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How Things Björk

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bjork, television, hypnotized, high voltage, capacitors, inductors, resisters' to 'bjork, television, hypnotized, high voltage, capacitors, inductors, resistors' - edited by Constitutional_Patriot

Lightning Strikes Plane About to Land

The NEW KITT from Knight Rider: (Blog Entry by dw1117)

The NEW KITT from Knight Rider: (Blog Entry by dw1117)

Voyager 2 probe confirms 'dent' in our solar system (Spacy Talk Post)

gorgonheap says...

I think it was a bug on the lens... on both lenses. A small spacebug that chews on superflux hyperdrive O-ring capacitors. Which, as EVERYONE knows are installed on the Voyager craft and were not just made up my me. So don't bother looking into it.

Crysis = teh suck. Worst release ever. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

budzos says...

The reason you sound like a noob is you can have so MANY different problems and still try and blame it all on the game. I don't have any of the problems you describe. My only problem is my video driver occcasionally resets itself, which interrupts play for about 30 seconds, and my computer has locked up a few times. Like most PC gamers with a clue, I accept that it's only been released for 72 hours, it's the most demanding game ever created, and there has not been a patch and no targeted video drivers yet. There are going to be some bugs, and spending an entire day making multiple calls to tech support expecting them to wave some magic wand to fix your clearly fucked up hardware just paints you as a clueless NOOB.

The guy probably "lied" to you because you were being self-righteous. Demanding his personal e-mail is like demanding his cell phone #. That address doesn't exist to serve you and he is not obliged to share it with you. Stepping outside of procedure like that creates huge inefficiencies when you're dealing with large call volumes. A lot of people who have to deal with the public learn to tell little white lies so as to avoid wasting time, and hearing undue sanctimony from the bleating morons who call up to dish some abuse. I'd love to do a quick poll of people who have worked in customer support and see who'd be willing to give a complainant their personal contact information, even if it's work-based.

You assume the most demanding game ever released is not causing heat problems just because your fans are on max at all times... well maybe you are wearing the damn fans out, maybe the stock cooler on your video card is not up to the task, etc. Like I said before, this is the only game that causes my video fans to spin up to maximum, so obviously it causes more heat due to rendering load than other games. I can play TF2, HL2, etc.. all day at 2560x1600 and the fans never spin up... play Crysis for 20 seconds at 1680X1050 and both cards have spun up to maximum...

Try a different video card. If you're broke, just buy a fast card on credit and return it after you've diagnosed the problem. I've experienced the problem in your screenshot, and some of the problems in your list before, and it was due to the video card hardware being basically borked. In one case the cooling fan stopped spinning, which caused heat damage due to overclocking, and in another there was a bad capacitor on the card. At any rate, there is just something about the tone of your post that really rubs me the wrong way.

Profile comment emails - a thing of the past? (Sift Talk Post)

Railgun reality: Mach 8 projectiles

rembar says...

My high school physics teacher worked on developing railgun technology a while ago. According to him, the single most difficult problem was not capacitor size, charge time, or anything like that, but rather the fact that, with a very large rail gun (the kind that the military wants), the rails would be forced apart every time the gun is fired because of the equal and opposite reaction of the magnetic propulsion, or the rails would melt because of friction. One solution to this problem was creating metal vapor inside the gun to close the electrical circuit, allowing the projectile to be fired without physical contact with the rails.

A very neat concept, and we ended up building a mock-up of a rail gun in class. Best high school physics class ever.

OTOH, from a societal standpoint, I feel that Dag is right, this is an insane waste of money.

Railgun reality: Mach 8 projectiles

sirex says...

there's like a hundread problems with this ;-/

size of capacitors, time to charge them, forces on a metal ship, terminal velocity of the bullets.

besides, "all your eggs in one basket" comes to mind

edit: and while im at it... do we *really* need more ways to kill each other ?

How To Cut Your Electricity Bill In Half!

Blendtec Lies Exposed

Man shoots electricity out from his hand

Man shoots electricity out from his hand

Halon50 says...

I want to upvote this, but then some dumb kids will want to try this despite the very clear warning at the beginning... DO NOT, DO NOT EVER try to touch the capacitors inside a CRT or power supply!

9 year old talks about being on LSD (back when it was legal)

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