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Just Kylie Minogue walking up some stairs

Japanese Comedians - Simple, Yet So Entertaining

Insane Pizza Cutting Skills

A whole different meaning to the LHC

A whole different meaning to the LHC

A whole different meaning to the LHC

Ipad Prank Gift on Son

Ipad Prank Gift on Son

Ipad Prank Gift on Son

Ipad Prank Gift on Son

Hive13 says...

That wasn't the reaction I was expecting at all. I am so used to seeing spoiled little kids losing it over a situation like that, but this kid rationalized the situation, accepted it, and seemed thankful for the carrot, wanting to eat it for dinner.

Turning a Railroad Spike Into An Awesome Knife

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^Peroxide:

Does railroad steel hold an edge well?

Nope But, if you're only cutting carrots (badly) then this doesn't really matter!

They're a nice object once finished, and would be an interesting thing to have around. I like them, although not as much as he seems to at 3:37 o_O

Richard Feynman on God

jmzero says...

Do you believe God can make Himself known in such a way as you could be certain about it?

Of course. A theoretical omnipotent God could obviously convince me that He exists. That's tautological - He could do anything. He could 100% perfectly convince me that I'm a helicopter - whether or not that's true (right now I don't think I'm a helicopter, but I certainly could be).

It's also quite possible that - devoid of the presence of God - I could become very convinced of His (or Her's, or Its) presence by a stroke, a trolling demon, an advanced machine that could rewrite things in my brain, a misconception/bias that I don't see, or even just a very vivid dream.

Going further, there could be a God who believes himself omnipotent - and uses that power to convince people to worship him. But unbeknownst to Him he's actually the child of a Sun rabbit, the rabbit in turn having been born in an explosion at a fireworks warehouse (which was itself made by the rabbit, created backwards in time). The rabbit doesn't interfere and allows God to conduct business in just the way you think he does; you see, the rabbit thinks all the ginger spirits in heaven look like delicious, bobbing carrots and he thus lets God carry on with his business.

Besides intelligent design and random chance, what other alternatives are there?

That is a very odd question - it doesn't take a great imagination to come up with possibilities, once we depart the realm of "seems to be likely". Time could be an illusion - the universe could be completely static, arbitrarily existing in its current form throughout all eternity. Ahead of you (none of us exist... oops!) is a soap bubble that looks like whatever you're seeing right now - behind you is an endless velvet Elvis painting. To be very clear: I don't know this isn't the case (and even if God or mescaline made me 100% convinced that this was or wasn't the case, I still would have no actual way of knowing - I'd just have a brain that's been messed with and thought it knew things it didn't).

Anyways - I'll repeat my previous question. Do you accept it's possible that you're being deceived by a demon who can mess with your thoughts? This is a fairly simple question; I've answered your questions, and I don't think it's unfair for me to expect a yes or no answer.

Kylie Minogue and the Carrot, from Bio-Dome

deathcow (Member Profile)

Madonna shows her butt to the crowd at Rome concert

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