentee and none for mass mailing vote by mail.

where the check and balance of the mass mailing?

Also Trump not giving $ for this Democrat push is not election rigging or anything else.

Vote Out Racism

BSR says...

I live in Florida and 4 days ago I requested a mail in ballot. Then I read this:

Washington Post: President Trump has been remarkably consistent in the past few months in making unsubstantiated claims about mail-in voting. It’s probably going to be the predominant way voters across the country will cast ballots this November in an election he could lose.

But on Tuesday, he suddenly tweeted that it was safe to vote by mail in Florida.


Now I've got to go stand in line.


How it Starts

Drachen_Jager says...

They're already a step ahead.

Even though they've ALL voted by mail at some point, they now claim it's too open to fraud (never mind that most of those caught were on the Republican side). They know vote by mail will be big in the fall, so he'll use it as an excuse to claim victory anyhow and refuse to relinquish the office.

BTW, did you see the black woman who through genuine accident voted twice argued with a judge's sentence and so he doubled it?

Meanwhile, President Trump registered to vote in Florida, using Mar a Lago as his "home address" in Florida in September 2019.

Dude.... I think even @bobknight33 knows enough to realize there's an issue there.

Also, a Republican Congressman representing Kansas registered himself to a Kansas apartment he rented for a few months while claiming the benefits of being an Alaska resident and later changed his home address to a UPS store to cast a vote in a specific district for the municipal election. Want to bet whether he'll get shown leniency because he just made an "honest" mistake. (Honest here meaning, 'I agree with you politically, so won't punish you for cheating'.)

newtboy said:

I won't be a bit surprised, nor will I be surprised when the Bobites gloat about how brilliant it was of him to throw the nation and economy into turmoil so he could subvert democracy.

That's why EVERYONE needs to register to vote by mail, and cite CDC guidelines if a reason is required in your state. They have already said in person voting should be avoided whenever possible.

And don't be fooled, while Republicans are parroting the "vote by mail fraud" fraud, they're also signing up themselves in droves.


newtboy says...

This video is for anyone who claims blacks can't be racist....just find one who's a republican and prove yourself wrong. Fortunately that was only 8% of them 4 years ago, likely <1/2 that today.
So dishonest @bobknight33 , this is a few self loathing individuals, not the black community. A few bad apples. Not uncle Toms, but uncle Ruckuses.

It's also chock full of *lies like the claim that only blacks are killing blacks, never whites.

Not worth my time, I won't watch enough of this drivel to justify casting a downvote.

BSR (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You got a hot pink stretch duck boat with a 57 Chevy body on top? Also should have extended sun roof....for casting.

BSR said:

Ouuu! *scribble scribble* Like your style. Choice of options? *wets point of pencil on tongue*

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